TripleTen BI Analytics Bootcamp Reviews

Elmira Sapanova
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
Completed the TripleTen bootcamp in July—what a ride! Chose Data Analytics for skill growth and potential career shift. It was challenging yet incredibly rewarding, teaching me the power of embracing mistakes as stepping stones. The program equipped me with a diverse set of technical skills, from Py... thon and SQL to business analytics and more—essential in today's dynamic professional landscape. Now applying parts of my journey in a new job. Proud I didn't give up and want to say, go for it! You never know where you end up landing! Read more
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Brian Lopez
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
My journey with TripleTen has been nothing short of a game-changer, especially considering my career change aspirations and the desire to break into the tech industry without diving too deeply into coding. From the start, it was evident that TripleTen was the perfect fit for someone like me, seeking... a path into tech with a broader skill set. What truly stands out about TripleTen is its recognition that success in the tech world extends beyond coding alone. As someone not particularly fond of extensive coding, the program's focus on areas like BI Analytics provided a refreshing alternative. The curriculum was meticulously crafted, offering a comprehensive understanding of data analysis without the overwhelming emphasis on coding languages. This approach allowed me to learn the essential skills for a tech career while aligning with my preferences. The decision to pursue this change was significantly motivated by my family, and TripleTen proved to be the ideal partner in this endeavor. The flexibility of the program allowed me to balance learning with my family responsibilities, turning what could have been a stressful transition into a smooth and manageable process. The understanding and support from the TripleTen community and mentors played a pivotal role in keeping me motivated and focused on my goals. The program's commitment to personal growth and skill expansion resonated deeply with my aspirations. Each module was not just a lesson but a stepping stone towards a more enriched version of myself. The real-world projects and practical applications of data analysis concepts provided a tangible sense of progress, which was both gratifying and motivational. In essence, TripleTen has been more than just an educational program; it has been a partner in my journey of transformation. For anyone looking to break into the tech industry, expand their skill set, and grow both professionally and personally, TripleTen is not just a program – it's a supportive community that understands and nurtures your unique journey. Read more
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Dennis Otieno
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I Started on my BI Analysis  journey with TripleTen after graduating with an IT degree from the university of Texas in Dallas and struggling to get a job after graduation. After hundreds of applications and a year after graduation, I came to the realization that I needed to get extra skills in Tech ... to improve my chances of landing a job. So the idea of a bootcamp came by and after researching multiple bootcamps. I settled on TripleTen after speaking to an advisor and also because of their job guarantee at least six months after graduation and also after reading testimonies about the success rate of their program and graduates. The pricing that was offered by TripleTen was also a factor in choosing it. When I compared their pricing to other Bootcamps, in some instances their pricing was half as much compared to other Bootcamps offering the same classes. On top of that, they had flexible payment plans and also a deferred payment plan that lets you pay only after graduating and getting a job that pays at least $50,000 yearly before starting to pay them back. To make things even better, they guaranteed that if you don't get a job within six months after graduation, you will be able to get all your money back. All these made TripleTen unbeatable in the market compared to other bootcamps.       I embarked on the exciting journey of learning BI Analysis with a goal to delve into the world of data and analytics. Choosing the right platform for my analytics  journey was crucial, and after a thorough research, I decided to go with TripleTen. Some of the reasons that TripleTen has become an integral part of my learning experience are many and one of them was the Motivation to Learn. The lecturers were very supportive and helpful in helping to do the projects when stuck. We have a shared discord board among students where one could post a question when stuck on a topic or project and the tutors and other students would suggest ways of getting the problem done without actually giving you the direct answers thereby giving you the motivation to learn and figure out the answer. As with anything new, there will always be instances when you get stuck on something new that you have to learn especially if it's totally a new concept. I had never done SQL before, and it was challenging. I had constant check in from my tutors asking if they could help, and one I posted a question, I would get a response less than a day letter on how to navigate the said question.       The TripleTen platform is also very interactive making it quite easy to navigate to get answers about topics that one would be stuck in and this also made the task of completing projects manageable. Triple ten also have learning teams, community, and  workshops that have new activities every week to immerse yourself into and also they have learning workshops every day with different tutors covering different topics where one can get answers from depending on what program they are undertaking. TripleTen also introduced me to Github where I could post the projects I have learned so that other students and employers could view my work and increase my chances of getting a job. Through Github , I was also able to collaborate with other students and Github users on their projects by giving suggestions on how to improve on a project posted. I also got introduced to Norton, a platform I had never heard of which has helped me do a professional resume and connect with other like minded people in the analytics field.       The Studying Routine was very flexible and due to this it would be suitable for anyone , whether in school or undertaking a full time job. If you commit roughly 15 hours a week you would be able to meet the project deadlines. I broke down the 15 hours weekly study by studying in the morning every day for two hours and this enabled me to not fall behind and meet the study deadlines that are set out in the platform. The workshops that they offer every day covering different projects made it much easier and fun to figure out problems when stuck with an issue. On top of that, the most valuable aspect of TripleTen is their interactive platform, engaging projects, supportive learning team, a vibrant community, and their insightful workshops.       TripleTen has had a tremendous Impact towards my progress of becoming a BI Analyst. Since I started this journey I have become proficient in Excel, SQL, Tableau and Power BI. Ive become an expert in making engaging dashboards and collecting and cleaning data for analysis. It has also given me great confidence to applying for jobs that need experience because I can now show the products I have worked on as an example of what I can do when it comes to BI Analytics. The advice I can give to Beginners or those that are considering starting a journey in analytics, coding or any bootcamp classes you choose to do is just to begin. Like with everything new, it can look hard at first when you are starting out just like with learning any new subject especially if it is something that you have never done before. Staying motivated is essential even during days when a project seems hard to understand. The best way to approach these days is to always ask questions especially to your tutors and classmates and because you will find that most of the time they have experienced the same issue that you are experiencing. They will always be in a better position to show you how they maneuvered through the question to get to the correct answers and they can explain how you can get to the correct answer yourself.  Effective study habits and leveraging the resources provided by TripleTen would make you successful in your bootcamp journey.       My experience with TripleTen has been nothing short of transformative. The platform's features, coupled with my commitment and organized study routine, have accelerated my growth in the Analytics field. Most importantly, leverage TripleTen's resources, and stay dedicated. Read more
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DeAndre Brown
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I highly recommend the TripleTen Business Intelligence Analyst Bootcamp. The program's structure is streamlined and doesn’t skip on ensuring a focused learning experience. What sold me was that I could work at my own pace and do the work and lessons at anytime of the day. Despite being online, the i... s plenty of access to tutors, career coaches, fellow students, and alumni right from the start. That alone made collaborating and getting support through my journey extremely easy. My journey wasn’t the easiest since I had to juggle 2 full time jobs and 2 side businesses along the way the flexibility of it all was an extreme selling point for me. Read more
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Rachel Knight
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
The best career decision I've made so far has been selecting TripleTen for a coding bootcamp. I was nervous to change my path from the healthcare industry to tech, after becoming burned out and tired of commuting for hours each day. I have no background or experience in coding, but I knew I wanted t... o create a lifestyle for my future where I could work from home while still doing something I love. The platform and coursework actually make learning coding fun and I have been able to apply what I've learned to each project I complete. I have gained so many skills in data analysis that I never thought I could be doing. The best feeling is being proud of the work you complete after accomplishing a project. I chose TripleTen because of the amount of preparation and support they provide for getting a job in the real world, along with realistic challenges you may face. The program I selected is perfect for what I envisioned myself doing in the tech industry. All though it is self-paced, there are recommended milestones provided to keep you on track and many resources available for help and guidance. What separates TripleTen from other bootcamps, is that the tutors and success managers are encouraging and want you to succeed. Knowledge and help are given during the programs to ensure social media platforms, portfolios and interview skills are ready to begin job searching. If you are unsure about how to break into the tech world, TripleTen is the best place to start. Read more
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Ashlynn Jimmerson
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I've been working on the Business Intelligence Analytics course with TripleTen and so far it's been a great help! I'm close to finishing the course with a couple of sprints to go, each of which has taught each objective in great detail. I honestly feel ready to apply these skills to my next job oppo... rtunity, and just from have a foundational understanding of the concepts learned, I think it won't be long before I land that great job opportunity! Thank you to Aia, and all of the tutors for all the help throughout this journey! Read more
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Robert Lodovichetti
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I was a student in the Business Intelligence Analyst program at Tripleten's Bootcamp and I can wholeheartedly say that Tripleten is a great choice for any aspiring data professional. I decided to join tripleten because I was let go from my job back in the summer of 2022, and the job market has been ... very competitive within software implementation. As a business major, I have done a lot of research in switching careers and ultimately landed on going into business analytics, as the job market is only booming and there will always be a need for Business analysts in the future. I came across many online bootcamps, but Tripleten really stood out to me. Not only did I hear great things about the program, but the value, the, cost and the money back guarantee really enticed me to pull the trigger and go with Tripleten. I would on average budget around 20+ hours per week to dedicate to studying and completing the sprints. For the BIA program there are 8 sprints, which are roughly 2 weeks long each, and they cover everything from SQL, Excel, Power BI, and Tableau. What truly sets Tripleten apart from other bootcamps is their unparalleled support system. The network of students, mentors, tutors, and career success managers is not only amazing but also incredibly helpful. Tripleten also gives students access to many different studying options, including office hours with live tutors, 1-1 sessions with tutors, and co-working hours with other students who are working on the same sprints / projects that you are. At the end of each sprint, there is a sprint project which gives students the power, knowledge, and experience to complete real-world challenges you'd face as a business intelligence analyst. For me, the access to 1-1 tutoring sessions was extremely helpful, especially when I was stuck in certain areas. I also really liked the access to the Discord channel with students and tutors for quick resolution of questions and access to past students' questions. Moreover, the feedback and advice provided after project submission were super helpful and beneficial for personal growth. Since graduating the program, I have joined the career acceleration course which helps graduates clean up their Linkedin profiles, online Github portfolios, Resumes and cover letters, which is crucial for anyone looking to actually land a job in data. I am also now in the middle of an externship with Boston Public Library which will be a great, real-world experience and set me apart from other candidates in future job applications. I am very excited for the future and truly believe Tripleten has gotten me so much further then I ever would have gotten Overall, Tripletens bootcamp offers a holistic learning experience, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills and unwavering support, making it an excellent investment for anyone looking to thrive in the field of business intelligence. If you are thinking of changing your career and nervous to make a change, rest assured with Tripleten you will be in great hands! Read more
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Jonathan Le
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
After some life changes, I contemplated switching industries/careers to support my family. I stumbled on a TripleTen ad, and although it was scary to consider change, I'm glad I took the plunge. I took their career quiz which paired me with the Business Intelligence Analyst program and they have a f... ree SQL program you can take before committing. Everyone from TripleTen from the beginning has been helpful and understand, not pushy about getting you to sign up. What really sold me was the flexibility of the program - although there is a loose structure, you can work the program around your schedule as needed. They were also very accommodating when I asked for time off to spend with my newborn.Overall, the program is paced well, and easy to follow, albeit some lessons/sprints could use a little more polish and additional clarification of the subject matter. The heart of the program is within its Discord server, where you can easily and quickly connect with tutors, coaches, and other students/alumni. You should never feel alone with as there is always support available. Protip: TripleTen has program discounts once in a while, so time it correctly and you can save some money! Read more
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Saul Oremus
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
To start I wanted to change careers into something I felt more passionate about and feel like I had a talent for. I was looking at many different programs and career choices and decided on data/ business analytics. I felt that the problem-solving element of the work was the right choice for me and h... ow I think and analyze things. I decided to go with Triple Ten for several reasons, including the pricing of the course and the structure of the program. I felt that Triple Ten was the right choice and decided to move forward with it. I was happy to discover the format of the program and the dashboards were easy to understand and navigate as well as inspired me to continue learning. I spent about 10 hours a week learning the materials and completing the work. The final projects were intuitive and challenging but also reflected the course work, preparing me for further as a business intelligence analyst in today's job market.  I enjoyed the final project because it allowed me the creativity to pursue what I found the most interesting using the tools that I felt most comfortable with. I thought the reviews by the instructors were comprehensive in the core and helped me work out the kinks in my way of thinking so that it best aligns with how a business analyst should be thinking. While I think there were some things I found very intuitive because of my personality and experiences, there was so much to learn about the tech stacks as well as a transition in the way I think about business problems. Some advice I have for people just starting on their journey whether it is with Triple Ten or otherwise would be to be patient with yourself because there is much to learn. Also, take it one step at a time and carve out a consistent time to work on the material to keep yourself grounded and balanced in your approach to learning. Read more
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Omer T Butt
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
Embarking on the path of data science was a decision spurred by my fascination with uncovering insights from data and making informed decisions. As the digital landscape evolves, the demand for data-driven solutions grows exponentially, and I saw learning data science as not just a skill but a neces... sity for navigating this data-rich world.Upon researching various bootcamps, TripleTen stood out for its comprehensive curriculum, dedicated learning platform, and robust community support. What drew me to TripleTen was its commitment to providing a hands-on learning experience, which I believed would be instrumental in mastering complex concepts.In terms of studying, I’ve adopted a structured approach, dedicating several hours each day to coursework, practice exercises, and project work. I find that consistency is key, and breaking down the material into manageable chunks helps in retention and understanding. Additionally, participating in group discussions and attending workshops offered by TripleTen enriches my learning experience and exposes me to diverse perspectives.TripleTen’s interactive platform is undoubtedly one of its standout features. The ability to engage with real-world datasets and simulate data analysis scenarios enhances the learning process, making abstract concepts tangible. Moreover, the emphasis on collaborative projects fosters teamwork skills, mirroring real-world data science environments.The support network at TripleTen is unparalleled. From mentors providing guidance to fellow learners sharing resources and insights, the community aspect greatly enriches the learning journey. Whether it’s troubleshooting code or seeking career advice, knowing that there’s a community to lean on is immensely reassuring.TripleTen has been instrumental in accelerating my coding journey and inching closer to my goal of becoming a data specialist. The structured curriculum combined with practical projects has equipped me with the skills and confidence to tackle real-world data challenges. The hands-on experience gained through TripleTen’s projects has been invaluable in building a robust portfolio, which is crucial for career advancement in the data science field. Read more
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