TripleTen Data Science Bootcamp Reviews

Delali Fianu
Program: Data Science
It seemed like a no brainer for me to study data science because I like making data-driven decisions and I have always been fascinated with computer programing. I contemplated teaching myself data science, but I quickly realized that there was so much information out there and with zero computer pro... graming experience, I felt like a deer in headlights. I gave up the idea of teaching myself and started looking at educational platforms (i.e., bootcamps). TripleTen (formally Practicum) looked very attractive to me because of their promise to teach practical skills in data science that will make you valuable to potential employers. To be honest, the fact that TripleTen promises to refund you your money if you are not gainfully employed after completing the course is all I needed to know that they are legit. I could not wait to enroll! After completing a couple of projects, I would say this program is challenging but very rewarding. I have learned so much within a short period of time! The interactive platform helps me to understand the concepts in each chapter and the projects are very interesting as we get to use our newly acquired skills to analyze real data. I will admit the projects are not easy and can sometimes feel overwhelming but the support from tutors, fellow students, community managers, and project reviewers make it possible for me to complete them. Everyone at TripleTen wants you to succeed and that is truly amazing to know as a student! My advice to anyone who is considering enrolling to TripleTen is to be willing to dedicate at least 3 to 4 hours a day to learning course content and completing projects on time. Like I said, everyone at TripleTen wants you to succeed, so do not hesitate to ask questions or ask for help when you get stuck on a particular task. Read more
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Kevin K
Program: Data Science
The reason why I decided to learn about Data Science/Data Analytics is because I knew that analytical skills with data, finance, or even business are strong skills to develop in an individuals career. I graduated with a Finance degree & started working my first full time tech job for a finance compa... ny that involved company data & that is when I realized how much I enjoyed the job/career path. I wanted to expand my knowledge & gain new skills, so I signed up for the Data Analytics program, and after I couple months I decided to switch into the Data Science program to be more STEM focused. I chose TripleTen because of the realistic length of the bootcamp(almost a full year is a good length of time to get a good grip on a tough subject like data science) , and the way their curriculum is set up. You first read the material, & do a couple practice problems. Once you are complete, at the end of the sprint you create a project to show off your skills. That was a big deal for me! I love how I was able to showcase my skills & then post them onto my GitHub. I still use all the TripleTen material today. It is an interactive platform & it is AMAZING they give you LIFE access to the content you paid for. The curriculum & platform is always being updated, so there is something always pulling you back to TripleTen, which is a huge green flag for a bootcamp. I am now obtaining a MS in Information Systems & Technology, so TripleTen has helped me build a foundation of skills which has made my transition into my masters program easier & less stressful. I recommend TripleTen to anyone that is interested in coding. They help all their students if they are stuck, & give you extension weeks just in case life gets busy! For those who are just getting started, coding takes time to understand, so be kind to yourself. Coding as a skill is a JOURNEY which will need continual education & practice even after the program. TripleTen brings structure & helps students develop discipline during their studies. In the end, make sure you have fun with it! Not only will you learn how to code, but your problem solving muscle will also get better which is a skill that will help you in the short-term & long-term as well. Read more
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Zoey Espinoza
Program: Data Science
TripleTen is an exceptional bootcamp that covers all material to get me started on my Data Science journey. I began with having little to no knowledge of the field and barely any coding experience. The bootcamp is split into 16 sprints that allowed me to gain knowledge slowly and understand concepts... from the foundation up. I am in the last parts of the course and have way more confidence and skills than I started with. There are helpful projects that help me build up my portfolio and access to workshops, mentors, and a community. Without this program I don't know how I would have been able to dive into this new field. I am excited for the opportunity to take this and looking forward to excelling on this new path and career change. Read more
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Chandra F
Program: Data Science
I have no background in programming but I do have a Bachelor's in Marketing and have always been intrigued with the analytics side. With technology becoming the most efficient way to make analytical decisions, I figured it was time to start looking for a way to learn programming. After doing lots of... research I decided to sign up for a call with TripleTen. After discussing the program features, the massive amounts of support provided and the career placement program, I knew TripleTen's Data Science program was the right choice for me.The program is broken up into Sprints which are made up of chapters, which are made up lessons. Each lesson features real work scenarios with tasks along the way. The project to complete after each Sprint helps to make sure you understand the material. After submitting your project, the reviewer provides great encouragement, tips and suggestions for future projects.As the material got harder, I felt as though I was falling behind. My community manager was able to set up a one-on-one with a tutor to help dive into the material I was struggling with. After our video chat I had a clearer picture on how the coding worked and was able to finish the program earlier than expected! I would definitely recommend this program.The best advice I can give someone thinking about getting into programming is to schedule your call with TripleTen. Ask all of the questions causing doubt in you mind and then start your journey to a better career. Read more
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Michael Twersky
Program: Data Science
I decided to start learning data science to transition careers. I have a background in math but no coding experience and little by way of statistics. I chose TripleTen mainly because of their externship program and career and job search support, and 1 to 1 tutoring sessions. Towards the end of the b... ootcamp, DS students have the option of completing an externship. The data science bootcamp at TripleTen is mainly about what you put into it. The studying is mostly broken down into reading, with light problem sets and quizzes, as well as projects. The reading is dense and technical. It can often be hard to understand. I take notes as a read through each chapter. TripleTen encourages you to find answers on your own when you are struggling with a concept through recommended external resources. It moves quick and there is a lot of information. From coding to statistics to all the pertinent tools. The projects can be challenging but I find the 1:1 tutoring sessions to be very helpful. I have enjoyed interacting with some of the other students in the program through discord, zoom, and our study group as well as meeting some of the tutors on zoom. The industry Q&A was particularly helpful. I don’t have anything to compare it to being the only bootcamp I have enrolled in. Despite the challenges of keeping up with the material, staying disciplined, and figuring out the projects, I have already learned way more then I ever knew about data science. My advice to anyone starting out is to stick with it, give it your all, and don't get discouraged. Read more
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Daniel Matías Montañar Lobo
Program: Data Science
After 9+ years of working at a few banks in NYC, I got pretty tired of what I was doing and wanted to switch careers -- the options were 1) an online bootcamp or 2) a master's degree. After speaking to a few family members for guidance ('Googlers' who mentioned good things about bootcamps) and weigh... ing the cost of doing a Master's degree, I decided to go with option 1. >> Queue in TripleTen <<I chose to study Data Science through TripleTen (previously Practicum) after months of reviewing student reviews, online feedback and their programs/curriculums. Their part time bootcamp was ideal for me as I have a full-time job and the online platform looks/feels great and is intuitive; very easy to maneuver. And, in the last 8-9 months that I have been studying, they've upgraded both the platform and some of the content which is great to see. Since I've been years removed from any type of studying environment it was a little bit overwhelming at first trying to organize myself with hand written notes, reviewing online note taking options (too many options out there) and figuring out how many hours of my time to put into the sprints. What worked best for me as I near the bootcamp has been: 1) Note taking through Obsidian, 2) Going through a chapter w/o taking any notes then starting anew w/notes before moving on, and 3) not overthinking the amount of hours I put in (which was usually 1-2 a day). The DS projects have all been great, align to real-world scenarios/analyses and teach you a whole lot about the thinking process of data scientists. You have the option of running these on their platform or locally (highly recommend Kaggle). All the materials needed to complete the projects are covered in each sprint and the code reviewers are immensely helpful in giving you tips or tricks (I honestly learned quite a lot with the back and forth with my reviewers; shoutout to Dmitry!). While I didn't really leverage any of the community offerings like co-working hours, tutoring, workshops and/or specific sprint Q&A (through Discord), it was great to know that if I hit any type of roadblock there are tons of options to find the answer to my problem. They also have a quite structured Career Prep/Accelerator program which was also one of the things that drew me in.Overall, I've had an excellent experience with TripleTen, the community and getting to know the really cool things I can do as a Data Scientist in the future. *To those beginning their coding journey or the TripleTen program: it's okay to feel lost, it's okay to ask questions and we all ultimately suffer from the imposter syndrome. Read more
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Hugo T
Program: Data Science
Before joining TripleTen I always had a sense that I wanted to get involved in the world of coding that relates specifically to machine learning and data science but never knew where to start. I fortunately stumbled upon TripleTen during my search to find a bootcamp.There were 2 distinguishing facto... rs of TripleTen that were important to me that other pgorrams did not have. First, TripleTen made it clear that students would be receiving constant support from its community of professional tutors that are active on Discord. Second, TripleTen has a practice oriented methodology which means that you are constantly applying your lessons into a jupyter notebook as learn. This deeply resonated with me because I’ve always had an aversion to passive learning (zoom classes, lectures, etc.) TripleTen has been instrumental in my journey towards becoming a data specialist. It feels like a highly specialized program designed to get you on the right track in a short amount of time.To those aspiring to start their coding journey whether it’d be with TripleTen or not, remember that progress, no matter how small, is still progress. Even if its 10 minutes a day, keep moving forward because its the consistency that counts. Read more
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Jessica Powers
Program: Data Science
I started TripleTen because I wanted to learn to do something that I could both enjoy and make work with my hearing loss. Their Quality Assurance Engineering program seemed like it would be a great opportunity for me. Not only do I enjoy learning the different methods for finding bugs and reporting ... them, but a good portion of the lessons tied into my previous experience as a graphic designer.I found that the TripleTen program also worked well around my day job, and with the limitations I have with my hearing loss. All the lessons are online which made it easy for me to do the reading portions on my lunch breaks and the practice portions when I was at home. Also, many of the sprints and their projects have video tutorials that go with them, as well as a dedicated section on the TripleTen Discord where I was able to ask questions and receive feed back when I needed help. The majority of the videos even let me turn the captions on (again a big deal for me). When I asked a question I was able to receive feedback reasonably quickly, and I never felt as if my questions were unreasonable, even on the occasion where I found the answer on my own within fifteen minutes of asking it in the Discord. It's a very self-paced program, and I tend to be super motivated when I'm learning things, so I think I was actually able to finish the course several weeks faster than anticipated. I feel like they give you plenty of time to get things done even while working around every day life and a full time job. I will also say that TripleTen is very good about asking for feedback on each section and working to improve their lessons to provide a great experience. I struggles a bit with the JavaScript portion because it was entirely new to me, and I do feel there's room for improvement in how some of that material is presented, but I also feel like my voice was heard when I offered feedback.My Community Manager also was amazing. She checked in on me regularly, sent me tutorial links when I couldn't find them, helped me work out a problem I had when trying to link my project so the reviewer could see it, and even gave me extra time on one of my project when I had a family emergency. The reviewers also gave concise, but clear feedback. I could usually tell exactly what they suggested I needed to work on or correct, and the submission and feedback process for each project was very straightforward with clear instructions. It's normal to take two rounds to get a project passed so please don't feel discouraged if you don't get a project on your first try!I have not joined the career acceleration program quite yet, but believe me when I say I'm very excited to get some career coaching and start the next step on this journey. Read more
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gulomjon turaev
Program: Data Science
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude and share my experience with TripleTen. The decision to venture into the realm of Data Science was driven by my curiosity to extract insights, from data and pursue a career that combines expertise with technological innovation.When it came to choosin... g TripleTen for my coding journey the decision was clear cut. The rounded. Hands on learning approach perfectly aligned with my objectives. Through the platform I was able to immerse myself in a learning experience applying theoretical concepts to real world scenarios through captivating projects. The supportive learning team and vibrant community created an environment where collaboration and knowledge sharing thrived.To structure my studies effectively I adopted an approach. I dedicated hours each day for coursework, practical coding exercises and active participation in community discussions. The diverse range of learning activities, including workshops and collaborative projects fueled my motivation. Pushed me to explore aspects of data science.What truly sets TripleTen apart is its focus, on application. The interactive nature of the platform combined with real world projects allowed me not to gain expertise but also develop crucial skills required in the field.The sense of community, through forums and collaborative projects has provided me with insights and a range of perspectives.TripleTen has played a role in helping me make progress towards my goal of becoming a data specialist. The structured curriculum, along with the platform and collaborative projects have greatly expedited my learning journey. Engaging in hands on projects has allowed me to build a portfolio that effectively showcases my skills to employers.For those who are embarking on their coding journey I would like to offer a pieces of advice. Firstly embrace the challenges that come with coding as it's a learning process where each obstacle presents an opportunity for growth. Secondly actively participate in the community by sharing your experiences and learning from others journeys; this can provide insights. Lastly never underestimate the power of hands on projects as they help solidify your understanding by applying what you've learned to real world scenarios and developing a skill set.In conclusion my experience with TripleTen has been truly transformative. The platforms features the supportive community it fosters and its practical approach to learning have set me on a path towards success in the field of Data Science. I am grateful for providing such an enriching learning experience that has further fueled my passion, for data analysis. Read more
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Hugo Tomita
Program: Data Science
I recently completed the data science course on TripleTen and would like to share my experience. My 2 hard requirements when finding a coding bootcamp were that the bootcamp have an active community with support and that it offers a flexible schedule due to my life circumstances. TripleTen has both!... It has a great community of students, graduates, and of course professional tutors that are active on a daily basis. Because the course is based on self learning, you can basically study anytime which is great for people who have hectic schedules like me. But they have the added benefit of zoom classes every weekend for students who need 1 on 1 training on specifics.My favorite feature is in the way that the actual learning material is structured. For every concept, TripleTen has an interactive notebook that you can instantly apply learned concepts on through practice which is great because it adds an additional layer of information retention quickly. I really am not a fan of lecture based learning so this was perfect for me. I would definitely highly recommend this course to anyone who is in search of a comprehensive datascience course with a great community and active support staff. Read more
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