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Christopher Abreu
Program: Software Engineering
Choosing TripleTen wasn't just about picking a bootcamp; it was about finding a launchpad for my tech dreams. As a Philadelphian with a creative background, I craved a program that blended my passion for storytelling with the practical skills needed to thrive in the dynamic world of web development.... After months of research, TripleTen emerged as the clear frontrunner. Here's why:1. Curriculum Tailored for Creative Minds: Forget dry lectures and rote memorization. TripleTen's curriculum is designed to spark curiosity and ignite creativity.2. Mastering the Art of Learning: Let's be honest, traditional learning methods don't always click for everyone. TripleTen understands that, personalized mentorship, and a supportive community that fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing. This blend of structure and flexibility allowed me to learn at my own pace, ask questions without judgment, and truly grasp the material in a way that traditional classroom environments never could.In Conclusion: TripleTen isn't just a bootcamp; it's an experience. It's about finding your voice as a developer, building a network that supports you, and unlocking your potential to create impactful technology. If you're a creative mind seeking a practical path into the tech industry, TripleTen is more than just an option; it's an investment in your future. And trust me, with its tailored curriculum, flexible learning approach, and industry-focused features, you won't regret taking that leap. Read more
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Nicholas Milton
Program: Software Engineering
About 5 months into the curriculum I've started to really get the hang of the development process, and I feel as if though my mindset on this line of work has completely changed. I've been planning a transition into the tech field from a creative one for years, but never pulled the trigger on it unt... il I found TripleTen. The course's structure, and delivery of challenging topics are both fantastic. It constantly feels like I'm really breaking through and learning the most important concepts for a future full stack engineer. I'm getting so excited for my future, and it's all thanks to this program.Thank you to this course for blowing a breath of fresh air my way, and for bringing my dreams for a job in the tech industry even closer to reality. Read more
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Tejpreet Singh
Program: Software Engineering
The TripleTen Software Engineering bootcamp has been refreshing and encouraging. I chose TripleTen because many of the reviews that I read online were positive, even the ones that had some gripes. The pacing of the bootcamp also looked manageable while maintaining a job. The pricing of the bootcamp ... seemed fair as well.  The bootcamp is split into fifteen sprints (think of these as chapters that are capped off with a project). Each sprint introduces a few concepts in the form of written instruction, as well as videos for concepts that can be easily demonstrated visually. After the introduction of concepts, you are usually given tasks to complete, which help you solidify the information with practice. After you have done the sprint's instructional material, you finish it off with a project that incorporates what you have learned that sprint as well as building on past material. These projects usually take a couple of days to complete, but they are challenging. That may sound off-putting, but the bootcamp gives you access to tutors and senior students who you can ask for help through Discord. The tutors also run scheduled office hours that you can attend. There are office hours slots every day, so there is quite a bit of flexibility for when you can do your work and ask questions. Tutors are very helpful. They don't hold your hand through every problem, but they do offer solid advice and direction. I have only regretted attending office hours once, and I've been at least a dozen times so far. After finishing the project, you are usually given a short recap along with some useful resources that you can use to hone your knowledge and skills. I would estimate that the average person spends about twenty to twenty-five hours per week on the bootcamp, and that if you do that with diligence, you can very much get through this bootcamp with no issues. There is even a calendar feature which helps you track your progress and gives you little reminders about where you should be in each sprint. Read more
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Robert Lodovichetti
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I was a student in the Business Intelligence Analyst program at Tripleten's Bootcamp and I can wholeheartedly say that Tripleten is a great choice for any aspiring data professional. I decided to join tripleten because I was let go from my job back in the summer of 2022, and the job market has been ... very competitive within software implementation. As a business major, I have done a lot of research in switching careers and ultimately landed on going into business analytics, as the job market is only booming and there will always be a need for Business analysts in the future. I came across many online bootcamps, but Tripleten really stood out to me. Not only did I hear great things about the program, but the value, the, cost and the money back guarantee really enticed me to pull the trigger and go with Tripleten. I would on average budget around 20+ hours per week to dedicate to studying and completing the sprints. For the BIA program there are 8 sprints, which are roughly 2 weeks long each, and they cover everything from SQL, Excel, Power BI, and Tableau. What truly sets Tripleten apart from other bootcamps is their unparalleled support system. The network of students, mentors, tutors, and career success managers is not only amazing but also incredibly helpful. Tripleten also gives students access to many different studying options, including office hours with live tutors, 1-1 sessions with tutors, and co-working hours with other students who are working on the same sprints / projects that you are. At the end of each sprint, there is a sprint project which gives students the power, knowledge, and experience to complete real-world challenges you'd face as a business intelligence analyst. For me, the access to 1-1 tutoring sessions was extremely helpful, especially when I was stuck in certain areas. I also really liked the access to the Discord channel with students and tutors for quick resolution of questions and access to past students' questions. Moreover, the feedback and advice provided after project submission were super helpful and beneficial for personal growth. Since graduating the program, I have joined the career acceleration course which helps graduates clean up their Linkedin profiles, online Github portfolios, Resumes and cover letters, which is crucial for anyone looking to actually land a job in data. I am also now in the middle of an externship with Boston Public Library which will be a great, real-world experience and set me apart from other candidates in future job applications. I am very excited for the future and truly believe Tripleten has gotten me so much further then I ever would have gotten Overall, Tripletens bootcamp offers a holistic learning experience, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills and unwavering support, making it an excellent investment for anyone looking to thrive in the field of business intelligence. If you are thinking of changing your career and nervous to make a change, rest assured with Tripleten you will be in great hands! Read more
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Svetlana Kubatina
Program: Quality Assurance
Like many here, I started learning QA engineering to change my career path. I chose TripleTen because it's the only bootcamp with its platform, developed by authors who are active QA engineers, editors, designers, and career consultants. This isn't just recorded webinars offered by other bootcamps.... I especially liked this because I absorb information better in text than audibly, as my English level isn't high enough to catch everything on the fly. Moreover, I was attracted by their promise to refund the tuition if I didn't find a job within six months after the training. This sounded confident from their side, so I realized that the primary goal of this bootcamp was to prepare me for a QA engineer position. Another advantage over other schools is the flexible payment system for the course. I couldn't afford to pay a couple of thousand dollars a month like other bootcamps demanded, unlike TripleTen, where I could take a two-year installment plan. As I expected, TripleTen pleased me with its interactive learning platform. The course is based on long text readings with interactive theoretical tasks for each topic. The main focus is on project activities. Projects are the final assignments for each sprint, resembling what QA engineer tasks look like in real work. Of course, this is very nice, as more practice means more chances to be successful professionally. Additionally, there is an opportunity to communicate with teachers in any form - voice in Discord or via correspondence (I chose the latter, as I'm not very confident speaking English). The teachers seemed to me to be professionals in their field. I corresponded frequently with Aleksandr Sokolov. Many thanks to him for his involvement and willingness to help. Other teachers helped more with projects (there are recorded videos for each project). I am working on the seventh project (out of a total of nine), 'Introduction to JavaScript,' it's very challenging for me, but I'm confident I can handle it, as the reviewer helps me. He provides detailed feedback on each project iteration so I can know precisely where my mistake is. Read more
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Program: Software Engineering
I'm working on the final project for the Tripleten web development boot camp, and I must say it was a transformative experience. From the comprehensive curriculum to the dedicated tutors, this boot camp exceeded my expectations in every way.  One of the standout aspects of this bootcamp was the hand... s-on learning approach where I was actively engaged in coding exercises, projects, and coding competitions. This immersive learning environment not only reinforced theoretical concepts but also equipped me with practical skills that are directly applicable to the industry.  I had the opportunity to collaborate with fellow students, participate in group projects, and network with industry professionals. The course offers learning experience in sprints which is very helpful to become more proficient in delivering projects on time and achieving success in your endeavors. Read more
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Ayoub Jemmal
Program: Quality Assurance
I've always been interested in QA Engineering as someone with an IT background (Web development). So, recently I decided to switch to QA Still. I didn't know which Bootcamp to pick, Because I wanted a well-structured curriculum and support so I could gain some time studying especially since I'm work... ing in a full-time job, plus a must-have "Career Acceleration program" so I can receive one-on-one coaching, practice interview sessions, and expert guidance to polish my resume. So it will be easier for me to have my first tech job in the USA, as a new immigrant to the states. After a deep research and comparison between different Bootcamps. I found out that TripleTen is the best choice for me. Because they have all the things that I was looking for, and more.. also a lower tuition fee compared to others.Now after I'm almost done with the program, I reached the Final Project. I can clearly state that I don't regret any penny or minute I invested in this Bootcamp. Some of the things I liked about this program are: - The fact that they keep you always active on the interactive platform with questions and exercises during lessons. - The project at the end of every sprint to practice and be more confident about your skills, the system of project reviewing. - The "Discord community" is another cool feature, cause you can access a bunch of extra resources, ask tutors about anything that you had difficulty whether in theory or even the project tasks, and enter the co-learning channel so you can learn with other students, and many more things to do in Discord.- The Career support program, is a main feature for me as I mentioned before. But since I'm still on sprint 9 which is the final sprint before entering career support I can’t speak much on Job hunting. but what I can say is that after submitting every sprint project you'll have access to extra lessons on job hunting and soft skills that are important in the industry.- Not to forget the flexibility of the program so you can study whenever you want with a convenient rhythm for you.Honestly, everyone in TripleTen is so helpful and professional, including the success manager who's always making sure that you're always satisfied and helps you when you need some guidance or information. It has been an incredible journey so far with a great community. Thank you TripleTen Read more
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Dan Pocock
Program: Data Science
I quit law school because I missed variety, connection, and problem solving. I knew that I could either become an average lawyer or go for something else that I had more of a passion for. That’s when I re-engaged with my passion for data science. At first I tried to do it all myself, watching videos... online and practicing on datacamp. However, when it got to creating projects I lacked direction. This was when I decided to interview with bootcamps. It was close, but TripleTen won me over. From the start they showed transparency to share all they had to offer when others were reluctant. They were quick to respond to my questions and were never condescending. They got me excited to jump back into my career after the woes of quitting law school. This has been a solid foundation and an accurate representation of how the bootcamp is. Check out their website - the quirkiness bleeds into the course making the content way more enjoyable. If I have a question or concern it is addressed quickly. The course is set up to remind us that it is perfectly normal not to not understand a concept right away. This helps me no longer spend hours on message boards, rather get help from an encouraging source within minutes. However, the biggest selling point has been the career focus. TripleTen was the only one to offer real world experience with externships in their data science program when I applied. I haven’t quite got to this point, but should start it next month.  In terms of downsides, I would emphasise that this course isn’t easy. You must remember that we are competing with people who have many years of experience in these fields. Also don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t figure it all out at first and be sure to reach out to help when you need it. That’s what you are paying for Read more
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Sahara McDonald
Program: Software Engineering
I'm currently a student in the Software Engineering program with TripleTen and my experience has been quite a challenging but exciting one nonetheless. I took an interest in the Software Engineering program because I was ready to explore my potential and put my knowledge to the test.  I've reached a... point in my life where I'm ready to step back into the job market with the skills to assist me in attaining a more promising career that will grant me the opportunity for growth. I browsed over numerous tech boot camps and I happened to come across TripleTen's program through social media ads. TripleTen's remote studying opportunity seemed to be the best option since I would be able to work on my own time. They also ensured that after completion of their career prep, they will help you find a job within 6 months of program completion or you get your money back. The confidence that they have in their program and their students secured my decision to focus on my studies with them. I spend every day studying, at least three hours a day as the program is divided into two-week sprints that are comprised of theories and tasks, completed with a project that puts your newly learned knowledge into practice. So far I've been getting a more sufficient understanding of numerous coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The program provides an exceptional support team with tutors and instructors willing and able to assist in any issues with the program material provided through flexible office hours and a platform to communicate with instructors and other students. It also provides insight into the Software Engineering field such as the soft skills necessary to work with colleagues and clients, tips on portfolio improvement, interview preparation, and overall real-world expectations of the job.  As I progress through the program, the projects and material become more dense and intricate but I also gain more confidence in moving forward. I'm excited to proceed with the program and see it to fruition. Read more
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Devin James
Program: Quality Assurance
The QA engineering course for TripleTen has been amazing! The structure of the program really guides you into the right direction. I was previously taking courses on Udemy and also finding other ways to self learn. If you were in my position where you feel like you need that structure, I can promise... this program is that. Being able to take your time and really learn the material has been very smooth. There is no rush, there is no classroom setting so you don't have to worry about falling behind. There are tutors that are constantly available and also having a success manager that regularly contacts you to see how you are doing has been very helpful.  The program is constantly being updated making sure the best material is present. From Sprint 1 to sprint 8 that i'm on, I feel like i've finally made progress compared to when i was self learning on my own. I use to feel like i kept constantly getting stuck but the structure of this program has made it a lot easier. This program is also beginner friendly, I believe that if anyone is willing to put in the effort, they will succeed so don't feel intimidated. What I also really like about the program is the discord community that you are in. Everyone is super helpful and friendly and we all share the same goals. There are other resources and material that are provided to make sure you are succeeding. The comprehensive nature of the program ensures that every aspect of QA engineering is covered thoroughly. Whether it's mastering testing methodologies or automation skills, there's  opportunity to dive deep into each topic. As someone who's currently in the program, I can recommend this to any person no matter the age or experience. I look forward to entering the career readiness program where I will prepare for interviews and hopefully get hired!  TripleTens QA course has been very smooth, rewarding, and challenging. Read more
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