Quiz: Is a Bootcamp Right For You?

Quiz: Is a Bootcamp Right For You?

Quiz: Is a Bootcamp Right For You?

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About the quiz

So tech is calling you. But there are so many options. Should you use all those free online resources? Should you go to college and get that shiny computer science degree?

Or maybe you’ve heard about online coding bootcamps. Is a bootcamp better than a degree? Are coding bootcamps worth it?

It’s a lot to figure out. And especially if you’re transitioning into tech from a previous career, you can end up overwhelmed.

So let us help. Fundamentally, we believe that anyone — you — can make it in tech. But how should you go about it? Well, we’ve got a quick quiz that’ll give you the answer.

Take our 5-minute quiz to find your path to tech

Where your results are coming from

Congrats on getting your recommendation! Now — why did you get that specific result? Well, based on our experience in the tech education space, conversations with people who’ve been where you are right now, and a whole wealth of data, we’ve weighted your answers so we can help you zero in on the best tech education style for you.

What to do with your results

We’ve sent you an email with more information and ideas for what you can do next — regardless of the path recommended. But if you want to keep discovering more about getting jobs in tech, here’s a place to start: our student stories. These are people who were wondering the same things you are right now. We’re sure you’ll find a story that will resonate with you.

But if you want to dig even deeper and find a tech career that fits your talents, background, and aspirations, we’ve got you covered. Discover the right tech profession for you by taking our Career Quiz.

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