TripleTen Software Engineering Bootcamp Reviews

Jenny Doctor
Program: Software Engineering
I cannot sing the praises of TripleTen enough! In just 7 months, I was able to learn the ropes of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and build a diverse portfolio of apps along the way. Before landing my software engineering job, I was a public school teacher. The most important factor in considering which ... Bootcamp I enrolled in was the ability to keep my day job. Because of TripleTen’s sprint based project schedule, I was able to study and build on my own time, but still practice the pace of delivery that I use in my new career. The material is challenging, but approachable, and the community of tutors, senior students, and peers allows for you to grow and ask questions in a safe environment. TripleTen also offered a variety of extra-curricular activities that other Bootcamp did not, and I believe those experiences helped me to land a job before graduation. My salary increased by 50% with the help of TripleTen’s career guidance and the skills I learned.My only criticism, and it is small, is that more time could have been spent learning backend technologies. However, the strong foundation that was laid on both the front end and back end makes diving into and learning more about server side coding easy to do after the program.You will not regret your choice to enroll in TripleTen’s software engineering Bootcamp, your time will be well spent during the course, and afterwards you will have a long-term connection of a professional network to help you succeed in the tech industry. Read more
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Christopher Abreu
Program: Software Engineering
I attended TripleTen's software engineering bootcamp in 2023, and it was an incredible journey. I was amazed at how warmly I was welcomed into the world of software engineering. Through their expert guidance and well-structured curriculum, I not only gained the essential skills but also found my pat... h to a fulfilling career as a software engineer with a promising startup. The journey wasn't always easy, as the curriculum was quite challenging, but every challenge brought a sense of accomplishment. The instructors and mentors played a pivotal role in my growth, always there to provide valuable insights and guidance. Plus, the wealth of resources available made the learning experience even richer. One aspect that stood out was the unwavering support from TripleTen. They were always just a message away, ready to assist with coursework, job search, or any tech-related question, whether it was day or night. TripleTen's career acceleration program is a game-changer. From personalized career counseling to crafting the perfect resume and cover letter, they left no stone unturned. Interview preparation was also top-notch, boosting my confidence for the job hunt. TripleTen's network proved invaluable as they connected me with employers actively seeking software engineers. Reflecting on my time at TripleTen, it was an overwhelmingly positive experience. If you're seeking a coding bootcamp that combines rigor with comprehensive support, I wholeheartedly recommend TripleTen. It's not just a place to learn; it's a place to thrive and launch your software engineering career with warmth and expertise. Read more
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Dillon Arnold
Program: Software Engineering
I recently completed the TripleTens 10-month software engineering bootcamp, and I couldn't be happier with my experience. The curriculum was comprehensive and up-to-date, covering a wide range of topics including JavaScript, React, Node.js, and MongoDB, among others. The instructors were knowledgeab... le and supportive, always willing to go the extra mile to help students understand complex concepts. One of the standout features of the bootcamp was the emphasis on real-world projects. Throughout the program, I worked on several projects that not only helped me solidify my skills but also gave me valuable experience working in a team environment, using version control, and managing project timelines. Another highlight was the career support provided by the bootcamp. From resume reviews to mock interviews, the career services team was there every step of the way to help us prepare for the job search. Thanks to their support, I was able to secure a job as a Full-Stack Developer shortly after completing the bootcamp. Overall, I highly recommend the TripleTens software engineering bootcamp to anyone looking to kickstart their career in tech. The curriculum, instructors, and career support are top-notch, making it a worthwhile investment in your future. Read more
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Erik Aakre
Program: Software Engineering
I was a teacher for 9 years, but started to learn how to program on my own during the spring of 2020. It was hit or miss for me for about 2-3 years. I enjoyed it, but it was hard to be consistent. I toyed with the idea of a bootcamp for a long time and Triple Ten seemed to be the right one for me. T... he Software Engineering program has bee a great experience. It is well structured and there is always someone to help if you need it, tutors, community managers, and other students as well. Coming in, I felt like I had a decent grasp of some of the basics, but Triple Ten connected a lot of dots for me from my previous learning and gave me a deadline to keep me motivated. I got a job 3 months in to the bootcamp as a front-end developer. About 3/4 done with the bootcamp and still learning a lot! Triple Ten gave me enough confidence to apply for a job - and get it! I think without that, it would have taken me much longer on my own. Read more
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William Schutte
Program: Software Engineering
While its possible to find all the information you would need to know on the internet (Udemy, Coursera, Youtube), bootcamps like this are for those who would prefer a little more structure and guidance. The curriculum covers the MERN stack in enough detail to help you become proficient in each techn... ology and the projects they have you do are a step (or two) above those you'll find in a lot of other bootcamps. They just look more professional, they are well thought out, and you spend enough time on them to make them both fully-functional and polished. No hastily put-together, poorly designed projects here. Also, the entire team is so caring and thoughtful, and are willing to help in any way they can. They really make the program feel personal.Having completed the web dev course, I feel I have all the skills to be a React Developer, FrontEnd Dev, or Web Developer, and have already had several interviews this month. I will say though, if you truly want to succeed, you still need to put in work outside the class. You need to practice coding and make more projects, create a portfolio, and apply to a ton of jobs. This is not a golden ticket in the tech industry, but it is a very effective guiding hand into a new career. Read more
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Sayvon Edmondson
Program: Software Engineering
I began learning how to code on my own, with the pursuit of starting a tech business. When I began learning JavaScript I just didn't know what I was doing and if whether or not I was doing it right. I lacked a feedback loop and a reviewer to give me information on whether or not my code was best pra... ctice or not. I chose TripleTen not just because you could pay partial up front and then you don't have to pay again until you find your first job. I chose them because of the curriculum, I enjoyed the idea of being so proficient in the language that gave me such a hard time as a self learner, that I could use it for Frontend and Backend using Node.js. The TripleTen path was for me the quickest route to obtaining the skills that I needed to reach my goal. I spend roughly 30+ hours per week on the platform going through the sprints which are created in a way to bring you from no knowledge up to a Software Engineer! My favorite activities within TripleTen is participating within their neat independent coding challenges, as well as taking advantage of the 1 to 1 tutor Office hours. TripleTen has helped me feel more confident in my ability to code in general. They've helped me refine the knowledge I came in with (which looking back on it was very little!) as well as expand my view on everything else that comes with being a Software Engineer not just coding, other important factors like networking and resume advice. For those of you who are thinking this of this oppurtunity as something you missed out on/too late for you start, or it being to risky. I have a quote for you that helps me make decisions, "Most people tip toe through life, hoping they make it safely to death." -Earl Nightingale. Thinking about it like that you realize it's a losing game, you only have one life make the most of it! Useful tips for those of you who are starting your journey. There will be times where you struggle embrace those times that's where the learning happens, feeling frustrated is completely normal and taking breaks away from it is extemely recommended. For me when I encounter a problem I try and figure it out. If I've tried everything I take a break, go on a walk, read, garden do anything then come back to it usually thats the answer to majority of your problems. If you still are encountering problems then talk with your tutors! They are very knowledgable and will guide you in a way where that caliber of problem won't give you such a hard time the next time you recieve it. Read more
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Travis Sutton
Program: Software Engineering
At 35 years old, I decided to change my path in life and pursue software engineering, as I've always loved computers and I wanted to have a career in tech.I began searching around trying to decide between a traditional university route or try out one of the online bootcamps I saw for programming. I ... saw an ad for TripleTen and decided to look into it. After reading a ton of positive reviews I decided to take the first step and reach out to an advisor. I thought I was going to get some sort of automated system or something else, but I got a call from an actual real human being, Oscar, who was super nice, helpful, and not pushy at all. After the call I decided to give TripleTen a go.I chose the software engineering program because I felt that gave me a good chance at a great career with a good work / life balance, and I wanted to learn how to build websites.I can't say enough how much the tutors and community managers absolutely make the program amazing. I don't feel at all like a customer, I feel like a student, and whenever I need help I can get it. The discord is also very active and gives you the opportunity to talk to other students as well as tutors.The program is split between theory and projects. The theory contains tasks and problems to work through as well as quizzes to help you learn the material. The projects are real life websites that you get to build and keep in your portfolio and are an amazing way to actually apply what you're learning, and they get more advanced as you go!You also get access to career coaches that answer your questions, and can be a great resource for chatting with someone in the industry. Most of the tutors are actual software engineers with real jobs so you have the chance to gain insight from them as well.Along with that, they have all sorts of resources to take advantage of like seminars about the industry, important changes and information and really a lot more. You can study with other students or take part in challenges, watch videos on tech, and they even have an off topic section on discord where people just post thoughts and funny stuff which really makes it feel like an actual community.One of the best parts is there is technically no set schedule, the office hours (time with tutors) are scheduled, but they have them spread throughout the day so chances are you will be able to attend at least some of them, and they give you enough time to complete your projects. You can also schedule a 1 on 1 time with a tutor if needed.The program is not a free certificate either, you really learn and you learn a lot. It's very in depth and I would say be ready to devote real effort to complete it, because they're really trying to prepare you for a real world job where you need technical programming skills. I typically put in 20-30 hours a week into the program, but it doesn't feel overwhelming.Overall, I would 10 out of 10 recommend TripleTen to someone looking to get into programming and the tech industry, I feel lucky that this is the program I went with. Looking forward to graduate this year! Read more
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Erin McCarty
Program: Software Engineering
Hello! If you are reading this, then you are a potential coder of TripleTen software boot camp! Welcome! My name is Erin McCarty. I am a single mother of two children, who are my absolute entire world. I've been a dental assistant for going on now the past ten years. I feel capped in my position wit... h no room for financial growth. Huge problem for me! I'm ready for a change! Right now, my long-term goal is to completely switch career fields. I'm blessed to be able to work as a dental assistant part-time. Since I feel that I am a full-time student at TripleTen. Technically, this is a part-time program all done online. With dedicating 5 hrs a day five days a week gives a total of 20 hours a week. I am currently in the software engineering coding boot camp. TripleTen not only offers software engineering, but other programs as well. TripleTen offers programs in Data Analytics, Data Science, and Quality Assurance. There is a personality quiz that you can take to help place you in the best-suggested program. When I am finished with the program, then I will be considered a Full Stack Web Developer. To be considered a "Full Stack Developer", an individual needs to have knowledge & training in both, front-end and back-end software engineering. The starting salary for this field is 80k with room for financial growth. I do believe, that once a student is fully trained in front-end engineering, they can start to seek a job position in the field. Front-end engineers have a starting salary average of 50k plus. These positions normally include full-time benefits, as well as, job perks. Not bad! TripleTen has a very strong, all-a-round, support program. Especially with their accelerated career program. Any potential student can use an opportunity to join AMA meetings with a career coach to help get questions answered regarding the job search.  In respect of organized time management, it is asked that the team members come to the meeting prepared with questions and topics to discuss. After a student finishes the program, they can take part in the Career Acceleration program. This part of the program specializes in career coaches to help students prepare resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn, and GitHub pages.  This is a time when coaches can specialize with graduates. Career coaches help specialize in guiding successful students to create a strong profile for themselves.  This is to help make themselves shine for potential career opportunities. For example, showing off and documenting newly high-tech skills learned, or projects that were created from complete scratch.  Externships are offered. However, participation in externing starts once the students have completed Sprint 10. There are a total of 15 Sprints that take roughly 2-3 weeks to complete. Don't worry if you need more time. The program is very understanding and generous in regards to extending timelines. The best way to explain Sprint work is like working through modules or chapters. The Sprints help you complete your way through the program. First, you will learn HTML and CSS. Once you are trained with HTML and CSS, then you are considered a "front-end engineer".  Next, you will start learning how to code using Javascript. Which is pretty much-adding functionality to your webpage. For example, clicking on links, opening & closing pop-ups, and creating forms for users to fill out whatever personal information that might be needed. Also, creating & using a save or submit button. At the end of each Sprint, there is a project. Don't worry, the program walks you through it. Usually, your project will start from scratch. Then, the student builds to it during each sprint and adds on to the project at the end of each Sprint. This program has been extremely intense, but yet rewarding at the same time. The platform we use to communicate is called Discord. I like Discord because it gives us a platform to be able to communicate with other students, teachers, tutors, and career coaches. TripleTen coding bootcamp offers what is called "office hours".  Office hours are for when students can join together on a Zoom meeting to discuss their current a like studies.  Office hours are good to attend if you are dealing with similar situations or difficulties that other students are also experiencing. They are also good to attend just for fun to help with learning and understanding. Students can also come together to discuss and collaborate on helping each other get through different individual struggles.  Using Discord as our platform gives us an easy way to share our thoughts, feelings, and frustrations. Students also enjoy sharing new codes to use to help. It is really fun to be able to share new tips and tricks with codes that we are learning along the way. It is great to have a strong community where everyone comes together. Even beginner students try to help newer struggling students get through any roadblocks. It's a great way to network and communicate. Learning to code is a lot like learning a new language. It reminds me of when I learned how to speak Spanish. First, I had to listen to the language over and over again. Hearing the language repetitively and consistently helped a lot with learning to understand. Once I could listen and understand, then I learned how to read and write the language. The last thing I remember learning was verbally speaking the language. It's most definitely constant, endless learning. Even once you are fluent, there are still new things to learn about the language.  Which is a wonderful thing, because it means there is room for constant growth. Personally, learning Spanish has been a lot like coding. It takes lots of practice. Even after years of practicing, I will still be learning new things. This is important for me mentally, because it keeps my mind growing with learning new things. I am currently bored as a dental assistant because there is only so much to learn as an assistant. As well as, financially. So, with this program, I have found the change I needed.  I feel there is endless learning with coding and endless amounts of dollars to be made. Thank you TripleTen for accepting me into this program! I am determined to help find the courage, self-discipline, and perseverance I need to give myself push through and finish the program. There is an overall 87% successful hire rate after finishing. I am certain I will be a part of that 87%! Read more
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Dmitriy Slinkovenko
Program: Software Engineering
My name is Dmitriy, and for the past 7 years I have been working as an automotive locksmith fulltime. Long days at work in cold and in heat had tolls on my health and mental wellbeing. I knew I wanted to and could do more with my life, while also being able to spend time with my family. The only reg... ret I have about joining Triple Ten bootcamp is that I didn’t join it sooner, and only did it after losing my job. The material provided is really engaging and presented in a way that’s very easy to follow and comprehend. They really focus on fundamentals and want to make sure you understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. The learning process is organized in sprints, each sprint is 2 weeks long, but you can finish it faster, depending on how many hours a day you spend studying. I made it my goal to become a software engineer in 6 months, so I take my studying as a full time job. I spend on average 8 hours a day, but of course everyone has their own pace, as long as you finish your sprint project by the due date. In 2 months, I feel very confident in my HTML and CSS skills, my JavaScript is solid as well, and I’m just starting to feel the waters of React.  Throughout the sprints, there’s chapters dedicated to career planning. They talk about how to properly set up your social media accounts, GitHub and LinkedIn, to get a job after the bootcamp. They also have biweekly 1on1 meeting with your advisor to discuss your progress and keep you motivated. Their discord channel is an incredible source of information, you can find help there at any point, as well as meet other people at events like monthly hackathons, study buddy program, coffee hour, and co-working sessions that are held regularly. Overall, I feel like this is the best thing that could have happened to me, a community dedicated to help you thrive and also one of the best things I forgot to mention, is the payment plan. There’s an option for any situation out there, I chose the pay-after-hired option, and only payed a small down payment, and would only have to pay after being hired in 6 month or less after graduation, otherwise I receive my down payment back! It’s basically risk free! Read more
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George Aktines
Program: Software Engineering
WooHoo! I'm finally a Full Stack Software Engineer! And it is all thanks to Triple Ten and their amazing support staff. Triple Ten has went above and beyond my expectations. Especially with the patience and support of the tutor staff in teaching me JavaScript, which was especially difficult for me t... o learn. I don't come from a computer background. I come from construction and sales where my computer knowledge was limited to specialized software for construction and the Microsoft Office Suite. When something went wrong with my laptop I simply picked up the phone and called the IT department. When I found Triple Ten and realized that I could learn a new trade skill like software engineering to be able to create and maintain that software that I was using I knew I had found my new career path. From absolutely no knowledge to building flexible fully functioning apps was a difficult but rewarding journey for me. I thoroughly enjoyed learning HTML and CSS. It was fun and it was awesome getting to design something from nothing right in front of your eyes. The Tutors were absolutely on fire and on point. Especially Vishal, Kevin, Pheonix, and Max. Thank you for sticking through this with me and helping me to learn something new that will benefit not only myself but my family as well for our future. I would recommend Triple Ten and their programs to anyone wanting to break into the Tech Industry. Another shout out to Sharahn in the Career Acceleration Program for all of her hard work and dedication to getting all of my social media, and job searching tools together and on point for a new career as a Software Engineer. Another great thing about this program is if they can't find you a job in 6 months you get your money back! It's a win- win for anyone. Read more
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