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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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YouTube: It’s where you go to chuckle at compilations of cats pushing things off counters, and it’s where you go to watch videos of babies tasting lemons for the first time. It’s also where you can go as you take step after step on the path of learning to code.

But where should you start? Our internal expert, Andrei Parfenov, curriculum lead of TripleTen’s Software Engineering Program, has you covered. Here are his recommendations for the two best channels for tech learners.

1. Code with Antonio

This channel is hosted by — you guessed it — Antonio, a software engineer with over seven years of experience in the field. He offers a whole diverse range of content that can help aspiring coders upgrade their know-how. And his lessons take a unique approach, something that earns this channel Andrei’s recommendation.

Antonio posts lengthy free workshops on the latest web technologies, using them to create clones of popular web applications like Spotify, Twitch, and many others. Andrei Parfenov, curriculum lead of TripleTen’s Software Engineering Program

But note the word “lengthy” — the breadth of his videos doesn’t come at the expense of depth. “These workshops can run up to 12 hours, but they’re definitely worth a watch — with breaks, of course — if you’re interested in seeing how new technologies can be applied to real-world 

Products,” he said.

Want to learn to code the apps you already know and love? This is absolutely the channel for you.

2. Ben Awad

If you’re active in the software development space on YouTube, chances are you’ve come across Ben Awad. He’s a popular coding YouTuber who covers topics such as React, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, and Python. Within those topics (and many more), he caters his videos to people who are early in their tech careers.

But it’s not just about coding — he goes into more detail about the actualities of life in tech, and this is what makes his videos stand out to Andrei.

He doesn’t just post videos and tutorials about specific technologies, but he also shares his experiences with job interviews and the various projects he’s worked on. Andrei Parfenov, curriculum lead of TripleTen’s Software Engineering Program

All of this can get fairly involved, and other coding content can get bogged down in the minutiae of writing code or life as a programmer, but this channel’s videos stay consistently lively and engaging. This is another quality that impressed Andrei. “I really recommend his channel because he introduces complex topics in a very entertaining way.”

Looking for a comprehensive view of working in tech that can even give you the occasional laugh? Check out this channel.

Dive into more recommendations

Want more recommendations for the best YouTube channels? Well we’ve got nine more waiting for you in our article here — check it out!

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