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Tevin Wright
Program: Data Science
I decided to join TripleTen after doing intensive research on several boot camps, and while there are a lot of good ones out there, TripleTen stuck out because of one edge for me: Practical Projects all throughout the course. Not only this but the syllabus structure of the course is phenomenal when ... compared to other bootcamps.They have a calendar section where you can add it to your Google calendar/Apple calendar. You can also see it by logging into your account. I track my progress and deadlines by using my phone or tablet to see what's up for the week and I get reminders as well. I spend about 20 hours a week or more studying. There are several features TripleTen offers, namely: interactive platform, projects, learning team, community, workshops, etc. Because of my schedule, I do not participate in the workshops however it's there if you need to take part in it.TripleTen has made me transform from a beginner to a coder who has enough knowledge to work with data. To me that was the most surprising thing to me.My tips and advice: Pros: The course I am doing is Data Science, I do not have a coding background so I had to work hard to understand it but once you get the foundation it's uphill from there.The information that is in the syllabus, which you can look at before enrolling, is relevant and up to date. They are very crucial to the field and you can research this as you please alongside other boot camps to see for yourself how well put together the BootCamp courses are.The course entails projects that are practical and a reflection of the real world. You have a community where you can ask questions daily along with tutors and study sessions. While you are learning you have interactive sessions that test what you have learnt.Since the course is self-paced you MUST HAVE DISCIPLINE. If you lack it, do not waste your time, what I love about it as well is that it's in sprints which is a reflection of the workforce. If for whatever reason you have missed or are about to miss your deadline you can always contact your success manager etc and adjust the deadline.Cons: This course is intensive. tho it may say part-time for me it still has a lot of information that needs to be learned to move on to the other sprints, but again ONCE you take the time to learn the basics it's uphill from there.Information MAY be overwhelming and sometimes requires you to seek a different perspective/ video teaching like YT or other places if you're not used to reading a lot. If you're not used to a self-paced/self-learning environment where you are DISCIPLINED enough to learn things, you may have a hard time.Overall thoughts:Great if you have discipline and want practical knowledge that WILL give you an edge over your peers. Having theory is good, but showing that you can do the job is Better. If you are self-disciplined you are in for a very good experience.While it is intensive they want you to win so please do not hesitate to reach out to your success manager/ tutors/ fellow students etc. Read more
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Alan M
Program: Data Science
I'm a current student for the Data Science program, currently im on sprint 5 of the program. So far I have really enjoyed the program. Ive had my ups and downs with some of the subjects, but if you put the time in and ask all the questions you can overcome all the obstacles in this course. It is not... an easy program but it is definitely rewarding. You just have to put the time and the work to accomplish it. The issues ive had so far ive had so far have been answered quickly and the tutors have made it easy to understand. Iva had a lot of help from Camilo and from Ivan. They are really helpful and they know how to explain the subjects very well. I am very excited with the next chapters. I have also started creating a portfolio for when im finished with this course, ill be ready to apply to various positions. I feel like i will learn a lot in the next few weeks to get ready to apply for my first Data Analyst position. If anyone is looking to start their Data Science careers, i feel like this is a great place to start. Read more
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Elias H
Program: Data Science
I enrolled in Tripleten with little to no knowledge or enough time to commit to starting a journey in an industry that was new to me. Fortunately, the staff is really down to earth and attentive. Everything from material, projects, and communication is seamless and well organized, all you have to do... is put in the time to learn. There is a lot of support for you to accomplish all the goals they put in front of you as not only do you get a personal "success" mentor to ensure you are finding strategies to move forward, but also a discord server to speak with mentors, graduates, career development and other peers going through the program with you, which makes it easy to stay engage and motivated. All the information you need to complete projects is accessible and presented with a lot of care, digestible, and charming tone. although the material was all new and daunting to me. The way new information was presented through each stage of the bootcamp made it much more approachable. You get to work at your own pace and have the resources to work at a fast pace. There is always help, from tutor hours, where you can have a one-on-one with someone to go over the material further, and also the discord server where you can ask anyone from tutors, grads, or peers to help you at any moment throughout the day. Always got a response for any issue I had with the project or in general within 5 to 10 minutes max.Best part of it all is the support given after you have a concrete understanding of the profession, tools, and essential skills, they offered the opportunity to start a career acceleration program,  where you can have hands-on experience with one of the companies they are associated with. Enrolling in any bootcamp can be daunting, There is a lot to learn, and a lot to do, but Tripleten has made it a much well-grounded and enjoyable experience. Read more
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Erin McCarty
Program: Software Engineering
Hello! If you are reading this, then you are a potential coder of TripleTen software boot camp! Welcome! My name is Erin McCarty. I am a single mother of two children, who are my absolute entire world. I've been a dental assistant for going on now the past ten years. I feel capped in my position wit... h no room for financial growth. Huge problem for me! I'm ready for a change! Right now, my long-term goal is to completely switch career fields. I'm blessed to be able to work as a dental assistant part-time. Since I feel that I am a full-time student at TripleTen. Technically, this is a part-time program all done online. With dedicating 5 hrs a day five days a week gives a total of 20 hours a week. I am currently in the software engineering coding boot camp. TripleTen not only offers software engineering, but other programs as well. TripleTen offers programs in Data Analytics, Data Science, and Quality Assurance. There is a personality quiz that you can take to help place you in the best-suggested program. When I am finished with the program, then I will be considered a Full Stack Web Developer. To be considered a "Full Stack Developer", an individual needs to have knowledge & training in both, front-end and back-end software engineering. The starting salary for this field is 80k with room for financial growth. I do believe, that once a student is fully trained in front-end engineering, they can start to seek a job position in the field. Front-end engineers have a starting salary average of 50k plus. These positions normally include full-time benefits, as well as, job perks. Not bad! TripleTen has a very strong, all-a-round, support program. Especially with their accelerated career program. Any potential student can use an opportunity to join AMA meetings with a career coach to help get questions answered regarding the job search.  In respect of organized time management, it is asked that the team members come to the meeting prepared with questions and topics to discuss. After a student finishes the program, they can take part in the Career Acceleration program. This part of the program specializes in career coaches to help students prepare resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn, and GitHub pages.  This is a time when coaches can specialize with graduates. Career coaches help specialize in guiding successful students to create a strong profile for themselves.  This is to help make themselves shine for potential career opportunities. For example, showing off and documenting newly high-tech skills learned, or projects that were created from complete scratch.  Externships are offered. However, participation in externing starts once the students have completed Sprint 10. There are a total of 15 Sprints that take roughly 2-3 weeks to complete. Don't worry if you need more time. The program is very understanding and generous in regards to extending timelines. The best way to explain Sprint work is like working through modules or chapters. The Sprints help you complete your way through the program. First, you will learn HTML and CSS. Once you are trained with HTML and CSS, then you are considered a "front-end engineer".  Next, you will start learning how to code using Javascript. Which is pretty much-adding functionality to your webpage. For example, clicking on links, opening & closing pop-ups, and creating forms for users to fill out whatever personal information that might be needed. Also, creating & using a save or submit button. At the end of each Sprint, there is a project. Don't worry, the program walks you through it. Usually, your project will start from scratch. Then, the student builds to it during each sprint and adds on to the project at the end of each Sprint. This program has been extremely intense, but yet rewarding at the same time. The platform we use to communicate is called Discord. I like Discord because it gives us a platform to be able to communicate with other students, teachers, tutors, and career coaches. TripleTen coding bootcamp offers what is called "office hours".  Office hours are for when students can join together on a Zoom meeting to discuss their current a like studies.  Office hours are good to attend if you are dealing with similar situations or difficulties that other students are also experiencing. They are also good to attend just for fun to help with learning and understanding. Students can also come together to discuss and collaborate on helping each other get through different individual struggles.  Using Discord as our platform gives us an easy way to share our thoughts, feelings, and frustrations. Students also enjoy sharing new codes to use to help. It is really fun to be able to share new tips and tricks with codes that we are learning along the way. It is great to have a strong community where everyone comes together. Even beginner students try to help newer struggling students get through any roadblocks. It's a great way to network and communicate. Learning to code is a lot like learning a new language. It reminds me of when I learned how to speak Spanish. First, I had to listen to the language over and over again. Hearing the language repetitively and consistently helped a lot with learning to understand. Once I could listen and understand, then I learned how to read and write the language. The last thing I remember learning was verbally speaking the language. It's most definitely constant, endless learning. Even once you are fluent, there are still new things to learn about the language.  Which is a wonderful thing, because it means there is room for constant growth. Personally, learning Spanish has been a lot like coding. It takes lots of practice. Even after years of practicing, I will still be learning new things. This is important for me mentally, because it keeps my mind growing with learning new things. I am currently bored as a dental assistant because there is only so much to learn as an assistant. As well as, financially. So, with this program, I have found the change I needed.  I feel there is endless learning with coding and endless amounts of dollars to be made. Thank you TripleTen for accepting me into this program! I am determined to help find the courage, self-discipline, and perseverance I need to give myself push through and finish the program. There is an overall 87% successful hire rate after finishing. I am certain I will be a part of that 87%! Read more
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Jillian Kingsley
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I’m a student in the TripleTen Business Intelligence Analysis bootcamp. I chose this bootcamp because of cost, time commitment, and reviews. It has lived up to its reputation thus far and shown itself to be a good investment. The cost is low compared to similar programs from other companies which wa... s a plus for me as I didn’t have a lot of money to spend on upgrading my skills in order hopefully land a better job in the future. The value you get for the money is certainly worth it. The coursework is challenging but always starts you at the most basic level so no matter your experience level with the material you can understand easily. The sprints are well structured for moving students from beginning level to advanced concepts and the projects are well suited to the material covered so the student gets a lot of practice in the newly acquired skills. The BIA program is new so there are a few things in the sprint materials that could use some improvement such as some minor errors and information that better fits other programs in TripleTen rather than being tailored to the BIA student but these are very small complaints. The student success team is an invaluable resource. The tutors are quick to respond to questions. They are very helpful and patient. My student success manager has been seriously supportive and helpful throughout the process, from getting started to getting one on one tutoring to taking a break from the program (I just had a baby and needed time to adjust before finishing my final project and going on to the career coaching portion of the program). He’s always been reachable and responds within 48 hours of me contacting him. The completion time for this program is 4 months and that estimate was just about right for me. I did need to take two extensions during two different sprints in order to finish the work but those were mostly due to outside influences not insufficient time in the program. The time commitment for me varied between 18-25 hours per week. It truly is a part time program which was a major pro for me as I have been working while completing my bootcamp work. All in all, the program has lived up to what other reviewers have said about it. I hope this review is helpful to someone too. Read more
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Vanessa Armstead
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
Hi my names Vanessa and I’m currently enrolled in the Business Intelligence Analyst program. I’ll preface this with I have absolutely NO EXPERIENCE in the tech field whatsoever. Honestly I’ve been thinking about transitioning into tech for a career change for the last 4 years (I currently am in the ... health and wellness industry as a Personal Trainer and an Assisted Stretch Practitioner). I wanted to get into tech because ultimately I want more freedom with my time, I love that BIA roles have a bunch of hybrid and remote work which is super appealing to me. I’ll admit that I was quite nervous about switching careers because I was unsure how well I would do in tech or if it would even suit me. I found TripleTen on a google search and started looking up reviews, and testimonials on Reddit and a few other sites to see what the overall consensus was. As I’m going through the BIA program , I’ve come to understand how honest a lot of those reviews were and I don’t regret taking the dive with them. The course starts off by easing you into it, explaining what this role entails and listing out multiple directions you can go with in terms of jobs / related fields. I love that it helps teach you how to manage your time and create a healthy balance between work / study. Each sprint takes about 2 weeks & it’s self paced (there are deadlines but you can always ask for extensions if needed). As you progress in the sprints , they do become more challenging. You’re given plenty of examples to practice with as well as small chapter tests in order to test your grasp on the material. Each sprint also builds on one another, meaning you’ll be using skills you learned in previous sprints in order to do the current one. The final projects at the end of the sprints actually act as a portfolio of the different types of skills you’ll need in order to do the job. So basically you’re building your resume as you go through the course. As someone with no tech background I can honestly say that this is good for newbies like myself but I can also see how it would be beneficial for those already in the tech field. I say this because the sprints are actually built off what you’ll be doing in the field , so sometimes you’re learning to troubleshoot or get a bit more creative with how you approach problems. I’ve definitely been challenged by some of the material , and anytime I’m stuck I seek out help through the tutors and DOT ( an AI that helps answer questions and gives clarity). As you turn in each sprint you also get detailed feedback from the reviewers (always someone within the tech field who has extensive knowledge/ experience) , which means there’s plenty of opportunities to get help with any areas you may struggle with. Not to mention they have coworking hours (you can study with a Tutor and with other students from your program). The tutors and the Triple Ten staff have all been amazing thus far! My mentor (or coach) does check ins with me to see how things are going and if there’s anything I’m struggling with. They also offer externships, help with resume building and help you figure out what kind of company you would like to work with / work for by finding what aligns with your values. Overall my experience has been very positive and enlightening. As I progress through the course I am getting more and more excited( now don’t get me wrong lol I’ve definitely cried a couple times because I was struggling with the learning curve that comes with something new - but that’s only because I’m used to picking up new skills quickly and with ease… I just have to work a little bit harder some days.) All in all I would recommend this to others, this has been very rewarding for me and I’m glad I took the leap of faith to set myself up for future success. Read more
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Douglas Knepp
Program: Quality Assurance
Let me tell you my story,I have been a Chef for over 20 years of my life, (37) I started cooking at a very young age. I loved the culture of kitchens, the passion of each person you work with, the complexity of flavors, the art of plating dishes, the complex science that actually happens that most d... o not know about, and seeing the smile on guests faces when the enjoy the meal you poured hours of yourself into. Being a Chef has been a thrill ride, and I mean that in so many aspects...Thrill ride. The lifestyle is a roller coaster, and most can not ride forever. Being a Chef, I have sacrificed most of my life. Missed weekends, nights, vacations, weddings, gatherings, and even funerals of those I loved. I was riddled with sleepless nights, 3am phone calls about employees that will not be in for their shift, or produce orders that will not be coming with the ingredients you need to keep going the next days. I have spent nights in the emergency room riddled with anxiety, my health has been in and out of bottom line. After you cook for thousands of people I have zero left for myself, which results in ramen or peanut butter and jelly. It is grueling, daunting, demanding work, but for some reason, I love it, and had to keep going back. Well, loved it. Over the years things have changed, both on my side, my passion, my dedications, and my priorities, and on the other end, people have seemed to lose the appreciation they had for what it takes to run a restaurant, and create art from food. I have felt unappreciated as a Chef for some time now. I would never discredit any of what it has brought me in life: adventure, drive, skills, knowledge, friendships, and ownership to name a few, but the best thing it has brought me in life is my beautiful wife. With that came an amazing little child. My priorities shifted significantly, and the small woes of my career blew up. A week after I returned from paternity leave, I knew I had to make a change, and that change was being more available to my family, to distance myself from 2am clock outs and 7 day weeks, no more nights or weekends. I have always enjoyed working with computers. From building them, to performing my own systems administration, and optimizing my router settings, and system settings. So I started looking around for IT courses, but what collages offered study when you can, online? I work 45-90 hours a week. Set schedule? I do not even know what that means anymore. Luckily, I had been talking to my wife about it, and Facebook heard my call. I was doom scrolling one night, and TripleTen magically presented itself in my feed. So I set out to google (with all the fake ads I diligently did my research before following a seemingly random link), and once I felt they were legitimate, I clicked.The home page cuts right to it. Interested in our boot camps? Take this quiz! Seriously, it was everything I needed. I actually was interested in Software engineering to begin with, but I took the quiz anyway. Best decision ever. In less then five minutes I was done, and the results should have been obvious, but at the time I didn't actually know what Quality Assurance Engineering was. Turns out, most know it as Software Testing. Now let me tell you, if you are coming from a world of food, it is the perfect choice. You have more of the skills then you would think. They also stand behind their program with a job placement guarantee. So I signed up.Their online interactive program is super easy to use, and you do not need to adjust your hardware, just need a computer with internet. Some of the learning can even be done on your phone (not projects or certain modules due to programs, but the text and learning sections). Sign up , and onboarding are super simple. You have someone assigned to assisting you from the moment request a consultation too. Having a currently hectic work, and personal life to work around is no problem either. They do not just put up pre-set materials, and have you watch pre-filmed materials. Once you are onboarded you are assigned a success manager, who is there for you the whole time. They are there to guide you with your questions, and make sure you are asking them in the right places, extend your time on sprints if you need it, and keep you going. I actually feel like my success manager cares about me (which was one of the leadership goals I had set for myself. I want my employees to know I care about their success). The materials are broken down into sprints, which is how the work you will be doing will likely look when you are out in the field. I love the discord community they have built around the platform. Each sprint has a channel, and gets you access to the tutors, and other students. It is well organized, and if I am stuck on something, I do not have to spend precious time searching google. It is truly learn at your own pace, and the materials they put together are engaging, and informative. The career services, although I have not had much time to fully dive in on that part yet, have given me comforting insights about going into a world I have no experience in.The career program I have made my way through immediately comforted my woes of no experience. As it turns out, being a leader in food service covers beyond the basic "soft skills" for the tech world, and QA engineering. I get to take my passion, scrutiny for detail, clear communication, and problem-solving skills (to name a few) into this new field with me. I immediately realized that I actually have a rock solid resume for getting me going, and the course is teaching me the rest.I would 100% recommend this program to anyone who is feeling the gut wrenching burn out that I am feeling with my current career. I can already feel it changing my life, and the way I look at my future. Read more
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Dmitriy Slinkovenko
Program: Software Engineering
My name is Dmitriy, and for the past 7 years I have been working as an automotive locksmith fulltime. Long days at work in cold and in heat had tolls on my health and mental wellbeing. I knew I wanted to and could do more with my life, while also being able to spend time with my family. The only reg... ret I have about joining Triple Ten bootcamp is that I didn’t join it sooner, and only did it after losing my job. The material provided is really engaging and presented in a way that’s very easy to follow and comprehend. They really focus on fundamentals and want to make sure you understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. The learning process is organized in sprints, each sprint is 2 weeks long, but you can finish it faster, depending on how many hours a day you spend studying. I made it my goal to become a software engineer in 6 months, so I take my studying as a full time job. I spend on average 8 hours a day, but of course everyone has their own pace, as long as you finish your sprint project by the due date. In 2 months, I feel very confident in my HTML and CSS skills, my JavaScript is solid as well, and I’m just starting to feel the waters of React.  Throughout the sprints, there’s chapters dedicated to career planning. They talk about how to properly set up your social media accounts, GitHub and LinkedIn, to get a job after the bootcamp. They also have biweekly 1on1 meeting with your advisor to discuss your progress and keep you motivated. Their discord channel is an incredible source of information, you can find help there at any point, as well as meet other people at events like monthly hackathons, study buddy program, coffee hour, and co-working sessions that are held regularly. Overall, I feel like this is the best thing that could have happened to me, a community dedicated to help you thrive and also one of the best things I forgot to mention, is the payment plan. There’s an option for any situation out there, I chose the pay-after-hired option, and only payed a small down payment, and would only have to pay after being hired in 6 month or less after graduation, otherwise I receive my down payment back! It’s basically risk free! Read more
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Tarik Khoury
Program: Quality Assurance
Finding TripleTen was one of the best things that has happened to me in a long, long, long time!!! I felt stuck in my current job. Although I might have been at the top and one of the best, I was not happy with my schedule, salary, or the corporate BS from the fitness industry. This led me to look i... nto something I always dreamed of doing but was always afraid to try due to the time commitment, my personal educational experience, and of course not wanting a mountain of student debt... I knew I wanted to get into coding/tech, but I had no idea where to start or what niche to master. Starting my journey into this industry, I was slightly concerned about my age, experience, and time as I was working full time and starting a side hustle business. Finding TripleTen was the best thing! From the minute I applied, I felt cared for, heard, and as if the plan my advisor was making was for me! Once I began my journey, I was welcomed by the instructors, tutors, and my awesome, amazing success manager Anna!!!The course material is perfectly laid out, which makes it easy to understand and work side by side in real-time as you are learning! This was amazing for someone like myself who has no prior coding experience. The curriculum is extremely well planned to not overwhelm you, but to push you forward into harder, more challenging tasks, but the instructors make everything fun and realistic! YES, this is a school, but they make it feel more like a real-life externship which is amazing to keep you interested but also to give you confidence for after!!!Coming to an end with my QA course with TripleTen, I am honestly sad because I have loved and enjoyed every sprint, project, tutor call, Discord chat, and moment in this school! Which was a beautiful change from my prior experience!!!If you are looking for an online coding course that has an awesome course, instructors, tutors, senior students, active students (like myself) and more, this is the place for you!!! Read more
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Blossom Cherry
Program: Data Science
I am in mid of Data Science program with TripleTen and I love it so far. I decided to pursue Data Science because during my courses for computer science I absolutely loved Python and SQL and I knew that I wanted to learn more about data science. As I near the completion of my computer science degree... , I've realized that university courses often lack the hands on experience that TripleTen offers. I absolutely love how much I’ve learned with TripleTen and how well structured their curriculum is. You learn the skillset required to survive in the jobs market. I spend around 15-20 hours a week with TripleTen and their support stuff/tutors are always available and are always available and incredibly helpful. It’s challenging, but it’s rewarding to put in the effort.I love how much support they offer; this includes continuous workshops, coworking hours where you can get help from alumni or senior students, and tutors who are accessible throughout the day to answer any questions. Most of the projects have been enjoyable and beneficial for building my professional portfolio.TripleTen has helped me significantly in my coding journey with the way they structure the information and practical experiences from projects as well as supportive community that enhances my learning experience and my journey to becoming a data scientist. My advice to those who are just starting their coding journey is get ready to invest time and effort. If you are new to coding, then attend workshops, coworking, and study groups if you prefer. Also, don’t hesitate to ask questions. No question is ever a dumb question. It’s part of our journey to become a better data scientist or coder. Remember, the more effort you put in, the more you'll gain from this experience. Read more
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