TripleTen experts
Don't be discouraged by any initial uncertainties or doubts. Instead, view them as chances to further solidify your understanding and skills.
Ian Dizney
TripleTen grad
TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps
TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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By Ian Dizney, TripleTen Software Engineering Program graduate

Congratulations on getting accepted intoTripleTen's prestigious Software Engineering Program! As a grad of the bootcamp myself, I'm here to give you three valuable pieces of advice to help you navigate your journey at TripleTen.

1. Google Is Your Ally

As you embark on your software engineering journey, remember this golden rule: Google is your friend! Whether you're a newcomer to the field or a seasoned coder, harnessing the power of Google can significantly enhance your problem-solving capabilities. Many challenges you'll encounter can be swiftly resolved with a few well-crafted Google searches.

Throughout the program, you'll have access to helpful tutors who can guide you, so do make the most of their support. However, it's essential to recognize that in the real world, you won't always have such assistance readily available.

Developing the skill of effectively using Google to find solutions to coding problems is critical to becoming a proficient engineer.

Mastering this skill is an ongoing process, and even seasoned professionals like myself continue to refine it. So, don't hesitate to experiment and play around with Google searches. As you grow more adept at it, you'll find yourself resolving bugs and issues faster, propelling your coding prowess to new heights.

2.Procrastination Is the Enemy

Picture this scenario: you breeze through the initial sprints of the program, but as the material becomes more challenging, you find yourself procrastinating on the mini-lessons between projects. Trust me, I've been there too.

Postponing lessons due to a lack of motivation can be enticing, but it's a trap that hinders your progress. The real value of these lessons lies in the knowledge they impart, and without completing them, your growth as a software engineer will be stunted.

Instead of waiting for motivation to strike (which may only last a short while), cultivate self-discipline.

Train yourself to take action even when you're not in the mood. Set specific goals, such as completing a few lessons before indulging in something enjoyable. You can also try allocating a fixed amount of time to focus solely on the lessons. By adopting this approach, you'll find yourself steadily progressing through the program and mastering complex concepts.

3. Embrace the Challenge of End-of-Sprint Projects

One aspect of the program that you'll likely come to appreciate is the end-of-sprint projects. These projects consolidate the material covered during the sprint, giving you the opportunity to apply your newfound knowledge in a practical setting. Embrace these challenges wholeheartedly, as they serve as excellent learning opportunities.

When tackling these projects, don't be discouraged by any initial uncertainties or doubts. Instead, view them as chances to further solidify your understanding and skills.

The sense of accomplishment you'll experience upon successfully completing these projects will boost your confidence and enthusiasm for future endeavors.

In conclusion, your journey at TripleTen will undoubtedly present both rewarding moments and challenging hurdles. Embrace the power of Google to excel in problem-solving, conquer procrastination with self-discipline, and embrace end-of-sprint projects with enthusiasm. By following these three pieces of advice, you'll be well-equipped to thrive in TripleTen's Software Engineering Program and beyond.Best of luck on your exciting journey ahead!

Ian Dizney
TripleTen grad
Don't be discouraged by any initial uncertainties or doubts. Instead, view them as chances to further solidify your understanding and skills.

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