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Natalia Semenova
Program: Software Engineering
Hello! I was attracted to software development because of its creative and problem solving aspects, as well as the opportunity to work remotely and people in this profession are in great demand on the labor market with good salaries. I spent several weeks researching bootcamps that teach Software En... gineering and most of them require basic knowledge. I didn't have any. Ultimately, I found Triple Ten Software Engineering bootcamp where no experience or knowledge in Software Engineering was required. Moreover, I was given the opportunity to complete the first sprint for free, so that I could understand whether I would like it or not. This is the only bootcamp with its own interactive platform, which allows me to study at anytime convenient for me. Usually, I spend about 25-30 hours a week studying. All educational information is presented very clearly and accessible. Gives you the opportunity to practice and solve interesting tasks while studying. At the end of each sprint we complete interesting projects. It is very exciting. During the learning process, tutors help us, answer questions quickly and clearly, and give recommendations in the chat at any time of the day. I’m glad that students has an opportunity to call a tutor 1:1 and ask questions. I would like toexpress my gratitude to my Success Manager Daria for her help in organizational matters and support throughout my studies. Triple Ten provides career services such as resume reviews, interview preparation, and networking opportunities to help students secure job opportunities after completing the program. High recommend this Software Engineering  bootcamp! Read more
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Drake Challender
Program: Quality Assurance
To put it bluntly, this team does things RIGHT. TripleTen knows how to narrow down all the subjects that could be relevant in the field of QA, and focus on the ones that will get you the hands on experience necessary to land a job and keep it. They break the curriculum down in the nine sprints, whic... h are each broken down into chapters and lessons.  The lessons are all full of useful knowledge, and a lot of them give you instructions on how to do things so it feels very hands on (you actually get to DO the things that you're learning to do).  I would say that my FAVORITE part about the theory sections is when I get to download a new software or save a new website and USE THEM MYSELF!  But don't worry, for those of you who aren't as focused on hands on learning, there's also many lessons that focus on theory and learning new terms and definitions!  I've learned so much in so little time and feel comfortable because the way the course material has been presented is retainable.  The Discord platform is intuitive and easy to navigate. They break it down into multiple sections including each sprint and their individual chapters and lessons, as well as community spaces for getting to know other students in the program. It's also really helpful because you can direct your questions towards the Tutors and Senior Students in the program.  You can always get an answer to your question in a reasonable amount of time.I am about a month away from finishing the program and can't wait to see what my future holds! Read more
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Spas Gyorev
Program: Quality Assurance
I was looking online for schools that offer QA bootcamps and Triple Ten stood out among the rest because of its accessibility. Meaning it was very easy to sign up and start the program. They also offer financing with made it even more attractive. I did not know what to expect since I have no QA or a... ny IT background, but after the first 2,3 pages I read I was confident I would succeed. The program is entirely online, perfect for people with full time  jobs. I was studying only on my days off and was still able to progress with great speed. Triple Ten success managers are so professional and offer a great support throughout the course. The Tutors have office hours in which every student can get answers and explanation to whatever questions they might have. Big shout out to Elina, a success manager and Ulyana a tutor. They reallymade my studying so much easier. I definitely recommend Triple Ten to people who are tired of their current jobs and are looking for something new and excited. Read more
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Ian Revereza
Program: Quality Assurance
I did plenty of research on different programs (I heavily considered Cybersecurity and AI before landing on QA Engineering) and different bootcamps (17 total!). I ended up choosing QA Engineering because it seemed to jive well with how my brain operates (I'm a problem solver with a keen eye for deta... il) and it seemed to offer one of the quickest and more affordable paths into tech. I've been in the restaurant industry for the majority of my adult life and have no formal tech background. I don't have any experience with any other tech bootcamps so technically don't know how this compares to others.Alas, I ended up choosing TripleTen for a number of reasons (and so far am glad I did):They combine Manual and Automation in one program (other bootcamps offer the two separately) and to be completed in a 5-month timeframe, part-time. There was only one other bootcamp that made my list that offered a combined program, but their timeline was 10 months (and it was more expensive). TripleTen offers multiple payment plans (I ended up paying everything up front to also take advantage of one of their promotional discounts they offered at the time). They also offer a trial period (I forget - 7 days? 14 days?) in which if you aren't satisfied they'll give you a refund. And if you stick with the program, they have a "get a job or get a refund" policy as well. Those 2 refund policies alone should provide the peace of mind that they know what they're doing and believe in their programs that they can offer such policies. I also appreciate that they don't simply get you through the program, put a certificate in your hand, and say bye. They have a complete career-coaching program, offer externships to provide real-world experience with real companies, and their support extends beyond graduation and finding a job - they'll stay in touch during the first two months after employment! Now, I'm not quite there yet but based on my experience in the program and with everyone thus far, I have no doubt they will. That was ultimately the final selling point for me. Upon reaching out to a handful of my "finalist" bootcamps, TripleTen was the only one that actually responded in a timely manner and furthermore, without sounding like a sales pitch.My QA Course is broken up into 9 Sprints; I'm currently finishing Spring 7. My Cohort started January 18, so I'm well ahead of schedule (another thing I like about this program - there are deadlines with a calendar guide to follow, but you can work ahead on your own pace).Communication remains phenomenal. My success manager and career coach check in on me and offer encouragement and support without being overbearing. It really feels like they care about me and my success. Sure, this translates into their success as well but there are so many businesses out there that only care until the customer is through the door or the sale is closed. As a small business owner myself, I can tell, and it really makes a difference, when they make you feel like a person, not just another number or statistic. Read more
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Erick Ramos
Program: Quality Assurance
After several years of toying with the idea of joining an online bootcamp, I finally decided on TripleTen and I'm extremely glad I did. I'm currently finishing up the Quality Assurance Engineering course, set to graduate in about a month. The biggest draw for me was that TripleTen offers a completel... y self-paced proprietary learning environment. There's no set meeting times for video calls or classes that you have to worry about which provides you the freedom to work at your own pace. As a current computer science student working two day jobs, the flexibility of the course schedule cannot be emphasized enough. The course can be accessed from any web browser so I often found myself reading through theories directly from my phone throughout the day. Of course there are still deadlines to meet for submitting Sprint projects, but the interface integrates a helpful calendar to stay on top of everything.The course itself is divided into Sprints which themselves are divided into Theories and Projects. The theory portion of the sprints are where you are presented with the information that you will be learning about. Following the theory sections are the Sprint projects which implement the topics into real-world examples. Every project you complete gets reviewed and you are given feedback to really fine tune the skills you gain within each sprint. There are live tutors available to help with any questions you may have, as well as a Discord community full of resources for each lesson, career support, and even events and seminars.Overall, TripleTen offers a comprehensive, professional, and engaging program through an interactive platform that you wouldn't find elsewhere. If you're looking for a bootcamp with fantastic learning support, career resources, and a flexible schedule, I highly recommend joining TripleTen. Read more
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Priyanka Mukherjee
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
After my MBA, I wanted to learn tech to work from home, especially because I have a baby. I looked at many bootcamps and finally chose TripleTen. I wasn't sure at first, but after a call with them about how the course works, I was impressed and joined.Now, at the end of the course, I can say TripleT... en is great. The teachers are always there to help, there are lots of resources, and they give you demo sheets to practice while learning. I learned a lot and really liked everything about this bootcamp. I hope to get my dream job soon. Read more
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Anthony Aguilar
Program: Quality Assurance
Going through the TripleTen Quality Assurance Engineer  bootcamp has been overall a great experience. The bootcamp offers a plethora of tools to help students stay on track along with the help of making sure they understand the material in which they cover. Each Sprint is very direct in what they co... ver along with giving more than just the lesson of the tool but real world experience examples that allow the students to even create a portfolio that shows more than just what they learned. But also the implementation of the experience. TripleTen has success managers that help students stay on track with projects and help students with giving tools to better understand the sprints and tutors. The Bootcamp for Quality Assurance Engineer is split up into 9 sprints with an extra sprint for those who need more assistance with job search and interview readiness. Each Sprint is broken up into digestible segments of what Quality Assurance Engineers are expected to know along with giving experience in each part of the job. The Bootcamp slowly scales up on the difficulty of what a Quality Assurance Engineer does for a job with having students learn how to spot bugs manually to learning how to code to understand databases that they will need to know how to search for information to verify websites or the code gives back proper responses to automating tests. Each Sprint has a correlating Project that the Students are expected to finish and send in to be graded, Pass or Fail, to move on to the next Sprint. Each Project gives each student experience in Quality Assurance Engineering along with helping them build a portfolio that they will be able to show or add to their resume when job hunting.At the start of this bootcamp I was given guidance on the start of the bootcamp. The Success Manager, in my case Nikita, I was given reminders of tutors available on what days and what time they are available (given their timezone). Along with the tutors, I was given a plethora of outside resources that would go hand in hand in what I was learning in a lesson to help further my understanding of the Sprint. We were also given a community Discord which gave us connections to others who were in the same coding bootcamp, along with those who have already graduated or finished the bootcamp. Within the discord they would also hold career seminars to help students with being interview ready along with helping set up a proper resume.The Success Manager had helped me with giving me an extension with a project after I had been in a car accident, they made sure to be very professional but also checked up on me making sure i was ready to get back into the sprints, Shout out Nikita! He has been an amazing success manager who has been really helpful with checking in on my progress on the Sprints and Projects but also has made sure I could reach out to him or tutors for any questions I may have. He has also given me information on outside resources to help with my progress of the lesson. Success Managers of TripleTen regularly reach out to their students for updates, to check up if they need help, to provide helpful resources to further Sprint lessons.The Discord that the bootcamp offers for the students has allowed me to make connections with other students and made it possible to help each other with questions we may have or parts of the sprint or project that we may be struggling with which allows us to make connections and personal connections. The Discord also allows collaborations on projects with students to work together as they study to understand the sprints and the lessons that the bootcamp covers. The students regularly reach out to each other when confronting parts of the project or lesson they may struggle with or just want to study together to have someone else there to help keep them accountable of their progress. The discord really feels like a community in which new and old members of the bootcamp can help each other better themselves with the bootcamp but also help each other out with possible job opportunities. Students have gone so far as to help each other prepare for interviews when career development meetings or seminars are not being held.TripleTen has been incredibly helpful with a course that’s very direct teaching. Having students get experience working on projects that slowly build upon each other and guiding students to understand what is a Quality Assurance Engineer’s work. The Bootcamp starts off with free material that gives an understanding and information of what a Quality Assurance Engineer does so students can make a well informed decisions on whether or not this Bootcamp is for them. The free information includes a review question selection that tests students on the material. This gives an idea of what the students will be going through in the bootcamp. Overall I’d recommend TripleTen to others if they are interested in learning a new skill and are trying to get started in the Tech. industry. I have already made recommendations to coworkers in a similar boot as me, along with recommending it to my younger brother. I may not know how the other bootcamps TripleTen offers but I can say with full confidence that if this is how they run their Quality Assurance Bootcamp that the other bootcamps available; Software Engineering, Data Science, and Business Intelligence. I can recommend the other bootcamps that TripleTen has to offer to others. Not to mention in comparison to other bootcamps TripleTen is offered at a much more affordable rate whereas other bootcamps are priced at College University Prices. Where with TripleTen it is far more affordable with guaranteed money back. Along with that TripleTen allows past students to be able to have access to the whole bootcamp of any lesson even after graduating from the bootcamp. TripleTen honestly has been a great experience. I have and will continue to recommend it to those around me. I hope this has helped you with whether or not TripleTen is for you. Read more
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Jason Thomas Schiller
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I would first like to give you some background on myself before i explain further about my experience with TripleTen BI Analyst program. I've worked in merchandise processing for a about two- three years and also work in data entry for a laboratory and as well some temporary jobs, during this time I... 'd see my close friends go off and make insane money from becoming software engineers and code writing genius & I always wanted to work in tech but honestly coding didn't seem to fit me to well. When I took the first test of what program best fits me, I learned about the Business Intelligence Analyst program and what we would be learning and I could honestly say that it was the best fit for me and my situation! They had me go through and talk with one of the representatives & talk about my $$ situation, I had just been laid off from my job and was currently looking for work anywhere and was planning on saving up to pay off in full but the representative had told me about the two installment plans an how i wouldn't have to pay for anything till TripleTen had found me a job after I graduated! Basically if you qualify for this program TripleTen has six months till after you graduate to help you find a job role that you went to school for and if they aren't able to you don't pay anything and you get your money back! That really was the deciding factor for choosing TripleTen schooling, every other bootcamp just wants you to go through their program and leave ya out to dry once your done, Tripleten has their own department dedicated to helping you find a job. The school work couldn't be better & when I go back to study I always see that they are constantly updating their course work with relevant data and great course direction. I can say that I cannot wait to accomplish all my goals this year and be the best version of myself. If I can learn this I know that anybody with enough dedication can as well. Tripleten turn me into a data driven individual!! Read more
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Tracy Chen
Program: Software Engineering
As someone who has explored various open coursewares and innovative e-learning platforms, TripleTen stands out as the most supportive learning experience I've encountered. The secret sauce lies in TripleTen's robust network of friendly community managers, tutors, code reviewers, career coaches, and ... peers. Whenever I have a question or need clarification, someone from the community is always quick to offers assistance. In addition to correcting my mistakes, the code reviewers provide valuable tips to enhance the performance of my projects whenever the opportunity arises. Office Hours, are also a fantastic way to learn how to debug with tutors in real time. Speaking to a professional has definitely inspired me to think more programmatically. I feel like I'm learning at every step, and each interaction guides me toward becoming a better software engineer. I cannot recommend TripleTen enough! Read more
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Jasmine Hendrix
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I am currently about 2 months into the Business Intelligence Analyst program with TripleTen and honestly couldn’t recommend it more. First, the amount of support you receive from the tutors and success coach is phenomenal. I definitely wasn’t expecting the level of involvement that they have with al... l the students. They’ve set up a wonderful system of resources for the students to use through Discourse, making it easy to get all the help you could possibly need to succeed in the program. Even if you aren’t necessarily wanting to connect to a tutor for everything you have issues with, they have past discussions that have questions other students have asked about how to complete certain tasks in the projects. I love the hands on learning. It’s set up to where you’re able to do/have to do the practice tasks to get hands on experience for each topic so that you don’t feel lost during the project. I have seen some people say it’s a lot of work on top of their jobs and personal lives, but I feel like I’ve been able to get through it fairly quickly without feeling like I’m falling behind. But of course if you do happen to fall behind, they are able to help you get back on track by giving you an extension and providing support if you’re struggling to understand a topic. The course itself is a little expensive, but I feel like if you stick to it and utilize all the resources, it’s well worth the money and time. It was a much better option (time-wise) than trying to go back to school for another degree to advance my career. Overall, I believe this is a great program for anyone wanting to expand their skill set or enter a new career path like me. It’s very user friendly and the amount of support is amazing. Read more
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