Want to fast-track your way to a job in IT? HTML5 could be just the ticket: it's easy to learn, simple to work with, and very popular. Let's find out what HTML5 is, why you need it, and how to start coding from scratch.
What is HTML5?
Think of HTML as guidelines for a test, summary, or diploma work. There are requirements you have to meet: specific footnotes, fields, tables, titles, etc. All these rules are needed to streamline theses and answer sheets, plus provide structure, form, and clarity. Similarly, HTML markups are the rules and structure of a web page.
HTML itself was created as the most beginner-friendly and easy-to-learn markup language. You write code using special elements (tags) to make a markup of the web page. For example, you use <table> tag to insert a table, or <audio> to play music, etc. Due to HTML5, we can add all types of content: text, videos, animations, etc.
You may study it quickly — look at any other developer's code and freely read it, understanding where the page's title, graph, or email should be. The system of tags (“<>”) is designed to help make it easier.
What is HTML5 used for?
HTML5 is the fifth and latest version of the language, encompassing all the standards currently used in structuring content and visualizing code. HTML5 is what you need to understand and build your websites, and working with it is a breeze.
HTML aims to provide web developers with any functions they may wish to use. Major browsers today steadily implement the newest functions offered by the language. As a user, you don't have to worry about it, just continue using one of the mainstream browsers like Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and others. Although they can support a wide range of functions, the core of the HTML standard is accessible, as it has been developed based on previous HTML standards.
Why is learning HTML5 the right choice for beginners?
For a newbie, HTML is a great choice when starting out in web development. You can read or watch the basics on the web, and make a working web page in HTML5 in just a few hours!
How to create your first HTML page with Notepad:
- Open Notepad and create a new file.
- Open any textbook or tutorial and write or copy some HTML code.
- Save the file as a .html, for example, “mywebsite.html”.
- Open your doc in the browser to view the result.
- Your simple website is ready.
Congratulations! You have taken the first step in programming.
Now you can continue learning and understanding web development by yourself, which is a perk of HTML5. To speed up your progress and save some time, you could attend a bootcamp or take an online course, which will help you gain additional experience and create your first professional portfolio.
Let's review some HTML5 benefits:
- Simple. Above you have seen how it's possible to write HTML5 code even in your Notepad. It's enough to write “<!Doctype html> to start your HTML5 code. Learn it once, and you’ll be able to effortlessly use the language in various jobs and scenarios. Reading the code that another developer has written will help you understand what a website should look like.
- Cross-platform. HTML5 makes your markup compatible with various displays, screen sizes, and devices from smartphones to smart TVs.
- Written with tags. In HTML5, tags are used for any and all purposes: making a markup of common structural elements like <header>, locating a date, email, making text bold, etc. — no other actions are needed. You don't have to remember all of them at once — just search online and find a list.
- Multimedia and APIs. API (application programming interfaces) is code that helps two different programs work together, such as when a bank website uses Google Maps to find the nearest ATM. You can publish a wide variety of multimedia and APIs to your site easier than ever without complex code or additional plugins like Flash. Using HTML5 for multimedia is the norm: iOS devices do not natively use Flash — only HTML. So does YouTube.
What makes HTML5 great?
For developers:
HTML5 is essential for front end development — this is how you view the website in the browser. There is literally no alternative to HTML5 if you want to create a website.
HTML5 provides better integration with CSS and JavaScript, making work more convenient. You don't have to add plugins or software, as everything is done using HTML5. It ensures more stable functioning of web applications. HTML5's simple and rich semantics make the task of building a website much more accessible.
Perhaps you want to be a backend specialist — someone who works with server-side development and brings sites to life. In this case, you need to understand the logic and structure behind web pages in order to communicate with colleagues across different spheres of web development. HTML5 comes in handy here as well. And the same goes for any designer or tester.
For users:
You might open a website from any device or browser, and it will work efficiently and reliably. Some applications may work offline, so you may access them anytime.
Another advantage of HTML5 sites is their accessibility features, made for people with visual impairments, including blindness. Screen readers can read tags in code and translate them into audible content.
HTML5 allows you to validate the client-side form without JavaScript. It helps the user and web developer communicate efficiently. For example, if a customer wants a manager to call them back, they fill out a contact form on the website. If they list incorrect numbers, HTML will recognize it and color it red. The client understands that it is necessary to leave a valid phone number to get a quick and accurate response. For a developer, creating the form is much easier than before. Also, it's crucial for marketing purposes to get valid client information as soon as possible.
How to start learning HTML5
You may choose to practice on your own in Notepad, using different HTML5 elements, as we have described earlier. There are plenty of forums and communities of newbie developers ready to help — for example, SitePoint Forums or Stack Overflow.
You can find a lot of textbooks, interactive online exercises, and courses to choose from. For example, the “Try it Yourself” HTML editor from W3school allows you to work with code and see the result right away, as well as provide HTML video tutorials, exercises, and examples. Another is David DuRocher’s “HTML And CSS QuickStart Guide” with practical online learning, made for those with zero experience in HTML.

Also, consider attending a bootcamp! You will receive a core understanding of the language, as well as lots of practice and experience from seasoned specialists. Moreover, interacting with other enthusiastic, goal-oriented people can enrich your experience! Check out TripleTen’s Software Engineering Bootcamp where you can get it all in one package.
There are, of course, more straightforward ways of making websites — such as using website builders. With tools like Wix or GoDaddy, you can make simple sites quickly. However, you won't have the ability to move into IT professions that offer good pay. By learning HTML5, you will gain web development skills and be able to create more complex projects. It is simply a valuable investment in your future.
With website builders, you only have one career track. Learning HTML5, on the other hand, offers plenty.
HTML5 is an easy-to-learn, free, popular, and constantly evolving language that runs on any device. It's constantly updated with new modules and feature releases. It is a language you're bound to encounter in the future, so it makes sense to at least learn the basics.
Starting with HTML5 offers a potential gateway to learning CSS and JavaScript in order to make a modern design for your website. It allows you to bring your site to life and implement more complex functions.
The last advantage we’ll mention plays a primary role. You can become a skilled front end developer if you have a strong knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5, work hard, and acquire experience working on complex projects. However, knowing only HTML is a great starting point and the first step to better professional and financial opportunities.