TripleTen Software Engineering Bootcamp Reviews

Program: Software Engineering
I realized after working for a few years in well-paying, but rather plain teaching job, that I needed the challenge and pace that only a career in tech could give me, so I looked into Development. The program was very self paced with constant new information that forced you to keep up and work hard.... I choose Triple Ten because it is giving enough long duration to complete course work which is needed for me as am new in tech world. Plus there is lot of support and guidance from the tutors if we stuck in between projects or have any doubts we can reach them at any time on the platform Discord. The instructors are very knowledgeable and very helpful.For me, the most challenging part was adapting some of the unique libraries and technologies that were presented throughout the course. The core concept is there, but this was the first “bump” I came across. An example here would be various JavaScript libraries; you have a fundamental understanding of JavaScript, but understanding/adapting a unique JS library while initially only abstracting parts of it is something that takes time. The important lesson I learned here is that this is a common challenge for even seasoned developers, as the industry is variable and constantly changing with new/different/better ways to do things, so it’s important to be cognizant of the fact that it may take you time to learn something. It reinforced my opinion that you are never too old to learn something new! It was pretty amazing going from not knowing how to code to building a real working project. Then there is career support which is great benefit and our ultimate goal to land a desired job. This program gave me knowledge of Technologies which were new for me and confidence to kickstart my career in tech industry. So if you are passionate about technologies and interested in putting efforts then this would be a good fit for you. Read more
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Anthony Ranieri
Program: Software Engineering
I fell in love with software engineering during my senior year of high school. I heard about Triple Ten from my cousin and next thing I knew I did some research on it, set up a meeting, and was starting the demo project. I knew right away from that demo course that this boot camp was perfect for me ... and was going to the best learning source for me... and that it was! Throughout the entire course I had the help of amazing and patient tutors and wonderful managers. I learned more than I could image throughout the course and it was the perfect way of learning... read through the material chunks at a time and then a hands-on material way of learning. No worries if it does not make total sense right away because the tutors are always there wanting to help you. They don't just give you the answer; they teach you in a way to help you understand it the best you can! I have nothing to say but great and amazing things to say about Triple Ten and I tell you to join because you will love it!!! Read more
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Brittney Alfieri
Program: Software Engineering
Overall I think I had a great experience through TripleTen. As someone who came from a project coordinator background I had no previous experience with coding. Their program is beginner friendly and I think that is because of the system they have set in place. Through your experience at Tripleten yo... u go through sprints which are about two weeks. The platform goes through written lessons as well as an area to practice your code. Towards the end of that sprint is a project where you can really test out what you learned through your lessons and practice code. Your projects are then reviewed by software engineers who do line by line analysis. This really helped me get a glimpse of how they think and also best practices when coding. One of the reasons why I decided on TripleTen is because they were the only ones who seemed to have a solid support system for you as you go through the program. They do that by providing tutors, those tutors often do group sessions or even 1 on 1 to make sure you properly understand the content. It really helped elevate my understanding of coding and having the confidence to learn and perform. The best part about doing the projects is you are building your portfolio. So by the time that you end your experience with TripleTen you have something to show for employers. They also have an awesome experience where you can do an externship at the program. That gives you real work experience to put on resume. It's done in a group of multiple students and you work on a project for a company. Since graduating, I have begun working on smaller projects for myself. It's awesome to be able to create a project form start to finish and know you did that! Read more
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Dallin Sly
Program: Software Engineering
I chose Triple Ten for several compelling reasons, each of which played a pivotal role in shaping my decision-making process. At the forefront was the confidence instilled by their money-back guarantee—a testament to their commitment to delivering tangible results. Witnessing Triple Ten backing thei... r promises with such assurance made it almost instinctive for me to opt for their program. Additionally, the impressive statistics surrounding employment rates and graduation outcomes further solidified my choice. Having spent the past five years as a commercial truck driver, I intimately understand the toll such a career can take on personal and familial life. The scarcity of leisure time in this profession underscored the importance of selecting a program that not only catered to beginners but also paved a promising career trajectory. With this in mind, Triple Ten emerged as the ideal candidate, offering a curriculum that balanced accessibility with professional relevance. My journey with Triple Ten has been nothing short of transformative. As a novice in the realm of technology, I entered the program with trepidation, unsure of my aptitude for coding. However, the unwavering support and guidance provided by the tutors and success managers quickly assuaged my concerns. Their patience and expertise not only facilitated my comprehension but also nurtured a newfound sense of confidence in my abilities. What truly surprised me during my tenure at Triple Ten was the extent of my own competence. As I approached my final project, apprehension loomed large, fearing I lacked the proficiency to execute it independently. Yet, to my amazement, I not only met the project's requirements but also demonstrated an aptitude for grasping new concepts on the fly. This adaptability, fostered by Triple Ten's emphasis on self-directed learning, proved to be a defining lesson—one that transcends coding. In other words, Triple Ten turned me into a competent learner on top of all the hard skills that I gained during the 20 hours or so hours I spent a week on the platform. Beyond equipping me with technical prowess, Triple Ten imparted invaluable skills essential for professional success. The program's steadfast focus on employability ensured that every lesson and assignment honed skills directly applicable to the industry. As I peruse job listings on leading platforms like Indeed, LinkedIn, and ZipRecruiter, I am struck by the multitude of positions for which I am now eminently qualified. In fact, many postings align perfectly with the skills and proficiencies I've acquired, underscoring the program's efficacy in preparing graduates for real-world opportunities. In essence, Triple Ten didn't just teach me how to code—it empowered me to become a proficient developer poised for success in a competitive landscape. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and self-reliance, they've not only equipped me with technical acumen but also instilled the confidence to tackle any challenge that comes my way. My experience with Triple Ten has been nothing short of transformative, setting the stage for a fulfilling and rewarding career in the tech industry. Read more
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Elliott Richard
Program: Software Engineering
I had originally got into the program because of how accessible it was and what they had promised through their tuition and the grantee it would help me find a career. However I found the program to be incredibly insightful not only to standard practices but how close to industry standards they were... . I have never felt more confifdent in my programing skills in my life as it has been something I've frequently struggled with in college. Read more
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Francis Flanagan
Program: Software Engineering
TripleTen is a flexible, supportive, and worthwhile online bootcamp for those who want to learn how to code well. TT has a well structured curriculum that is (mostly) self-paced and takes you from the bare basics of HTML and CSS all the way through JavaScript, React, Express, and MongoDB. The progra... m's vast network of community managers, success managers, and tutors ensure that you will be supported at every step. This was an overall positive experience for me. When I needed some help on a tricky problem or I needed a break because of illness, someone was there to quickly help me out. Finally, TripleTen is quite worth the cost. Looking at some other top rated bootcamps, I really cannot believe the price. For the amount of time, support, and the curriculum you get, the price is reasonable. Read more
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Franco Turco
Program: Software Engineering
its been a couple weeks and already developed so many skills on coding, that I thought I already knew from self taught studying from Youtube and several free webpages. Really worth it!!, thank you so much triple Ten group !!
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Joshua Gonzalez
Program: Software Engineering
If you are looking to switch careers and specifically into the tech realm then TripleTen is the perfect bootcamp. It is scary to enter a field that one has no knowledge about but TripleTen is well aware of that which is what makes the course amazing. I entered the software engineering program with n... o prior experience of coding and their curriculum taught me everything I know today. It was nice to find a program that still had structure but at the same time gave me the freedom to do it at my own pace. There are deadlines but it didn't feel super strict since they give you plenty of time to complete the lesson and the project at your own pace. All lessons and projects were based on real world problems so its nice that they give you insight on how it will be once you venture out into the real work force. If you don't mind a program that is mainly self taught but with structure then I highly recommend TripleTen to make a break through into the tech world. Read more
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Kheireddine Allal
Program: Software Engineering
When I joined this course, I wanted to learn new skills but I did not suspected that it would be so challenging. Eventually, I've indeed leanred new skills and by facing this challenge, learned about myself as well. None of this would have never occured without the team that provided me assistance e... very time I needed it. Read more
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Marlon Nunez
Program: Software Engineering
Venturing into a career transition toward Software Engineering can be a daunting endeavor, and TripleTen comprehends the inherent challenges. They provide invaluable support to initiate your journey, offering resources such as tutors, study buddy programs, and regular check-ins from a community mana... ger. As a former neuroscience major during my college years, I empathize with the intimidation that the STEM field can instill in those unaccustomed to it. Surprisingly, it took me six years post-college to seriously consider software engineering. In my current capacity as a Project Manager, close collaboration with engineers and product managers heightened my interest in the field. I decided to join the program as I wanted to become an engineer, not just work alongside them. For me, it was a decision I wish I had made earlier in my career. Completing the 10-month bootcamp in early November stands out as the best decision I've made, solidifying my commitment to and passion for Software Engineering. Even though, TripleTen is very supportive of career transitioners, there are some things you should consider, and think about before you make this commitment. 1) Time commitment: Even thought TripleTen is advertised as a part-time bootcamp, you need to make sure you can commit 20-30 hours per week on the work. I did this bootcamp while working a full time job, which was super challenging. If I can do it then anyone can do, but please understand it will take alot of commitment and perseverance. I essentially, needed to commit like 2-3 hours after work every night for 10 months, and about 10-15 total hours on weekends. 2) Determine your learning style: For me, TripleTen made alot of sense as I was able to engage in the course work without quitting my full-time job. Most bootcamps have designed learning times, where you actually need to attend class. TripleTen does not do this, you have essentially 2 weeks for every sprint. The sprint is composed of some content, theory, and exercises and a project to put the skills you learned to practice. Please note that even though you are not in designed classes, you still have the opportunity to attend office hours (to get help on the project or ask questions about theory). For me, this is an okay learning style, but I could have definitely benefited from bootcamps that had designed classes. Please consider your learning style. This bootcamp will require you to spend alot of time learning things and googling things on the side. Read more
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