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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

What’s the tech career for you?

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A healthier work-life balance. Greater job flexibility. Better compensation. Whatever it is that fires you up about the tech industry as your next career move, we’re here for it! And we want to be a helpful resource as you navigate all the job possibilities of this dynamic, fast-changing space.

That’s why we’ve rounded up 10 tech jobs considered to be some of the best in 2024. Each one is well-paying, exciting, and in-demand by employers — in short, rewarding. We hope this list helps you see more clearly what a career in tech might look like for you and where to begin.

How we chose these jobs

While the opportunity to earn more money is a big reason why many people make the switch to tech, salary alone does not make a career fulfilling. Improved quality of life, job security, better career prospects, and professional development all contribute to the most rewarding careers.

As such, here are the five advantages that guided our thinking for choosing these great jobs:

  1. High paying. While total compensation ultimately comes down to seniority, location, and sector, we wanted to highlight exciting technical careers that have an average base pay of $100,000 or more. (All salary data sourced from Glassdoor.)

  2. Suitability for people with different mindsets. Not everyone wants to code. And not everyone wants to be a people manager. It takes all kinds to make tech work happen, and our list of rewarding jobs reflects that range of career paths.

  3. Flexibility. Across the board, tech companies tend to be more flexible when it comes to work schedules. In fact, 97% of employers offer some location flexibility. Specialists from these top technology careers can work as in-house, hybrid, or remote employees.

  4. Positive growth prospects. Demand for the following qualifications exceeds supply. If you start upskilling this year, you should have nice employment opportunities by next year. (All growth data sourced from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics or ZipRecruiter).

  5. University degree optional. While a college degree helps, completing a high-quality online course that gives you all the required skills and career guidance is also a viable route for these jobs. Note: Some do require a few years of previous experience in tech.

The best tech jobs for 2024

1. Software Engineer

Software engineers write the code that powers everything digital, from smartphones to cars, medical devices, and even toys. This role offers aspiring tech workers many different specializations11 Types of Software Engineers and Programmers: See Who You Can Become, such as Full-Stack Engineer, UI/UX Designer, and Web Developer. Best of all, it remains in-demand across nearly every industry, including retail, healthcare, and transportation.

Skills needed

  • Coding and programming languages: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Python
  • Debugging and testing: Debugging tools, Testing frameworks
  • Data structures and algorithms: Code optimization, Process efficiencies
  • Time management and communication: Collaboration, Project management methodologies
Salary Growth prospects Number of job openings
$115,878 25% 404,582

2. Data Scientist

Data scientists gather, parse through, and leverage data — with the help of technology — to solve a specific problem. Almost every industry now employs data scientists because data is everywhere and any company can benefit from a data-informed approach to decision-making. Example titles in the job market include Data Engineer, Business Analyst, and BI Engineer.

Skills needed

  • Data preparation and management: Cleaning data, Storing data
  • Probability theory and statistics: Predictive algorithms, Machine learning
  • Coding and programming languages: R, Python, SQL
  • Communication and problem-solving: Collaboration, Attention to detail
Salary Growth prospects Number of job openings
$121,205 35% 290,858

3. DevOps Engineer

DevOps engineersWhat Skills Do You Need to Become a Software Engineer oversee the entire software development process to ensure software and information technology (IT) are aligned. They might code, focus on project management and QA testing, or do a bit of both, depending on the need. Successful DevOps engineers possess generalist skills that help them integrate development and operations to streamline deployment.

Skills needed

  • Coding and programming languages: Python, Java
  • Network optimization: Connecting front end and back end
  • Network security: Infrastructure protection
  • Communication and team management: Organization, Delegation
Salary Growth prospects Number of job openings
$114,952 25% 487,127

4. AI Engineer

Artificial intelligence (AI) engineers develop and train AI applications that help companies increase efficiency and make better business decisions. They use machine learning algorithms and deep learning neural networks to build AI applications, pulling data from a variety of sources. Titles include AI Scientist, AI Interaction Designer, and Computational Scientist.

Skills needed

  • Coding and programming languages: Python, Java, R, C++
  • Big data analysis: SparkSQL, Apache Flink, Google Cloud Platform
  • AI security: Multi-party computation, Differential privacy
  • Adaptability and continuous learning: Stay up-to-date on latest advancements in the field
Salary Growth prospects Number of job openings
$117,246 9% 179,000

5. Machine Learning Engineer

Machine learning engineersMachine Learning vs. Deep Learning: Unraveling the Differences develop and work with the algorithms and software used by AI and machine learning tools. They create systems and software that use data to learn independently and make decisions. Since the role combines software engineering with data science, it’s something that software engineers may progress into after gaining some experience.

Skills needed

  • Data science: Statistical analysis, Probability
  • Machine learning models: Decision trees, Clustering, Regression algorithms
  • DevOps: Continuous integration and deployment
  • Continuous learning: Latest advancements in the field
Salary Growth prospects Number of job openings
$128,427 23% 119,743

6. Database Developer

Database developers design and implement new databases, modify existing ones for platform updates and changes in user needs, and keep data secure and up-to-date. Unlike Database Administrators, who ensure database systems are running properly, Database Developers focus on building out the best database architecture for an organization’s needs.

Skills needed

  • Programming languages and coding tools: SQL, PL/SQL, MongoDB, Oracle or MySQL
  • Database objects: Tables, Views, Stored procedures
  • Data security best practices: Physical security, Real-time monitoring, Firewalls
  • Analytical thinking and prioritization: Critical thinking, Multitasking, Problem-solving
Salary Growth prospects Number of job openings
$114,616 8% 91,069

7. Cloud Architect

Cloud architectsWhat’s Behind Google Cloud build and maintain an organization’s cloud computing system. They work with platforms like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure, and need a thorough background in cloud computing. Note that this senior-level role requires first gaining experience in related careers in the technology field: Software development, databases, or networking.

Skills needed

  • Operating systems: Linux, Unix, Ubuntu, Solaris, Windows
  • Networking: TCP/IP, IP addresses, HTTP, DNS
  • Programming languages: Java, Node.js, PHP, Python
  • Leadership and collaboration skills: Comfort working with entry-level programmers and senior execs alike
Salary Growth prospects Number of job openings
$114,981 25% 10,200

8. Information Security Analyst

Information security analystsUnlocking the Path to Cyber Security: A Comprehensive Guide protect sensitive company information and user data. They build efficient strategies and employ powerful tools to prevent and combat cyber threats. They also monitor their organization’s networks for security breaches and investigate when one occurs. As such, they need to stay up-to-date on new viruses and cyber attacks and how to prevent them.

Skills needed

  • Security measures: Firewalls, Routers, Risk management frameworks
  • Data privacy laws: Regional, National, Sector-specific
  • Operating systems: MacOS, Windows, Linux, iOS and Android
  • Risk management: Threat assessment, Continuous learning
Salary Growth prospects Number of job openings
$103,760 32% 16,800

9. Product Manager

Product managers coordinate team efforts to build a specified digital product. They distribute tasks, set deadlines, and track the performance of employees involved. They strive to detect potential problems before they occur and take measures to overcome them with minimal losses. Experienced PMs can juggle several products at a time, each one with its own respective team.

Skills needed

  • Web development: Coding, Programming languages
  • UX: Wireframing, User research, Prototyping
  • Technical specs: Requirements, Product features, Daily active users
  • Flexibility and curiosity: Adaptability, Market research, Customer interviews
Salary Growth prospects Number of job openings
$119,034 2% 65,705

10. IT Manager

IT managers start in any tech role and gain enough experience in their chosen field to supervise others. IT managers need to have a good understanding of the requirements for different IT jobs and tasks, since they plan and coordinate the activities of teams and departments to make sure they deliver high-quality products for tech companies and non-tech companies alike.

Skills needed

  • Project management: Resource allocation, Project timelines, Risk mitigation
  • Technical expertise: Comprehension of technologies, Emerging trends, Technical models
  • Leadership: Mentorship, Decision-making, Strategy
  • Communication: Clear direction, Productive negotiation, Active listening
Salary Growth prospects Number of job openings
$119,852 11% 46,900

Want one of these jobs? See if a bootcamp is for you

Now that you know a bit more about the most satisfying jobs in tech, you might be wondering what to do next. Should you use free online resources to learn new things? Or go back to college for a computer science degree? Or maybe try an online professional bootcamp?

Our quick quiz can help! In just a few minutes, you’ll learn which educational path is the best fit for you and your goals. Fundamentally, we believe that anyone — you — can make it in tech. All it takes is getting started, so you can progress into any niche that suits your particular strengths.

It also helps to hear from people who’ve been in your shoes. Check out these stories from TripleTen grads who’ve found rewarding careers in tech: Software Engineer Jenny DoctorFrom Making Music to Making Commits: Jenny Doctor’s TripleTen Story, Data Analyst Andrew MillsapsRekindling His Curiosity for Tech After A Decade in Sales: Andrew Millsaps’s TripleTen Story, Full Stack Engineer Desiree BradishFrom Graphic Design to Code Design: Desiree Bradish’s TripleTen Story, and Data Scientist Jordan WilheimRevitalizing a Promising Career: Jordan Wilheim’s TripleTen Story.

IT career tips

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What’s the tech career for you?

You’re looking to upgrade your job, but the options seem overwhelming. Don’t worry - take our free two-minute quiz to find out which of our bootcamps will help you achieve your goals.

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