TripleTen Data Science Bootcamp Reviews

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Leah DeYoung
Program: Data Science
This boot camp has provided me with a great foundation in data science concepts. I also had the opportunity to complete an externship where I worked with Large Language Models and generative AI, which was a great way to build on what I already knew. TripleTen provides career services that include re... sume, cover letter, and LinkedIn reviews as well as the services of a career coach after graduation. As someone who gets stressed about job hunting, I have found these services to be immeasurably helpful. TripleTen is also willing to work with students within reason when they encounter life events. I got COVID during my time in the boot camp, and I was able to reach out to my community manager and work with her on deadlines until I recovered. TripleTen also provides opportunities such as code jams and competitions so that you can sharpen your skills outside of regular coursework and add more projects to your portfolio. I would recommend this boot camp to those who are interested in data science and want to make a change in their career! Read more
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Kelly Shreeve
Program: Data Science
As a returning student transitioning into data science, there were five things that were important to me when choosing a bootcamp: 1) part-time, 2) completely online, 3) real-world project experience, 4) reasonable price, 5) stellar career services. If you’re looking for the same, you’re in the righ... t place. As a data science graduate, I can confidently say TripleTen fulfills all five. If you’ve been doing your research, you already know that TripleTen has an online learning platform with coding practice built into the lessons, real-world project experience, and material that is organized into two-week ‘sprints.’ But does it work? Yes! TripleTen allows you to work through the material completely part time and at your own pace. There are no unnecessary deadlines or class lectures to attend. What sold me on TripleTen, were the 16 real-world projects. With each project, you are given a data set and a loose set of guidelines for the task. It is up to you to load the dataset, work through the problem, and write a final report. These projects mimic real-world scenarios and interview questions. On top of that, TripleTen is one of the most affordable bootcamps on the market. During career prep, career coaches review your LinkedIn, resume, and cover letter and offer feedback to make your documents stand out. Then in Career Acceleration you meet with a coach weekly to guide your job search strategy, keep you accountable in the application process, and practice interviews. One thing reviews don’t mention, is the lovely community created on Discord, with tutors, community guides, and peers. I expected a data science education, but I didn’t expect to walk away with a community of friends and support systems. This program was challenging, but it was also very rewarding. I was successful in the data science program partially because of a background in statistics and coding. While surely anyone can do DS, some background in coding or statistics is useful. If you don’t have a background in either, consider an introductory course or two to make sure this path is the right one for you. If you’ve dabbled in statistics or coding and know you love it (or like it enough to make a career of it), then you’ll do great! Read more
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Robert Morley
Program: Data Science
I'm currently working on the Data Science Bootcamp from TripleTen and I love it so far. I'm really satisfied with the support that they provide. They have tutors who can have 1-on-1 video calls with you to help you with any questions. I'm not finished with the course yet but it's been a very positiv... e experience. I would only recommend more video content in the course. Videos can often clear up confusion from reading text only. There is some video content but more would be very helpful. However, one of the great things about TripleTen is the career resources. They provide a course just for job searching that includes resume and portfolio help. Along with practice interviews. I definitely, recommend this TripleTen to anyone who is interested in a tech career. Their courses are in-depth and challenging which is exactly what you want when learning a new skill. The course is broken down into "sprints" that have a project at the end. The projects are great because they have people that review your work and give feedback and approve the project. When you're done you can add the projects to your portfolio for employers to see. Also, in the chapters of the sprint they give you tasks to solve a problem using the skills that you learned in the chapter. These are extremely helpful to me to reinforce what I've learned. Read more
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Kristy Williams
Program: Data Science
Enrolling in the Triple Ten Data Science Bootcamp has been an enriching journey, marked by two months of immersive learning experiences so far that promise to equip me with invaluable skills for the dynamic field of data science. I choose this program on the recommendation of some friends. I had pre... viously been in tech over 20 years ago, but I felt it was time to jump back in and wanted to get back into a field that excited me. This an online program, spanning a comprehensive nine-month duration, promising to provide me with a structured and hands-on approach to mastering the intricacies of data science. The online nature of the boot camp ensures flexibility and accessibility, allowing participants to engage with the content from the comfort of their own space. A distinguishing feature of the Triple Ten Data Science Bootcamp is its emphasis on hands-on projects. These projects serve as practical applications of the theoretical concepts covered in the curriculum, providing an opportunity to work on real-world data sets and gain practical experience. Read more
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Shoba Santosh
Program: Data Science
This bootcamp has been challenging in the best way! The material is extremely thorough, from data cleaning to implementing machine learning models, and there are many wonderful, responsive tutors to help along the way. The projects are tough, and you learn a lot in the process of completing them. I ... love that the format of content allows me to study around my work schedule, and I am incredibly grateful for the extensions available for project submissions. I joined this bootcamp to move towards the machine learning field, and I strongly feel that it is helping me move in that direction. It can be difficult to balance study material with full time work, but it absolutely doable when you consistently show up (even for a small amount of time) every day. Now, I'm pushing through my last few months in the bootcamp and getting started on the career prep work. I highly recommend this bootcamp for anyone wanting to enter or grow in the field of data science/machine learning and good luck to those of you who decide to join! Read more
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Program: Data Science
So, I recently wrapped up my time at Triple Ten Bootcamp, and I gotta say, it was alright. Overall, my experience fell into the solid category. The information they dished out was pretty solid, no doubt about that. But hey, if you ask me, I think diving deeper into the content wouldn't hurt. You kno... w, soak up as much knowledge as humanly possible. After all, learning is a lifelong journey, right?I wrapped things up around the end of October and now I'm knee-deep in the job hunt. It's a process, but hey, gotta start somewhere, right? So, while I'm still figuring out my next moves, I'll definitely drop another review once I've get the job experience under my belt. I mean, that's probably why you're reading this review, right? To get the full scoop.Anyway, that's my two cents for now. Stay tuned for the sequel review, folks! Read more
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Dan Pocock
Program: Data Science
I quit law school because I missed variety, connection, and problem solving. I knew that I could either become an average lawyer or go for something else that I had more of a passion for. That’s when I re-engaged with my passion for data science. At first I tried to do it all myself, watching videos... online and practicing on datacamp. However, when it got to creating projects I lacked direction. This was when I decided to interview with bootcamps. It was close, but TripleTen won me over. From the start they showed transparency to share all they had to offer when others were reluctant. They were quick to respond to my questions and were never condescending. They got me excited to jump back into my career after the woes of quitting law school. This has been a solid foundation and an accurate representation of how the bootcamp is. Check out their website - the quirkiness bleeds into the course making the content way more enjoyable. If I have a question or concern it is addressed quickly. The course is set up to remind us that it is perfectly normal not to not understand a concept right away. This helps me no longer spend hours on message boards, rather get help from an encouraging source within minutes. However, the biggest selling point has been the career focus. TripleTen was the only one to offer real world experience with externships in their data science program when I applied. I haven’t quite got to this point, but should start it next month.  In terms of downsides, I would emphasise that this course isn’t easy. You must remember that we are competing with people who have many years of experience in these fields. Also don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t figure it all out at first and be sure to reach out to help when you need it. That’s what you are paying for Read more
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Robert Brown
Program: Data Science
I decided to start studying data science because I've always dreamed of learning computer science but was never comfortable with the learning curve, gatekeeping stereotypes and general lack of understanding of the industry. This career track has gone from being a pipe dream to more and more of an ac... hievable reality in the last few months. I can't wait to be able to tell people what I do and how much I enjoy it. I've been in some form of customer service or finance for almost ten years and I'm finally ready to take the next step in my career to something I am passionate about. I am a logical person, love data, visuals and solving problems. I chose TripleTen because they have the best value proposition of the courses that I came across. I spend between 12-18 hours per week studying outside of my full time banking job. I enjoy the learning modules, theory and little boosts in confidence every time I figure something out. I appreciate the support and encouragement of the tutors, someone is always there to help out. The workshops are constantly being hosted to help answer your questions and prepare you for the next step in your journey. I enjoy the wholistic approach to data science. Not everything comes easily, but with a little encouragement and self-discipline, I was able to go from not knowing anything about coding, to a full analysis project, web hosting and data visualization in just under three months. I would advise anyone getting started to not sweat the mental roadblocks in the beginning. Pushing through and a little repetition go a long way in getting over obstacles and building confidence in your abilities. Like learning any new language, it takes time and exposure. Use your skills of finding answers on your own, plan your time and let those around you know how much time you have to devote to this journey. I already feel richer and smarter just one third through the course. Read more
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Program: Data Science
TripleTen offers a user-friendly interface, making data analysis seamless. Its powerful analytics tools, including support for Python and R, cater to diverse needs. Scalability and performance are standout features, handling small to big datasets efficiently. Collaboration is made easy with built-in... sharing features, fostering teamwork. Model deployment is streamlined, simplifying the transition to production environments. Pros include the intuitive interface, comprehensive analytics tools, and robust performance. Cons may include a learning curve for beginners and the need for additional training for some advanced features. In conclusion, TripleTen is a top contender in data science platforms, providing usability, performance, and collaboration capabilities for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Read more
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Fatema J Honey
Program: Data Science
I really like the bootcamp. it is different than any other bootcamp i have participated before. it forces me to understand and write codes while studying at my own pace. it makes everything really fun by giving small simple tasks which is challenging but very informative.
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