TripleTen Software Engineering Bootcamp Reviews

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Sveta Ko
Program: Software Engineering
I've been dabbling in coding as a hobby for some time, mostly through free or nearly free courses. It was a challenging but enjoyable hobby. After moving to the USA, I decided to take coding seriously. 2023 was a tough year in tech, with thousands of layoffs that scared many. So, I searched for help... , career support, or a money-back job guarantee program to make my transition smoother.After researching and considering various options, I decided on TripleTen. Their demo course, which didn’t require a credit card, was a great no-risk way to start, so I enrolled in August 2023.So far, the journey has been transformative. I've completed 100% of the TripleTen curriculum, tackling projects and overcoming challenges. Now, I'm working on my final project and I hope, soon, I start looking for a job. The program's highlights for me are an in-browser coding platform, unique studying materials, a supportive team, project-based sprints, and invaluable code reviews. Each step has helped me grow and become more open-minded, especially in handling feedback. Also, I have high hopes for their career acceleration program, which I try very soon. This experience has been transformative. For anyone considering a career change, I highly recommend TripleTen. Read more
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Aidan Ward
Program: Software Engineering
I had just graduated college with my Bachelors in Mathematics and been job searching for months. Even though I had a degree under my belt, I was getting rejected from most places due to a lack of experience. I wasn't sure what to do, and that's when I saw an ad for this program on YouTube. To be hon... est, I was very skeptical about the program at first. Now that I'm a month away from graduation, I can't praise the program enough. Unlike college, this program focuses on job preparation, and it provides you the ability to work at your own speed rather than that of a class. I have learned more marketable skills doing this program than I did in all 4 years of college, and at a much faster pace without all-nighters and the stress that comes from the fear of failing a class. This program is accommodating to your schedule and speed, and there are tutors available 24/7. The program also gives you an opportunity to gain work experience, which is possibly the most important thing to have on your resume. The only thing that University has over this program is name recognition -- the program has incredible job preparation, flexibility, teaching quality, timeline, curriculum, tutors, advisors, and internship/externship opportunities. Obviously this program doesn't just hand you a job. It can be hard work at times, but if your goal is to get a job in tech, and you know you have the ability, but have no idea how to get there -- this program is for you. Read more
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Elliott Richard
Program: Software Engineering
I decided to start Triple Ten's software engineering program as I started my senior year for my Bachelors degree. While I felt confident in my schooling I had little to no experience in the field and felt my software skills needed serious polishing if I wanted to change my career trajectory. Triple ... Ten offered not only a well recommended curriculum but also promised the viability of career options at the completion of the program and it seemed like an incredible opportunity. I often spent around 20hrs a week to studying the program but often felt the platform allowed for an incredibly flexible scheduling get around my normal work responsibilities and school work. I was provided projects that reflected real world software engineering work and a team of well informed tutors readily available for any feedback on how to address any issues I was facing. Read more
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Edna Trejo
Program: Software Engineering
I decided to learn software engineering primarily because I wanted to get into project management in the tech world. However, I wanted to be able to learn the job from the inside out. I also wanted to have other options, so I wasn’t stuck in just project management. After doing extensive research I ... stumbled across triple ten or formerly Practicum. It was the best option because it thousands of dollars cheaper and the time it took to accomplish the certificate was half the time or more.  I organize my study every other week depending on what activities I have going on the week of. I work full time but thankfully I do work from home so whenever work is slow I study and work on my software engineering chapters. I typically study 15-20 hours a week. I typically go through the chapters in order but if for some reason what is provided still does not make sense ill do my own research of watch videos. I make sure to take breaks like walk my dog, workout, shower, make coffee, etc because my brain can’t handle working 8 hours and jumping straight into studying. So I will usually study for 2 hours and take a break and study for 2-4 more hours until it’s time to get ready for bed. I do my larger parts of studying on the weekends because I do have more time. Everything about TripleTen has been amazing! The chapters give a short but great explanation on how the coding works and why it wouldn’t work. After every lesson on each chapter, you get to test out what you learned and get hands on experience. I am supper hands on learning, so it works great for me. Obviously since the material was just learned it may be hard to still understand so you still get help through the lessons. The projects are the best way to learn hands on experience. Having tutors available to help through the process is a huge help. Every tutor is always willing to help and they are ALL very knowledgeable. Choosing TripleTen has been the best decision! Read more
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Josue F
Program: Software Engineering
I decided to learn software engineering because I've always found it interesting, and I had been thinking about a career change. With a growing family, I was wanting to make more money. I came across a TripleTen ad that first piqued my interest. As I looked into their website and did more research I... was sold. I loved the way they laid out their program and how confident they were that a graduate with them would be able to land a job afterward.I spoke with an admissions advisor and decided to sign up. There's so much I love about TripleTen, but one of the things I love most is the interactive platform. I love the way information is presented and organized. Everything is organized into what is called "sprints" and then organized into individual sections and lessons. They make it so easy to follow along and focus on what needs to be learned so you can spend more energy on that instead. they also have a calendar on the platform with information that you need to know, such as office hours, due dates, and my favorite, recommended milestones. I absolutely love the recommended milestones feature of their platform. They are milestones such as finishing lessons or theory by a certain date, or starting on a project by a certain date. All of this has helped me stay motivated and organized on my end. I take notes on my iPad and so I just follow along with how it's organized on TripleTen's website, it is SO helpful. I can so easily look back through my notes and find what I'm looking for much faster, or just go back and read through a lesson if I want to go over it one more time. I spend about 10-15 hours a week studying, but it always feels so productive. TripleTen has really helped to maximize my hours of study. I also love how "hands-on" the learning feels. I am a very hands on learner, I learn best when I can practice what I'm learning and TripleTen does a great job of implementing this into their studies. Many of the lessons include a working practice where you're given tasks to complete on the topics that you just learned. They provide help if your getting stuck, but it's so helpful to just be able to immediately practice what your learning, and be able to pinpoint any weak spots that you need to work on. It's a huge help for when you start working on projects. That's another thing I love about TripleTen, each "sprint" ends with a project. Projects are kind of like the homework or final, after each sprint. TripleTen does a great job of walking you through the projects, giving you enough to complete your project, but not too much to where you don't really practice anything you've learned. They still require lots of critical thinking and applying the things you've learned. So it's always challenging in a good way. I always felt well equipped when going into a project and. completion never felt out reach. The projects are done all throughout the learning journey and they're great way to apply your knowledge and gain valuable experience. As you progress through the program, the projects get closer and closer to what it would actually be like working in an actual job. I love that because it really helps to build confidence. TripleTen also provides a great learning community environment. For one, there are success managers to help with the program and any questions you might have about that. There are tutors available that can provide help with projects or learning concepts. I myself have used this several times and it has been so helpful. You can also communicate with other students and get together in cowering sessions or study sessions. You can also always post, on the specific sprint your working on, any problems you might be encountering, and people will help you out, whether tutors or students who have encountered a similar problem and know the solution. There is definitely no shortage of help, or community, if you ever need it. They make it so easy. Another amazing feature TripleTen offers is career prep. It's one thing to learn the tools needed for the job but it's another to acquire the tools in order to land the job. This is part of what goes in to the confidence they have in their students finding a job after the program. They provide help with pretty much every step of the journey, from networking to interviewing and much more. Even after you've completed the program, the career help continues, to ensure you have everything you need to land a job in tech. In every step of the journey, TripleTen is there to help. They equip you and build the confidence you need to go out and start your journey in tech even if you have no prior knowledge or experience. If you're just starting your journey in coding, I would say use the office hours. even if it's just to clarify concepts or observe others. Also use the calendar and recommended milestones. They are so helpful in keeping you ahead! Read more
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Cristofer Ledesma
Program: Software Engineering
I wanted to join the tech world because I was always interested in technology and how cool it is. I also wanted a better life for myself where I can support my family as well. I found this school through just Youtube add or searching on google. I was hesitant at first but I had a lot of people help ... me through the process and it was a great way to get into the tech world and get started. The people and the community were all so great and helpful. The community managers really did care about me completing the work and understand whether I needed a break or not. They helped me out soo much I would say with out them I would have already quit. I really like the community office hours, those were so helpful and you get to have tutors to help you and explain to you how to do something. It was such a big help and i loved it every time. That is a big plus that helped me get through this. The projects were also a big help. They provided a way to feel like working on a real life project, which helps out with the feeling of doing something that will give you experience. TripleTen helped me with understanding how the tech world works and how can I succeed in it. Provided so much good information and experiences from other people that works on the tech world. Such great insight, it gave me the motivation to keep going and not to give up. It was a challenging program to go through it. I know it was going to be challenging but this was really hard to complete and especially as you go half way in. But it was all worth it, it gave me all the knowledge I need to get the experience for a job at this market. I would say one complaint I have is that the program does not feel like it prepares you for the difficulty that comes with learning all this stuff. There are times where I would be stuck for so long and sometimes need extensions to complete the work and understand it. But again that's where the tutors helped out so much. They provided a lot of support and I was able to get through it. To end this review, one advice I would say is to prepare your self with a routine to complete this and be consistent. I promise after you graduate form the program, you will feel ecstatic about your progress and achievement. You will not regret choosing TripleTen! Read more
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Trang Truong
Program: Software Engineering
I chose TripleTen's Software Engineer (SE) bootcamp wanting for a career changing and hoping to be able to work remote one day. I was drawn to TripleTen for its original sprint structure every three weeks, hoping the deadlines would push me to work harder but is also flexible on when or how many hou... rs a day I can choose to code. The recent shift to unlimited extensions was a welcome change, it provided me more flexibility for unexpected life changes. Managing study time with an inconsistent schedule was challenging, but I started to break down sprint chapters into three-week segments. I love the community provides on Discord, where I can connect with senior students and tutors for guidance and forming a supportive learning environment. TripleTen's emphasis on interactive learning enhanced both hard and soft skills. The dynamic curriculum encouraged active participation, contributing to a well-rounded skill set. Some tips for the upcoming new students I can share would be to try preparing for fast-paced learning, staying consistent, and dedicating at least 30 minutes to an hour daily for coding. In conclusion, TripleTen's SE bootcamp has played a pivotal role in my career transition. The combination of flexibility, community engagement, and interactive learning has not only equipped me with technical skills but also instilled resilience for the journey ahead. Read more
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Ellery Hammond
Program: Software Engineering
For a few years I toyed with the idea of switching careers, with a dream of breaking into tech, but I let those imposter syndrome thoughts tell me that “it’s too hard, you can’t do it!”. I put my dream off for a while because I didn’t feel competent or confident to make the change. And then I found ... TripleTen. I had been considering another program but TripleTen’s full-stack just didn’t match up for the price tag. I also liked how the program was structured using Sprints. I can struggle to self-start and keep an independent pace, so the structure of Sprints holds me accountable to the deadline while preparing me for a real-life SWE job role. You are able to take breaks in the program as needed (they are even encouraged!). This was important to me because I work full-time and travel frequently. Once I had decided that TripleTen was the program that I wanted to move forward with I spoke with an advisor who further helped me to “hush” those thoughts telling me that I couldn’t do it – and I went for it! I am so happy that I did. The journey has been challenging but seeing your code come together is SO rewarding. The theory can be overwhelming at first. However, it is divided into text, visuals, videos, links to outside resources, and the interactive coding platform so it is easy to stay engaged. The platform is also visually appealing and easy to navigate. I highly recommend giving yourself enough time to complete the theory especially if you do not have any coding experience. And take notes! Keep a calendar and take breaks, you can do it! The best part of the program is the Discord server where you can interact with the Tutors, Success Managers, and other students. The Tutors do a great job of giving hints and explanations using videos, visuals, and detailed written feedback to guide you towards the solution rather than telling you the answer outright. They help you to critically think and encourage you to do your own research because that is going to help you be successful in the workforce. I have never had to wait more than two hours for a tutor to answer a question. There are also multiple office hours most days of the week, so there are frequent opportunities for support outside of Discord. If additional support is needed, you can ask for a 1:1 tutoring session. Senior students are also available to support you and will often chime in with feedback if you ask a question. The Success Managers check-in with you frequently, encourage you when warranted, and help you keep on pace. The whole community is really supportive and friendly. I haven’t fully immersed myself in the career prep coursework but the resources are abundant! If you are considering TripleTen as your coding bootcamp, I am here to tell you that the program is a 10/10 DO recommend! Read more
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Owen Michael Patterson
Program: Software Engineering
The reason I first started to look for a bootcamp was I wanted something REAL, like experience, that could tie my college degree together, since I only have an associates. TripleTen was a great addition to my educational journey. There were three things that I really wanted when it came to a bootcam... p: needed to work with my schedule (I work 40+ hours a week and school), has REAL work experience and could help me secure a job afterwards. TripleTen offers all of this. They are a part time option which was not too demanding, and when I did need time off I was able to request it. This made it super easy to balance life, work, school and the bootcamp. Their externship program is legit, allowing their students to get ACTUAL real life experience. Along with their course material, which felt like I was actually learning something that would help me, it is pretty easy to score a programming position with them. They also offer, at least I think they still do, 100% money back guarantee, which has never been claimed by a student! Overall, I really enjoyed my time with TripleTen. I learned so much more about software engineering, which honestly is a huge passion of mine. I was even able to get a position with Hurley Medical Center as an Application Analyst! I would not say TripleTen was 100% the reason I was able to get this position, my college experience and experience at other positions at Hurley definitely helped, but I would 100% say that I do not regret taking the course. The knowledge and experienced I gained from it was amazing. Read more
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Saumya Nayak
Program: Software Engineering
I choose Triple Ten because it is giving 10 month duration to complete course work which is needed for me as am new in tech world. Plus there is lot of help/guidance from the tutors if we stuck in between projects or have any doubts we can reach them at any time on the platform, then career support ... is great benefit to land a desired job. Triple Ten gave me knowledge of Technologies which were new for me and confidence to kickstart my career in tech industry. So if you are passionate about technologies and interested in putting efforts then this would be a good fit for you. Read more
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