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Mudassr Chaudhry
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I am currently enrolled in TripleTen's Business Intelligence (BI) Analytics bootcamp. I wanted to get more insight in the Data Analysis field, so I decided to join TripleTen. I am finding this program very valuable for coding and analysis because material is industry related and organized. It is sel... f-paced bootcamp which allows me to focus on other stuff concurrently. Platform does suggest completion dates to keep students on track. The projects and assessments are great to evaluate learned skills. Besides interactive platform, TripleTen offers help from reviewers and tutors at flexible hours to ease learning process. Tutors and reviewers create a team environment similar to a company. There are weekend workshops to grasp new concepts as well. TripleTen’s externship program is a good asset toward getting a job in the industry. Anyone looking to learn IT skills, TripleTen’s platform and team will be a great investment. I highly recommend TripleTen for everyone, but it is a great bootcamp for working individuals. There is a lot covered in the bootcamp. Since the material is industry picked, it will be little challenging, but TripleTen’s dedicated team is there to help. Lastly, can’t go wrong with money back guarantee for job placement. TripleTen’s main goal is to achieve goals! Read more
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Dylan Turbyville
Program: Quality Assurance
I have been trying to situate myself in a remote job for a few years. But my main obstacle has always been a low level of experience. I am sure that is why many people decide to join a BootCamp. I looked through a few online and ended up booking a call with TripleTen. Their website was robust and th... eir reviews on Glassdoor were strong. So I decided they were the best fit for me considering their goal is to support you until you get a job and even after the fact.I chose the QA engineering BootCamp (6 months) and I am now approaching the end of the course. I like that we have deadlines and time limits because my issue with learn-at-your-own-pace courses is that there is no consequence for just not doing the work. The success managers they assign to each student make sure you are progressing well and offer useful resources to help with the more difficult sections. The tutors are available nearly every day to help with problems in the coursework or even bugs that may arise for some users. The course has even been altered to fix certain things from the students' suggestions (ex. wording or unclear explanations). I look forward to diving into the career prep part of the program and hope to secure a job within the next few months. TripleTen backs you up with a strong team to bolster your resume, LinkedIn, and interview skills to make sure you land the job. They also provide an opportunity for externship programs after course completion to get some real-world work experience. I would recommend TripleTen to anyone looking to make a change in their career for the better. Better for me will be getting a remote work position that suits my lifestyle much better than the job I have now. Plus, making more money never hurts!! Read more
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Beatriz Moralli
Program: Quality Assurance
I chose to transition my career to the tech world due to the many opportunities it offers and my fascination with computers, data, and the innovations they bring. After extensive research on various bootcamps, I found TripleTen to be an excellent option. Their organized program and strict deadlines ... provide me with the structure I need for my studies. Balancing work and studies, I dedicate approximately 10 to 15 hours per week to learning. But, sometimes it can get tough, so I if need more time to finish a sprint or a project, they allow it without any excitation. The platform is user-friendly and well-explained, and project organization is both challenging and enjoyable. It’s amazing to see how much I’m learning. The support from the learning team is exceptional - they’re always available to answer questions and make our learning experience easier. We have options to ask questions about the sprint you are on or about the project during the online “office hours” or via the discord channel at any time. They have also, meetings where we talk about how to get a job in the tech world, where they can answer all your questions about it. I am really happy about this program and I would highly recommend TripleTen to anybody interested in starting a new career in this field. Read more
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Germany Caputo
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
This was such a great experience. I enjoyed the courses even though they were a bit challenging! I liked the structure and the amazing customer service. It was so easy to communicate with the staff and they wee so prompt in reviewing my projects. They gave me constructive feedback and pushed me to d... o better. Please keep in mind that the course takes undivided attention and depending on your responsibilities, you may have to sacrifice some things for the duration of the program. Having a structured schedule and setting time aside to complete your projects will be beneficial. I gained so much knowledge and can finally say that I completed something that I started that pushed me to improve my skills. I am so happy I challenged myself to complete the course even though in the process God redirected my path, but at least I have gained these skills and can apply to my future endeavors. It's such a great option for someone who is looking to level up their career and increase your income. I totally recommend them! Thank you so much TripleTen team! Read more
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Anthony Rappa
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I decided to start learning more about Business Intelligence Analysis because I wanted to pursue a career that I can continue to learn from and challenge me. I always had a passion for technology especially with computers but I always had job opportunities outside of the realm of Data. Towards the e... nd of 2023, I was in a position to transition smoothly from my current employment into Data and saw Tripleten and its success as a bootcamp. So i decided to reach out start my journey into Data. I chose TripleTen simply because they were advertised on a video I watched online. It most definitely seemed intriguing and I continued to research their website and courses they offered. After reviewing what they offered I decided to pursue their Business Intelligence Analytics program. Due to their flexibility, I was able to work around my current scheduled employment and dedicate 10 hours per week to my Tripleten studies. Their Discord channel made it easy to connect with others who faced similar questions that arose during the bootcamp. Their tutors are professional and are exceptional at helping you solve the problems you face throughout the course as well.Some of the best features of Tripleten were definitely the community and everything that grew from their discord community. I was able to connect with people easily and get answers to my questions almost instantly with those tools. Tripleten definitely gave me the confidence to learn something new, especially data and all of the nuances that come with it.  It gave me confidence in finding real world problems through data and understanding why so many problems can be fixed by using data gathered by businesses.If there is any advice I would give to those starting their journey in Data it would be: Be Patient. I found it important to be patient when learning Data because for most of the things your trying to find when using data analysis, it simply wont jump out to right away and could make one doubt their ability to complete specific tasks when data analyzing. Be patient and go over material through the course and break it down step by step. Don't give up and keep trying to find the answer your looking for. Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek help through the communities you'll be apart of. Your not alone in this journey, be patient and persevere. Read more
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Thomas Kulch
Program: Data Science
TripleTen Bootcamp shines in data science education with its hands-on curriculum, industry-aligned projects, and supportive environment. Expertly crafted modules cover statistical analysis, machine learning, and advanced techniques, ensuring students stay ahead. Personal mentors guide learners throu... gh real-world scenarios, bridging theory with practice. Collaborative platforms facilitate active engagement and teamwork.Projects sourced from industry partners provide invaluable experience, while internships offer practical exposure. Career services aid in resume building, interview preparation, and networking, supported by an extensive alumni network. TripleTen is a launchpad for success in data science careers, blending education with practical application and networking opportunities. Read more
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Vanessa Beauchamp
Program: Quality Assurance
I had been burnt out in my previous career and knew I needed to make a switch to something more sustainable. I’d heard good things about getting into tech through bootcamps and when I started doing my research TripleTen kept coming up in my searches. The biggest selling points for me were the fully ... remote, part-time options, as well as the career support and the job guarantee (this has specific metrics you must hit, but they can all be reviewed on the website and all seem reasonable).TripleTen has an interactive platform where you complete all of your lessons and projects. During the course, most of your time is spent on this platform or communicating in Discord. The platform was easy to navigate but I did have a learning curve with checking the discord channels for updates. Important communications about sprints or projects are posted in the Discord channels, so be sure to keep yourself up to date with the conversations happening in the announcements channel.This is an excellent course for those who are self-starters and who know how to schedule their own study time and hold themselves to a timeline. I think if you need an external source to continually keep you on track with projects and studies or you are not one to reach out for support, you might struggle with this format. But for those who don’t need that it’s a great opportunity to learn a lot with the flexibility to work around your schedule. I struggled with the sections working on programming languages so I used supplementary learning tools (which all students are encouraged to do!) for those sections to ensure I was understanding everything correctly. Overall the QA course helped me develop a broad skillset that I'm continuing to strengthen as I begin my job search. Read more
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Anna V
Program: Software Engineering
I started my journey with TripleTen a couple of months ago, and I must say that I'm very pleased with everything they offer. The study material is highly structured, and the hands-on projects are engaging. Personally, I'd love to highlight the community aspect you experience when enrolling in the bo... otcamp: the tutors do an amazing job and go beyond to answer your questions, while the success managers really help you to stay on track and provide support. I'm happy with all the activities that TripleTen offers: career webinars, code jams, coworking sessions, and study buddies. Thanks to all of these, I feel fully immersed in the school. Before, I tried taking self-paced courses, but I always missed the sense of community. I think surrounding yourself with people who share your ideas is very important on a career journey.In my view, one area for improvement lies in incorporating more screencasts alongside the theoretical content. Occasionally, when there are no video explanations available, navigating through extensive paragraphs can be challenging without visual demonstrations of practical application. Read more
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Jordan Leblanc
Program: Quality Assurance
Hello! My name is Jordan and I am currently on the QA Engineer path with Triple Ten to become a QA Engineer. Before getting into the program I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Then my wonderful girlfriend mentioned to me why don't I get into the tech industry. It didn't seem like a bad ... idea. So we did some research on some bootcamps looking through plenty of reviews on reddit and other places. TripleTen had the best reviews from real students. After looking at the reviews and contacting TripleTen they got in touch with me telling me all of the payment plans and how the structure of the bootcamp works. I was getting into the tech industry not really knowing what I was getting myself into. But I am now on the final sprint and can say that I have learned a lot. If you are like me and don't know much about tech don't be discouraged. The sprints are well written and very beginner friendly. I've also noticed that they are constantly making updates to the way that they teach which makes it easier for the students. I would very much and have referred friends to join and get into the tech industry. Read more
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Eli Veldhuizen
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I started this course in the beginning of February and so far have had a great experience. I have felt that Tripleten does a great job of supporting their students and creating ways to engage in a community while facilitating a remote, self-paced environment. My success manager is great, helping con... nect me to the appropriate tutors and information when I've needed it, and I think everything I've learned so far has been extremely practical. Like, very practical. Thankful for that. Learning something is new never comfortable, but the journey so far has been so worth it. I am 5 sprints in, going strong. I also would say that the expectations I received prior to enrolling (time, course structure, etc..) are almost exactly what I experience on a day to day basis which is wonderful. 20 hours a week really will get you a new skillset if you devote the time. Read more
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