TripleTen Software Engineering Bootcamp Reviews

Program: Software Engineering
TLDR: Great bootcamp with great instructors who understand their craft very well and are patient. Along with if you're struggling to find one that works for you due to your current job and scheduling or just want to slowly transition into the tech industry, and love all things tech. Long Honest revi... ew: Tripleten formerly known as (Practicum). Is one of the most important parts of my life to date, without them I don't even know if I would've made the switch into the tech industry. Before TripleTen I was still studying film and working on other projects related to film like music videos, commercial shoots etc. But over the course of my time during studying film and all the other projects, I had a little crisis in my life wondering or not if film was the right thing for me and if it was something I really wanted to do. Some time passed and I was browsing on youtube when suddenly an AD for Tripleten (Practicum) popped up and it caught my attention (link to the ad if you would like to watch it: Long story short it spoke about a guy named William who went through some of the same difficulties I was going through during that time and decided he was going to join TripleTen because he wasn't happy with where he was at in his life and wanted something better. I proceeded to watch the ad in its entirety and was sold from that moment on. And I decided from there on out to give it a shot and if writing lines of code wasn't for me then it wasn't for me. So, I applied to TripleTen a couple of weeks later and did their first sample project and it felt right. Writing those lines of code and seeing my very first webpage talking about me and who I am load up in front of my very eyes was just astonishing and from there on I pursued it. Fast forward a couple months later to now and I'm a couple weeks out from graduating from their bootcamp. And I have to say it has been quite the experience from learning from my mistakes, to seeing my code work when I run the program, and just learning something new every day. When it comes to the instructors, they're very nice and will help you with every single problem you have when it comes to coding like understanding a new concept, how to break things down and what kind of thought process you should have as your coding and not to mention they're also very kind, understanding, and patient. That alone is hard to find in a lot of places since the material you're studying and working with is sort of difficult if you don't put the work in. Shifting topics to my community manager, they are a big help and nothing but supportive over the course of my time studying at TripleTen. And has been very patient with me when it came to giving me breaks, after learning a new programming language so I can come back to myself after studying a difficult lesson, also the extensions they gave me so I can dive even deeper into the theory and learning process to fully comprehend all the lines of code I wrote to understand how all of it works line by line. Jumping on to another topic, I haven't had a chance yet to do the career support as I've decided to just study everything and then apply later, but I've heard of other peers getting jobs within a couple months after they graduate. And that they'll still be there helping you find a job even after you graduate from their program months down the line if you want to find a new company to work with. The bottom-line is, if you really want to try and join the tech industry or just want to switch out of your current career path in the pursuit of self-improvement or whatever that may be for you. And you are willing to go through the difficulties of learning new programming languages. And or as well as stepping out of your comfort zone a little bit. In addition to learning a new skill while still being able to live your life and also don't mind taking some time out of your day to do so. Then TripleTen might be the place for you!! Read more
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Kai Krensler
Program: Software Engineering
So far my TripleTen experience has been great! I am taking the Full stack software developer course and I have learned ALOT (coming from a place of no coding experience whatsoever). I decided to start learning Software Engineering because I wanted to change careers out of the hospitality industry. I... chose TripleTen because it had the best reviews out all the other bootcamps I researched and studying with them has been fairly straightforward for me. I try to get in about 20-25 hours a week of studying which I think is necessary to succeed. There are also a multitude of office hours with tutors that are very helpful.I have been working my way through the program slowly and discovering new and amazing things that I didn't know I could do. Currently I am learning about OOP and solidifying my knowledge of Javascript. It hasn't been easy for me to master these things but with TripleTens lessons in theory and the subsequent hands on practice make learning the harder things much easier.The learning process is easy to follow and projects are broken into sprints that are satisfying to finish and then move on to the next one. I am also looking forward to taking advantage of the career prep program which I have dipped my toe in a bit but I want to solidify the material more before I begin. I only hear good things about it from my other course mates though!I am still working my way through the course but hope to finish before my estimated finish date so that I can start utilizing my skills in a new career. If you are starting out in this field know that it can be challenging to start but if you have the right teachers and a drive to work hard and focus you can accomplish this with ease.Thank you TripleTen! Read more
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Ahmed Awad
Program: Software Engineering
11 months ago I decided to get back to tech industry. I started the searching process and it was a little overwhelming specially that it was hard to put your hand on someone you can ask about what was included on any of the programs I found online. Some programs even take days to respond to your ema... il. I was watching youtube video and all of a sudden I get an add about platform called "Practicum" (now Tripleten) And I got curoius specially with career program they mentioned which was my biggest selling point. I got into the website and started looking through, everything was clear, the content, graduates stories, externships and mainly after graduation support also data shows their result which again, this was my main goal while searching for a bootcamp, I wanted a program that can support me till I find a job into tech. I started applying and got amazed of how fast the response. Next day had a zoom meeting with someone descriping to me the process, 3 weeks later I'm enrolled in "Practicum"(Tripleten now) Software Engineering Program. Since then I even fell in love with this bootcamp more and more. Anytime your asking for help many people are willing to help you, tutors, senior students Community mangers even fellow students, they somehow manged to create a safe and encouriging environment for everyone. I worked in tech 3 years ago, I can easily say tripleten wasn't only a great refresher for me it also added a ton of new knowledge. Right now I have a whole new resume, filled with amazing project built using the hottest and most demanded technologies in the industry right now. Not just this, I had the opportunity to be a senior student which also a great experience in it-self since I get the chance to meet new people and sometimes help fellow student as I get helped. Do you remember the extership part I mentioned earlier ? I just Started my externship 3 weeks ago. This is the first time to get hands-on a real world project after going throught tripleten, and to me this a great chance to get before graduation. This is the real game now and I believe externship will be a great way to experience how the real-job will be. And as everything tripleten do, it's so organized and so resourceful. Read more
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Alex Tribbey
Program: Software Engineering
Over the past year since I graduated college in May, I have had a bit of turmoil determining what I was going to do for a job. I originally was going to end up pursuing some sort of trade, but that ended up not being feasible so after months of looking around, I accidentally stumbled upon TripleTen ... (at that time Practicum) by way of a youtube ad. At this point in my ideas of careers to go into, tech didn't occur to me as I assumed I would need a degree to get into it, so it was out of the question in my mind, despite my interest in the field that I have had since I was a child. That however is not actually the case as I quickly learned when looking into TripleTen. After deliberating and considering some other similar boot camps for some time then, I decided to go with TripleTen, and I started their software engineering program in mid-June this year. Of the choices that I had, I have been thoroughly impressed and glad I decided to go with TripleTen. Every lesson, whether it be concerning CSS, HTML, Javascript, or a variety of other topics is very illuminating and helps a lot with the learning process. Each lesson (or sprint as it is called to mimic the field) contains a number of chapters, and each chapter contains within it a set of theory sections, as well as practice sections to accompany said theory sections. These lessons are very well designed, insofar as they avoid too much information while still being comprehensive. More often than not, these theory-practice pairs of lessons allow you to immediately put into use the things just learned, which I have found to be extremely helpful when it comes to the actual retention of the topics at hand. Each sprint (two weeks at least), at least in my case, takes anywhere from 40-60 hours to complete, depending upon how quickly you grasp the material and are able to put it to use. At the end of each sprint is contained a project which is a culmination of all of the learning you have learned up to that point. At the beginning of this program, the projects are largely guided, as it would be quite difficult to write a website knowing nothing. That being said though, as you learn quickly, the program begins to expect more of you offering less guidance as time goes on. That is not to say you are thrown into the deep end alone, as I will explain in greater detail the process of speaking with tutors momentarily.I think the thing which I like the most about the program so far is definitely the online platform I use to do the work that is required of me. It is exceptionally polished, and since I have joined the program in June, numerous different UI improvements have been made, as well as nice usage of AI when it comes to hints for each lessons work, which though a WIP which has its kinks, is largely an awesome addition. Second to the platform would be the extremely well organized discord and the very consistent and helpful staff that is part of it. Tutors are always ready to help, whether it be by forum posts, or by office hours. These tutors are always willing to assist with whatever problem you might have. I would get annoyed with myself and hesitate to ask what I would consider questions too easy to be worth asking, yet every time, the tutors who I would interact with always helped me to find answers, and were never impatient despite the times it has taken me more than I’d like to admit to solve problems even with their help. Additionally, there are events going on for career-prep, as well as other topics in the area of software-engineering. All-in-all, it makes for a very lively and helpful community. Thirdly and finally, the staff (success managers, guidance counselors, etc.) are all super helpful and kind people. At least once a sprint, my success manager has been reaching out to me individually to see how I am doing, what I may need help with, and whether I may be needing more time for a given project or not. I’ve been thoroughly impressed with the TripleTen team.Starting with literally no knowledge at all, even just over the past five months, I have gone from being incapable of writing the most basic of things in HTML to now being capable of writing my own web app, which as I speak I am working on in a different window. I feel very well prepared so far in the program, and though I have certainly had my share of difficulties and frustrations (looking at you JavaScript), and I still have yet to reach the end of the program, as I am only about halfway through, the TripleTen team has given me confidence that I actually can learn and become proficient in these things as time goes on, and eventually be able to work in this field for a career.I couldn't recommend the program enough to anyone interested in the field. Easy 5 star rating from me. Read more
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Samuel Luo
Program: Software Engineering
Hi, my friends! How are you doing? One of our tutors likes to greet students in this way before his tutor hours on Discord.      Recently, some people around me asked me about how is my boot camp study so far. Actually, I was trying to give a specific talk about my journey, but I always stuck by the... heavy and complicated projects on my hands. However, I am a person who likes to share good and positive things with people so that I want to tell my story here with you people.        It's time to give a review for TripleTen now. Truly, it’s definitely worths to choose for the people who want to start a career in the tech field today. Frankly, I think it's way better than my journey of CS in UTD.       It's been 7 months of studying at this bootcamp for its SE(software engineering) program, and I want to tell some real points that I have experienced from my Journey in Tripleten. First of all, we have a globe tutor team, which they could be in Russia, Germany, the U.S., or other countries while tutoring you. Because of this, you will be able to know different people and cultures behind them. Second, it has a very mature community system in Discord, there, students are divided by their study pace. For instance, I am currently studying on Sprint 8, so that I can only have access from the very beginning Demo project to Sprint 8. if you want to access the higher level Sprint, then you need to finish your current project successfully first, which means your project must be 100% qualified and then will be able to get approved by the reviewer team. Speaking of our reviewer team, I really want to send a big heart to them in person, because the strict process of review they had given me for each project shaped me to be a pro of SE gradually. Especially, the red comments and green comments guide me to realize my errors and how to improve my codes in a better way. In my impression, I still remember one of my projects which relates to the Responsive page of web development, the review stage took me 13 times to get approved at the end. 13 times, isn't it crazy? In the first 5 times, I was a little bit upset with the picky reviewers, but after reading on each of the comments they left below the errors, I started to sigh out in front of the computer, I definitely need these comments in my project, it helps me to identify that why my code is wrong and how I can improve it. Over time, I can see a big improvement in my code work, and it brings more confidence into my mind as well.  Third, it's the on-demand questions answered in Discord. Once you post your question in the corresponding channel, you will get an answer from one tutor or two tutors quickly. and this amazing part always makes me feel like we are in a real tutor room of a college where it has a bunch of tutors sitting there and eyes searching those confused students. Additionally, we also have a bunch of pretty and passionate female community managers who always plan some amazing events in the virtual community. like the co-work session time, it gathers those boring and lonely souls together from the end of the internet and hangs out in the virtual world where the study vibe is so joyful and contagious. Fourth, the professional lecture we are using covers the full-stack knowledge and tasks throughout Project 1 to the last Project 16. In the lecture, you will see the author explains those boring and cold knowledge points in a lighthearted and humorous way. And it also has lots of amazing illustrations within each of the chapters. Fifth, the career channel that in Discord is the place to teach those ongoing students and graduates how to work on their resumes and interviews, and make sure they are get ready to be hired after graduating. Finally, except above 5 points, I personally want to thank our community manager Olya, who always pays attention to each small step I have achieved. Toast me when I get approved of the project, and encourage me when I doubt myself on coding. Truly, she is so responsible and sweet in my heart.                  Lastly,  I want to tell you that I once an interior designer for over 10 years in the design field. After studying abroad in the U.S., I started to have a strong mind which told me to be an IT worker for the rest of my life here. Fortunately, I love everything about Coding and have so much passion for it every day. Indeed, not everyone likes to work with a computer every day.  Meanwhile, you may have some different voices around you to tell you that coding is too hard and boring, plus, it will be easily replaced by the AI and Chatgpt shortly. Actually, these are the same things I had worried about before. However, I still think the tech field will have a high demand in the future since everything in our surrounding are fully high-tech, which requires tech people more than any era in the past. By the way, there is a dram I want to share with you. It happened two months before I settled down with Tripleten. Back then, I chose a three -months boot camp, which was named Great Learning. The reason I chose it is because it has a partnership with UT at Austin, and also the program is cloud computing. However, the sense of experience is bad and makes me really upset with it. Finally, I quit the boot camp after the first month of study. The reason I quit has three fatal reasons. First, it’s an Indian-based boot camp, so that it has to take Zoom meetings in the morning every day to balance the time zone between U.S. and Indian; Second, the students and teachers have a heavy accent in which is extremely hard to understand completely. As we know the program itself is hard enough, and now their accent makes it harder than ever; Third,  the communication platform is WhatsApp, which is much unprofessional when compared to the Discord. Fourth, it lecture was full of pre-filmed videos, and it was hard to make me understand its concept as a complete beginner. Typically, it’s a self-taught lecture like others, all you can see from all of the videos is one Indian professor who works in UT at Austin McComb school as the lecture said. Overall, it’s really not for me. Based on my two times of boot camp experiences above, it should be a good reference to let people who are currently struggling with transitioning careers and choosing bootcamp.      In conclusion, if you want to make a good income, and remote work at home, without age anxiety, and socialize issues, then the tech field might be a good decision to make. All in all, the threshold of the Tech field is quite higher than other fields, and you need to keep learning new things in this field later on. Based on all of these above, if you are ready, then take action to do it. If you are interested in #Tripleten after reading over my sharing, pls feel free to ask me for a referral code, which will help you save a lot of money from the tuition. Read more
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Program: Software Engineering
After deciding to make a career switch, I began doing due diligence on multiple trade programs. After researching and narrowing down some options, I decided TripleTen was the best for me. While some programs were strict schedules, TripleTen's program was designed to be self-paced.The course itself i... s structured very well. They begin by teaching the fundamentals of Software Engineering to more advanced languages and practices through guided lessons, small exercises, and projects after each lesson.In addition to the lessons, they provide access to a Discord group that contains designated sub-groups for each lesson so that students can receive guidance on their tasks without getting lost in the larger group.The tutors, senior students, and community managers are all responsive to the questions asked and provide fantastic, in-depth responses. Between all the students, they really take the time to create an environment where individuals feel like they are receiving one-on-one attention.After reaching a certain point, career guidance becomes necessary. TripleTen provides access to phenomenal career guidance that offers tips and tricks to build the necessary tools to be a competitive job candidate.In addition to the many features listed, they also set up opportunities to participate in externships to gain experience in real world work settings.With TripleTen course, I can confidently say that I've gained the skills to turn my ideas into reality. Read more
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Jerry Jackson
Program: Software Engineering
I was a self-taught software developer for over two decades. Over the years many languages and frameworks came into being but if they weren't useful at my current job I didn't bother learning them.During the pandemic, I was job searching when I saw a TripleTen ad for an online boot camp. Although I ... was skeptical, I realized I lacked some critical skills, specifically JavaScript and its frameworks. While I could edit JavaScript, I couldn't write original code due to my poor understanding. However, I didn't yet think TripleTen was the answer.Weeks later I once again came across TripleTen and this time I delved quite a bit deeper into the program. After talking to one of the career counselors I studied what other students who had gone through the program had to say about their time here. One by one my misgivings were satisfied by what I learned. Finally, I took out a loan and started the Full-Stack Software Engineer boot camp. I was still very skeptical, but promised myself to keep at it.Initially, I found the course easy, but struggled when we started the JavaScript lessons. My prior experience with other languages was, in fact, a hindrance and I found myself confused and frustrated. My Success & Community Manager and tutors were incredibly supportive and patient, which helped me to eventually grasp the basics. Now, we have moved on to APIs and frameworks, and while there are still challenging concepts, the course is much easier than before.The interactive platform is pleasant for learning the theory behind each Sprint. It's easy to refer back to lessons and the visual cues for deadlines are helpful. The team adds new features to help students retain knowledge. The lessons start with the basics and build in stages. Sprint project submissions are reviewed by an engineer who points out errors and ways to improve. Getting a project accepted is a source of pride and reflects the real-world environment.The Discord community where we pose questions to our tutors and get help when we need it builds useful communication skills with a team that will be priceless to both the student and the company that hires them. This also allows other students to help with questions or issues; sometimes even before a tutor can answer. The camaraderie this builds makes for better developers in my view.Attending this boot camp while being unemployed, I can dedicate 25-30 hours every week to go through the material and the projects that follow each Sprint. This level of scheduling flexibility is very helpful for me to manage my time and plan my day. The tutors are available almost round the clock, and regular office hours are scheduled throughout the day and night. At the beginning of each Sprint's code project, I like to spend the first few hours mapping out tasks using the Pomodoro technique. This helps me to have a rough idea of the remaining work and which tasks have dependencies upon others. I have realized that proper time management is crucial for becoming a better programmer, and the Pomodoro technique has been very useful in enhancing my time management skills.Having career support as a feature of the boot camp is one of my favorite things about TripleTen. Writing resumes, cover letters, and doing interviews aren't as fun as coding, so those were always secondary in my mind. Having the help to make my skill set shine through to employers is a pretty awesome feeling for me. Networking is important in our field, but the introvert in a lot of us makes this one of the least desirable things on an individual level. TripleTen helped me ease past this and this alone will improve my odds of gainful employment doing something I love doing; I owe them my thanks for that.The Software Engineer program at TripleTen helped me become a much better Engineer than I was before my time here. I no longer dread many of the things I had incorrectly deemed unimportant or less than desirable. I'm still not a people person, but I am improving those skills and the mindset I need to continue my journey as an Engineer and prosper. Read more
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Amira Laila Hadla Chomiak
Program: Software Engineering
I'm original a video editor and I had zero knowledge with programming at all. I decided to start a new career and found about Tripleten. I liked it because they offer a variety of programs that you can choose from, all online without any limitations. They provide a lot of theory so you can apply it ... in different projects, and you literally start from zero, which is great If you have no experience in this area. I feel that Tripleten Software engineer program has a very extensive learning path and it's easy to follow with the help of online tutors using discord (an online platform) to get in touch with everybody right when you need it. They have different groups where you can find out about the project you're working on, other people like you asking for help or giving help to others, interactive programs where you can participate, the career group, among other interesting things. The tutors are amazing, each one of them, the community managers are great (Thank you Olya), and also I should mention the online classmates are also very helpful. You can get in touch with tutors online besides discord, in zoom with live sessions where they help each of the students that join the live. It doesn't matter what project you're working on, they will help you find out how to solve the problem. Tripleten offers a career program that helps you build a first start for you to define what you want to do at the end of the program. If you're thinking about studying at Tripleten, I highly recommend doing the test where you can find out what program will fit best for you and just do it. Be organized, proactive and ask for help every time you need it. I hope to finish my program soon, I'm very excited and looking forward to it :) Read more
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Anthony Ranieri
Program: Software Engineering
Hi, my name is Anthony Ranieri and I am on the final project of Triple Ten's software engineering boot camp and I can't begin to tell you how amazing this program truly is. I fell in love with programming my senior year of high school and knew that this was the route to take. I was told about this b... oot camp from my cousin and he, unfortunately, wasn't able to take the program but heard great things about it and he passed it along to me. So, long story short I did some research and booked a meeting with one of Triple Ten's managers. I took the demo course and from the demo course alone I learned more in that week than I have before. They structure the lessons and projects so well. One of my favorite things about the course, in the learning aspect, was that it was not just material and words on a screen but after every lesson you got to do hands-on practicing making sure you understand it and are confident with it. But no worries if you are not because they have the best tutors in the world there if you are needed. Every tutor there helped me out tremendously when I needed it and they were happy to help and always understanding. One thing I can say is that they all have so much patience because I know there were times, especially looking back now, where I bet they wanted to say to me... "How do you not get it" or "I just told you this". On top of all of this... the community managers are there if you need anything and they check in on you to make sure you are good or if you need anything at all. I can't rave enough about how amazing everyone is and how awesome the boot camp is itself. They have career coaches to help you land a job and help with interviews and get you ready for the next step. Almost being done with this boot camp I can tell you that I feel very confident in what I can do when it comes to programming. The amount of learning and knowledge I have retained from this boot camp is incredible and joining it was one of the best decisions of my life. I could go on forever about how awesome this boot camp is and how amazing all the tutors, managers and coaches are but you will never truly realize how awesome it is unless you take the course yourself. I completely encourage you too... they won't let you down!! Read more
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Joshua Duncan
Program: Software Engineering
At the age of 32, as a lifelong tech nerd with an affinity for efficiency and creating systems, I decided that it was time to look into a possible career change into software engineering. After doing a ton of research I landed on TripleTen bootcamp. Now at the end of it, I can honestly say that it's... an extremely comprehensive program, and I do feel like I'm 100% ready to jump into the job market after finishing it. In addition to the extremely affordable price, one of the other best things about this program is its flexibility. This bootcamp is a part-time bootcamp and the community managers are very understanding that many of the students have full time jobs, or at least full-time lives outside of this program. They were extremely understanding during difficult points in my year, and consistently allowed me extra time to study and understand the material before moving on. Additionally, I thoroughly enjoyed the interactive platform and integrated IDE on their website. I also think the projects are well designed and extremely useful for practicing the learned skills.That said, I wouldn't recommend it for the feint of heart. One of the best and worst things about the program is that there isn't a lot of hand holding. As I mentioned - TripleTen is one of the most affordable bootcamps out there right now, but what it lacks in comparison with the more expensive programs is live lectures and 1:1 learning with the tutors. That said, the material is thorough and this program teaches you to be resourceful which, if you can hack it will make you much better at problem solving in the real world.I did find sections of the chapters confusing at times, but they ask for review at the end of each sprint and seemingly are constantly working to improve the program for future students. This also encouraged me to be resourceful and find clarification when needed. While not ideal, I do think the program is improving and my experience will make me better in the long run.I would highly recommend that people starting out in software engineering dabble in some free classes before committing to a full bootcamp. The Harvard CS50 course is a great place to start, and can give you some insight into whether or not this is a career path you might enjoy. My success strategy for this course included saving all the links provided in the sprints, lots of note taking, use of AI as a tutor and for checking my work, and making sure that I fully understood the material before moving forward.I also like that they have a career support program. I haven't gotten there yet (I still have to finish my final project) but they guarantee a job within 6 months of finishing the course or your money back! Read more
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