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Muhammad Aleem
Program: Software Engineering
The tripleten Software Engineering Program, known as the bootcamp, provided me with an invaluable opportunity to delve into the world of programming languages and master the fundamentals. Throughout the program, I acquired a comprehensive understanding of various programming languages, enabling me t... o effectively utilize their basic concepts and functionalities. By immersing myself in hands-on projects and exercises, I was able to piece together the intricate puzzles of software engineering, gaining practical experience and honing my problem-solving skills. At the tripleten Software Engineering Program, I underwent an intensive curriculum that equipped me with the necessary skills to navigate the realm of programming languages. Through a systematic approach, I was introduced to the basics of multiple programming languages, including their syntax, data structures, and algorithms. This comprehensive understanding allowed me to seamlessly integrate the different pieces of the programming puzzle, enabling me to develop robust and efficient software solutions. The tripleten Software Engineering Program served as a transformative experience, empowering me to harness the power of various programming languages and assemble the intricate pieces of the software engineering puzzle. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, I gained a solid foundation in programming languages, enabling me to confidently tackle complex coding challenges. By immersing myself in the bootcamp's rigorous curriculum, I not only acquired the technical skills necessary for success in the field but also developed a problem-solving mindset that continues to drive my passion for software engineering. Read more
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Sean Vo
Program: Data Science
When I first embarked on my journey into the world of data science, the landscape of options was overwhelming. My decision to join TripleTen was driven by its comprehensive curriculum, hands-on projects, and the vibrant community. I can confidently say that it was one of the best decisions I have ma... de for my professional development.TripleTen stood out due to its structured and interactive platform. Unlike other programs, TripleTen made learning both accessible and engaging. The course materials are not only thorough but also dynamic, adapting to the latest industry trends and technologies. What sets them apart is their dedication to providing practical experience through numerous projects. These projects allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, which is invaluable.I organize my study schedule around my other commitments, dedicating about 20 hours a week. This bootcamp encourages a flexible learning environment which has been crucial for maintaining my motivation and progress. The community at TripleTen is another highlight. From the onset, I felt welcomed by both peers and instructors. Their support system is remarkable; whether it’s through workshops, regular feedback, or spontaneous help sessions, someone is always there to guide you through any challenge.For those just starting their coding journey, my advice would be to engage actively with all the resources TripleTen offers. Attend the workshops, participate in the forums, and don’t shy away from reaching out for help. Balancing the rigorous workload with personal life can be challenging, but the key is consistent effort and not being afraid to ask questions.In conclusion, TripleTen has not only equipped me with the skills needed to advance in the field of data science but has also instilled a deeper passion for technology. If you are looking to enhance your abilities and pursue a career in data, TripleTen is undoubtedly a great place to start. Read more
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Rosalyn Mitchell
Program: Quality Assurance
I graduated with a bachelors degree in Business Administration in 2017. It was very hard for me to find a good administrative job in the business field so I decided to pursue a career as A Quality Assurance Associate  at pharmaceutical warehouse. I have Experience Understanding cGMP documentation re... quirements. I have experience and knowledge ensuring all documentation conforms torequirements and standards per procedure before issuance of documentation to their prospective departments. Working in this field I decided I wanted a change. A job with better pay, better career growth and opportunities. I was browsing on  Instagram and saw an ad with triple ten for QA Engineering bootcamp. I immediately became interested in joining the program. I have always enjoyed working on computers and learning about new technologies. At Tripleten the chapters and lessons are very informative for the QA Engineering program. Now being on sprint 8  finishing up the program I have a good understanding how of QA Engineering works. QA Engineers test software to catch bugs, and work with software engineers to fix them. I have learned about how to break down   software and document the results. Once I finish the program I am looking to start my career as a QA Engineer. I am excited about this new career transition to  QA engineering, career promotion and looking forward to meeting new people along the way. Read more
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Program: Data Science
I started my Data Science journey with TripleTen in March and so far it has been amazing. I decided that I was no longer with my currenty position at my job and wanted to learn data science. The TripleTen learning platform and environment is incredible. It doesn't matter if you've never written a si... ngle line of code either. The way the learning process is setup makes it so that people of all skill sets can learn data science. I love how I can reach out to my mentor, co-learners, and discord for help. My favorite part about TripleTen is the interactive learning platform. It definitely is way better than mindlessly following youtube videos trying to teach yourself. They have an iterative learning process that makes sure you are engaged by making you complete projects and tasks. My tip or advice for anyone thinking about joining a bootcamp from TripleTen and transitioning into tech is to just do it! It'll be the greatest decision you made in your life. Oh and don't forget to mention that Barrett Morrissette recommended you!Sign up now! Read more
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Jesse Chilunem Michael
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
As one who has traversed the arduous path of vocational ennui and disillusionment, I can empathize profoundly with the crucible of burnout that precipitated your quest for a more sustainable professional trajectory. The siren call of the ever-burgeoning tech industry, amplified by the auspicious whi... spers of boot camp-facilitated career transformations, beckoned you forth like a luminous beacon piercing through the encroaching miasma of occupational stagnation.The remote, asynchronous format of TripleTen's curriculum emerged as a seductive melding of flexibility and structure, a harbinger of hope that promised to accommodate the exigencies of your temporal constraints while inaugurating you into the hallowed halls of digital erudition. Moreover, the tantalizing prospect of comprehensive career support and a sacrosanct job guarantee, contingent upon the attainment of clearly delineated metrics, served as an inviolable bulwark against the vicissitudes of such an audacious undertaking, assuaging the trepidations that inevitably accompany any metamorphic journey.Your exegesis of the immersive, interactive platform and the complementary Discord-based channels for communication offered a scintillating aperture into the pedagogical experience itself. While the platform's intuitive architecture facilitated an effortless immersion into the realms of knowledge, the imperative to remain ever-vigilant, closely monitoring the Discord channels for critical announcements and updates, posed a formidable challenge to your determination, underscoring the inextricable link between diligence and self-directed learning.Your sagacious acknowledgment of the program's suitability for those possessed of an innate propensity for self-motivation and temporal self-governance is a perspicacious observation, serving as a clarion call to prospective participants to engage in profound introspection and assess their aptitude for such an autonomous educational paradigm. Failure to heed this admonition could imperil their chances of success, rendering the entire endeavor a profitless exercise in futility.Moreover, your willingness to supplement the prescribed curriculum with auxiliary learning resources during your sojourn through the abstruse realms of programming languages is a testament to your unwavering commitment to mastery and your indefatigable pursuit of comprehensive understanding. This resilience and adaptability, this refusal to acquiesce in the face of academic adversity, are qualities that shall serve you well as you navigate the ever-shifting techno-landscape.As you now stand poised upon the precipice of your professional genesis, armed with the multifarious skillset cultivated through your immersion in the TripleTen crucible, I can but offer you my most fervent benedictions for persistence and triumph. Your odyssey thus far has been a resplendent validation of your capacity for personal and professional metamorphosis, an indelible testament to the indomitability of the human spirit when confronted with the exigencies of change. I harbor no trepidation that your unwavering determination and unconquerable resolve shall propel you inexorably towards realms of remunerative and personally gratifying endeavors. Read more
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Mark Gabaya
Program: Data Science
TripleTen's Data Science program overall has been a great experience. They offer a good balance of theory and application with their online lessons and projects that feel very much like what future jobs would have you do. When I need help, there are their dedicated Discord channels and tutors, who a... re prompt and helpful with their responses. The biggest attractor for me was the self-pacing of the course, which helps as I am a stay at home dad. In addition, they have career guidance, which I'll be looking forward to after I complete the course material. This is a plus since I'm coming from an education background and hoping to break into the data sector with this program. Read more
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Julie Hejtmanek
Program: Software Engineering
Embarking on a career change to software engineering was a decision fueled by a desire for a more flexible lifestyle and a passion for creating and learning about technology. After thorough research and recommendations, I chose TripleTen for my coding journey, and it has been nothing short of transf... ormative. At TripleTen, the curriculum is designed with both theoretical knowledge and practical assignments, creating an immersive learning experience. Learning by doing has accelerated my understanding of programming concepts, making complex topics more digestible. I dedicate around 17-20 hours per week to studying, finding a balance between coursework and personal projects. One of the standout features of TripleTen is its interactive platform. It provides a dynamic learning environment where I can engage with course materials, collaborate with peers, and track my progress. The emphasis on projects in every sprint adds a real-world dimension to my learning, allowing me to apply newfound skills to tangible outcomes. Beyond the curriculum, TripleTen fosters a supportive community. From learning teams to workshops, there are ample opportunities for collaboration and growth. The sense of camaraderie amongst fellow learners creates an environment conducive to success. TripleTen has not only equipped me with technical skills but also provided invaluable support in achieving my goals of becoming a software engineer. Already, I'm securing opportunities to build my portfolio, thanks to the practical experience gained through the program. To those just beginning their coding journey, my advice is simple: perseverance is key. Like learning a new language, programming can be challenging at first. However, with dedication and practice, the once daunting concepts will become second nature. Trust in the process and don't hesitate to lean on the supportive community at TripleTen for guidance. TripleTen has exceeded my expectations in every aspect. It has empowered me to pursue my passion for technology while offering the flexibility I desire in my career. I wholeheartedly recommend TripleTen to anyone embarking on their journey into software engineering. Read more
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Robert Pickett
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
From start to finish, the experience was nothing short of exceptional. The course material is presented in a way that is incredibly easy to understand, allowing for deep comprehension of even the most complex topics. What truly impressed me, however, were the practical projects. Despite their initia... l appearance of difficulty, they were perfectly aligned with the course content, making them surprisingly manageable. This seamless blend of theory and hands-on experience not only enhanced my learning but also left me feeling confident in my newfound skills. I wholeheartedly give this course a 5-star rating and enthusiastically recommend it to anyone looking to dive into the world of business intelligence. Read more
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Cameron Lee
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I work as an Account Executive. I like what I do but I needed something different. The reason why I chose to start in BI Analysis, is because I decided I needed a change. I wanted to do something that challenged me and wanted something that I enjoyed doing. I didn't know anything about business inte... lligence analysis, so this is brand new territory. I liked what I learned and cannot wait to put it to use. I chose TripleTen because after seeing it on social media quite a bit and seeing the 90% hiring rate after the bootcamp's completion, I figured I give it a shot because I like those odds. My study process is kind of all over the place, I don't have a set way of studying. What I do is get my most important tasks done like my full time job and time with my family. Then I would go to my home office, get my notebook ready and start going at it. My success manager asked if I could spend about 15-20 hours a week, which isn't a huge a time consumer. I would say I spent probably 20-30 hours a week, maybe even more. It all just depended on if I wanted to study or play games in my free time, which I usually chose studying because I found this field intriguing and wanted to get in this field quicker. When it comes to something that intrigues me, I can't put it down. What I liked most about TripleTen's features were the projects and and the interactive platform. The projects were fun simply because it was new to me and I like learning new things. The interactive platform was nice, if I were to get a a question wrong, it explained why it was wrong and I could go back and see why it was wrong and fix my mistake. I wish I took more advantage of the workshops but were unable to attend due to my scheduling either my full time job or time with the family. TripleTen has equipped me for success. I liked everything that it showed me, it was easy to comprehend. If there wasn't something I understood, it was easy to get in contact with someone because of the sites and and discord channels to help out. If you plan on starting your bootcamp journey with TripleTen, you will not be disappointed! You will have your ups and downs, but the ups definitely outweigh the bad. Like me, you will not be disappointed! Read more
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Byron L.
Program: Data Science
My journey with triple ten has been a challenging, yet exciting journey so far. The staff has been overall supportive and understanding even at times when I needed special accommodations. I chose to start the Data Scientist program because I knew I was interested in tech, but I wasn’t sure whether o... r not I wanted to be a software engineer. TripleTen was kind and convenient enough to provide me with a personality test which resulted in the Data Science program being the best fit for me. I chose TripleTen because I felt like it was the best program for the price and TripleTen also had good reviews as well. Other programs either charged less with possibly lower quality instruction or charged way more than I was willing to pay for a tech bootcamp. TripleTen also offers an externship which can serve as real world experience on a resume. TripleTen also offers career services, which I am a big fan of as well. I study with TripleTen through group study sessions called coworking. Also, TripleTen has the awesome convenience of providing me with a one on one session with a tutor if I am really stuck on a task. I also like the idea of using tech and coding skills for business purposes as well. I try to organize my studying by reading the overall material at least twice. I, myself like to dedicate anywhere around 30 to 35 hours per week studying. As mentioned earlier in my review, I rely mainly on coworking and one on one sessions for studying, as well as study hours when a tutor is available to respond to questions using Discord. TripleTen also does provide a couple of instructional videos when needed in order to understand the lesson. From time to time there are also live, interactive workshops with a skilled tutor that help with learning as well. The features that I like about TripleTen are: the very informative and concise study materials included in the course, the projects that allow you to master the basics of coding and other tasks, the supportive staff of tutors and success advisors, and the use of sprint channel, which work somewhat as blogs that students can post questions about tasks or concept that they are unsure about in which a tutor can give a timely reply. TripleTen helped me feel more confident about learning coding and Data Science overall by breaking down the basics coding from a beginner friendly standpoint through study materials, instructional videos, coding exercises and projects to help you practice and perfect your coding skills. My best advice to a student beginning their coding journey is to be consistent and not give up. Coming from a work history with little to no computer skills, coding was challenging at first, but it became easier over time with studying and performing coding tasks. The hard work and consistency will really pay off! Read more
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