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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

TechStart podcast

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Jane’s story:
Hi! I’ve been thinking about getting into IT for a while, but I’m concerned that I won’t be able to handle it. The thing is, I‘ve never dealt with tech. I literally have no idea. I’m just afraid that I’m not gonna make it. Any advice?

TripleTen Team:

Hello, Jane!

First of all, we want to commend you on considering a career change! It’s never too late to explore new opportunities, and the tech industry is one of the most exciting fields today.

As for your concerns about not having any experience with IT, it’s actually a pretty common concern for beginners. The good news is many people successfully get into IT without having any tech background.

Nobody is born a programmer. Everyone learns it from scratch

Think about it. Everyone who works as a senior software engineer today was a complete rookie once. There was just one tiny step that they made to get on track toward a career in tech: they started learning.

That’s all it takes, really. As soon as you do the same, your skills will gradually improve. You’ll feel more comfortable with previously unfamiliar concepts that seemed frightening. With each day, you’ll become a bit less of a newbie and a bit more of a pro.

So, to answer your question: yes! You absolutely can handle a tech job, even as an industry newcomer. 

What you need is mentorship and good education. So we recommend attending courses or bootcamps. Most of these programs are designed for learners tackling tech concepts for the first time. That’s actually one of the reasons why these programs exist: to help people — even complete beginners — transition into IT careers.

“Okay,” you might say, “if it’s not the lack of experience that might hinder my tech journey, what should I worry about then?”

Great question! Because every exciting endeavor has one deadly enemy.

The only genuine obstruction is the lack of motivation

Starting something new, especially in a field as vast as technology, can be intimidating. So it’s important to truly want this. Without strong motivation, it is challenging to persevere through the difficulties that come with learning.

To assess how dedicated you are, think about your reasons for wanting to get into tech. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What sparked your interest in IT? On a scale from 1 to 10, how interested are you?
  • What areas of technology are you most passionate about? Rate your passion for each area on a scale from 1 to 10.
  • What specific goals do you want to accomplish in the industry? (Examples: developing your own software product, launching a tech startup, etc.) Try to name at least three goals.
  • How much time and effort are you willing to dedicate to learning new skills? Can it be an everyday activity?
  • Can you visualize yourself working in IT long-term? What roles would you like to get?

Answer honestly to evaluate how motivated you really are to join the tech field. If you find that your answers are not as resolute as you would like, think about exploring other potential career paths. Always look for something that aligns best with your interests and passions.

Ultimately, that’s all it comes down to. Your success in the industry depends on two things: your education and your commitment.

We will be honored to help you with both.

TripleTen’s bootcamps are beginner-friendly

Even if you have zero knowledge about tech, our programs are structured in such a way that you will be guided step by step from the very basics to the most advanced topics. Our aim is to ensure that anyone, regardless of background, can enter the world of IT with confidence. 

Currently, we have five online courses that you can explore:

  • Data Analytics: For those who love finding trends, patterns, and useful insights to drive informed business decisions.
  • Data Science: For those who are ready to employ statistical analysis and machine learning to build data-processing tools.
  • Software Engineering: For those who enjoy designing, developing, and maintaining software applications.
  • Quality Assurance: For those who are passionate about ensuring the quality and reliability of software products through rigorous testing.
  • BI Analytics: For those who are interested in leveraging data to improve business performance and decision-making.

The entirety of the learning process is organized within an interactive platform. If you would like to get acquainted with it first, check out this free SQL crash course. In 15 hours, you will master one of the ten most popular languages in the world. SQL is used to manage and manipulate data; it is the foundation of relational databases. So, this free course can become your first step into the world of data science or data analytics.

When exploring our bootcamp options, search for something that captures your interest or sparks joy. And remember: if it doesn’t click — don’t force yourself to like it and simply try the next thing.

As long as you’re willing, there’s no reason why you can’t succeed in tech. Just bring your curiosity and determination, and we’ll supply the rest. Good luck!

IT career tips

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TechStart podcast

Explore the realities of changing careers and getting into tech.

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