TripleTen Software Engineering Bootcamp Reviews

Program: Software Engineering
My name is Andres, originally from Venezuela and I joined triple ten looking for a transition in my life, I've dedicated my life to working in the construction field, grateful and proud of my job but I wanted to pursue my real passion, so I joined tripleten software engineering program with no exper... ience programming at all, starting from the scratch to become a full stack engineer has been enormous growth in everything, from knowledge to personal. with flexible ways to complete the program even for the busiest person, and flexible funding plans as well. They have an excellent pedagogical team willing to help every day of the week, extracurricular activities to perfect your skills as you learn, and even, not least, quality preparation for your future job. highly recommend Tripleten i hope you have the chance to become a professional with them, They will commit to helping you become a quality professional in any of the fields they offer, with their huge community of students and tutors. Read more
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Natalia Semenova
Program: Software Engineering
Hello! I was attracted to software development because of its creative and problem solving aspects, as well as the opportunity to work remotely and people in this profession are in great demand on the labor market with good salaries. I spent several weeks researching bootcamps that teach Software En... gineering and most of them require basic knowledge. I didn't have any. Ultimately, I found Triple Ten Software Engineering bootcamp where no experience or knowledge in Software Engineering was required. Moreover, I was given the opportunity to complete the first sprint for free, so that I could understand whether I would like it or not. This is the only bootcamp with its own interactive platform, which allows me to study at anytime convenient for me. Usually, I spend about 25-30 hours a week studying. All educational information is presented very clearly and accessible. Gives you the opportunity to practice and solve interesting tasks while studying. At the end of each sprint we complete interesting projects. It is very exciting. During the learning process, tutors help us, answer questions quickly and clearly, and give recommendations in the chat at any time of the day. I’m glad that students has an opportunity to call a tutor 1:1 and ask questions. I would like toexpress my gratitude to my Success Manager Daria for her help in organizational matters and support throughout my studies. Triple Ten provides career services such as resume reviews, interview preparation, and networking opportunities to help students secure job opportunities after completing the program. High recommend this Software Engineering  bootcamp! Read more
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Tracy Chen
Program: Software Engineering
As someone who has explored various open coursewares and innovative e-learning platforms, TripleTen stands out as the most supportive learning experience I've encountered. The secret sauce lies in TripleTen's robust network of friendly community managers, tutors, code reviewers, career coaches, and ... peers. Whenever I have a question or need clarification, someone from the community is always quick to offers assistance. In addition to correcting my mistakes, the code reviewers provide valuable tips to enhance the performance of my projects whenever the opportunity arises. Office Hours, are also a fantastic way to learn how to debug with tutors in real time. Speaking to a professional has definitely inspired me to think more programmatically. I feel like I'm learning at every step, and each interaction guides me toward becoming a better software engineer. I cannot recommend TripleTen enough! Read more
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Justin DelaFlor
Program: Software Engineering
Wanted to get into tech/software-engineering and jumped into the bootcamp. I am in sprint 10 out of 15. This course is very organized with the way they teach and way they set up assignments and projects. The discord allows you to connect and ask for help from a multitude of tutors who are all friend... ly and welcoming to ask any questions. They are patient and go beyond their way to help. So far the experience has been great. I will say that this bootcamp is good if you're really self-driven and self-taught type of person. Especially if you're working a full 9-5 alongside this program. I find days exhausting and tiring so you really have to commit to wanting to dive into this space. I recommend spending more hours outside of what is expected to fully feel satisfied and excel from my experience. Overall, I have been loving this experience and excited to learn more as i finish up. I encounter this program through finding their ads on youtube and after enough time I looked into and say that it seemed enticing. Feedback has been good at all spectrums of the program. Read more
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H. Ross Walker
Program: Software Engineering
Hi Everyone!I have had a good experience and enjoyed coding these projects. The curriculum is challenging and I have learned a lot. I am currently a 2/3rds or the way through and am pushing for the finish line.It could be great if they ironed out a couple of kinks. I've come across a couple of issue... s with project requirements changing without updates, and having to implement code in the project that I didn't learn in the brief that made it frustrating and cause extra hours to code the project.I really enjoy coding and I'm happy that this platform exists so I can develop my skills as a Software Engineer. Thank you for all the hard work it took to make this course and please continue to improve for future students. Read more
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Krystle Ta
Program: Software Engineering
After graduating from University, I spent 9 years as a Web Developer then went on a hiatus and became a stay at home mum. I am now looking to return to the tech workforce so I started looking for online bootcamps to boost my confidence, refresh my skills, learn something new and motivate me to get b... ack into it! TripleTen was the perfect fit. The highlights of the Software Engineering course that attracted me the most are the following:It is fully remote and self-pacedI was able to allow my studies to work around my hectic schedule. I also have three young boys and I co-own a restaurant therefore I am always very busy! I still chose to commit to completing this course because I am very motivated to continue my career in tech. With all the lessons online I can study from anywhere and at any time. This was very ideal for me and convenient.Course contentMost of my previous experience was back-end development. What also attracted me to TripleTen's course was the course content and the fact they cover full-stack technologies. Their offerings provide a great foundation for pursuing both front and back end roles.Career advice and assistanceOne of the highlights of TripleTen's offerings is providing career support and assistance. Throughout the topics I am learning, TripleTen provides career advice, offers one on one consultations with career advisors and assistance with preparing for job searches when you are ready to put yourself out there and land a job in tech!Amazing community and supportWhat is truly comforting is the amount of support you get from tutors, senior students, fellow students, success managers and career advisors. If you are stuck on a lesson or project there are a lot of resources that will help out. Success managers check in on you and make sure you are feeling well and are on track.Student participation and externshipsThere are also opportunities to participate in further activities such as Code Jams and further along in the course you have an opportunity to complete an externship with companies they have partnered with, which will further prepare you for entering the tech workforce.Those are some of the highlights for me, since I began the course four months ago I am much more confident and motivated to get back into tech! Read more
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Samuel Belmonte
Program: Software Engineering
I'm currently enrolled in TripleTen's software engineering bootcamp and I have no complaints.  So, to start from the beginning I decided to start learning Software Engineering for a few reasons.  I originally graduated from SUNY Oneonta which is a New York State University and got my bachelors in Bu... siness Administration.  After graduating with this degree I started looking for jobs.  I applied on LinkedIn, on company websites, and reached out to friends but in the end after months and months of searching I got no replies to jobs I wanted.  The only jobs that would answer me were door to door sales jobs but being the quiet person I am, that was not for me at all.  So I then started to work at my neighbor's construction company and after working there for a few months of long hours and 60+ hour weeks I decided I needed a change. I began researching for new careers that I found appealing.  I had many different thoughts on potential careers and at the end the career that made the most sense for me was software engineering.  The reason software engineering was my top pick was because of how flexible some software engineering jobs can be.  Also, when I came across it I found it to be kind of like a puzzle and I’ve always been a big fan of puzzles whether it is playing sudoku or solving a Rubik's cube.  After researching different ways on which I can potentially become a software engineer.  I stumbled across bootcamps and after examining many thoroughly I found TripleTen.  What stood out to me with TripleTen was how they provide externships and the reviews were outstanding.  The fact that TripleTen provides externships alone is a key factor as to why I decided to join.  Every other boot camp I found didn’t offer anything close to it.While enrolled in TripleTen and working pretty much a full-time job sometimes it can be challenging to balance it all when working on a hard project.  However, once you get in the groove of things it isn’t too bad.  What I like to do during weekdays after work is to try to get in two to three hours of studying or just something related to what I am learning at the time, whether it is a side project, researching, or watching youtube videos.  Then on weekends or if I am off from work I like to spend upwards of four hours studying or working on a project.  What I found works for days when I am going to be coding for a while is I like to take breaks and do something productive after maybe an hour of studying like go for a walk, cook something, or workout.    In total I like to try to aim for 15-20 hours of studying per week.  Also, the good thing about TripleTen is the fact that if you are falling behind for any reason they allow you to take time off of the course.  I have taken a couple breaks off of the course.  One was for a vacation and another was to work on some projects on the side and look back at what I have learned in the previous lesson.  I think TripleTen has many features that greatly benefit its students.  For example, the tutors, the discord, the success managers, code review, and the projects.  The tutors are great as you can schedule biweekly tutoring sessions to either help with projects or with any material you are struggling with and let me tell you they are way more helpful than I would’ve thought.  Some tutors also hold office hours which is a scheduled time per week when anyone can join and pop in and out to ask questions.  They also have these like 1-5 times a day on average which is amazing.  Also, the discord is a great help.  Sometimes when I am working on a project I have trouble with some of the work and I send in anyone's questions in discord and either a tutor will answer or a student will answer pretty quickly.  The discord is also good for just chatting about anything with other students.  If you join TripleTen you will also be assigned a success manager who helps keep you on pace with the work assigned.  They are the person who you go to if you need to request an extension or a break and it really helps to make the learning experience smoother having all these sources or help.  The code reviewers have helped me on every project.  Once you submit your project the code reviewers will make notes in your code for areas to improve or areas that need to be changed which is a huge help.  Lastly, the projects are a great time.  When working on the projects it is the coolest experience seeing yourself build entire websites that you would;ve never thought you would be able to do.  I believe that TripleTen has helped a huge amount with my goals of becoming a software engineer with these features.  They even offer career help where they guide you on how to build your LinkedIn and how to basically reach out for jobs and eventually how to take an interview to land those jobs.Some tips I would give to someone who is new and just starting their coding journey I would definitely make sure that it is something that you can see yourself doing.  For people that want to take this path I would definitely recommend the TripleTens software engineer course.  I have been very surprised with all that the bootcamp offers, especially at its cheap price.  Before purchasing the course I would first recommend that you talk to someone on the phone about the course to get a better understanding before fully committing to it. 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Anna V
Program: Software Engineering
I started my journey with TripleTen a couple of months ago, and I must say that I'm very pleased with everything they offer. The study material is highly structured, and the hands-on projects are engaging. Personally, I'd love to highlight the community aspect you experience when enrolling in the bo... otcamp: the tutors do an amazing job and go beyond to answer your questions, while the success managers really help you to stay on track and provide support. I'm happy with all the activities that TripleTen offers: career webinars, code jams, coworking sessions, and study buddies. Thanks to all of these, I feel fully immersed in the school. Before, I tried taking self-paced courses, but I always missed the sense of community. I think surrounding yourself with people who share your ideas is very important on a career journey.In my view, one area for improvement lies in incorporating more screencasts alongside the theoretical content. Occasionally, when there are no video explanations available, navigating through extensive paragraphs can be challenging without visual demonstrations of practical application. Read more
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Muhammad Aleem
Program: Software Engineering
The tripleten Software Engineering Program, known as the bootcamp, provided me with an invaluable opportunity to delve into the world of programming languages and master the fundamentals. Throughout the program, I acquired a comprehensive understanding of various programming languages, enabling me t... o effectively utilize their basic concepts and functionalities. By immersing myself in hands-on projects and exercises, I was able to piece together the intricate puzzles of software engineering, gaining practical experience and honing my problem-solving skills. At the tripleten Software Engineering Program, I underwent an intensive curriculum that equipped me with the necessary skills to navigate the realm of programming languages. Through a systematic approach, I was introduced to the basics of multiple programming languages, including their syntax, data structures, and algorithms. This comprehensive understanding allowed me to seamlessly integrate the different pieces of the programming puzzle, enabling me to develop robust and efficient software solutions. The tripleten Software Engineering Program served as a transformative experience, empowering me to harness the power of various programming languages and assemble the intricate pieces of the software engineering puzzle. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, I gained a solid foundation in programming languages, enabling me to confidently tackle complex coding challenges. By immersing myself in the bootcamp's rigorous curriculum, I not only acquired the technical skills necessary for success in the field but also developed a problem-solving mindset that continues to drive my passion for software engineering. Read more
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Julie Hejtmanek
Program: Software Engineering
Embarking on a career change to software engineering was a decision fueled by a desire for a more flexible lifestyle and a passion for creating and learning about technology. After thorough research and recommendations, I chose TripleTen for my coding journey, and it has been nothing short of transf... ormative. At TripleTen, the curriculum is designed with both theoretical knowledge and practical assignments, creating an immersive learning experience. Learning by doing has accelerated my understanding of programming concepts, making complex topics more digestible. I dedicate around 17-20 hours per week to studying, finding a balance between coursework and personal projects. One of the standout features of TripleTen is its interactive platform. It provides a dynamic learning environment where I can engage with course materials, collaborate with peers, and track my progress. The emphasis on projects in every sprint adds a real-world dimension to my learning, allowing me to apply newfound skills to tangible outcomes. Beyond the curriculum, TripleTen fosters a supportive community. From learning teams to workshops, there are ample opportunities for collaboration and growth. The sense of camaraderie amongst fellow learners creates an environment conducive to success. TripleTen has not only equipped me with technical skills but also provided invaluable support in achieving my goals of becoming a software engineer. Already, I'm securing opportunities to build my portfolio, thanks to the practical experience gained through the program. To those just beginning their coding journey, my advice is simple: perseverance is key. Like learning a new language, programming can be challenging at first. However, with dedication and practice, the once daunting concepts will become second nature. Trust in the process and don't hesitate to lean on the supportive community at TripleTen for guidance. TripleTen has exceeded my expectations in every aspect. It has empowered me to pursue my passion for technology while offering the flexibility I desire in my career. I wholeheartedly recommend TripleTen to anyone embarking on their journey into software engineering. Read more
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