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Ahmed Eldemerdash
Program: Software Engineering
very great course in web development .. good review and follow up .. practice everything like a professional study on your own pace good support and answer all your questions cover everything you need as a junior developer long story short they are amazing
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Jared Parker
Program: Data Science
I  am a bit over half way through the Data Science program - it is an 8 month course. the first chapter is free so you can get a feel for if it will work out for you. the platform work is step by step - so introduce a concept, apply the concept, then introduce a new aspect of the concept, etc.where ... the program really shines, in my opinion, is the tutors and the projects.the projects are realistic scenarios and, while you are expected to use the concepts taught in the chapter, there is also room to try out new methods, libraries and approaches. you are then paired with a reviewer who will provide feedback, additional information and hints on how to make your end product better.the tutors are able to provide explanations and input on how to better perform tasks and understand concepts.overall, i think the value is amazing, especially considering the cost and length of the course. it is very in depth. Read more
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Valentina Anthonio
Program: Data Science
Wondering why it's the best? And I would say there is no better place to learn not just to code but also to understand the concepts. Coming from a finance and accounting background, I needed something that would accord me both theoretical and practical lessons. I only have a few sprints to finish an... d can confidently say, I have no regrets since starting. My interest in data science all started at a time when I started my MBA. I decided on a topic that required skills that I didn’t have. All I could tell myself after going through some basics was, I might as well see this through the end. Fast forward, I started looking for a place where a beginner like me would be feel left out.  I have enjoyed every moment spent going through this course. From the lessons, working on projects, or interacting with the support team when I encounter problems while coding.  And the icing for me is the weekly webinars which provide you with lessons beyond what has been taught on the platform plus the support from the tutors. Even the pop-up comments you get when you submit your work as you go through each lesson cracks you up some things, the feeling that you are not alone in it. The projects to complete after every sprint and be graded on are always challenging but always worth it. And even the reviewer’s comments go beyond just reviewing your code. They provide you with additional information to read on so as to improve your code better at the next sprint. Following these recommendations places you ahead of the curve. Read more
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Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
The online platform of the course is really great. In each chapter the beginning is learning the theoretical material, in this part there are plenty of examples and code parts to make it practical. Sometimes when the material is really hard, I think they should have add videos which is not so common... . But they do refer to extra reading webpages or other explanations. Afterwards, there are projects (first about small portion of material and then integrated). They are awesome tool for studying because you don't only get "Pass" or "Fail", you get some recommendations on things that were not in the theory and can improve your project (inc. visualization, using another methods/ functions ect.). One disadvantage is that the "community" feeling is not so strong, there is a "forum" where anyone can ask questions, but no one answer other students, just the tutors are doing it. In general I would totally recommend the course for lone learners. Read more
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Dor Anaki
Program: Data Science
I went to the program with no prior background, and I was worried about the fact that the whole course is at Python and I can't print 'hello world', I discovered a convenient and clear platform with explanations examples and practices, 24/7 technical support.The instructors are excellent attentive p... atient and professional and available .sometimes even at 4 AM .a one-on-one meeting for further questions is available.The course is intensive professionally and includes a lot of material but the staff were able to convey it in a profound relaxed and good way. Read more
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Rina Yasser
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
It was an unforgettable and very effective time. Working on the platform at your convenient time gives you the choice of what and when you do, but deadlines and meetings with a tutor keep you on schedule. It was the perfect combination of freedom and boundaries for me. Projects based on real cases ... gave a complete picture of what you need to be a professional in your field. Read more
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Yash Dubey
Program: Data Science
I was looking for a course that offered practical experience of programming without too much fluff. This fits the bill perfectly as a no-nonsense course that touches upon theory and drops you in the deep end to practice and learn. The course is very hands-on and there are multiple projects and case ... studies to enable you to learn by doing. If you're looking for a course that offers a holistic view of data science from the ground up, this is probably not for you. The course focuses more on the programming aspect - specifically Python. That's not to say it doesn't cover soft skills and theory however, only not in as much detail as another course such as Springboard. Read more
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Program: Software Engineering
I was able to do the intro course and I really learned a lot! It was fun to do and I was able to follow along with the tutorials well. It was nice to learn a new skill. I wish I would have had time to do the full course. I think I would have really liked it!
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Tyler Hudson
Program: Data Science
It's a fairly complicated course, certainly something that is going to take a lot of effort to complete, and sometimes it feels more complicated than it needs to be. But, aside from that, it feels very well in-depth and goes over a lot of related subjects that makes me feel confident about my abilit... y to be job ready. It is also ungraded, being focused solely on progressing and they give projects at the end of each section, allowing you to feel quite familiar with practical projects well before the end of the course. While I can't compare it to other bootcamps, as this is the only one I've taken, it still feels as though it may be much higher quality than others. Read more
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Gor Mikayelyan
Program: Data Science
The program is split into sprints. Each sprint has a project that follows to recap everything you've learned. Access to tutors and community 24/7. Access to community manager with any inquires that will make your time learning and progressing easier I think the depth of the topics are just right. I ... like how their project start with guidelines then start to slowly lose those guidelines to help people gain independent understanding. I personally had to push my deadlines back for personal reasons and the community manager made this process very easy for me. This is how I think about this program They have a job guarantee I want to learn a new skill Worst case scenario, I learn a new skill, don't get a job within 6 months, but I still keep those skills. The content itself is their original. Unlike other bootcamps that use open resources to teach technical skills. I also love the projects and how the guidelines on those projects slowly disappear. This encourages each student to become self confident and independent in their knowledge. Read more
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