TripleTen Software Engineering Bootcamp Reviews

Daniel Marzahl
Program: Software Engineering
I've been teaching math and programming for 7 years, so I have a solid background in Java, but I was a self-taught coder and didn't have anyone to teach me industry standard best practices or common frameworks. I love coding, and so I wanted to pursue options in software engineering.I did plentiful ... research on different coding bootcamps, but TripleTen stood out. I had seen reviews and watched YouTube summaries of the first couple sprints, and what caught my attention was the quick response to questions through the bootcamp's discord. I'm a hard worker, and I can usually figure things out through my own research, but I knew there would be some abstract concepts that I just couldn't grasp - and the couple of times I needed questions answered, that process was very timely! TripleTen is organized into 15 sprints, preparing students for a career with deadlines. Initially we learn front-end development using HTML / CSS / JavaScript. This leads into using React, which is a framework combining JavaScript and HTML to dynamically design webpage elements. This part of the course was challenging but rewarding, because I began to feel like I could make anything I want happen on a web page with relative ease. After mastering many frontend design concepts, backend development began. I had a little bit of a background in databases, but not with the same technologies as TripleTen was teaching me. The coursework made the new information easy to grasp, and backend programming turned into my favorite! I loved finding out how the "guts" of a website run to make things like user authentication and dynamically updating website info happen. Finally, everything gets tied together in Sprint 14, and you really feel like you've built a website that could expand to an infinite number of ideas. Sprint 15 walks you through cloud hosting, so friends and family can visit your website publicly by simply typing in a URL.The interactive platform gives check-in quizzes to see if you're keeping up with the vocabulary and concepts, and has many tasks that represent the skills you'll be using in that sprint's project while you're learning them. The projects expand on the tasks in a challenging way (but reasonably challenging!) There are things you'll have to research a bit on your own, but the mentors on the bootcamp's discord are right there if you've done your research and couldn't quite find what you're looking for. I'm hoping to get a start on an externship project for a real company soon! This is a project that the bootcamp offers if you're keeping up with the coursework - a company needs something built, and TripleTen makes sure it's appropriate for their students. TripleTen and the company will bolster your LinkedIn and resume with letters of recommendation afterwards!At the end of Sprint 15, I am incredibly satisfied with the progress I've made. I feel I can have real conversations with other engineers, code using professional frameworks and methodologies, and learn new frameworks quickly when needed.If you do choose to go with TripleTen, here are some words of advice: structure your days around some time to work on the course. For me, I was able to set aside 7pm-9pm every weeknight, with a little more time on the weekends. TripleTen wants students to plan on 20 hours each week, and that's a pretty good estimate. Also, be willing to struggle! I had some pretty big mess-ups on projects that I didn't discover until later on; oversights that took a good amount of time to fix and correct the rest of the code that depended on my mistake. I learned a TON during that process, because mistakes are one of the most powerful learning tools! Finally, ask for help. Once you've done your research and tried to find solutions to problems, the mentors are there to help. There are office hours and discord servers for individual sprints, so do not be afraid to start interacting with the community! Other students are there asking the same questions you probably are, and the mentor's answers to your questions might just help a future student! Read more
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Xander Ambrosio
Program: Software Engineering
I always find myself wanting to create things. I'm interested in game development, creating Excel sheets with formulas/functions for quick D&D play, and building strategies that maximize my time. Becoming a Software Engineer was a no-brainer. Because of my schedule, however, I always thought I had t... o worry about school later in life. Then, scrolling through Instagram, of all places, I get an ad for an online bootcamp called TripleTen. After doing my research, I hopped on the bandwagon, reading that they are so confident in their job-hunting skills that they'll refund your tuition if you don't get a job is really exciting. There are no classes, a simple website with an interactive coding platform, and a discord server where you can ask questions and keep in contact with the community and your tutors. With a deadline every two weeks (sprints) for your projects, you'll be done before the end of the year. I love that at any time of those two weeks, I can work as long as I want whenever I want. Of course, as long as I turn in the project before the deadline. They recently made it where the career curriculum a part of the regular program, so that you can knock both out at the same time! I recommend that anyone getting into this program to start building small projects alongside the education, as that will really reinforce your skills and show that you really are learning something powerful from the education. I greatly recommend this program to anyone interested in Software Development, and I can't wait to get into this career. Read more
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Alex Tribbey
Program: Software Engineering
Around April and May last year, I was getting ready to graduate from college, and had little clue what I wanted to do with regard to a job. After doing some looking around, I began to take note of different tech boot camps that I heard about on the internet and from friends in the field. TripleTen w... as one of these, and after a bit of time spent deciding between my options, I decided that TripleTen, with it's tuition guarantee regarding employment, as well as their general flexibility with my work schedule, was the way to go. Since June of last year then, I have been going through the Software Engineering Program at TripleTen, and I could not be happier with my choice for the following reasons. Firstly, the program. The program is divided into two week sections called, sprints which consist of theory sections (most of which have practice sections for you to immediately apply what you've learned) and those sections of theory culminate in a project that draws together everything that you've learned during the sprint (as well as information from each preceding sprint) and compresses it down into a well thought-out project that practically hits on every note that you studied in the theory for that sprint. I find this work loop very enjoyable and gratifying. When I first started the part of the program on JavaScript, for instance, I felt like a complete fool as I couldn't understand even the most basic elements of the language but as time has gone on, I have just finished the 13th of 15 sprints that focused on using my own database I created last week to add a new layer of security and authentication to make it secure using JavaScript, which, had you told me a few months ago I would do, I would've thought you were lying.Secondly, the faculty. Like previously mentioned, when I first started JavaScript, as well as many other moments throughout my course, I have had times where I really began to think that I just couldn't do it. I thought I wasn't smart enough for it, and I was just gonna end up falling flat, but thanks to encouragement from the staff at TripleTen, whether it be from my community manager, or the tutors who helped me through rough patches, I stuck to it and kept on going until things finally started to sink in and make sense. I have always felt very comfortable asking pretty much any questions that come to mind when I am having difficulty, because every tutor I have worked with has been patient and quick to help me understand things, no matter how many questions I had to ask until it finally clicked. This has been greatly appreciated, and I am not sure whether or not I would have stuck with the program had I not had encouragement from the staff and my family during discouraging sections of the lessons.Thirdly and finally, the focus of the staff on practical application especially when it comes to career-prep and understanding of what it takes to get and maintain a job in this field. At the end of almost every sprint is an entire chapter, (and sometimes more than one) dedicated to specific aspects of the job search. The first few have you setting up a solid GitHub that is appealing to employers, followed be a LinkedIn, then how to write a proper Resume for the field, and so on. Their desire to make sure you are employed after your time with TripleTen is clear, and very encouraging. I am going to be married in two months, so having the confidence that I have gained concerning my ability to get a job in this field that I have gained from my TripleTen is in my mind priceless.There are a number of other reasons I could cite, but for the sake of brevity, I will leave it at those three. I am thoroughly pleased with my time at TripleTen, and though my time with them is drawing to a close soon, I will always be thankful to them for helping me get started in my dream career as quickly and efficiently as they have. I could not recommend the program enough, especially if you were like me, namely, completely green, but very interested in the software engineering field and not knowing where to start. I believe TripleTen is the best place to do so. Read more
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Christopher Abreu
Program: Software Engineering
Choosing TripleTen wasn't just about picking a bootcamp; it was about finding a launchpad for my tech dreams. As a Philadelphian with a creative background, I craved a program that blended my passion for storytelling with the practical skills needed to thrive in the dynamic world of web development.... After months of research, TripleTen emerged as the clear frontrunner. Here's why:1. Curriculum Tailored for Creative Minds: Forget dry lectures and rote memorization. TripleTen's curriculum is designed to spark curiosity and ignite creativity.2. Mastering the Art of Learning: Let's be honest, traditional learning methods don't always click for everyone. TripleTen understands that, personalized mentorship, and a supportive community that fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing. This blend of structure and flexibility allowed me to learn at my own pace, ask questions without judgment, and truly grasp the material in a way that traditional classroom environments never could.In Conclusion: TripleTen isn't just a bootcamp; it's an experience. It's about finding your voice as a developer, building a network that supports you, and unlocking your potential to create impactful technology. If you're a creative mind seeking a practical path into the tech industry, TripleTen is more than just an option; it's an investment in your future. And trust me, with its tailored curriculum, flexible learning approach, and industry-focused features, you won't regret taking that leap. Read more
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Nicholas Milton
Program: Software Engineering
About 5 months into the curriculum I've started to really get the hang of the development process, and I feel as if though my mindset on this line of work has completely changed. I've been planning a transition into the tech field from a creative one for years, but never pulled the trigger on it unt... il I found TripleTen. The course's structure, and delivery of challenging topics are both fantastic. It constantly feels like I'm really breaking through and learning the most important concepts for a future full stack engineer. I'm getting so excited for my future, and it's all thanks to this program.Thank you to this course for blowing a breath of fresh air my way, and for bringing my dreams for a job in the tech industry even closer to reality. Read more
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Tejpreet Singh
Program: Software Engineering
The TripleTen Software Engineering bootcamp has been refreshing and encouraging. I chose TripleTen because many of the reviews that I read online were positive, even the ones that had some gripes. The pacing of the bootcamp also looked manageable while maintaining a job. The pricing of the bootcamp ... seemed fair as well.  The bootcamp is split into fifteen sprints (think of these as chapters that are capped off with a project). Each sprint introduces a few concepts in the form of written instruction, as well as videos for concepts that can be easily demonstrated visually. After the introduction of concepts, you are usually given tasks to complete, which help you solidify the information with practice. After you have done the sprint's instructional material, you finish it off with a project that incorporates what you have learned that sprint as well as building on past material. These projects usually take a couple of days to complete, but they are challenging. That may sound off-putting, but the bootcamp gives you access to tutors and senior students who you can ask for help through Discord. The tutors also run scheduled office hours that you can attend. There are office hours slots every day, so there is quite a bit of flexibility for when you can do your work and ask questions. Tutors are very helpful. They don't hold your hand through every problem, but they do offer solid advice and direction. I have only regretted attending office hours once, and I've been at least a dozen times so far. After finishing the project, you are usually given a short recap along with some useful resources that you can use to hone your knowledge and skills. I would estimate that the average person spends about twenty to twenty-five hours per week on the bootcamp, and that if you do that with diligence, you can very much get through this bootcamp with no issues. There is even a calendar feature which helps you track your progress and gives you little reminders about where you should be in each sprint. Read more
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Program: Software Engineering
I'm working on the final project for the Tripleten web development boot camp, and I must say it was a transformative experience. From the comprehensive curriculum to the dedicated tutors, this boot camp exceeded my expectations in every way.  One of the standout aspects of this bootcamp was the hand... s-on learning approach where I was actively engaged in coding exercises, projects, and coding competitions. This immersive learning environment not only reinforced theoretical concepts but also equipped me with practical skills that are directly applicable to the industry.  I had the opportunity to collaborate with fellow students, participate in group projects, and network with industry professionals. The course offers learning experience in sprints which is very helpful to become more proficient in delivering projects on time and achieving success in your endeavors. Read more
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Sahara McDonald
Program: Software Engineering
I'm currently a student in the Software Engineering program with TripleTen and my experience has been quite a challenging but exciting one nonetheless. I took an interest in the Software Engineering program because I was ready to explore my potential and put my knowledge to the test.  I've reached a... point in my life where I'm ready to step back into the job market with the skills to assist me in attaining a more promising career that will grant me the opportunity for growth. I browsed over numerous tech boot camps and I happened to come across TripleTen's program through social media ads. TripleTen's remote studying opportunity seemed to be the best option since I would be able to work on my own time. They also ensured that after completion of their career prep, they will help you find a job within 6 months of program completion or you get your money back. The confidence that they have in their program and their students secured my decision to focus on my studies with them. I spend every day studying, at least three hours a day as the program is divided into two-week sprints that are comprised of theories and tasks, completed with a project that puts your newly learned knowledge into practice. So far I've been getting a more sufficient understanding of numerous coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The program provides an exceptional support team with tutors and instructors willing and able to assist in any issues with the program material provided through flexible office hours and a platform to communicate with instructors and other students. It also provides insight into the Software Engineering field such as the soft skills necessary to work with colleagues and clients, tips on portfolio improvement, interview preparation, and overall real-world expectations of the job.  As I progress through the program, the projects and material become more dense and intricate but I also gain more confidence in moving forward. I'm excited to proceed with the program and see it to fruition. Read more
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Isaic Gonzalez
Program: Software Engineering
So I became interested in coding simply for remote work. My current job quite literally eats the days away and I just needed to find something freeing. Coding to me is fascinating and the remote aspect would give the balance life needs. So I began looking into all sorts of schools and boot camps. I ... found that many of them are bunch of nothing. Some say that in 3 months I'll be a pro others tried to prey on my feelings off wanting to leave my job. But when I spoke to rep from TripleTen they were warm and inviting. They let me know that not everyone who registers makes it. They were honest and straight up with me and when I said I wanted to look into other schools they said go ahead, here are some popular ones. I looked at those and more and realized they just weren't offering what TripleTen is offering. They also weren't out of reach in a computer science undergrad curriculum. While not cheap definitely not the priciest. They were, to me, the best deal out there. Now that I'm past the halfway mark of the curriculum I can see I made the right choice. They teach the lastest updates to the codes standards. Everything is presented in a neat and concise matter. There is also a lot of levity in the courses so even when you feel bogged down with schooling it picks you up. The tutors are great. I have a few a favor over others. I'm not sure if that's a me or them thing but I do think some help me more than others. Whatever the case is, no problem is too small for them. They are always willing to help out. As far as job assistance goes, they have lessons and detailed instructions on how to get started. They help you with Glassdoor and LinkedIn. And even on just how to prepare for an interview on the most basic level without making you feel dumb. I didn't cover a lot things in great detail but I wanted to cover the things that I and others were asking when looking into this. Overall, great learning experience. Would recommend. Read more
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Ricardo Vega
Program: Software Engineering
I started learning to code to break out of my boring 9-5. My job didn't foster imagination and it wasn't challenging me. I stumbled upon TripleTen on social media and signed up for their free HTML/CSS trial course. As soon as I finished, I did not hesitate to continue my studies with them. I signed ... up for the software engineering track. The curriculum is detailed and easy to follow. Make no mistake, it does not hold your hand throughout the learning process. It DOES, however, teach you how to find the answer and be self-sufficient. This amazing curriculum, coupled with the incredible support from the tutors, is what makes TripleTen the best option amongst a sea of choices. TripleTen also has a career support section that will prepare you for the job search. Throughout the learning process, you are given information to strengthen your social media presence so that you attract potential employers. One very enjoyable part of the curriculum is that it is structured in sprints, just like a real-world team would operate. This means that the prep work for getting you ready begins the moment you start working on your first project with TripleTen. This doesn't all have to be about coding. TripleTen has many channels where you can connect with other students and talk about anything at all. You can discuss anything from code to your plans for the weekend. There is a sense of community that is lacking from many other platforms. Don't overlook TripleTen; they are THE best option when it comes to learning to code.TripleTen stays current with their course content. They're always updating things to match what's relevant in tech. Whether it's new programming languages, frameworks, or tools, the course will cover it. They make sure you're learning the data that is useful right now so that you can land a job after completing the course. Read more
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