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There’s something comforting about consistency, but when you end up experiencing the same thing over and over, it can get frustrating. There’s something comforting about consistency, but when you end up experiencing the same thing over and over, it can get frustrating. There’s something comforting about consistency, but when you end up experiencing the same thing over and over, it can get frustrating.

See what we mean?

And it’s not just the case with repetitive sentences. When you’re in a career that feels like it’s going nowhere, you might start wondering if you should move on. So here’s a quick guide to help you figure out if your professional stagnation has reached the stage when it’s time for you to quit.

The warning signs

We all experience some form of stagnation every once in a while — it’s perfectly normal. But when it becomes chronic, it can drag down a career. So before we start throwing up red flags (which we will just below), let’s look at some useful indicators to keep in mind when trying to determine how severe your career stagnation is:

  • Boredom
    Now, work isn’t always exciting, but when your responsibilities no longer feel challenging in any way, or when your daily tasks feel drearily rote and routine, this is a sign that you might be stagnating.
  • Low motivation
    This is something that comes on bit-by-bit, but when it becomes chronic, you can spot it. If you find yourself wondering why any of your tasks matter, forcing yourself to care even slightly about meetings, or needing to drag yourself to work day-in, day-out, you might be experiencing the ill effects of a stagnating career.
  • Disengagement
    This covers more than just sometimes feeling unenthusiastic about work mixers. It’s broader — maybe you can’t generate any interest to explore trends in your industry. Maybe there are professional development opportunities out there, but they just don’t spark any curiosity in you, or you don’t even look for them. This sort of global disengagement can be the outcome of a career that’s stagnated for too long.

The red flags: when it’s time to look for something new

All of those qualities do matter — and when they last for too long, they can even turn into red flags. But let’s get into the ways you can know it’s really time you consider looking for a new job. See, these symptoms of career stagnation can have a real impact on your life.

  • Plateauing salary
    Inflation is a thing. That means that — unless your pay is pegged to inflation — the salary you got when you first accepted your job offer actually has less purchasing power than it did when you started. If you haven’t gotten a raise in years, you’re functionally making less money. We’ll just underline it: that’s not a good thing. You deserve proper compensation, so if your salary has stagnated for too long, that’s a red flag that you should start thinking about a new job.
  • Skill obsolescence
    If you’re doing the same thing every day, using the same tools, and not gaining new know-how — whether in hard or soft skills — then you might find yourself underprepared for a job search down the line. See, industries develop and evolve, and to stay attractive and competitive as a potential hire, you need to develop and evolve as well. If you’re not doing that in any shape or form, that’s a major sign you should consider new avenues.
  • Underperformance
    Missed deadlines. Feedback that your work isn’t quite cutting it. Stupid mistakes. You used to be a top performer, but over time, the warning signs above might have led you to pull back, and now your performance is suffering.

Just like the above two red flags, this has a tangible impact on your life. If and when you want to move onto something greater, more inspiring, or less dreary, you might need to present a portfolio of work. And if your work is half-baked because stagnation left you uninterested and disenchanted with your tasks, you might miss out on that better opportunity. Seeing yourself send in work you know isn’t up to snuff? That’s a red flag.

See if a career switch is right for you

Want more clarity? We’ve got you covered — find out if it’s time you find a new professional path by taking our career-switch quiz.

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