TripleTen Software Engineering Bootcamp Reviews

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Rustom Dela Cruz
Program: Software Engineering
My journey with Triple Ten has definitely challenged me to achieve personal goals. The courses definitely start off easy as you go through the first few sprints. Where I was able to attain and utilize what I’ve learned in order to continue onto the next sprint. I am currently halfway through the cur... riculum where it does get challenging in some areas as I try to attain all the information on separate areas of coding and utilize each new piece of code into my projects. Triple Ten provides a ton of help needed to continue on if you’re in a bind on your projects. The tutors, grad students or even students currently in the program provide useful information and help which definitely relives stress from my shoulders. Overall I would definitely recommend Triple Ten if you’re looking to get into software engineering. The courses are great so far , the challenges, information, and communication for help is over the top. Read more
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Aidar Shaidullin
Program: Software Engineering
I started my journey in December 2022. The decision to delve into software engineering was motivated by a desire for a career that offered intellectual challenges, continuous learning opportunities, and the chance to contribute to innovative solutions. I sought a field where creativity meets problem... -solving, and software engineering appeared to be the perfect fit.TripleTen stood out among the coding platforms for its holistic approach to learning. The platform provides a seamless blend of theory, extensive examples, and hands-on practice. Having no prior coding knowledge, I appreciated the structured curriculum and the ability to progress at my own pace. I organize my studying by dedicating a set number of hours each day, ensuring a balance between theory, practical exercises, and project work. The flexible nature of TripleTen's courses allows me to adapt my learning schedule to my needs.The interactive platform offers a dynamic learning experience, with a diverse range of projects that enhance practical skills. The learning team and community support foster collaboration and knowledge sharing. Regular workshops provide valuable insights and keep me updated on industry trends. The supportive environment created by community managers adds a personal touch to the learning journey.TripleTen has played a pivotal role in my coding journey, offering not just knowledge but also a supportive community that understands the challenges of transitioning careers. The tutors at TripleTen are exceptional – patient, knowledgeable, and always ready to assist. The practical aspect of the curriculum has enabled me to create several websites, adding tangible projects to my portfolio. The community managers go above and beyond, creating a sense of belonging and ensuring a positive learning experience.For those embarking on their coding journey, I recommend embracing a proactive approach. Don't shy away from seeking help when needed, whether from tutors or online resources. Consistency is key; allocate dedicated time daily to learning and practice. Engage with the community, participate in workshops, and leverage the interactive platform to its fullest. Remember, the journey might get challenging, but perseverance and a supportive learning environment like TripleTen can make all the difference.In conclusion, TripleTen has not only equipped me with the necessary skills to pursue a career in software engineering but has also provided a nurturing environment that fosters growth and confidence. I wholeheartedly recommend TripleTen to anyone aspiring to become a software engineer – it's not just a learning platform; it's a transformative experience. Read more
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George Aktines
Program: Software Engineering
I started out at  zero when it came to computer programming knowledge. And when I took the practice course it was fun. So I was excited to get accepted to the course here at TripleTen. At first it was easy. I was learning HTML and CSS and I was just coming to me and I was thinking this was going to ... be the easiest 9 month course. Boy was I wrong. Lol. JavaScript hit me like a brick wall. And that’s when the real studying started. It was tough but I had the help of tutors and community managers to keep me going. They were there every step of the way to insure my success. I have since learned so much more. I am now halfway through the final project working with a study buddy. Something that wasn’t available when I first started but is another great resource here at TripleTen that got added along the way. It’s great. While working through lessons, and projects you can bounce your thoughts off of each other. And if y’all can not figure it out together you just lost a message for the tutors. Everyone at TripleTen is always so helpful and committed to your success. I would recommend the software engineer course to anyone looking to learn something knew or advance your career.  And I almost forgot the career acceleration program. They help you find a job your your money back!  What better guarantee?  You learn a knew trade that makes you more valuable in the job market and if they can not find you a job you get your money back as well. It’d a win win. Read more
Dillon Arnold
Program: Software Engineering
My time at TripleTen was quite amazing, Im still a current student but only have 1 more sprint until completing the course. I started my coding journey in June of 2023 with no experience at all. Today, I am confidently building very intuitive, efficient, appealing and scalable full stack websites us... ing React.js and Node.js for a backend. Having so much in depth learning of the theory as well as hands on coding have provided me skills I will carry with me forever. Heres a list of the pros and cons, as well as some advice! Pros: - The course offers help at anytime you need it. The barrier between students and tutors is non-existent. Its super easy to get help and there isn't any time frames besides obvious hours no one works! There are also office hours (And alot of them) in which allows you to actually speak with a tutor to get more in depth help if preferred. - The material is an amazing balance between theory, and coding. The knowledge the curriculum provides regarding theory makes it so much easier to pick up other tech stacks outside of what the bootcamp teaches. For example, I have given myself quite a bit of exposure to Java and Python and getting a grasp on these stacks has been much easier than it would be without experience and understanding of general theory and syntax. - The projects you create are very fun and appealing! Cons - The learning curve is quite large for one with no experience and the content can be alot to take in. With that, some advice I would give people wanting to partake in TripleTens bootcamp and have a structure and be ready for nonstop learning! If you are wanting to break into tech, I would highly recommend TripleTen! Amazing bootcamp, and amazing people. Read more
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Kolter Metz
Program: Software Engineering
This course is it! Rewarding, Challenging, Flexible, Affordable, & Thorough. After years of wanting to break into the field of computer software, & months of research TripleTen checked all my needed requirements. I needed an affordable option that prepared me for a future career as a Software Engine... er & open the doors into the industry. Between juggling work & family needs time is valuable, the course allows you to work around & with these schedules. I dedicate at the minimum of 15 hours a week, & usually try for 20 - 25 hours to complete the theory & projects. The course is very thorough, I am almost half way through as I write this & HTML, CSS, JavaScript & many other development tools are taught & used with even more as I will progress. There is a community of students, alumni, tutors, & career coaches that work together, encourage, & support students with the course & for future success. The tutors are extremely versed with the course & provide the needed education beyond what the theory already covers & have been available as I have needed at different times through out the day & night. This program comes with career support assistance & begins quite early on in the course preparing you for interviews & networking to add to the knowledge you receive for the job you will actually want. This is a challenging course that helps actually learn & not just provide the answers. After completing each project the knowledge gained is rewarding knowing how far you are from the beginning. I would advise anyone thinking about joining or a similar career path to do it, & use everything the course & community offers, I am glad I did. Read more
Sheena Irvin
Program: Software Engineering
When I made the decision to do a career change, I compared about 10 different bootcamps based on factors such as: duration, guarantees, pricing, reviews, resources available like tutors, and the curriculum. TripleTen (back then practicum) had high scores on all these, so went with them. They’ve been... really structured, engaged, supportive, and amazing so far. I have a full time job so it was important that the program allows self pace, and so far it’s been great. I study after work Mon-Fri, and 8 hrs on a sat or sun. My favorite features of the program: interactive tasks for theory practice with feedback, real practice on assigned projects, career acceleration program/guarantee, and the availability of tutoring sessions (I’m able to hop on at nights AND on weekends!). Read more
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Sveta Ko
Program: Software Engineering
I’ve been trying to learn coding for some time, mostly on my own. I explored various ‘Intro to IT’ marathons and a ton of free online courses. I learned here and there, on and off, over the course of 2 years. By 2023, I started thinking about trying a bootcamp, especially after hearing numerous succ... ess stories from friends and YouTubers. There are tons of bootcamps, so picking one wasn't easy. I wanted one with good job support, real project work, and a decent price. That led me to Triple Ten. They had a deal with Women Who Code, so I got half off. So far, I'm halfway through the program. I like that they use unique studying materials and the whole process is divided into sprints, so it feels like a real job in IT. They've got this system that checks our code automatically; however, the human touch isn't lost – real people also check every line of code. At first, getting feedback was hard, but now it's cool, and I'm looking forward to every review. I can definitely tell my skills are growing, as well as my self-confidence. Moreover, the community is incredibly supportive. Tutors, coaches, and other students are ready to help in the Discord chat. I also like the coding sessions and office hours where we can talk about our projects and get help with coding problems. I especially like opportunities to collaborate with other students. In December 2023, we had Code Jam, where we worked with students from other programs. I'm sure that my GitHub and LinkedIn will be full of cool projects that I will show to my future employer Read more
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Marlon Nunez
Program: Software Engineering
Transitioning to a career in Software Engineering is a significant challenge, and TripleTen recognizes the difficulties inherent in such a move. They provide crucial support to initiate your journey, offering resources such as tutors, study buddy programs, and regular check-ins from a community mana... ger. My experience as a Project Manager, working closely with engineers and product managers, deepened my interest in the field. This led me to join the program with the aspiration of becoming an engineer, a decision I regret not making earlier in my career.Completing the 10-month bootcamp in early November stands out as the best decision I've made, solidifying my commitment to and passion for Software Engineering. While TripleTen is highly supportive of career transitions, there are essential considerations before committing: Time Commitment: Despite being advertised as a part-time bootcamp, TripleTen requires a commitment of 20-30 hours per week. I undertook the program while working full-time, which proved to be a significant challenge. Although manageable, it demands substantial commitment and perseverance, involving 2-3 hours every night after work and 10-15 hours on weekends. Learning Style: TripleTen's self-paced structure allows flexibility, with two weeks allocated for each sprint. While this format suited my situation, considering your learning style is crucial. Unlike other bootcamps with scheduled classes, TripleTen's approach may require additional self-directed learning and independent research. Additional insights: Tutors are accessible via Discord, even outside office hours. Content is self-paced, with a two-week timeline for each sprint. Opportunities for code jams and externships are available, but participation in externships may be unclear and wait-listed. Office hours may be crowded, with limited time for individual questions, but some tutors go beyond scheduled hours to help. Externship participation may be challenging to secure, and the process is not entirely transparent, potentially based on a wait-list system. Read more
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Dominick Harper
Program: Software Engineering
About a year ago I decided to look into skills I could learn at home, while being able to maintain my current job and lifestyle. I've always been interested in technology and the 'magic' behind the screen and when I came across TripleTen it was a Godsend. I had previously received certificates in A+... and other hardware courses, but I had never dreamed I would be able to be a part of software without getting a college degree (and the student loans that follow).I chose TripleTen Software bootcamp mainly because of two important reasons, the first being an up-to-date curriculum and technologies that are top of the industry standards. Other bootcamps I've looked into teach the frontend, or use VUE instead of React, etc, but I wanted to be the most useful in my industry with a unique set of skills that have been proven to be versatile. The second reason I committed to TripleTen over others was the amazing support and career acceleration program that *guarantees a student will find a job in the given industry within 6 month. It's designed to teach you the best skills for oral and written interviews, resume building, networking, etc. Things you didn't know you didn't know until you are taught. The acceleration program aims to give students the very best possibility in their chosen career to gain the necessary hard and soft skills required to thrive in this industry.I would suggest utilizing the community to its fullest and relying on success managers and tutors for help. They are extremely professional and engaging in the community and are dedicated to helping resolve any issue you experience during the program. Find a good study rhythm that works with your daily schedule and plan studies accordingly. Then stick with it. TripleTen's curriculum is designed to accommodate for any situations you may have in life, giving you the ability to study and learn during hours your most comfortable with. No matter the way you choose to study through your program, I have found a student should be willing to dedicate at least 20-25 hours per week to successfully gain the skills needed to pass each sprint. This is perfect for me and my family as I can still work a full-time job while maintaining my educational studies. No matter how you choose to schedule your studies, I would definitely recommend scheduling at least 2 days a week to dedicate solely to TripleTen in order to really comprehend the material. I have found that I really begin to understand the process after a few uninterrupted hours of struggling with a bug or having to refactor a piece of code. I hate to sound cliché, but you truly do begin to understand and become more confident in your code with each failure corrected. I have learned incalculably more by making mistakes in my code than I have by reading theory. So don't be afraid to mess up and WILL teach you in this industry! I'm telling you, this program is designed to help you through it and on past graduation. As much as you put in you WILL get out. If you dedicate a set amount of time each week to study, use the community to its fullest, reach out to tutors for support, ask questions in Discord, and seek advice, you WILL complete the program and change your career path. One of the best parts about the bootcamp is building a solid portfolio to showcase to future employers. Through the course of the program you will participate in at least 4-5 real-work projects that utilize what you previously learned in the sprint. By the time you complete the program you will have a landing page, a front-end project, a fullstack application, and a Final project or an externship to participate in. These are industry standard projects that showcase the highest level of coding to give the student a solid collection of projects they can keep forever.Like most of you, I wanted a change of career and a feasible way to do it. I have a family of 5, a full-time job, and little to no background experience in engineering, but with the help of TripleTen and their support system I found a place I was able to set aside a few hours in the evenings to better my future. Thats all it takes. If you have a lot on your plate and you think you wont have the ability to participate to the fullest in the program then I would urge you to reconsider the opportunity laid out before you. As little as three to four hours a day (consistently) will be enough time to learn the information and put it into practice. This program is perfect for people in similiar situations as I, and is the smartest investment you can make for your future.I wont lie to you or try to sugar coat it; this will be one of the toughest and mentally challenging things you will ever do, but its worth it. If your able to accept failure as a learning experience and not give up even when you don't fully believe in yourself, then you will succeed. Read more
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Program: Software Engineering
I never thought I would be in a software engineering bootcamp but I am so glad I made that decision. As a preschool teacher, I wanted to learn more skills that might land me a higher-paying job. I came across TripleTen because my husband was in their Data Science bootcamp. He was telling me all abou... t it and I just had to give it a try! The main selling point was their 100% money back guarantee if you don't get a job in that field within 6 months of graduating. I also had a 30% off coupon that helped tremendously when it came to funding! I have had the best time learning the ins and outs of software engineering. I've had the most supportive team on Discord to connect with when I had any questions, joined office hours for more help, and a community manager that genuinely cared for me! I could not recommend TripleTen enough! I'm so excited to get started on my full-stack software engineer journey in the tech world! Read more
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