TripleTen BI Analytics Bootcamp Reviews

Jeremy Laurange
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
When I was exploring career change bootcamps, Tripleten's program immediately stood out to me as the perfect choice for several compelling reasons. Firstly, its flexibility allowed me to adapt the program to my busy schedule. Balancing a young family and a full-time job leaves me with limited time, ... so Tripleten's program provided the much-needed flexibility I required. I could effectively work on the program during my available downtime while consistently meeting deadlines. Additionally, the interactive support system was invaluable. The presence of a vibrant network of colleagues on Discord, all progressing through the same sprints, facilitated constant communication with peers and tutors. This support structure not only kept me motivated but also enhanced my learning experience throughout the entire 5-month journey. As someone who thought there knew a fair bit about analytics, I was pleasantly surprised on how much I didn't know and how much I grew as a analyst. Tripleten's structure of learning a topic then reinforcing what you just learned through tangible projects that are thoroughly reviewed with prompt feedback, truly sets it apart from other learning platforms. Read more
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Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
Going into this program, I thought I already knew most of what was being taught. I signed up mostly for the help finding a job after thinking youtube and other free videos was enough. I was pleasantly surprised with how much is provided for new students. There is always tutors available for question... s and there is a lot of useful material provided. I had previously had a data analyst interview and I feel that if I had experienced this course before the interview, I would have had no problem getting the job. My favorite thing about the program is that the information you learn is all broken down into what they call "sprints". This helps you stay organized with what you're learning and they can be completed early. At first, I was worried about the due dates. If you keep up with everything, it is not hard to end up far ahead of the due dates but they do provide the push needed to help people stick with it. This has been a great program to be a part of. If this is something you are considering, the biggest deciding factor for me was the money back guarantee if you don't find a job. Its a win-win scenario. Read more
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Binod Rai
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I completed this TripleTen's Data Analytic Bootcamp Program in June 2023. I chose this bootcamp because I was looking for a bootcamp that has multiple projects and also this bootcamp was affordable. I completed multiple data analysis projects. In this process, my codes were reviewed by code reviewer... s. My experience with code reviewers was always good. Their suggestions and hints helped me to analyze the problems and solve them with confidence. They were able to review my code on time. Besides learning from the program’s learning materials, I cleared my doubts with TripleTen tutors. It was simple and easy to schedule a one-on-one meeting with tutors.  During this program, I got all the required support from the TripleTen support team. When I had technical questions or doubts, I asked for help and got enough support from the technical team. In addition, I was happy to get support from academic advisors, career support, and resume reviewers. After graduating from this program, I was happy to use the resources provided in the TripleTen Career Page.  All of these people from whom I got support were experts in their fields. They were above and beyond supporting me to learn. Whenever I had a question, I asked them, and I got my questions answered on time. I had to keep a gap while completing this bootcamp. I was able to come back and complete my program because TripleTen was flexible in making such arrangements. Most learning materials are Python-based. If you are interested in learning data analysis in Python, this bootcamp is suitable for you. It would be better if more topics were covered in SQL. Read more
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Matt Iles
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I joined TripleTen to make the jump into tech.  I have a degree in marketing and have worked in multiple industries: retail, nightlife, education, and marketing.  Since the pandemic, I've wanted to upskill to learn more hard skills to complement the soft skillset, but never found a way to gain these... skills that felt right.  As I'm sure you have, I was targeted for lots of Instagram Ads for Coding Bootcamps promising a life changing experience leading to a six figure career with no tech work experience. Not to mention my FYP was full of Bootcamp Ads. It always seemed like an option that wasn't truly obtainable. At least not obtainable for me. I always interacted with the ads, read their website, watched their videos, and even met with their recruiters. However, TripleTen was different -- in a good way -- from the beginning. The payment plan, the different course options, the money back guarantee, the career services, and holistic approach to upskilling was the perfect mix for me.  For the first time, it felt like the bootcamp was after more than just my tuition payment.  It's been clear that TripleTen is truly here for me as a person, professional, and student.  They are clearly building a community.I chose the Business Intelligence Analyst (BIA) course because I'm not a huge fan of actual coding, but still wanted into the tech industry. With my background in marketing and work experience, BIA seemed like the perfect program for me to not only jump to tech but also best utilize the transferrable skills I've accumulated. Plus it's only 4 months! It only got better once I joined.  The more I interacted with the curriculum and the TripleTen community on Discord (current students, former students, tutors, career coaches, community managers, and more), the more I knew I made the right decision. The curriculum is easy to follow along with.  The modules have a great mix of instruction and hands on examples to follow along with that wrap up with a robust project.  The project not only reinforces the skills I'd just learned, but also gave me something great to add to my portfolio.  Any time I needed help it was very simple to ask for it.  I just asked the question in the appropriate channel on Discord and I got an answer or support in just a few hours. The chapters and lessons are organized into two-week sprints with each of them focusing on a different aspect of BI.  I've learned how to analyze and build data visualizations using Google Sheets, SQL, Tableau, and Power BI. Weaved into the program were lessons on resume building, LinkedIn optimization, portfolio building, and other relevant soft skills necessary to not just start a new career but flourish in it.10/10 would definitely recommend. Read more
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Joel Alicea
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
Hello there I hope this blesses whoever reads it!I decided to learn business analytics more than a year ago, and this is where my search began.  I've always loved business and rapport-building customer service but didn't see how that could be applied to a technical field, well I am glad I found Trip... leTen. It has helped me understand how businesses use analytics to make decisions and how producing these results is a form of serving customers - I enjoy talking to people very much but also LOVE a challenge. My biggest fear was Excel (even got laid off from a job for not understanding it) and TripleTen helped break down these harder concepts into step-by-step walkthroughs while also still challenging you. Their program is also for the busy bees - whether you have kids, work full time, and or go to school, I found the curriculum manageable and the team super helpful whenever you needed assistance. I put in 20 hours of work every week, sometimes a bit less (depending on my week's schedule) but it's all about applying yourself to the process and trusting it. There are sometimes when things are going to get hard but if you reach out for help, they'll be able to assist you, especially during co-working hours. Unlike other boot camps I researched before joining TripleTen, the program is fully remote and super affordable and the value you get in return makes the investment worth it. My favorite part of the BootCamp was the end projects of each sprint. Although dreadful at first, once I reached out to the community and saw the previous interactions with tutors from other student discussions I was able to piece together each project, which ultimately led to a great portfolio. The program has much more to offer but these are the highlights that I found worth mentioning. I am currently completing my final project and I look forward to adding this to my portfolio as well.  Lastly, I've learned that coding is not only for those with the technical expertise or background. I come from a retail background with a degree in psychology, I am planning to use what I learned in TripleTen to join a team that cares about what I am passionate about. If you love business and you're curious, I'll recommend giving TripleTen a shot, and if you're stuck on the fence about whether to dive into data analytics regardless - please do it. Your future self would thank you! Read more
Jeremy Laurange
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
When I delved into the realm of career change bootcamps, Tripleten's program immediately caught my attention as the ideal choice for several compelling reasons. Firstly, its adaptability allowed me to tailor the program to fit seamlessly into my hectic schedule. Juggling the responsibilities of a yo... ung family and a full-time job meant I had limited time, and Tripleten's program provided the much-needed flexibility. This enabled me to effectively engage with the program during my available downtime, ensuring that I consistently met deadlines. Moreover, the interactive support system proved to be invaluable. The existence of a dynamic network of peers on Discord, all progressing through the same sprints, facilitated continuous communication with both colleagues and tutors. This supportive framework not only kept me motivated but also enriched my learning experience throughout the entire 5-month journey. Despite considering myself knowledgeable in analytics, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I didn't know and how much I developed as an analyst. What sets Tripleten apart is its unique structure: learning a topic and then reinforcing it through hands-on projects that are meticulously reviewed with prompt feedback. This approach truly distinguishes Tripleten from other learning platforms and contributed significantly to my growth in the field. Read more
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Norbert Huszti
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I recently completed the TripleTen course and am eager to share my experiences. The course was a comprehensive journey that went beyond my expectations. While no course is perfect, the material and platform at TripleTen are exceptional, offering a blend of in-depth learning and practical application... . One of the standout features was the Career Acceleration part, which provided invaluable insights and strategies for job searching. Although I'm not based in the US and couldn’t take full advantage of their American market-specific resources, the coaching sessions I received were instrumental in my job search process. The support team deserves a special mention for their prompt and effective assistance, often resolving issues within a few hours. The money-back guarantee for US residents and the regular offer of externships are other commendable aspects. In my case, participating in an externship directly contributed to landing a job within a few months of an earnest job search. I highly recommend this course, especially for those looking for a comprehensive data analysis program with robust career support, regardless of whether they are in the US or not. The skills and insights gained here are universally applicable and can significantly boost your job prospects. Read more
Cledson Coelho Lacerda
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
Embarking on the journey of learning Data Analysis and Business Intelligence was a decision rooted in the pursuit of a long-standing dream. As a single parent, the responsibilities that come with parenthood can sometimes overshadow personal aspirations. However, when my son turned 17, I felt a renew... ed sense of determination to fulfill my dream of traveling the world, contributing positively, and experiencing diverse cultures while still earning a living. My academic background in politics, diplomacy, and international law provided a foundation, but it wasn't until I discovered the "Digital Nomad" movement that a new realm of possibilities opened up. The shift to remote work, especially in the post-COVID era, fueled my decision to acquire more technical skills, realizing that my child had surpassed me in technological know-how. The initial foray into the world of technology involved exploring free online courses and YouTube videos to ascertain my interest before committing to a bootcamp or another master's degree. This exploration led me to TripleTen bootcamp, and after thorough research and discussions with the Admissions Advisor, Brian Karl, I was convinced that the program aligned perfectly with my goals. What sets TripleTen apart is not just the program's content but the genuine care and support extended by the school. From the outset, the staff, including tutors, managers, and fellow students, demonstrated a level of commitment that went beyond typical academic interactions. The accessibility at any time, day or night, through Discord or other channels, created a sense of belonging. It wasn't just about being another paying student; it felt like being part of a supportive TripleTen family, reigniting the passion that fueled my initial decision. Choosing a school that genuinely cares about your success and is willing to go the extra mile is crucial. TripleTen not only provided the skills needed for a lucrative career but also fostered an environment where personal dreams could flourish. The decision to join TripleTen was undeniably one of the best I've made, and the fact that even my son aspires to join TripleTen when he turns 18 speaks volumes about the positive impact it has had on our lives. If you aim not just for financial independence but a dream job and a supportive community, TripleTen is the way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read more
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Rasha Yazbeck
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I joined the Triple Ten business intelligence analytics program after a year of debate. As a mother of a now toddler, it was very hard for me to take on another challenge, as my schedule was already packed with being a mom, a wife, and working. Working with my business bachelor's degree alone wasn't... cutting it in today's economy. I knew then that I had to do something else, and with my lifestyle, going back to college for a masters or something of that sort wasn't an option. Although I knew that I needed to improve myself in order to have a better quality of life for myself and my family, that is when I began to look into tech boot camps after I saw an ad on Instagram. I did my search, and kept postponing the decision for almost a year due to the cost and time, that I did not have then, but my decision was set on a program at  Triple Ten and I'm so glad that I did. Considering tech and coding wasn't something I believed I could do, but after taking the quiz about which program I could join based on my personality, I realized that the description provided, really was something I'm interested in doing for a career. Since the first day I booked the call with Triple Ten, it was a great experience, the staff and team are absolutely amazing, and are very interested in making sure that you succeed. I love that I can work and learn on my own pace, yet still be  a click or a chat away from getting any help needed, because as I said the staff is amazing. Aside the staff being so wonderful, the material we learn is very interesting and engaging, definitely not like any studying I've done in the past. I'm always eager for the next sprints, and projects to learn and apply my skills. If I would give Triple Ten a 10/10 score, and would recommend it to anyone interested in breaking into tech in an enjoyable way that leaves you so engaged. Triple Ten makes it so easy to join, and offers you full support, as well as a guarantee of a job in tech or you basically learn for free, so there is absolutely nothing to lose, but so much to gain, and who wouldn't want that? So yes, Triple Ten for the win. Read more
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Randi Schmitz
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I was stuck at a place in life where I didn't really know what I wanted to do or how to go about getting there, until my friend recommended TripleTen! It was everything I could have asked for and more. There is a pre-course call where they will go over your personal needs and skill levels and talk y... ou through which course will be best for you, while explaining the timeline, and what is involved with the program. The curriculum is thorough and easy to follow, and allows a lot of opportunity to practice the skills you are learning along the way. My favorite part of learning is I don't feel the pressure of being graded in the traditional sense, but instead it is reviewed by a tutor and feedback is provided based on what was submitted with not only things that need improvement, but what you did well. There are also additional tools provided to help along the way, and the community is so supportive and available at all times. There is no "days off", in the sense that someone is always available, and you are able to work at your own pace within a certain time frame. As someone who works 50+ hours a week, this was incredibly helpful! Read more
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