TripleTen QA Bootcamp Reviews

Tyrus Skipper
Program: Quality Assurance
This 5-month course is a great way to learn new skills with little to no background in quality assurance. I did not come into this program as fresh as some people are due to me having an Associates in Computer Programming and currently working in a IT Support role but there were still some fun and c... hallenging sections. What this bootcamp also did was help reignite my desire to really make this the career that I want to do for the rest of my life.  One of the best things about this program is the students. They are always there to help you answer any questions and it helps you feel part of a community when everyone works to help each other out.  TripleTen also helps you work on your time management skills as each project can be worked at your own pace, but you still have deadlines for each project. It not only provides you the tools needed to complete specific types of testing but they also provide the fundamentals of quality assurance and software testing.  By the end of the program, you can confidently say that you know how to perform manual testing, automatic testing, mobile testing, API testing and more. My favorite project was actually the API testing as I really found the Postman application fun to use and with my current background in IT support it helped me understand how certain things work with my companies proprietary software.  Also, once you complete the program they don’t just throw you out into the woods and wish you the best. They want you and me to succeed in this career, which is why they provide career coaching. I’m in the process of looking for my first job after completing the program and my career coach has been so beneficial in helping me improve my LinkedIn, resume and cover letter.  If you are wanting to find a way to change careers and work in tech I would recommend TripleTen. The students, senior students, and tutors are always there to help answer any questions that you have. Read more
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Michael Allen
Program: Quality Assurance
I've always been interested in tech, but never knew where to start. After doing research on different bootcamps, I decided to commit to TripleTen. I loved how they offered a platform with other students and tutors to help guide me on my journey of becoming a QA Engineer. They offer a ton of resource... s and real guidance on how to properly execute each sprint. I am currently a part-time student who works a full-time job. TripleTen does a great job with assisting students on sprints, projects, and honestly anything else you as a student may need! One of my favorite features of this bootcamp was the interactive platform, and Discord community. Being familiar with Discord helped me navigate each sprint along with correlating projects and any resources the tutors and students posted. Everyone in TripleTen is honestly so helpful and personable. I feel confident and comfortable with reaching out for help whenever it is needed. There's no better feeling than getting a project approved and continuing to learn. It has been an incredible journey thus far. Thank you TripleTen! Read more
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Jadin D Pauling
Program: Quality Assurance
After having some experience in the tech field and being rebounded by warehouse work, I wanted to take more steps into the field that interested me and move past average customer support and desktop/smartphone support. After doing some digging and research to find my next move to make this happen. I... was advertised to "Tripleten" on a social media feed. However, a bit skeptical I did have a chance to research other camps but the course I chose here at Tripleten (Quality Assurance Engineering) had all the courses I needed to become a knowledgeable QA. The reason I chose Tripleten is that while doing my research I did have the chance to sit in on some Zoom calls with other camps but this one was a phone appointment. I had the chance to talk to Ron Schurr personally and ask separate questions from notes I've been taking and its learning curriculum was what I needed while working with a volume-based schedule. I normally carved out 3-5 hours a day or every other day to make sure I digested what I learned and anything I didn't my tutors & community managers always had some answer or someone who can get you what you needed.The course and curriculum is layed out very nicely and its becoming very intuitive. From the time I've spent in the course I personally just enjoy the simplicity, the information is easy to find, the calendars are clear and all the tutors are available at different times to meet everyone needs. Theres always updates in the community discord for career talks & help, Old and active open chats to help you along with each section and there's even a place to find a study buddy. Id also like to highlight my success managers (Vladimir & Irene) these people care and make sure your striving for your goal or help you with any course issues you may encounter. Super friendly. TripleTen has a career program. I haven't completed the program, so I haven't fully dived into the career part yet. But as I approach the end there are courses that explain it has externships and how well just from graduating from here can help you land a job as a QA. I'm confident once I'm done and talk to the career counselors ill be fully prepared to get that job.After explaining all of the great this course and curriculum can bring there are some snags that I've encountered but nothing insanely major. There honestly very little this QA course that needs to be fixed. Just some more visual explanations videos or GIF's and re-structure or wording of some stuff to make it hit home. However, there's already been good changes made and I'm on the last Sprint of the Curriculum. There's no doubt that id recommend this Bootcamp to others "5 Stars Read more
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Carlos Sierra
Program: Quality Assurance
TripleTen was just a spontaneous decision spurred from an Instagram ad during a time of uncertainty in my career. It has been a great decision and a better challenge for myself, pushing to achieve things I didn't think I could accomplish while working a full-time career. The staff for TripleTen have... been extremely accommodating, supportive, and most importantly... knowledgeable! I recommend going through either of their programs if you feel, like I did myself, that you could've/should've gone down a tech-centered career path. It is never too late to make a positive change knowing there's a support system there to push you to your final goals! Read more
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Sayuri Yamamoto Shamray
Program: Quality Assurance
Last year I decided to change my career, I was looking for something that I could do from home. I worked so many years on sight, I just want the tranquility of my home. I started to look for courses that could give me that freedom, and then I found Tripleten. I had an experience one by one over the ... phone and I decided that it would be something pleasant to learn. The price was very accessible and It worked for me. You just need to have some time available to study 2 or 3 hours a day, some people are more disciplined, but trust me, I'm not one of them and it still works for me. The support I have from the tutors are awesome, and always when you need help, we have a app called Discord that you can type your issue and somebody will help you anytime, or tutors, or senior students, its wonderful. There are career assistance and LinkedIn assistance also. Don't think just because is online that you not going to interact with other students, we had a meeting very nice over the zoom and was fun to meet and chat with others. Coming back to the course, they provide high quality material and activities, it worth a lot if you like me is looking to change your career. I would be lying if I tell that it's easy, because is not, you need to put a lot of effort to make it happen, read the material, and if you need, read it again and again. Read more
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Svetlana Kubatina
Program: Quality Assurance
Like many here, I started learning QA engineering to change my career path. I chose TripleTen because it's the only bootcamp with its platform, developed by authors who are active QA engineers, editors, designers, and career consultants. This isn't just recorded webinars offered by other bootcamps.... I especially liked this because I absorb information better in text than audibly, as my English level isn't high enough to catch everything on the fly. Moreover, I was attracted by their promise to refund the tuition if I didn't find a job within six months after the training. This sounded confident from their side, so I realized that the primary goal of this bootcamp was to prepare me for a QA engineer position. Another advantage over other schools is the flexible payment system for the course. I couldn't afford to pay a couple of thousand dollars a month like other bootcamps demanded, unlike TripleTen, where I could take a two-year installment plan. As I expected, TripleTen pleased me with its interactive learning platform. The course is based on long text readings with interactive theoretical tasks for each topic. The main focus is on project activities. Projects are the final assignments for each sprint, resembling what QA engineer tasks look like in real work. Of course, this is very nice, as more practice means more chances to be successful professionally. Additionally, there is an opportunity to communicate with teachers in any form - voice in Discord or via correspondence (I chose the latter, as I'm not very confident speaking English). The teachers seemed to me to be professionals in their field. I corresponded frequently with Aleksandr Sokolov. Many thanks to him for his involvement and willingness to help. Other teachers helped more with projects (there are recorded videos for each project). I am working on the seventh project (out of a total of nine), 'Introduction to JavaScript,' it's very challenging for me, but I'm confident I can handle it, as the reviewer helps me. He provides detailed feedback on each project iteration so I can know precisely where my mistake is. Read more
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Ayoub Jemmal
Program: Quality Assurance
I've always been interested in QA Engineering as someone with an IT background (Web development). So, recently I decided to switch to QA Still. I didn't know which Bootcamp to pick, Because I wanted a well-structured curriculum and support so I could gain some time studying especially since I'm work... ing in a full-time job, plus a must-have "Career Acceleration program" so I can receive one-on-one coaching, practice interview sessions, and expert guidance to polish my resume. So it will be easier for me to have my first tech job in the USA, as a new immigrant to the states. After a deep research and comparison between different Bootcamps. I found out that TripleTen is the best choice for me. Because they have all the things that I was looking for, and more.. also a lower tuition fee compared to others.Now after I'm almost done with the program, I reached the Final Project. I can clearly state that I don't regret any penny or minute I invested in this Bootcamp. Some of the things I liked about this program are: - The fact that they keep you always active on the interactive platform with questions and exercises during lessons. - The project at the end of every sprint to practice and be more confident about your skills, the system of project reviewing. - The "Discord community" is another cool feature, cause you can access a bunch of extra resources, ask tutors about anything that you had difficulty whether in theory or even the project tasks, and enter the co-learning channel so you can learn with other students, and many more things to do in Discord.- The Career support program, is a main feature for me as I mentioned before. But since I'm still on sprint 9 which is the final sprint before entering career support I can’t speak much on Job hunting. but what I can say is that after submitting every sprint project you'll have access to extra lessons on job hunting and soft skills that are important in the industry.- Not to forget the flexibility of the program so you can study whenever you want with a convenient rhythm for you.Honestly, everyone in TripleTen is so helpful and professional, including the success manager who's always making sure that you're always satisfied and helps you when you need some guidance or information. It has been an incredible journey so far with a great community. Thank you TripleTen Read more
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Devin James
Program: Quality Assurance
The QA engineering course for TripleTen has been amazing! The structure of the program really guides you into the right direction. I was previously taking courses on Udemy and also finding other ways to self learn. If you were in my position where you feel like you need that structure, I can promise... this program is that. Being able to take your time and really learn the material has been very smooth. There is no rush, there is no classroom setting so you don't have to worry about falling behind. There are tutors that are constantly available and also having a success manager that regularly contacts you to see how you are doing has been very helpful.  The program is constantly being updated making sure the best material is present. From Sprint 1 to sprint 8 that i'm on, I feel like i've finally made progress compared to when i was self learning on my own. I use to feel like i kept constantly getting stuck but the structure of this program has made it a lot easier. This program is also beginner friendly, I believe that if anyone is willing to put in the effort, they will succeed so don't feel intimidated. What I also really like about the program is the discord community that you are in. Everyone is super helpful and friendly and we all share the same goals. There are other resources and material that are provided to make sure you are succeeding. The comprehensive nature of the program ensures that every aspect of QA engineering is covered thoroughly. Whether it's mastering testing methodologies or automation skills, there's  opportunity to dive deep into each topic. As someone who's currently in the program, I can recommend this to any person no matter the age or experience. I look forward to entering the career readiness program where I will prepare for interviews and hopefully get hired!  TripleTens QA course has been very smooth, rewarding, and challenging. Read more
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Re’Laun Tucker
Program: Quality Assurance
Starting up in tech in this day and age is really important.  My experience at Triple Ten has made me more confident than ever before.  I decided that I wanted to take the route of being a Quality Assurance Engineer.  It started off with me making the right choice for my tuition and what sold me is ... the money back guarantee.  I networked on LinkedIn to get a feel for the course from other graduates and they were phenomenal and spot on.  I applied and was able to start within the next couple of weeks with my first course.  Each lesson and course is a challenge and definitely requires patience and dedication.  The tutors were absolutely amazing in helping me to understand things I was uncertain of and very patient with someone new joining to deep dive in tech.  I had many questions and the sprints in the lesson help you get a clear understanding of the course.  The projects are built to give you practice and must pass before you move on forward the next course.  They teach you verbiage, foundations even to automation. Once you pass the lessons you get your certificate for what you’ve mastered, and at the end your  certification for passing the course. All in all it’s self paced but should finish within 5-6 months. I will always remember this journey and never forget that I took a leap of faith to change my career course.  Thank you all to triple ten tutors, the career coaches, and especially the students who leaned on one another to assist during my course. Read more
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Charmaine Locsin
Program: Quality Assurance
I was halfway into my health science degree when the stress started to take its toll on me. Things did not go according to plan, so I had to reconsider my career choices. I stumbled across an advertisement for TripleTen on social media and was intrigued by a career quiz. I have always wanted to lear... n more about coding, but I did not know where to start since I did not have any technical experience. The career quiz eased all the confusion and uncertainty that I was feeling. The website is easy to use and has the essential information I need to understand what I am signing up for. This means even before I contacted someone, I was halfway to making up my mind. I chose to take the Quality Assurance Engineer program among the others that TripleTen offers because it was closely aligned with my previous work experience. I figured this course would be a good way to get started in the tech field.  I love the structure of the program. The materials are split into a series of sprints, and at the end of each, I get to apply what I learned in a hands-on project. It has enhanced the learning experience for me. The program is self-paced requiring about 15 to 20 hours of my time a week. It is designed to be flexible, which is ideal and is exactly what I needed.  One of the things I like the most about TripleTen is the support and the community they have built. They have Success Managers who will help with anything that needs to be done throughout the course. Tutors are available to answer any questions on theories and projects. Career coaches who offer frequent webinars and one-on-ones, providing all the tips and guidance to be job-ready by the end of all this. To top it all off, after completing the program, there is an externship opportunity and career support to ensure success in landing a job. It cannot get any better than that! I have a few more months to go but I have truly been enjoying this experience so far. I am extremely excited about the new skills that I will be acquiring and I cannot wait to start a new career! Read more
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