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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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Any parent will say that parenthood is a life-changing experience. It encourages you to reconsider many things, including future plans and current priorities. It can also inspire exciting changes, like a decision to secure yourself a flexible and rewarding career so that you can spend more time with your family. 

We have stories from moms, TripleTen graduates, who took the leap into a new coding career and succeeded. With their natural knack, skills, and motivation for improvement, many parents already possess qualities that make great tech specialists! 

Use the benefits of a bootcamp

There are different types of coding bootcamps. Some of them require your full-time involvement, others are designed for people who try to juggle work, studies, and other duties, such as parenthood. TripleTen, for example, is a part-time bootcamp that allows students to combine studies with other commitments. Studies are flexible and arranged in sprints, so you will have two-to-three weeks to comprehend a topic and submit the project. (No need to attend classes or set your schedule!)

TripleTen alum and mom Margarita “Rita” Sandomirskaya didn’t “jump headfirst” into her bootcamp study. After careful consideration, Rita found the two-week sprints flexible enough to manage alongside motherhood. To complete the course, she used every available minute. And, just a week after finishing her course, she was offered her dream job. 

“It wasn’t easy, and it really depends on the age and temperament of your child and how well you organize your time,” Rita says. “But TripleTen’s [program] was flexible enough for me to make it work.”

Rachelle Perez was also in search for something asynchronous and flexible what would allow to look after a child in preschool, but yet well-structured to dive into data science quickly and thoroughly. She found it in part-time course by TripleTen.

[To say that learning] was easy would be a lie. But I think TripleTen made it as comfortable as our situation could be. Rachelle Perez, TripleTen student

Rely on all the help you can get

We know that changing a profession as a mother of a newborn or a toddler is a quest. You might struggle to find time for yourself. But you’re not alone in your new journey. 

TripleTen’s job is to ensure you’re moving on your path to obtaining a new tech profession at a steady and stressless pace. Even if you have a lot on your plate, you can rely on help and support from the TripleTen community.

Tutors will be in touch with you to resolve all curriculum-based questions and provide extra explanations on more difficult parts. Code reviewers will provide extensive feedback on your work and pinpoint exact points of improvement. Career specialists will help you create an outstanding portfolio and resume early in your studies so that you’re all prepared to start your job search. Senior students are there to support beginners and resolve any questions regarding the study process, motivation, and outcomes.

All these specialists can become your first source for getting to know the industry you’re about to work in, - so you will never feel alone.

If you feel overwhelmed, you can always contact your community manager. They will consult you on the best way to move forward, whether taking a few weeks' break or postponing the deadline for the nearest project. Suspension can last for three months while you’ll still have access to the study platform. The payments are not suspended until the full course is paid in full.

That is the kind of support TripleTen grad Sindhu Sirigireddy got. Taking care of the first child and being pregnant with the second one turned out to be overwhelming, and Sindhu needed additional time. “I had a part-time job, I had a baby and was carrying a second baby when I was going through the bootcamp, so I had to learn a lot of time management,” she recalls.

At one point, I felt like giving up the course because I couldn’t complete it on time. But then, I spoke to TripleTen’s staff and I was [given a break and] moved to the next cohort. That was a very good option for me, so I thought ‘I won’t give up, I will get to complete the course.’

Undoubtedly you can rely not only on TripleTen staff. Your family and loved ones can be you rock on this journey. Stay-at-home mom and TripleTen graduate Yuliya Khilko enrolled in the bootcamp when the pandemic hit. “My kid didn’t go to daycare and it was [difficult]”, she admitted. What worked for Yuliya’s family was to take shifts with the baby. Her husband had her back, as he understood that getting a job as a developer would help her get back to work. Yuliya remembers: “I would lock myself in the study as soon as my husband was done with his work. I studied CSS at night because I really wanted to finish the course.” 

Yuliya became a junior software engineer with Lululemon only a month after graduating.

Use your multitasking skills

Mothers are often natural problem solvers and pros at multitasking. These skills will help you in your new profession and, for sure, on the path to it.

At the start of the pandemic, Pinwei Wu, also chose TripleTen’s coding bootcamp after seven years as a stay-at-home mom. Her two children ended up being homeschooled, but instead of juggling studies and children, Pinwei had a solution:

“We set up a table for them next to me, so we could all learn together. There were some challenges because I needed to manage my time and multitask to take care of them, but it all turned out well. I think I set a good example because they saw me learning things and studying very hard. I was like, ‘Let’s finish this and we can take a break together and go outside!’”

Pinwei’s son is now interested in programming, and her family has largely benefitted from her bootcamp experience. After taking advantage of TripleTen’s career acceleration track and a personal mentor, she was offered a development job with Workbay within a month.

If you’re ready to take a big step toward a new career - don’t worry! A lot of students at TripleTen are parents, so you’ll not be alone on your exciting and challenging path.

By pursuing a new career that is stable and well-paid, despite the neverending responsibilities, you will become a role model for yourself and your children. And TripleTen will be there to provide you with flexibility and guidance at every step.

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