TripleTen Software Engineering Bootcamp Reviews

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Marin Umegane
Program: Software Engineering
Transitioning careers without connections or knowledge, seeking remote opportunities due to commuting constraints, led me to TripleTen (formerly Practicum)—an ideal fit. Despite the name change adjustment, its structure and flexibility outweighed initial confusion.The split between self-paced learni... ng and deadlines allowed flexible acceleration. Breaks between sprints and personal time eased the workload. I devoted 5-6 hours on weekdays and 2-3 on weekends, tailoring study to sprint demands and occasionally diving into extra research.Surprisingly, I didn't use office hours, preferring Discord for prompt queries. This nurtured self-research and honed question formulation—a boon for independent learners.TripleTen suits diverse learning styles, especially those inclined toward independent learning but needing occasional clarifications.While consulting professionals is invaluable, TripleTen empowers self-driven learners, navigating learning at their pace without hesitation.Novices in coding: Embrace self-learning with TripleTen's Discord support, flexible schedule, and project-oriented curriculum. Don't shy away from guidance—formulating questions is a learning curve.In conclusion, TripleTen's adaptable framework empowers self-directed learners, fostering a supportive community and practical skill development on their coding journey. Read more
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Marin Umegane
Program: Software Engineering
I wanted to switch careers but didn't have many connections or a way to travel to a college. That's when I found TripleTen (formerly Practicum). The name change confused me a bit, but what mattered was its flexible way of teaching. They let me learn at my own pace and also gave me deadlines. This he... lped me manage my time. I studied 5-6 hours on weekdays and 2-3 hours on weekends. If I needed more understanding, I'd spend extra time researching. Instead of attending scheduled sessions, I used Discord to ask questions. This way, I could learn on my own and only ask for help when needed. TripleTen is good for people like me who prefer learning independently but sometimes need a little extra explanation. Even though learning from professionals is helpful, TripleTen gave me the freedom to learn on my own without feeling embarrassed to ask for help. For beginners in coding: Use TripleTen's support on Discord, make your own schedule, and focus on projects. Don't hesitate to ask questions—learning to ask is part of the process. In short, TripleTen's way of teaching suits those who like to direct their own learning. It creates a helpful community and helps you build real coding skills. Read more
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Dominic Martinez
Program: Software Engineering
My name is Dominic, I am in the Software Engineering course of TripleTen. The course is amazing and has taught me so much, I have never been tech savvy and TripleTen made it easy for me to learn so much about coding. The chapters and informative and user friendly. Some days it can seem overwhelming ... but there is a great community of tutors and community managers that are supportive and help with anything you are having an issue with. I will say if there is anything that will help you get what you need to get done for the course that you don't have i highly suggest investing in yourself and getting what you need. For myself I've invested in a good mouse, a good set of headphones, and a lot of energy drinks. Also look into getting a good chair and if you can multiple screens I cannot stress enough that the more screen space you have the smoother time you will have. The most important investment is yourself, and TripleTen can help you succeed and have a career that you have always dreamed of, and if Software Engineering isnt for you they have so many other programs to choose from that will fit your style more, and with a strong community to help success is waiting for you. Read more
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Luz Lara
Program: Software Engineering
During the pandemic I started my self-taught journey to become a Web developer, I often found myself lacking consistency and asking myself what should I learn next? As you already probably know there’s a never-ending learning journey ahead and as a self-taught learner back then I often felt discoura... ged. I reached the conclusion that I would benefit from a structured program. I am currently a Triple Ten student and I will break down why I chose Triple ten and what day to day looks like for me. Why Triple Ten?  I am the only provider in my family and in order for me to be able to commit to a boot camp I needed to be able to keep my full-time job. But I did not want to sacrifice quality. For example, I wanted self -paced but I also wanted deadlines, timely feedback and a community. And that’s exactly what I found with Triple ten. As someone who was also on this website no long ago looking for an answer I would suggest to create a list of things you look for in a boot camp what are things that are negotiable. Write questions you have for the bootcamp. Schedule a call with the recruiters, and do a process of elimination of which program works best for you and your situation. If you need flexibility because you work fulltime , or you a stay at home parent and always have a hectic schedule I believe my review will be the most helpful as this is my current situation.  Interactive platform- This is where you work on your theory (lessons) and after each theory which mainly consist on reading and examining coding examples. Then you work on the task where you immediately have to put in practice what you learned. On this platform you also have a calendar which shows you the schedule for the office hours for your current sprint. My favorite feature is the deadline recommendations. It lets you know where you have to be in order to accomplish the deadlines. An example of this would be: Finish your theory in 8 days. It helps me plan my week without feeling overwhelmed just make tiny goals that at the end will allow me to complete my sprint within my deadline. It also has a Skillset section where you can keep track of the skill sets that you gain as you pass the sprints. Also, a search bar to search through the sprints. The platform is really straightforward and easy to use.  Feedback- This one was a big one on my list because as I was on my self-learning journey I often asked myself I know the code is working but am I doing it the right way? And it frustrated me because I would go to websites like Stack Overflow and everyone had a different way of successfully solving the same problem. I know that this won’t change of course but I am learning the best practices and why is the best practices. Once you are done with the theory plus tasks of your sprint you will work on your project. You will receive documentation on the requirements and a Figma link to the project. After you submit your project a Software engineer will go over your work and point out what you did correctly, what can be improved and what has to be corrected. This feedback has helped me grow tremendously.  Community- All the interaction with the community is through Discord. This is the main method of communication. Everyone is assigned a Success manager who is your go to person for extension deadlines questions about the program or if you need to schedule a one on one with the tutors. The times I have missed a deadline my success manager has always been understanding and always show encouragement for me to keep going. My family don’t understand how difficult to grasp the concepts are and is nice to know I have a go to person that completely understands where I am in my journey.  Tutors: If you are stuck during Theory part of the sprint or your project you post the questions on discord channel and tutor guide you. Also, each sprint they assign seniors or graduates as well to help tutors with assisting with questions when they(tutors) are offline. They also have co working sessions which I have not been able to participate due to my hectic schedule. They conduct Code jams I haven’t been able to participate but making it a goal to do so.     Career support- I am currently on sprint 8 therefore I can’t speak much on Job hunting as I am not there yet. What I can say is once you are on Sprint 4-5 you start getting lessons on job hunting, how to have an online presence, what recruiters look for. Before those sprints you also get lessons on the soft skills that are important and employers look for. One of the lessons I have enjoyed the most is the when they illustrate the day to day responsibilities of web developers as it gave me a clear idea and I was able to dig deep and really ask myself if this is what I want to do. I am also glad that they introduce git and GitHub really early into the program. You are added to the career discord channel and you are able to schedule one on ones with the career team. I haven’t done so because my main focus is learning and building right now. Putting into practice the lessons on the career portion of the program but with my main focus right now is to create a strong foundation.  With my review I truly hope you are able to get a clear picture on how this program works. Like previously stated I am currently on Sprint 8 there’s a total of 16 sprints. I have had personal challenges along this journey but I have truly felt I have a community behind me and no matter what IT GETS DONE. I truly hope this review was helpful to you reading it I wish you all the best in your journey! Read more
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Christion Beddoes
Program: Software Engineering
I started my TripleTen journey last year after medical events made me incapable of physical work. I took the medical leave as an opportunity to start working towards a new goal. My experience at TripleTen has been fantastic, the layout of the course is easy to comprehend and I feel that I learn some... thing useful with each and every lesson. The lessons are very informative without feeling too overbearing, everything I have learned seems to fit into the reality of software engineering. There is a good balance between theoretical and practical knowledge. However, in my opinion the best part of the TripleTen are the people there to support you. There are tutors anyone can reach out to, a reviewer for each time you submit a project, and a success manager to help with anything else you may have questions about. TripleTen has built an incredible team of people who feel like they genuinely want to see each student succeed. I did some research about which program I wanted to go with regarding my software engineering career,  and I can honestly say that I believe I made the right choice. Read more
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Honey Fly
Program: Software Engineering
In my life, the moment came when I decided to connect my life with the IT sphere. For a couple of months, I thoroughly studied different directions and tried to determine the specialty that would interest me. I tried myself in design, studying the basics, and wrote code in Java Rush, but I still did... n't come to any specific decision. However, circumstances led me to my friend, who shared his news and said he enrolled in a QA engineer course from TripleTen. It was nice to know someone personally who decided to try himself in IT, and this became a starting point for me in making a rather difficult decision in my life - to purchase the Frontend Developer course from TripleTen. I had no programming background at all. The training program is very well-structured.I try to dedicate 4 hours a day to studying, the main thing is to take breaks on time and not to burn out. TripleTen has a very convenient platform for completing practical assignments and theoretical materials. All the mentors are very responsive and kind. I have already completed half of the program and still remain with a positive impression and i am ready to continue learning to become the best developer I can be. Read more
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Fred Lai
Program: Software Engineering
I did a lot of research into bootcamps before deciding on TripleTen (formerly Practicum). Some of the bootcamps I've researched include FlatIron, Thinkful, Springboard, App academy, CodeSmith, etc. After being in the TripleTen bootcamp for several months now, I have to say that I'm very happy with m... y choice. I’ll list below some of the key things and features that I like about the program. In no particular order: 1) TripleTen has built-in breaks and extensions for students. During the 1st month or so of the program, a huge crisis came up, that had me sidelined for around a month and a half where I was unable to work on the program. In, I think all of the other bootcamps mentioned above, I would have been kicked out from their program. And they would have kept at least part of my money. Most bootcamps have a policy where if you fall behind (for any reason, even if it’s an emergency), they remove you from the program. TripleTen, on the other hand, has breaks and extensions built into their program that you can take when you need. Even if you didn’t have an emergency situation, I think it’s also totally unreasonable for most of these bootcamps to expect a student to really learn and grasp so much material in such a short amount of time. So I think breaks and extensions are incredibly helpful in that regard.  2) The people at TripleTen are fantastic! The staff here (from the tutors to the community managers) is very friendly, helpful and knowledgeable . Definitely one of the highlights of the program. 3) TripleTen has periodic projects throughout the course. The program is divided up into what are called Sprints. Each sprint goes through lessons, and teaches you some material. And then at the end of each sprint you are given a project to complete. The projects are by far the most fun part of the course work, in my opinion. You get to implement what you learn, and the brief instructions are usually quite specific with what they want you to do. But there’s also room for creativity and adding your own features as well, if that’s something that you’re interested in doing (as I was). After you submit a project, it gets reviewed, where a reviewer will suggest corrections and improvements. 4) TripleTen has extra activities. The program has optional side activities that you can participate in such as code jams and externships. In a code jam, you are placed in a team with other students, and you have a project to complete. You compete against other teams. In an externship, you work with other students and a lead developer to actually design and/or implement some kind of project or feature for a real world company. Externships, in particular, are an amazing feature to have in a bootcamp, because it’s real world experience that you can put on your resume.  5) TripleTen has a money back guarantee. Before you believe any camps money back guarantee, I suggest you read the fine details in their policy section. For instance, Thinkful has a money-back guarantee. But if you actually look into the fine details, their conditions for actually being eligible to claim the money back are incredibly strict. Some of the conditions are so extreme that it seems almost impossible to claim the money back. I won't go into the details here, but I suggest you look up the policy and decide for yourself. TripleTen on the other hand, has much much less stringent conditions for claiming the money back, which tells me that this bootcamp is confident in being able to land you a job after graduation. 6) TripleTen has Senior Students. Senior students are a group of students who have been accepted by TripleTen to officially help/tutor other students. You don't necessarily have to be far into the program to become a senior student. You just have to know what you're doing (for the most part) and be willing to help others. I list this as a feature here, because it's actually become one of my favorite parts of the program. This may just be me, but I really enjoy working with other students to help fix their code. Not only that, but it gives you a ton of experience, looking at other people's code and trying to find and fix the issues. I do recommend it. Of course, becoming a senior student is totally optional. 7) TripleTen has a career program. A significant portion of the program is geared towards landing a job. I haven't completed the program, so I haven't fully dived into the career part yet. But as I approach the end, it's looking like their career program is extensive, which definitely gives me that extra layer of assurance that I’ll be able to land a job after graduation. I guess, overall, I would say that I highly recommend TripleTen, and that I’m very pleased with my decision to choose them for my bootcamp. Read more
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Luke Smeenge
Program: Software Engineering
They really care about their students success! Javascript, Python, and API's are all very tricky, but they are invested in seeing you succeed and land a role in the Tech world. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to break into the tech industry!
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Chandlar Lanier
Program: Software Engineering
I’m currently enrolled in TripleTen’s software engineering program. I started in May 2023 and am set to graduate in just a few weeks (early February 2024). I had some experience working with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS before beginning the program which have helped. However, if you’re considering the ... program and don’t have much background knowledge, the curriculum is so comprehensive, I don’t think it’s totally necessary. I researched a number of bootcamps before starting this one, but TripleTen stood out to me for several reasons. For starters, the externship opportunities that TripleTen offers were something I had never seen with any other program. I also really appreciate the flexibility the program offers. For me, no two weeks look the same, but I average 15-20 hours per week on coursework. They also offer a certain number of extensions if you need extra time to finish a project. I’m a senior student, so I tutor other students as well. It’s given me a chance to meet other learners and practice communicating technical concepts. I also meet with a group of students on Zoom each week to discuss what we’re learning, networking tips, and also just to hang out. Outside of that, I’ve also participated in a Code Jam where I had the opportunity to work on a team of two other students and compete against some of our peers in building and presenting a real project. The code review process that happens at the end of each sprint is really helpful as well. The code reviewers give tips for industry best practices, which have made me so much more confident in my skill level. Overall, I’ve had a really great experience with this program. The community managers and tutors are all really encouraging. With it being a remote program, I was worried I might feel isolated or helpless if I got stuck, but the tutors hold office hours every day and have always been able to help out. I’ve been more than happy with the program, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to switch into a career in tech. Read more
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Sterling Brayboy
Program: Software Engineering
Software engineering is fascinating because it gives you the power to understand the same code that built the apps, websites, and artificial technologies that we use every day. I want to build interactive apps and websites for Vision OS and other Metaverse platforms in the future, so I chose the Sof... tware Engineering program, and I couldn't imagine learning how to code with anyone other than TripleTen. TripleTen was recommended to me by a friend and has been a very rewarding experience. TripleTen's attractive UI/UX makes learning stimulating. I study about 3 hours a day, giving me ample time to digest new material and experiment. When motivation is low, TripleTen offers around-the-clock tutors AND senior students who can assist me with my questions and issues that I may come across with my code. Without such a supportive community, achieving the Front-End skills that I have now would be much more challenging. TripleTen has provided me with professional insight regarding my future career as an engineer - what employers look for, how to prepare for an interview (including technical interviews), as well as becoming a 'networking ninja'. TripleTen offers free 'externships' that give you the experience that employers look for - allowing you to collaborate with real companies - putting you in a real-life scenario as an engineer, as well as making you more competitive in the job market.TripleTen is a 10/10 experience! Read more
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