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Ahmad Hijazi
Program: Data Science
I started this data science journey to transition into an exciting new field from engineering. I compared several bootcamps prior to selecting TripleTen and it was the best fit for me due to the flexible study schedule, breadth of the curriculum, continuous support from the community managers & tuto... rs, and affordability.I liked TripleTen's interactive platform with real-world tasks in each sprint, which makes it easy to see the value in the material, and how it can be applied to solving data science problems. The sprint projects are also real-world tasks, optimized to focus on material from the sprint and put the knowledge to practice.  TripleTen's comprehensive data science program has helped me learn Python, SQL, data analysis, data visualization, Git, and machine learning models, both supervised and unsupervised for classification and regression tasks. Even though support is readily available from tutors during office hours and quick-to-respond community managers, I encourage you to challenge yourself and not ask for help until you've really tried as this will make the solution more rewarding and memorable. Read more
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Cody O'Brien
Program: Software Engineering
I'm still a student at TripleTen, and I've gone through 9 of the 16 total sprints so far. From the very first one, the information was presented in a clear and effective manner. The theory is comprehensive without being overwhelming, and the exercises are great reinforcement of each of the theory se... gments. The projects at the end of each sprint are direct applications of the information presented in the chapter, with just enough challenge to push your skills and solidify your learning. There's just enough guidance to let you figure out things own your own, or get help from tutors. Each sprint builds on past material very well, advancing your knowledge as the program goes along. The community support and engagement is great as well. Community managers and tutors are super responsive and helpful; the scheduled office hours for students to have a planned time to ask for help and questions are very useful as well. The tutors are very knowledgeable; they're always willing to help, and explain ideas beyond the scope of projects or sprints.TripleTen has been a great experience so far, and I would definitely recommend it for anyone looking to get into software engineering. Read more
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Kory Russell
Program: Software Engineering
I am a current student of Triple Ten (Formerly Practicum) and I have to say I knew going into this bootcamp after being mesmerized by the first free sprint that I loved doing this. I underestimated the intense core of what is involved, and while I still am loving this bootcamp, rest assured you will... work hard to achieve the results you are looking for. I love my Community Manager- Dina, she is awesome and works with you so well, and there are some amazing tutors almost always available. Sometimes I have a hard time following the lessons and studying in Theory, but I do eventually get it, and now entering Sprint 2. I cannot wait to see what I will continue to learn. SUPER INTENSE = SUPER SATISFACTION here, and its so far worth every penny I have paid for my tuition. I have no doubts if you want the best engineering learning, this is the bootcamp to choose. I ALSO have learned so much about myself like how I am teaching myself to pay more attention to syntax and grammar, trust me it matters! I have learned how satisfying it is to finish something even if there are a few things I missed, I can go back and in real time learn how to not repeat them. It takes a while to get some of the concepts, but I like the way Practicum has laid the Sprints out, even early into the bootcamp. Thanks Triple Ten! Keep up the good work with your style and curriculum lessons! Read more
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Marlon Nunez
Program: Software Engineering
I joined practicum (now TripleTen) after deciding to take a serious next step towards a career change. I was looking for a bootcamp that could fulfill a few things. I wanted it to be a strong bootcamp, with flexible hours. I work a full time job, and many other commitments, so finding something that... was flexible was one of my top priorities. Many other bootcamps require you to join a live coding class, which I think is extremely helpful, but hard to commit to when you have other responsibilities. TripleTen allows me to work on my own schedule. I also find the coursework to be extremely strong, and progresses from easily to very difficult, which allows you to become accustomed to the platform, coding and learning. The community of learners is super strong helpful and encouraging. I have started close relationships with other students which has allowed me to 1) grow my network, 2) make friends in the field, and 3) get support from other students. We have created a community where we come together to support each other. The tutors are super helpful and are often available at many different hours of the day. Read more
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Michael Levy
Program: Data Science
I have completed the first third of the Data Science Bootcamp as of today. I decided to go with TripleTen (Originally Practicum when I was researching programs) after several weeks of investigating various online Data Science Bootcamps. One of the biggest selling points for me was the opportunity to... do work for a real company while in the program. I also did the introduction to coding module and found the UI to be very easy to use and navigate. So far my experience has been excellent. The material has been engaging and challenging, but not so difficult as to be frustrating. The set up on Discord is great. For each new module you are added to that module's discord channel and you can see the questions previously asked by students and the answers from tutors and other students. This saves time and prevents you from having to ask the same question as others. I would say I spend around the 20 hours per week that TripleTen said I should expect at the beginning of the program. I find it best to put in at least an hour a day during the week and several hours on the weekends. Overall I feel like it is a great program and I highly recommend it. Read more
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Brandi Booth
Program: Data Science
I decided to start learning Data Science because solving problems interest me.  I'd like to have a work from home position where what I do uniquely helps the company.  I have an analytical personality and I am good at analyzing details.The training platform is helpful because there is theoretical le... arning.  Like it explains the new topics and then backs it up with code for you to do the work of what you just learned.  The projects give you a chance to work on real world business topics that you might actually do in the field.  The tutors are helpful when you can get one.  I don't like that its challenging to casually get explaination for things you may not understand.   Code reviewers are tough, sometimes they give a hard time.  Community managers are as helpful as can be.  The other classmates are golden, and a great support system. I am learning new skills and concepts I never even thought of, and I think I will be able actually do the skills needed. I just am really hopeful I will be able to get a great job in this field.  I chose TripleTen because of the gaurnatee  for the job.  The program is really challenging and it takes a lot of dedication.  Just have to trust that the team here is training us well and we will acquire good paying work in our field. Read more
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Kiffany Francis
Program: Software Engineering
I chose TripleTen (formerly Practicum) because of the opportunities for a flexible schedule, code review, the money-back job guarantee, and live tutors and community. I've been studying for the last six months and have learned a ton. I have been immersed in JavaScript and am starting to learn React ... at the moment. I'm hoping to broaden my career prospects and do a job that is more challenging daily.What has been great:The format -- the program is broken down into 2-3 week sprints that are modeled after the profession. This is my favorite part of the program. You can work independently on these projects after doing some lesson on the platform. The tutoring -- If you do get "stuck" or need some advice or guidance, there is live tutoring available through the platform every day. If you can't make it to a session, you can post your issue or question online, and many tutors will respond with a quick video or screenshots. The tutors are great and share their own professional experiences as software developers. They're such an asset to TripleTen truly.The code review -- In the projects, we push our projects to Github and receive feedback on our projects. The Code Reviewers are top notch and give excellent suggestions and point out when things are working.The flexibility -- Sometimes, you might need an extension or may get sick or need to take a week off. The program has breaks that you can take along the way. There are 8 week-long breaks and a month-long break if needed.There are other things that I can't comment on like the career program at the end--but they do integrate career lessons into the coding lessons along the way. At the beginning, they also said that there would be opportunities to do an "apiary" or a cooperative work experience project with a company. I haven't known many students to do these just yet, only one who finished as I was starting six months ago. I think there are limited opportunities, so it may be something to inquire about. I also thought there would be more opportunities through the program to do Code Jams or weekend coding competitions within the bootcamp, but there hasn't been any during my time there.I think for myself as a learner, I learn the most through doing the projects in the sprint. I don't really like going through the lessons on the platform. Each sprint, I probably do 3-4 days of working through the lessons before getting the project. I'm not sure if it's because I have former development experience that I get bored, but I think they could be more precise and less dry. I do know it's necessary to convey new content in some sort of way though. Overall, I feel closer to being ready to apply to jobs that require HTML/CSS and JavaScript. I had been learning Python in the past. I'm hoping that this will give me the push to get a better job so that I can do more for my family. This program provides a strong structure along with support in order to grow as a developer. Read more
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Elmira Sapanova
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
About two years ago I decided to shift my career into the tech industry. At that time, I was working in a job I didn't like, and it presented the perfect opportunity for me to pursue further education. After researching various boot camps online, I came across an advertisement for TripleTen (formerl... y Practicum), and I decided to enroll in their Data Analytics course. I'm not exactly sure why, but something about this boot camp felt right—the comprehensive information provided, the well-structured curriculum, also the encouraging call I received from their representative. I must admit that the course was very challenging and intense for me, but it was definitely worth the effort to complete it. I have a tendency to take things very seriously, and there were times when I made mistakes or failed to seek help in advance, which may have taken longer to complete the course. Nevertheless, I persevered, learned a lot, and gained valuable skills in data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning. The course also provided real-world projects that enhanced my resume. Through this experience, I learned that it's okay when things don't go as planned, and it's acceptable to make mistakes and move forward when necessary. I am grateful for the incredible support team, code reviewers, tutors, and the welcoming community. I want to express my appreciation to my exceptional community manager, Marina, who has been extremely supportive and always there for me. Altogether, my experience with TripleTen has been excellent so far, and I have no doubts that if you are seeking the best engineering education, this is the boot camp to choose from. Read more
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Jose Valenzuela
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I would like to start this review of why I chose TripleTen as the bootcamp to learn how to become a Data Analyst. Before joining TripleTen, I had tried to study the different subjects that are provided within the course, like learning Excel/Spreadsheets, SQL and Python. But learning these subjects o... n my own proved to be a very difficult task and could not find the time or the structure to study these subjects correctly and to understand them was an even harder task. As I started to review and investigate different bootcamps, I came across TripleTen. I was immediately convinced as it had very positive reviews from previous students, the price point was very reasonable (with different payment options) and the course completion of 6 months was very appealing. Before beginning, you have a phone conference with a TripleTen representative that explains the course in detail and it helped me to make the decision to enter this bootcamp. Upon entering, you are given a start date and an orientation, that answers any doubts that you might have about the bootcamp. The structure of the course is very adaptable to anyone. I am currently working a full-time job, from 8am - 5pm, and always found the time to study either during my lunch breaks or after work. I also structured study time during the weekends so that I would not fall behind. In total, I would say that I would study around 15-20 hours per week. The bootcamp is structured in a very reasonable and workable way. You first are given material to read and review about each subject, like Excel/Spreadsheets, SQL, Python, etc. During theoretical learning, you are also given review task which cement the learning material further. After every sprint (how the course is divided, about 2-3 weeks of learning), you are to complete a project about what you learned. The projects to me were my favorite thing about the bootcamp, as they require you to apply all of your knowledge that you learned during the sprint. The projects are also the most fundamental part of the bootcamp, in my opinion, because it is the evidence that you learned the material and is what you are able to present to future employers. Tips and advice for anyone thinking of joining this bootcamp is to not be discouraged if any of the material appears to be harder than expected. If it were easy, anybody would do it. Also, the support from tutors and project manager is always available and they are always willing to help and guide you through any difficulties. Another thing to consider it to always make the time, there will be days when you will feel overwhelmed, but trust me when I say that it is possible and by putting your mind to it, it is always possible. Also, the times are very flexible and even working full-time, I never fell behind in any sprint. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my time with TripleTen and I would most definitely recommend it to anyone thinking about getting into the tech industry. Read more
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Brandi Booth
Program: Data Science
TripleTen has a good online community with study buddies 5 days a week, and teambuilding if you take advantage of opportunities with cohort members. The community is one of the best parts. Tutors seem less available once you're in the program for months. They also want specific questions verses," I ... don't understand, please help" approach. This program is good if you have a bit of gumption about yourself and some sort of interest in the subject of study you choose. The whole point is to get a job in the field, I have just 3 months left to finish the 9 month program. The work itself is challenging. I came in not knowing much of programming. The data science field requires knowledge of coding, and a certain field of mathematics. If a person likes solving problems this could be good for them. I like how now I am in the part of the program that now starts to apply data science to practical business use. There are a lot of things to learn before getting to practical usage. Another part of the program that I do like is there are deadlines. I personally need deadlines to work toward for personal goal meeting and to get a logistical view point of attaining goals. Again the work can be a bit challenging but I have surprised myself with gaining a lot of skill and knowledge in the field. The point is to get a good job in the field which I have not reached yet. The online staff at Tripleten is helpful, and the tutors are good, not great, but good-- definitely not bad. Lastly, as you learn --you code; you read theory, you see examples, then you code-- this does help when you have to make the code work as you go along. Read more
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