TripleTen Data Science Bootcamp Reviews

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Eric T
Program: Data Science
I joined TripleTen so I could start working remotely and provide a better lifestyle for my family. The DS program has been fun, challenging, and useful. I am about 2/3's done. I like the structure of the program. As long as I put the time, I continue to move the ball down the field. After I submit m... y projects I always appreciate the feedback I get. It really helps refine my skills. I plan to finish TripleTen ahead of schedule. I've kept a solid pace with the learning and projects and have been able to get 2 weeks ahead, which is nice to have a buffer so I don't have to be concerned if I need to a week off for family or travel. I'm looking forward to finishing soon, it does go by fast, and starting my career. Read more
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Carlos Quintero
Program: Data Science
I embarked on my journey to learn Data Science with TripleTen, and it has been one of the most rewarding decisions I’ve made. Here's a comprehensive overview of my experience:Why I Decided to Start Learning Data ScienceI have always been fascinated by the power of data and its ability to transform i... ndustries and decision-making processes. My background in business gave me a glimpse into the importance of data-driven decisions, but I felt I lacked the technical skills to truly harness the potential of data science. I wanted to bridge this gap and develop a deep understanding of data analysis, machine learning, and statistical modeling to advance my career and make meaningful contributions to my field.Why I Chose TripleTenChoosing TripleTen for my coding journey was driven by several factors:Comprehensive Curriculum: TripleTen offers a well-structured and comprehensive curriculum that covers all essential aspects of Data Science, from Python programming to advanced machine learning techniques.Interactive Learning Platform: The platform is interactive and user-friendly, making it easy to follow along and stay engaged.Project-Based Learning: The emphasis on real-world projects allows for practical application of theoretical knowledge, which is crucial for mastering data science skills.Supportive Community: The community of learners and mentors at TripleTen is incredibly supportive and always willing to help. Read more
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Program: Data Science
I am someone who is already in the tech world and have worked as a software developer and product manger. However, I decided I wanted to learn data science as it is an increasingly important and relevant field. A bootcamp made sense as it allowed me to do so while still working on my own projects. A... fter some research I found triple ten.I chose triple ten as the reviews seemed to be quite positive, but what sold me was the money back guarantee which ensures that if you don't land a job in a relevant field within 180 days of graduating you will get a refund. I tend to split my time on my work and personal projects with triple ten at about 50/50 with 20 hours towards my work and 20 hours towards triple ten which keeps me well within the recommended time frame for the course. The program is well structured and easy easy to grasp and the website is very user friendly. The only issues I have had is that I have found some bugs or small mistakes here and there in the coding portion of the lessons, likely stemming from the fact that a class structure like this means they iterate the material frequently. With that said the support chat on the website as well as the community managers and tutors on the discord channel are quick to respond and help out whenever needed.I am about a third of the way through and so far I would recommend it. Read more
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Nicholas Ventura
Program: Data Science
This is excellent coursework that I am enjoying very much. I am in the DS program. It is very challenging but is rewarding with each milestone and I am learning very valuable coding and analytical skills – I feel.
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Ahmad Hijazi
Program: Data Science
I started this data science journey to transition into an exciting new field from engineering. I compared several boot camps before selecting TripleTen and it was the best fit for me due to the flexible study schedule, breadth of the curriculum, continuous support from the community managers & tutor... s, and affordability. TripleTen's comprehensive data science program has helped me learn Python, SQL, data analysis, data visualization, Git, and machine learning models, both supervised and unsupervised for classification and regression tasks. Even though support is readily available from tutors during office hours and quick-to-respond community managers, I encourage you to challenge yourself and not ask for help until you've tried as this will make the solution more rewarding and memorable. Read more
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Alina T
Program: Data Science
I really enjoy this course. The material is crafted perfectly for Data Science (this is what I am taking now). I have learned a lot of cool tools and methods that I can apply to the work environment. The course is on up-to-date material, and it is always nice to receive feedback or explanation from ... people who are experts in the field. Read more
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Daniel Pocock
Program: Data Science
In November, I signed up with TripleTen and am now about 70% through the Data Science program. Here’s my take on it so far (good and bad). How TripleTen won me over before signing up: - Experience: TripleTen was the only one of my top options that offered at least one externship for my program. N... ote that not all programs did when I signed up. - Guarantees: Better guarantees than other companies for job placement in terms of salary and time looking for a job - Cost: For what they were offering, other bootcamps were charging double after looking at financial repayment options - Coursework: The syllabus spoke to me more with a heavier emphasis on machine learning - Staff: The team was more responsive, positive and transparent than others. They were confidence boosting and believed in my abilities after learning about my background. Where TripleTen struggled against other bootcamps: - Alumni: Older more established bootcamps offered a better alumni network - Testing out: Other bootcamps allowed students to test out certain subjects if they knew the content. - Requirements: An interview with them and a quiz can help you decide a program to go for, but unsure exactly how they decide if you are a good fit for the program. Like anyone they have an incentive to sign you on. - Flexibility: Other programs let you choose an emphasis within programs Read more
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Joshua Norfolk
Program: Data Science
I earned a B.S. in Physics several years ago, but graduated around the beginning of COVID and ended up not entering a technical field of work. Around two years ago, I decided to brush up on my computer skills and apply to data analysis jobs, but having no luck after a while, I decided to get further... education. As I was on a time crunch, I decided to immediately enter TripleTen bootcamp given their rolling start dates and the generous recent grad scholarship that I received. I had considered a master's degree, but those are more expensive and you cannot begin a program right away. I learned a great deal through TripleTen's curriculum, and also through the subsequent Career Acceleration. I do feel that I have learned enough to be an effective junior data analyst or junior data scientist, though the market is so tough that I'm not certain how much the possession of skills matters - employers seem to be more interested in accredited education and work experience. A big positive of TripleTen is their extra-curricular events, like Externships (which I am able to use as work experience) and Hackathons (which I can list as unique tech projects, especially if an award is won). I do feel that I could interview effectively. I did land a remote freelancing job, directly using technical skills I gained through the program, that pays fairly well per hour but is inconsistent. It's easy to say that you could learn the same skills by yourself, but realistically it is much easier to stay motivated when you have a curriculum outlined for you and a support network. I have made back my investment into the program after a couple months of work. It's hard to say whether an accredited education would have paid more dividends, but I can at least say that my relatively small investment has resulted in a similarly small, but positive, return on investment. I'm hoping that this first job gets me valuable experience for future applications. Read more
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Michael Powers
Program: Data Science
I started as a high school math teacher for three years. I attended a four year university and spent about $75,000 on my four year degree that I ended up quitting after just three years. My backup plan was computer science in some way, and I found this company. I was a little weary about data scienc... e because it was so rigorous and included learning AI which I assumed was beyond my ability. One year, and less than $8,000 later, I now have a job making over double my teacher salary. The career program in this course is also very rigorous, and will take a 2-3 weeks to get your portfolio to their standards. It does help in the long run, but I personally did not love the process. The projects their courses offer are from real companies giving you real work anywhere from 2000-2017. Yes, the data may be a little old, but it gives you that real world feeling. Also, every project must be approved by one of their trained professionals. If your project is not approved, they will supply you with feedback on your mistakes and where they can be found. Every single sprint consists of theoretical pages that give you deep insight on the skill you will be achieving. After the theory, it is common that you will be asked to demonstrate that theory the old fashioned way. For example, by hand calculate the product of two matrices. After learning how to perform that skill, and why it works, then they will show you where someone programmed it so you never have to do it by hand again. This was great for understanding the terminology rather than just saying big words and putting code to it. Lastly, there is weekly office hours for tutors to help you on your project or sprint lessons, and there is weekly coworking sessions where students get together and try to figure out things together. It is a great community and maintains high professional status. Read more
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Quynh Nguyen
Program: Data Science
I recently completed Tripleten's data science program, and my experience was incredibly positive. What I liked most about the program was its self-paced structure, which allowed me to tailor my learning journey while adhering to a timeline. As someone without a technical background, I sometimes foun... d the program's materials overwhelming. However, my community manager regularly checked in on my progress and made sure that I was on the right track. They provided invaluable guidance and ensured that I never felt lost. In addition, tutors and office hours were always available whenever I needed extra help. The program's main goal was to equip me with the technical skills required to thrive as a data scientist, and it succeeded. I went from having no technical background to feeling confident in my abilities to handle data science tasks and projects. Tripleten also provides career support. I'm currently working with a career manager who is helping me fine-tune my resume, LinkedIn profile, and GitHub. This support has been instrumental in preparing me for the job search. Read more
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