TripleTen QA Bootcamp Reviews

Brandon Rossi
Program: Quality Assurance
Perhaps you've come across a TripleTen ad in your socials somewhere and thought to yourself, "Hm, this seems interesting" and now you've run here to see if it's worth it. Well, I'd be a liar if I hadn't done the same when I initially saw the ads. I came across them myself while already being a junio... r-level Manual QA Engineer looking to refresh some skills and build upon some automation but being unsure where to start, knowing there's so many different paths to take. Personally, I had been cherry-picking various courses and learning different things but had no clear direction until TripleTen stumbled into my feed.*As a quick aside, if you're new to QA - here's a quick thought from my old self entering the field: When you see something that seems wrong on a site or in an app, do you ever just get that ache to do something about it to get it fixed but don't know how? Or there's an error that's just frustrating you and not working right but there's nothing you can do about it? Well, when you're QA you absolutely can do something about it! And you can do something about it before it ever goes out to the public! It feels super great to be able to catch and prevent bugs from being released into the wild so customers get a perfect (or as perfect as can be) product.So back to TripleTen. I did some research and ultimately decided to take the leap. As I write this review, I'm in the final stretch of the program and nearly prepared to submit my final project of the QA Engineering program so I've got a pretty decent understanding of how the program itself works, which is probably why you're here: It's self-paced. Technically, you work in 2-3 Sprints to learn theory and then work on a project, and this simulates working in a real work Agile environment with deadlines. That said, you are able to finish your work early or if something comes up, you have a team of support staff with you every step of the way to help work through any issues and offer extensions if needed. Ultimately there's a goal to finish the program within the 5-month schedule. All other programs I've seen have a set schedule of when they have classes - often 2-3x a week in the evenings including a weekend day and I just didn't love that. I wanted to complete something on my own time and TripleTen offers that where no one does. There's so much Support. There's support from both TripleTen staff as well as other students. While it's self-paced as mentioned above, there are no set class days/times to attend - you are responsible for setting your own schedule to learn the material. That said, there ARE tutors available throughout the week with drop-in meeting hours or tag them on Discord with your questions and they can assist there. Additionally, all students in the program are in the Discord and I can say from personal experience that a lot of the students chime in to help each other out and learn together! Honestly, to be able to help each other out in this manner only helps reinforce the material. The Discord is invaluable - there's a wealth of channels to keep everyone engaged, informed, and even entertained. And I can't neglect to mention the Success Managers! They're always checking in to make sure you have everything you need and are there for feedback, questions, and to help guide you along the way. Material/Curriculum. You learn the foundations of QA and work up to some more advanced stuff. This is all on the website. I already mentioned I was experienced in Manual QA, so the beginning of the program I more or less knew already, but it was actually pretty cool to refresh on a fair amount of the material. Getting into APIs and such though, I really started to learn what I'd been missing out on. The Career Support - before you're even done there's Career staff that help give tips on crafting your resume, cover letters, elevator pitches, LinkedIn, job interviews, etc. They host webinars, you can have meetings with them, and even work with them on your job search! Basically what I'm getting at is... I had questions at the beginning and was hesitant at first, too. And now that I've done it - I can tell you this: go for it. Read more
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Jessica Powers
Program: Quality Assurance
Initially I was uncertain about joining a bootcamp VS some other the other options, but I've very glad I did. I'm especially glad I chose TripleTen for my courses in QA engineering. The lessons were guided but self-paced so it was easy to work into my schedule even though I have a full time job. The... material was easy to follow and the tutors were very helpful when I had questions. In addition my success manager was great about checking in on my progress and sending me links to some of the tutorial videos that the tutors put together for the students to use. She was also super flexible and when I had a family emergency at the end of the program. Knowing I could get an extension really helped me not stress while I took care of everything. I started with the career acceleration course in January, and like all job hunting stints it was slow going, however, having access to a career coach very much helped. Not only did my coach help me revise my resume several times throughout the process, but she also helped me figure out a networking strategy, helped me prep for interviews, and gave me several pep talks when I got discouraged. I am extremely grateful. All in all, if I had to do it again, I would still choose TripleTen. Read more
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Alesa Weiss
Program: Quality Assurance
After moving to a new state and leaving a decade-long position, I found myself with the opportunity to completely change my career. I did some research, looking online for online courses, certificates, or trainings and stumbled upon tech bootcamps! Throughout all of the noise, TripleTen (Practicum a... t the time) kept jumping out at me; mostly because of the friendly and streamlined graphics and marketing, but also because they made it seem possible more than the others. With two kids under 5 at home and my husband working 6 days a week, I knew I had to find something flexible, and TripleTen seemed to be the right fit! I scheduled a call with a sales person and he called me almost immediately, even though he was on an airplane traveling to see his daughter for her wedding dress fitting! He was super personable and allowed me to ask dumb questions, explaining the answers to them all. He also asked me, "What's your why?" and I immediately realized that not only was I making this career change for myself, but also to secure a future for my family. Solid salaries, flexible working conditions, and a secure job market were all reasons I wanted to make this switch. And since then, nothing has changed! I started with the Software Engineer program and although it was really fun and sparked my creative side, I was worried that I couldn't see myself doing it forever, so I asked my sales rep if I could switch to QA and he made it happen! The QA program was definitely a better fit for how my brain works - I don't necessarily want to design a website, but if you do and you want me to help you make sure it works they way you wanted, I'm your gal. The platform is fantastic! It's user-friendly, simple, and the lessons are straightforward. The projects require some determination and sometimes outside studying, but tutors and instructors are always available to help when you reach out. The community of students on Discord are also extremely helpful and encouraging.  I even found a study group of fellow students who were all in a different sprint than me, but it was so lovely to be able to talk about the topics I was learning with someone who spoke the same "language." And while I haven't done the accelerated career program yet (one project left!), I have really valued the career advice throughout the sprints. I even used a LinkedIn message template from TripleTen to secure my current position! My boss was very impressed at mentions it often. That being said, the program requires determination and it's definitely not easy! You will need to take notes, study hard, and maybe even re-read through some lessons. Basically, what you put into the course is what you get out of it. Although it is a good deal (try to get in on one of the sales), it isn't free, so make sure you give it your all so that you get everything you can! Read more
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Douglas Knepp
Program: Quality Assurance
Let me tell you my story,I have been a Chef for over 20 years of my life, (37) I started cooking at a very young age. I loved the culture of kitchens, the passion of each person you work with, the complexity of flavors, the art of plating dishes, the complex science that actually happens that most d... o not know about, and seeing the smile on guests faces when the enjoy the meal you poured hours of yourself into. Being a Chef has been a thrill ride, and I mean that in so many aspects...Thrill ride. The lifestyle is a roller coaster, and most can not ride forever. Being a Chef, I have sacrificed most of my life. Missed weekends, nights, vacations, weddings, gatherings, and even funerals of those I loved. I was riddled with sleepless nights, 3am phone calls about employees that will not be in for their shift, or produce orders that will not be coming with the ingredients you need to keep going the next days. I have spent nights in the emergency room riddled with anxiety, my health has been in and out of bottom line. After you cook for thousands of people I have zero left for myself, which results in ramen or peanut butter and jelly. It is grueling, daunting, demanding work, but for some reason, I love it, and had to keep going back. Well, loved it. Over the years things have changed, both on my side, my passion, my dedications, and my priorities, and on the other end, people have seemed to lose the appreciation they had for what it takes to run a restaurant, and create art from food. I have felt unappreciated as a Chef for some time now. I would never discredit any of what it has brought me in life: adventure, drive, skills, knowledge, friendships, and ownership to name a few, but the best thing it has brought me in life is my beautiful wife. With that came an amazing little child. My priorities shifted significantly, and the small woes of my career blew up. A week after I returned from paternity leave, I knew I had to make a change, and that change was being more available to my family, to distance myself from 2am clock outs and 7 day weeks, no more nights or weekends. I have always enjoyed working with computers. From building them, to performing my own systems administration, and optimizing my router settings, and system settings. So I started looking around for IT courses, but what collages offered study when you can, online? I work 45-90 hours a week. Set schedule? I do not even know what that means anymore. Luckily, I had been talking to my wife about it, and Facebook heard my call. I was doom scrolling one night, and TripleTen magically presented itself in my feed. So I set out to google (with all the fake ads I diligently did my research before following a seemingly random link), and once I felt they were legitimate, I clicked.The home page cuts right to it. Interested in our boot camps? Take this quiz! Seriously, it was everything I needed. I actually was interested in Software engineering to begin with, but I took the quiz anyway. Best decision ever. In less then five minutes I was done, and the results should have been obvious, but at the time I didn't actually know what Quality Assurance Engineering was. Turns out, most know it as Software Testing. Now let me tell you, if you are coming from a world of food, it is the perfect choice. You have more of the skills then you would think. They also stand behind their program with a job placement guarantee. So I signed up.Their online interactive program is super easy to use, and you do not need to adjust your hardware, just need a computer with internet. Some of the learning can even be done on your phone (not projects or certain modules due to programs, but the text and learning sections). Sign up , and onboarding are super simple. You have someone assigned to assisting you from the moment request a consultation too. Having a currently hectic work, and personal life to work around is no problem either. They do not just put up pre-set materials, and have you watch pre-filmed materials. Once you are onboarded you are assigned a success manager, who is there for you the whole time. They are there to guide you with your questions, and make sure you are asking them in the right places, extend your time on sprints if you need it, and keep you going. I actually feel like my success manager cares about me (which was one of the leadership goals I had set for myself. I want my employees to know I care about their success). The materials are broken down into sprints, which is how the work you will be doing will likely look when you are out in the field. I love the discord community they have built around the platform. Each sprint has a channel, and gets you access to the tutors, and other students. It is well organized, and if I am stuck on something, I do not have to spend precious time searching google. It is truly learn at your own pace, and the materials they put together are engaging, and informative. The career services, although I have not had much time to fully dive in on that part yet, have given me comforting insights about going into a world I have no experience in.The career program I have made my way through immediately comforted my woes of no experience. As it turns out, being a leader in food service covers beyond the basic "soft skills" for the tech world, and QA engineering. I get to take my passion, scrutiny for detail, clear communication, and problem-solving skills (to name a few) into this new field with me. I immediately realized that I actually have a rock solid resume for getting me going, and the course is teaching me the rest.I would 100% recommend this program to anyone who is feeling the gut wrenching burn out that I am feeling with my current career. I can already feel it changing my life, and the way I look at my future. Read more
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Tarik Khoury
Program: Quality Assurance
Finding TripleTen was one of the best things that has happened to me in a long, long, long time!!! I felt stuck in my current job. Although I might have been at the top and one of the best, I was not happy with my schedule, salary, or the corporate BS from the fitness industry. This led me to look i... nto something I always dreamed of doing but was always afraid to try due to the time commitment, my personal educational experience, and of course not wanting a mountain of student debt... I knew I wanted to get into coding/tech, but I had no idea where to start or what niche to master. Starting my journey into this industry, I was slightly concerned about my age, experience, and time as I was working full time and starting a side hustle business. Finding TripleTen was the best thing! From the minute I applied, I felt cared for, heard, and as if the plan my advisor was making was for me! Once I began my journey, I was welcomed by the instructors, tutors, and my awesome, amazing success manager Anna!!!The course material is perfectly laid out, which makes it easy to understand and work side by side in real-time as you are learning! This was amazing for someone like myself who has no prior coding experience. The curriculum is extremely well planned to not overwhelm you, but to push you forward into harder, more challenging tasks, but the instructors make everything fun and realistic! YES, this is a school, but they make it feel more like a real-life externship which is amazing to keep you interested but also to give you confidence for after!!!Coming to an end with my QA course with TripleTen, I am honestly sad because I have loved and enjoyed every sprint, project, tutor call, Discord chat, and moment in this school! Which was a beautiful change from my prior experience!!!If you are looking for an online coding course that has an awesome course, instructors, tutors, senior students, active students (like myself) and more, this is the place for you!!! Read more
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Austin Foster
Program: Quality Assurance
I would highly recommend TripleTen boot camp to anyone looking for a career change or life in general. I decided to leap into the QA Engineering course when I was unsatisfied with my work-life balance. The TripleTen format worked well with my schedule and learning style. I have always been a hands-o... n learner, and TripleTen offered plenty of that! From the format of the sprints to mimic real-world workflows to the projects, every sprint to master what was learned in that sprint. Everything works well. The community that you are welcomed into on the Discord server is great. Fellow and senior students are helpful, but you also have full access to tutors and their open-door office hours. I have completed the QA Engineering part of the course and am now in the Career Acceleration part, and I am very impressed, to say the least! I have been promised career support from other programs before, so I went into this one skeptical, but after graduating and seeing the support they give you, I have full faith in finding a job to hone my skills as a QA Engineer. If you apply yourself, you have no reason not to try! Read more
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Donaver L'Bert
Program: Quality Assurance
I’m currently in the QA Engineer program, and a month away from finishing the certification! I have a background in customer service, hospitality, and visual art. I started this path because unfortunately most these jobs can be under compensated and I wanted to change that!There were two selling poi... nts when I compared Tripleten to other bootcamps.  The first being that it’s a self-paced program, which is rare for a lot of bootcamps I saw at the time.  While the program is self paced, there is still suggested deadlines embedded on their course calendar.  This is really helpful for me being a neurodivergent individual and having something to see and schedule my time around.  Also life happens! If you find yourself falling behind you have the  support of a success managers which are assigned each student from the beginning.  Earlier in the program I became very behind and had worked with my success manger and one of the coaches on how to better reorganize my time and have a different perspective on how I was approaching my studies.  I also had to change my graduation date, which again was easily worked on with the team. All and all it was a very forgiving experience that I don’t think would have happened in a more structured program. And the second being that  TripleTen’s career program supports the student post graduation for as long as needed and also will pay your tuition if you don’t find a job in the field three months after finishing the program. This is really good for those of us who are low income and genuinely can’t afford the risk of having to pay off private student loans.The course itself is geared toward changing your career and tying in any non tech work experience you’ve had in the past and making that work for you as work with the career program.  The stuff I’ve learned on that end is very practical and works with from wherever you are.  I found the team and the material to be very understanding as well on how emotionally taxing the idea of changing your field can be (hello imposter syndrome!).As for cons of the program, it may be a bit daunting a bit to get used to their discord server if you aren’t used to Discord. This where you interact with tutors, their success manager, most of the team and other students in the program you’re in.  It can seem a little disorganized but for the most part it balances out since the team is very receptive to any feedback on any part of the program.  With that said I’m really satisfied with my experiences in the program so far (even the hard parts), and look forward to this brings me in the future. Read more
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Jacqueline Hill
Program: Quality Assurance
As a current teacher who was interested in transitioning into a career in tech, I did a lot of research on the different bootcamps that were out there. When I came across TripleTen during my search, I looked into the pricing, the time commitment, and the job success rate for their graduates. There w... ere a lot of amazing reviews and success stories during my research into TripleTen. If you are unsure what potential career in tech you may want to pursue, they have a quick quiz to introduce you to the different bootcamp programs they offer. The material within the program is well formatted and full of excellent details into the different techniques and the different practices that are used in the field of tech. The projects at the end of each Sprint gives you practical experience and tasks that you might face in your future career. The program can be a challenge for those who do not have a coding background, but the tutors in the program are extremely helpful. They do an excellent job of pointing you in the right direction without giving you the answer outright. The career course that is included in this program has been amazing! Getting insights, resume tips, and career coaching is such an amazing part of this program. I feel more confident about my professional presence when it comes to applying for jobs and interviewing with potential companies. Another aspect of TripleTen is how accommodating they are for working adults who are in the program. Life happens, and sometimes you might be unable to submit one of your projects by the due date. They are more than willing to adjust things, as long as you communicate with them! From the first phone call from the admissions advisor to interacting with my success manager, everyone in this program has been so warm and welcoming. I have even recommended some of my coworkers to check out TripleTen, and they have also commented on how friendly everyone is. Read more
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Kyli Johnson
Program: Quality Assurance
Coming from a background in Interior Design and wine management, the tech world seemed both exciting and intimidating. The desire to work from home led me to explore coding bootcamps. TripleTen stood out to me because they offered a money-back guarantee - if you didn’t find a job within 6 months of ... completing the program. A recruiter reached out to me and walked me through exactly what the program does and what to expect and even helped me in my decision to choose the Quality Assurance Engineer program.I absolutely loved this program. My success manager was always very uplifting and helped keep me on track. I was traveling more than I was working, so I had more freedom in choosing how often I would work on the readings and projects. Being able to work at my own pace was a huge relief. It was never an issue to ask for an extension or to take a break when needed. Overall, I typically dedicate about 20 hours per week.Although I never attended the tutor’s hours, I thought they were very well organized in explaining their availability. Anytime I needed help or had a question, I never had to wait long for a response on the discord channel, especially after they implemented a helpful Chatbot.What I love the most about TripleTen is the program’s focus on success over grades. There’s no pressure to be perfect; the goal is to learn and grow. Throughout the chapters, there are short quizzes and some interactive problem-solving to ensure that you understand all the knowledge you’re taking in. The feedback on projects is always constructive, pushing me to improve. I've submitted most of my projects at least twice, but the process has always been about learning, not just getting it right the first time.Every sprint is equipped with career tips and helpful resources to help you with your LinkedIn, resume, cover letter, and interview questions! For a beginner like me, this career-focused approach is what makes TripleTen shine. I'm nearing the end of my TripleTen journey, and I wholeheartedly recommend giving TripleTen a look. Read more
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Carlos Garcia
Program: Quality Assurance
I decided to enroll in the QA Engineering Course because I wanted to practice my skills in QA and learn more about API testing, Automation Testing and writing SQL queries. I previously have worked in QA for some gaming companies and wanted to take my skills further and also to get help with career p... lacement as the market seems to be extremely saturated and hard to get into. I want to Start by saying that each and every sprint for the course was extremely informative and easy to go through as someone who enjoys learning at my own pace and on my own in general. The projects that you do at the end of each sprint were also really good at reiterating and practicing the skills I had learned about. Not only was the platform really good at explaining really technical subjects, but the discord community and the tutors were extremely helpful with helping out to clarify certain things and also providing additional resources I could have never found on my own. I mostly was able to complete each sprint working a few days out of the week whenever I was free and didn't feel like it was too much at any time. What's really good though is that if you happen to fall behind on completing sprints, you are given more time to complete them and also given help. What I also really valued with this course is the help they give you with securing a job. You are given career advice lessons at the end of each sprint and I found all the information provided to be extremely helpful. All in all it was a great experience and a really good outlet for having recently been laid off and not getting any responses from applications. I enjoyed brushing up my skills and learning new ones. And even though I had technical background already, the information is presented in a way that makes it really accessible to anyone who doesn't have a technical background at all. Read more
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