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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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“That is a surprisingly specific success rate,” you might be thinking. And you’re not wrong. But we teach data, after all, so you know we’re all about the numbers (and sig figs). 

And we’ve got the info explaining why 87% of our grads land a job within six months of graduation. So let’s dive in. Here’s why TripleTen grads have such a high rate of attracting job offers.

What the data says

Let’s start by looking at that 87% to see why it truly stands out. This percentage comes straight from our Outcomes Report, where there’s much more info about what life looks like for our grads — what sort of companies they work for, the salaries they earn, and how long it takes them to find a job. But for now, let’s focus on the post-graduation employment rates for each program. Here’s a quick rundown.

Program Employment rate
Software Engineering 89%
Business Intelligence Analytics 88%
Data Science 87%
QA Engineering 87%

That 87% we initially cited takes into account all students across all of our different programs, so that’s the statistic we’ll put in headlines — it applies across the board. But, depending on the program, the rate might actually increase.

So if you’re looking for a bootcamp with grads who have a slightly higher hiring rate post-graduation, our Software Engineering Bootcamp or Business Intelligence Analytics Bootcamp might be the way to go. Our software engineering employment rate can also be put in comparison to that for other bootcamps.

One other thing to mention is that the numbers in the table can fluctuate from year to year (not by much), but over time, our overall placement rate has stayed constant at 87%.

And there are good reasons for that.

We make our grads attractive to employers

So how do TripleTen grads maintain such a strong post-program hiring rate? Really, it comes down to one core thing: our bootcamp is focused on getting people jobs. That means we don’t teach extraneous information, we don’t bog people down with minutiae, and we don’t let fresh techies loose into the job market without first giving them the get-hired skills they need. 

In short, we make sure our grads are the type of people employers are eager to hire. And guess what: we have data backing this up, too.

We teach hard skills

In our recent survey of over 1,000 employers, 68% of respondents said that a mastery of hard skills was the most important quality for successful candidates to have. For a techie, this means having hands-on know-how with tools and languages. 

In more detail, for a web developer, that could be HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For a data scientist, that could be Python, Jupyter Notebook, and Pandas. For a business intelligence analyst, that could be SQL, Power BI, and Tableau. And these are the exact pieces of tech you will master with us.

But then you can actually put these tools into practice. Good coding bootcamps offer opportunities to engage in hands-on projects, and with us, these are known as externships. After you gain your new tech know-how, you can hone it in real-world scenarios, just like AC SlametA Producer Switches to Tech to Find Time for Life: AC Slamet’s TripleTen Story did. He took his fresh capabilities in data analytics and applied them to a project for a real company.

That experience was invaluable. It was a taste into what real-life data analytics is. AC Slamet, TripleTen grad

But this also asked AC to draw on another set of skills: soft skills. And yeah, we help you train those, too.

We teach soft skills

You could be the best programmer or the most talented Power BI user, but if you don’t have soft skills in your toolbox, you’re not going to get far in your career. And respondents to our survey backed this up; 65% of respondents said that soft skills were crucial for successful candidates. In addition, our career coaches have found that 20% of students come to our bootcamp with underdeveloped soft skills. 

So we focus on honing these capabilities, and this takes numerous forms. As we mentioned, you can apply to an externship to sharpen your know-how in a real world setting, but we also have a wealth of other offerings such as mock interviews and regular opportunities to collaborate with fellow students. These baked-in elements make sure you train the interpersonal skills that will power a successful job search and career.

You graduate with a robust portfolio

Our survey also uncovered a specific picture of what decision makers find most impressive in candidates. For team leads, the one quality that made candidates most stand out was having a strong, convincing portfolio.

And the hiring stories from our grads show just how convincing a portfolio can be. Take Yuliya Khilko’s experienceFrom Chemical Engineering to Motherhood to Tech : Yuliya Khilko’s TripleTen Story, for example. Her portfolio was key when she was talking to recruiters.

When you have a portfolio, you can rely on it and say you’ve built an application. So I told them I developed an app, did the front and back parts myself, and deployed it to the server myself.  Because no matter how beautiful your code is, a recruiter can’t have a look at it. Yet they will look at your portfolio, and if they see a beautiful design that works, and if they like it, then your resume will land onto the stack that will be moved to the next round. Yuliya Khilko, TripleTen grad

In addition, we’ve found this to be a crucial quality lacking for many people thinking about joining a bootcamp. Our data shows that over three quarters of people polled in a separate surveyInfographic: What Are People Looking for in a Tech Education? had absolutely nothing to show in their portfolios.

So we heavily emphasize this aspect of gearing up for a job in tech. In fact, nearly every sprint (a two- to three-week period focused on one topic) finishes off with you working on a project you can include in your portfolio. That means that you will inevitably graduate from TripleTen with something to show for your efforts. And that’s not to mention the additional entries you can gain in your portfolio by joining an externship, just like AC did.

Think of this as a document attesting to the previous two more intangible ways we set you up for employment. Portfolios prove that you have the collaboration skills and the coding skills that will make you a good hire. It’s only logical that team leads are so interested in them.

So to just put a bow on it: We make sure grads finish their time with us with the get-hired qualifications in hand — the know-how and the document certifying it. That’s what makes our post-graduation employment rate so high.

Is a bootcamp right for you?

Curious if a part-time coding bootcamp is right for you? Well, we’ll just say that we’re so confident in our grads’ employment that we offer a money-back guarantee: if you don’t land a job in your new field within six months of graduation, you’ll get your tuition refunded. But if you’re still undecided, take our self-assessment quiz to see if a bootcamp is right for you.

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