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Eric Praniewicz
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I began the TripleTen program after being laid off from a dead-end project coordinator job that severely underpaid and overworked me. I've had a lot of experience in business with various industries, but the roles I seemed qualified enough for were always low-pay, high workload positions.  I became ... tired of this vicious cycle and realized I needed to add more to my skillset if I ever wanted to move up in the working world.  I'd seen ads for various bootcamp programs, but I was highly skeptical. After doing some research, I landed on TripleTen- their current and former students seemed to find the work engaging, but the thing that really stood out to me was their emphasis on their Career Acceleration program.  I've always struggled with job searching, resume building, and interviewing, despite preparation in business school, and the tech field was a whole other animal I did not feel ready to face.  I chose TripleTen because I had a lot of hope that their career coaches would transform my professional self into a desirable commodity, and while I'm not quote finished with the program, I am very close and the tips and advice I've gotten so far have not only gotten me a lot more attention on platforms like LinkedIn, I now better understand where my skills can take me.As of this review, I do not yet have a job, as I'm still working on my final project, however I will update this review once I do complete Career Acceleration and find a job with TripleTen's help.  Fingers crossed! Read more
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Stanley Hall
Program: Software Engineering
Excellent training to get a grip on front end development. I loved the way they make you start working on the real projects from week 1 (btw, the first week of the course is free). The assignments get harder as you progress. But it actually helps you focus more on the practical aspects of learning r... ather than getting stuck in watching the tutorial videos. You learn – you apply. All the concepts were clear. I personally needed more time to play around with Git and Webpack (maybe it's just me). But still, overall, this course is really good compared to some of the free tutorials I was referring to in the past. It gave me a properly structured knowledge about developing and publishing websites. Now I have a portfolio of practical projects and am currently building my resume.If you choose to complete this course, my advice is to keep practicing coding every day after you're done, until you find a job. Obviously, if that's the scope and you weren't learning just for fun. Read more
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Kathryn R. Burns
Program: Software Engineering
The most challenging and my absolute favorite part of the course was working on the final project!! I hated it, and I loved it! Overall, it was an outstanding learning experience. But this last month, when the training requires you to work on your final project, was a real breakthrough for me! Basic... ally, I had to go over all the course materials and review all the syntax errors I’ve made throughout the training. Furthermore, I had to put to work all the fresh knowledge and all the new skills to build my own website. You don't have to do any homework assignments during the final project period. But also you don't have the course mentors to correct your mistakes until the final submission. This was when I really learned how to find answers and solve problems on my own.I recommend this course to anyone interested in learning coding and web development. After submitting my final website for review, I feel confident that I can do it at a real-world job. Thank you!! Read more
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Maurice Ellis
Program: Data Science
I was nervous about signing up for a bootcamp because after reading about them, many seemed to not have much depth nor prepare you to truly be a data scientist. I was already diving in to data science by watching YouTube videos and reading articles, but I wanted to know more than just writing or cop... ying lines of code, so before I signed up I looked at outline of topics and I was surprised that it dove into a wide range of topics and more important, statistics and linear algebra. I wanted a deep understand of what I was doing and why we use one regression formula over another one and I have to say the training platform provides exercises that I would see myself using the real world (in fact I have already started using what I learn for difference businesses and personal projects) along with support from an instructor I feel that I'm comprehending and truly learning how to be a data scientist. Sometimes the material can be confusing, especially in the Statistics module, but having an instructor who was available for me to explain and provide additional resources allowed me to fully grasp what I was doing. Read more
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Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
The projects are absolutely the most important part of this program for me. They force you to go deep into the material instead of just skimming it and thinking you got it. You get feedback while submitting the projects, and asked to fix and/or explain anything that's unclear. They also face you wit... h the kind of issues you run into while working in real life and make you solve them by yourself, while still offering help if you need it. I was able to start using the material we learned in the program in my actual work after the second project already. Read more
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Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I'm already on the 6th spring of the Data Analysis track and I would say that if you want to learn real Data Analysis, it's the right place. You will have a lot of opportunities to apply just learned skills to real-world data. I'm at about half of my journey but I already fill quite confident when I... need to manipulate data and prepare it for further analysis. Now I easily switch between Stata (my primary tool) and Python. There are some issues with the exerciser though. Quite often it is too sensitive to minor mistakes like additional white space or the order of variables included. It might take ages to find what is going wrong and sometimes call for technical support which also takes a lot of time and interrupts the learning process. Read more
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Hsiang An Lee
Program: Data Science
Good content! The course is divided into into many small sprints based around a topic (Exploratory Data Analysis, SQL, Statistics, etc.) with a project on the topic at the end of each sprint. These are further organized into modules where you have integrated projects to synthesize your knowledge. Th... ey have great support as well. Instructors can answer your questions and provide suggestions to your code. Additionally they also have live sessions via webcam as well!Great experience overall. Read more
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Egor Vinogradov
Program: Data Science
If you haven’t background in code but you want dive in IT I think this course is good opportunity to start! I hadn’t any background before I started it, any Bachelor or Master in CS. When you start this course you will see that in each lesson has good and precise explanations. If still you have ques... tions you have good community in Slak which happy to help you:) On each stage of the course you will made projects by your own for fixing you new knowledge:) Moreover each 2-3 weeks there are webinars in which you can ask your questions about projects etc. I spend on course 10-12 hours in week and I think that it enough. Read more
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Program: Software Engineering
* The material is very structured with great examples that make it clear and easy to learn.* The team makes it feel like home, always trying to assist with various issues and helping you to get through your track.* You can start practicing immediately in the course platform, and work on your project... s - the installation of the workspace on your PC is not a barrier! you can deal with it later.* The course takes you step-by-step with small amounts of theory and small tasks - a great thing if you deal with concentration difficulties!* There's practicing from the very begining, you code nice stuff before you notice.* All the topics you need for your projects are covered in the course texts, no need to drown in a sea of information - you'll know what to search for.* Very organized forum for questions about tasks which makes it easy to find what you need quickly.* All the necessary material is textual, the videos are usually just a bonus - a great advantage if you are the type of person that loves texts and despises videos like me :)Besides that, I think you'll need to develop a good coding style on your own, and search for efficient and aesthetic ways to implement your code. I came to this course with some experience in Python coding and with a BSc in electrical engineering, but I don't think that's necessary for studying. Read more
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Sheryl K
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
The breadth and depth of the material will prepare anyone for today's workforce.I felt cared for and supported throughout the learning process.We completed lessons on the platform and projects on our own. The projects were reviewed and approved or returned for improvements. Every improvement was wor... th while and significantly increased the quality of my work.I went from feeling a bit overwhelmed to feeling excited about the next task. “How does this work?” became “I know I can do this!” Read more
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