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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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Finally set your sights on getting a tech job, but still unsure which coding school to join? When choosing a course, time is a significant factor. You may be tempted to rush through your studies and start earning cash as soon as possible. But that isn’t always the best idea.

At TripleTen, we know time is money. And while our average curriculum is nearly twice as long as those of our competitors, our grads leave our programs with the most in-demand skillsets and the support to confidently break into tech, with the benefits and salary to match.   

For reference, here are the stats for our Software Engineering Bootcamp v.s. some other coding academies:

*All the figures are taken from the company’s websites as of 08.12.2022

While many of our bootcamps last more than six months, there is a method behind the madness. We aim to help you land your dream job and succeed, so here’s what we do to make it a comfortable and compelling journey.

A comprehensive curriculum

Though much shorter than the average college program, TripleTen’s bootcamps may still seem to be too much of a commitment. However, our comprehensive programs will help you go from zero to programming hero in a matter of months.

“There are courses that say, ‘Become a Data Scientist in 3 weeks’, and I’m like, ‘It’s not possible, right, to do that’,” shares Harvey Dienye, TripleTen grad and neurosurgeon.

While you’ll need some prior programming knowledge to become a data scientist, our Data Analytics and Software Engineering bootcamps are designed for rookies. You can enroll even if you don’t know the first thing about coding.

By the time you complete the program (and most students do), you’ll be a seasoned specialist, with at least half a dozen projects in your portfolio. For instance, after graduating from our coding bootcamp, you’ll be a full-stack developer who can build both a website's front and back end.

“The length of a bootcamp was a challenge – eight months,” remembers Chuks Okoli, TripleTen grad and machine learning specialist. “But I'd rather be a data scientist in eight months than do a bootcamp for six weeks and claim to be a data scientist and then not even know what I'm doing.”

Studying part-time

Another reason why TripleTen bootcamps are relatively long is that we only offer part-time programs. We typically recommend newcomers prepare to dedicate at least 20 hours a week, homework included. Studying part-time is less demanding than attempting to put your life on pause and go back to school full-time. At TripleTen, we want you to have time for your other life goals, be it work, family, friends, or hobbies. 

Online courses

TripleTen’s interactive platform was designed with the needs of busy people in mind. All lectures and projects are conveniently available online for future reference. So while the learning curve may be longer, we offer a thorough education, with tutors, code reviewers, and community managers ready to help our students progress.

Our part-time and online programs allow students to enjoy the flexibility of distance learning. Replicating real-life conditions at real companies, the process is divided into sprints that usually run for two-to-three weeks. Students also are free to work at their own pace to meet project deadlines. 

TripleTen grad, Ph.D., and a mother of three, Marina Kingsbury recalls the structure as a perfect motivation to get things done but still tend to a family: “The sprint deadlines are quite tight. And that really drove me crazy, because I had so much to juggle on my own — the kids, work, and family. But at the same time, it kept me motivated. It wasn't like, ‘Oh, it's okay, I'm going to finish it tomorrow!’ Deadlines really helped [me] to stay on track.”

Week-long breaks

Even though we want you to study at a comfortable tempo, you are still expected to work hard. After all, it’s the only way to get everything done in time and become a better version of yourself. But all work and no play may leave you mentally and physically exhausted.

Don’t worry, though. At TripleTen, we won’t run you ragged. Our syllabus is jam-packed with tasks, but it also allows for a breather. We suggest that you take a week-long break after each module to rest up and not burn yourself out.

More practice

A longer curriculum entails picking up more skills and having more time to practice them. As a software engineer, you should have no less than six completed projects to show off by the end of the bootcamp. And it’ll be double-digit for those studying data analytics and data science.

Even better, TripleTen students can sign up for externships and hackathons as long as they keep up with the schedule. These extracurricular activities are voluntary but totally worth it. They’ll help you get more experience, connections, and real-world projects in your portfolio. All of this will come in handy when you join the job hunt.

“[TripleTen] has just made me learn so much because it's not only about the theory, obviously, it's about the practice… It enabled me to develop some new working habits that I never imagined,” shares TripleTen Grad Isabelle Cuisset.

Employment preparation

Midway through the bootcamp, TripleTen students can enroll in a Career Prep course. It’s a great way to update your resume and portfolio, learn how to write cover letters, and be confident going into interviews.

TripleTen grad Desiree Bradish shared her hiring experience for her first job in tech: “Primarily, [their decision to hire me] was based on the skills that were presented in that take-home project… But I just really nailed it down and made the structure nice, which I think TripleTen really emphasized. I felt prepared for all of the questions, and it was largely because I was able to talk to people [On the TripleTen Career Team].”

After graduation, you can join the Career Acceleration program to further boost your chances of getting a job sooner. Nearly 90 percent of our students do find jobs in tech. We’re so confident in our programs and students, that if you don’t land a role within six months of graduation, you’ll get a full refund.

Our programs may be longer, but they cover all aspects of getting you in tip-top shape for the ever-competitive job market. So if you feel like embarking on a journey that could change your life, check out what TripleTen has to offer.

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