TripleTen BI Analytics Bootcamp Reviews

Eric Praniewicz
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I began the TripleTen program after being laid off from a dead-end project coordinator job that severely underpaid and overworked me. I've had a lot of experience in business with various industries, but the roles I seemed qualified enough for were always low-pay, high workload positions.  I became ... tired of this vicious cycle and realized I needed to add more to my skillset if I ever wanted to move up in the working world.  I'd seen ads for various bootcamp programs, but I was highly skeptical. After doing some research, I landed on TripleTen- their current and former students seemed to find the work engaging, but the thing that really stood out to me was their emphasis on their Career Acceleration program.  I've always struggled with job searching, resume building, and interviewing, despite preparation in business school, and the tech field was a whole other animal I did not feel ready to face.  I chose TripleTen because I had a lot of hope that their career coaches would transform my professional self into a desirable commodity, and while I'm not quote finished with the program, I am very close and the tips and advice I've gotten so far have not only gotten me a lot more attention on platforms like LinkedIn, I now better understand where my skills can take me.As of this review, I do not yet have a job, as I'm still working on my final project, however I will update this review once I do complete Career Acceleration and find a job with TripleTen's help.  Fingers crossed! Read more
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Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
The projects are absolutely the most important part of this program for me. They force you to go deep into the material instead of just skimming it and thinking you got it. You get feedback while submitting the projects, and asked to fix and/or explain anything that's unclear. They also face you wit... h the kind of issues you run into while working in real life and make you solve them by yourself, while still offering help if you need it. I was able to start using the material we learned in the program in my actual work after the second project already. Read more
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Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I'm already on the 6th spring of the Data Analysis track and I would say that if you want to learn real Data Analysis, it's the right place. You will have a lot of opportunities to apply just learned skills to real-world data. I'm at about half of my journey but I already fill quite confident when I... need to manipulate data and prepare it for further analysis. Now I easily switch between Stata (my primary tool) and Python. There are some issues with the exerciser though. Quite often it is too sensitive to minor mistakes like additional white space or the order of variables included. It might take ages to find what is going wrong and sometimes call for technical support which also takes a lot of time and interrupts the learning process. Read more
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Sheryl K
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
The breadth and depth of the material will prepare anyone for today's workforce.I felt cared for and supported throughout the learning process.We completed lessons on the platform and projects on our own. The projects were reviewed and approved or returned for improvements. Every improvement was wor... th while and significantly increased the quality of my work.I went from feeling a bit overwhelmed to feeling excited about the next task. “How does this work?” became “I know I can do this!” Read more
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User Avatar
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
The online platform of the course is really great. In each chapter the beginning is learning the theoretical material, in this part there are plenty of examples and code parts to make it practical. Sometimes when the material is really hard, I think they should have add videos which is not so common... . But they do refer to extra reading webpages or other explanations. Afterwards, there are projects (first about small portion of material and then integrated). They are awesome tool for studying because you don't only get "Pass" or "Fail", you get some recommendations on things that were not in the theory and can improve your project (inc. visualization, using another methods/ functions ect.). One disadvantage is that the "community" feeling is not so strong, there is a "forum" where anyone can ask questions, but no one answer other students, just the tutors are doing it. In general I would totally recommend the course for lone learners. Read more
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Rina Yasser
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
It was an unforgettable and very effective time. Working on the platform at your convenient time gives you the choice of what and when you do, but deadlines and meetings with a tutor keep you on schedule. It was the perfect combination of freedom and boundaries for me. Projects based on real cases ... gave a complete picture of what you need to be a professional in your field. Read more
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Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
Completing the sprints meant that I was capable of doing the projects and the tasks assigned to me. With each project completed, I feel a little more confident each time. I think the most effective parts of the course are definitely the projects. The projects in a way force you to be resourceful and... reach out for help from the tutors if needed, which aids in the learning experience. What skills and knowledge did you gain? Not only have I gained hards skills in python, SQL, and Tableau, but I've become much more adept at learning and looking for answers on my own. I'm feeling a little more confident in the job search and I'm hoping to get a job in Data Science soon. Read more
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Elmira Sapanova
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
About two years ago I decided to shift my career into the tech industry. At that time, I was working in a job I didn't like, and it presented the perfect opportunity for me to pursue further education. After researching various boot camps online, I came across an advertisement for TripleTen (formerl... y Practicum), and I decided to enroll in their Data Analytics course. I'm not exactly sure why, but something about this boot camp felt right—the comprehensive information provided, the well-structured curriculum, also the encouraging call I received from their representative. I must admit that the course was very challenging and intense for me, but it was definitely worth the effort to complete it. I have a tendency to take things very seriously, and there were times when I made mistakes or failed to seek help in advance, which may have taken longer to complete the course. Nevertheless, I persevered, learned a lot, and gained valuable skills in data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning. The course also provided real-world projects that enhanced my resume. Through this experience, I learned that it's okay when things don't go as planned, and it's acceptable to make mistakes and move forward when necessary. I am grateful for the incredible support team, code reviewers, tutors, and the welcoming community. I want to express my appreciation to my exceptional community manager, Marina, who has been extremely supportive and always there for me. Altogether, my experience with TripleTen has been excellent so far, and I have no doubts that if you are seeking the best engineering education, this is the boot camp to choose from. Read more
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Jose Valenzuela
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I would like to start this review of why I chose TripleTen as the bootcamp to learn how to become a Data Analyst. Before joining TripleTen, I had tried to study the different subjects that are provided within the course, like learning Excel/Spreadsheets, SQL and Python. But learning these subjects o... n my own proved to be a very difficult task and could not find the time or the structure to study these subjects correctly and to understand them was an even harder task. As I started to review and investigate different bootcamps, I came across TripleTen. I was immediately convinced as it had very positive reviews from previous students, the price point was very reasonable (with different payment options) and the course completion of 6 months was very appealing. Before beginning, you have a phone conference with a TripleTen representative that explains the course in detail and it helped me to make the decision to enter this bootcamp. Upon entering, you are given a start date and an orientation, that answers any doubts that you might have about the bootcamp. The structure of the course is very adaptable to anyone. I am currently working a full-time job, from 8am - 5pm, and always found the time to study either during my lunch breaks or after work. I also structured study time during the weekends so that I would not fall behind. In total, I would say that I would study around 15-20 hours per week. The bootcamp is structured in a very reasonable and workable way. You first are given material to read and review about each subject, like Excel/Spreadsheets, SQL, Python, etc. During theoretical learning, you are also given review task which cement the learning material further. After every sprint (how the course is divided, about 2-3 weeks of learning), you are to complete a project about what you learned. The projects to me were my favorite thing about the bootcamp, as they require you to apply all of your knowledge that you learned during the sprint. The projects are also the most fundamental part of the bootcamp, in my opinion, because it is the evidence that you learned the material and is what you are able to present to future employers. Tips and advice for anyone thinking of joining this bootcamp is to not be discouraged if any of the material appears to be harder than expected. If it were easy, anybody would do it. Also, the support from tutors and project manager is always available and they are always willing to help and guide you through any difficulties. Another thing to consider it to always make the time, there will be days when you will feel overwhelmed, but trust me when I say that it is possible and by putting your mind to it, it is always possible. Also, the times are very flexible and even working full-time, I never fell behind in any sprint. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my time with TripleTen and I would most definitely recommend it to anyone thinking about getting into the tech industry. Read more
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Michael Samiotes
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I became interested in shifting to a career in technology after I was introduced to some rudimentary coding techniques related to a hobby.  After some online research, I selected the Business Intelligence Analyst program at TripleTen for their flexible schedule, support staff, and career assistance ... programs.  Some of the sprints were more difficult than others, but I was always able to receive any necessary help from the program's tutors.  I enjoyed learning about the various techniques and formulas needed to manipulate the data to find desired answers.  When we used programs that I was at least somewhat familiar with, such as Excel, the lessons were still informative and useful.  When we moved on to programs that I had not heard of, such as Tableau, the lessons were detailed enough that I was able to follow along without issue.Besides resolving my difficulties completing the coursework, the TripleTen tutors were also always available to answer my questions concerning strategies and what it was like to actually work in the profession.  I sent messages that were always promptly answered (except one time when the person i had messaged got the flu), and the video conference I arranged was very informative, supportive, and arranged around my schedule.The projects at the end of each sprint were good summations of the material, which both assisted me through a real-world problem and forced me to think critically about how to solve one.  When my projects were reviewed, the feedback was returned quickly, and it was generally helpful and specific.  Their comments gave me useful insights into not only how to improve the general quality of my work but how to maximize the professionalism of what I was presenting and adhere to subtle industry expectations.Since I have only recently graduated from the main BIA program, I have not yet had the opportunity to participate in one of their externships.  But I look forward to receiving a task from an actual company and completing it under guidance of the TripleTen tutors.  I sometimes lack confidence, and I believe this program will help me to have more faith that my newly acquired skills can successfully be translated into a career. Read more
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