Andrew’s question:
I started learning by watching free video lessons online, but it feels like there’s no practical connection between what I learn and how it actually works. I need practical skills, step-by-step instructions, and feedback from tutors. Will I get all that if I sign up for your data science bootcamp?
TripleTen team:
In a nutshell, yes, all our bootcamps offer a very hands-on education with tutors, code reviewers, and more guiding you through the program. Let’s look into some details and see what benefits you can expect when enrolling in a TripleTen bootcamp — and what distinguishes the bootcamp from free educational videos.
Practical skills
Studying with TripleTen is all about getting equipped with skills, both hard and soft, that will make you a sought-after specialist in the tech industry.
For example, in our nine-month Data Science bootcamp, you’ll start by learning the basics of software engineering and Python plus a handful of essential Python tools. And of course, you’ll be taught how to use all of the above in data analytics and statistics.
Students practice their newly obtained skills during externships, ongoing projects where TripleTen gathers a team to work on a real-life project for an actual company. This project will become part of your portfolio and give you a chance to work in a team where you’ll experience the workflow you’re likely to encounter in your first job. Through this, you’ll also gain valuable feedback from industry-leading specialists.
Take a look at a group of TripleTen’s Data Analytics and Data Science students who worked on a case for Allcorrect GamesExternship with TripleTen: Allcorrect Games. They had to look into the company data and user reviews to identify places for growth for this company that takes care of gaming localizations.
“One student trained a model that demonstrated 98% precision at detecting new language requests — an outstanding result that was way beyond our initial expectations,” said Demid Tishin, Allcorrect Games founding partner. “Two students delivered compiled Python scripts with the relevant user interface that we can use off-the-shelf!”
Step-by-step instructions
At TripleTen, we strive to give you the combination of knowledge and skills needed to successfully work in the field. For that, we use a method popular among tech companies: we divide the learning curve into modules, which are further subdivided into sprints. Sprints are two- to three-week periods, by the end of which students submit their projects.
Not to worry. Before you start working on your project, you’ll be given the know-how to complete it. You‘ll be moving from the basics and theoretical concepts to methods of applying them to hands-on work. And every step you take will be explained to you in detail and revisited to cement your understanding.
TripleTen’s curriculum is based on a typical work environment. It is formed around projects that mirror the ones you’ll be doing once you get hired. We’ve built a user-friendly interactive platformA Guide to TripleTen’s Unique Learning Platform where you access everything, from concepts to data sets to assignments, in a single browser tab.
To make sure you don’t fall behind, whenever the pace or knowledge feels a bit overwhelming, ask for more help. Unlike free educational videos, TripleTen never leaves you on your own. One-on-one Zoom sessions with a tutor or valuable pieces of advice from a senior studentWhy You Should Become a TripleTen Senior Student are sure to make a difference.
Feedback from tutors
TripleTen tutors are seasoned tech specialists who’ll explain fundamental concepts and teach you how to use them. Tutors, all of whom boast more than five years of relevant experience, hold office hours when they are available to answer your questions.
They also host live webinars to go over coding case studies and share industry insights with you. In short, tutors are your go-to source for counsel on becoming a good tech professional. But there are more people on the TripleTen team helping you along.
Code reviewersTripleTen Code Reviews: Why, Who, How? thoroughly analyze your code and give you detailed, line-by-line feedback. They’ll tell you what you’ve done right and what needs correcting. If you're not quite grasping an approach, a code reviewer will give you a link to the section you need to brush up on.
What students say
We’re proud of our over one thousand graduates, and we always ask for feedback that we gladly share with newcomers. Many of our grads emphasize the practical guidance and importance of hands-on skills obtained at TripleTen, which eventually helped them land a job in tech.
TripleTen grad Zachary "Rex" RodriguezBreaking Through a Professional Ceiling: Rex Rodriguez’s TripleTen Story was first frustrated by the need to re-write code after getting feedback but later said it actually gave him lots of motivation to improve his skills:
"That's something that I really liked. Because then you feel like more of a professional. You didn't just take a class where they rubber stamp everybody, like 'Let them all go through.' TripleTen actually tried to create good, competent students." Zachary "Rex" Rodriguez, TripleTen grad
Joe LottChess Not Checkers: How TripleTen Grad Joe Lott’s Clever Planning Helped Him Elevate His Tech Career, on the other hand, was confident during interviews because TripleTen prepared him to work in a real environment where code review is a big part of the workflow.
“It’s the invaluable thing that TripleTen does, and it was something I was able to talk about during my interviews, like, ‘Hey, I received 15–17 code reviews, and I am familiar with that process.’ I’ve developed a thicker skin because of it.”
Community support is also something our grads often mention. Nathanael AndersonTripleTen Grad Nathanael Anderson Shakes Up His Software Engineering Career admitted that studying at TripleTen wasn’t easy, but “if I ever had any problems, I was never alone. There was always my tutor. Pretty much anytime I had a question about anything, they were able to drag themselves away from whatever game they were playing or whatever project they were working on and help me. It was fantastic.”
To sum up, you get lots of guidance and feedback at TripleTen, and our teaching methods are very hands-on. Still, a tech profession, especially one in data science, is hardly possible without theory. However, it's never theory for theory's sake at TripleTen. We only teach things that are applicable to your future work as a data scientist or a machine learning engineer and provide the guidance you expect.