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Jeremy Laurange
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
When I delved into the realm of career change bootcamps, Tripleten's program immediately caught my attention as the ideal choice for several compelling reasons. Firstly, its adaptability allowed me to tailor the program to fit seamlessly into my hectic schedule. Juggling the responsibilities of a yo... ung family and a full-time job meant I had limited time, and Tripleten's program provided the much-needed flexibility. This enabled me to effectively engage with the program during my available downtime, ensuring that I consistently met deadlines. Moreover, the interactive support system proved to be invaluable. The existence of a dynamic network of peers on Discord, all progressing through the same sprints, facilitated continuous communication with both colleagues and tutors. This supportive framework not only kept me motivated but also enriched my learning experience throughout the entire 5-month journey. Despite considering myself knowledgeable in analytics, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I didn't know and how much I developed as an analyst. What sets Tripleten apart is its unique structure: learning a topic and then reinforcing it through hands-on projects that are meticulously reviewed with prompt feedback. This approach truly distinguishes Tripleten from other learning platforms and contributed significantly to my growth in the field. Read more
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Norbert Huszti
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I recently completed the TripleTen course and am eager to share my experiences. The course was a comprehensive journey that went beyond my expectations. While no course is perfect, the material and platform at TripleTen are exceptional, offering a blend of in-depth learning and practical application... . One of the standout features was the Career Acceleration part, which provided invaluable insights and strategies for job searching. Although I'm not based in the US and couldn’t take full advantage of their American market-specific resources, the coaching sessions I received were instrumental in my job search process. The support team deserves a special mention for their prompt and effective assistance, often resolving issues within a few hours. The money-back guarantee for US residents and the regular offer of externships are other commendable aspects. In my case, participating in an externship directly contributed to landing a job within a few months of an earnest job search. I highly recommend this course, especially for those looking for a comprehensive data analysis program with robust career support, regardless of whether they are in the US or not. The skills and insights gained here are universally applicable and can significantly boost your job prospects. Read more
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Marlon Nunez
Program: Software Engineering
Transitioning to a career in Software Engineering is a significant challenge, and TripleTen recognizes the difficulties inherent in such a move. They provide crucial support to initiate your journey, offering resources such as tutors, study buddy programs, and regular check-ins from a community mana... ger. My experience as a Project Manager, working closely with engineers and product managers, deepened my interest in the field. This led me to join the program with the aspiration of becoming an engineer, a decision I regret not making earlier in my career.Completing the 10-month bootcamp in early November stands out as the best decision I've made, solidifying my commitment to and passion for Software Engineering. While TripleTen is highly supportive of career transitions, there are essential considerations before committing: Time Commitment: Despite being advertised as a part-time bootcamp, TripleTen requires a commitment of 20-30 hours per week. I undertook the program while working full-time, which proved to be a significant challenge. Although manageable, it demands substantial commitment and perseverance, involving 2-3 hours every night after work and 10-15 hours on weekends. Learning Style: TripleTen's self-paced structure allows flexibility, with two weeks allocated for each sprint. While this format suited my situation, considering your learning style is crucial. Unlike other bootcamps with scheduled classes, TripleTen's approach may require additional self-directed learning and independent research. Additional insights: Tutors are accessible via Discord, even outside office hours. Content is self-paced, with a two-week timeline for each sprint. Opportunities for code jams and externships are available, but participation in externships may be unclear and wait-listed. Office hours may be crowded, with limited time for individual questions, but some tutors go beyond scheduled hours to help. Externship participation may be challenging to secure, and the process is not entirely transparent, potentially based on a wait-list system. Read more
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Dominick Harper
Program: Software Engineering
About a year ago I decided to look into skills I could learn at home, while being able to maintain my current job and lifestyle. I've always been interested in technology and the 'magic' behind the screen and when I came across TripleTen it was a Godsend. I had previously received certificates in A+... and other hardware courses, but I had never dreamed I would be able to be a part of software without getting a college degree (and the student loans that follow).I chose TripleTen Software bootcamp mainly because of two important reasons, the first being an up-to-date curriculum and technologies that are top of the industry standards. Other bootcamps I've looked into teach the frontend, or use VUE instead of React, etc, but I wanted to be the most useful in my industry with a unique set of skills that have been proven to be versatile. The second reason I committed to TripleTen over others was the amazing support and career acceleration program that *guarantees a student will find a job in the given industry within 6 month. It's designed to teach you the best skills for oral and written interviews, resume building, networking, etc. Things you didn't know you didn't know until you are taught. The acceleration program aims to give students the very best possibility in their chosen career to gain the necessary hard and soft skills required to thrive in this industry.I would suggest utilizing the community to its fullest and relying on success managers and tutors for help. They are extremely professional and engaging in the community and are dedicated to helping resolve any issue you experience during the program. Find a good study rhythm that works with your daily schedule and plan studies accordingly. Then stick with it. TripleTen's curriculum is designed to accommodate for any situations you may have in life, giving you the ability to study and learn during hours your most comfortable with. No matter the way you choose to study through your program, I have found a student should be willing to dedicate at least 20-25 hours per week to successfully gain the skills needed to pass each sprint. This is perfect for me and my family as I can still work a full-time job while maintaining my educational studies. No matter how you choose to schedule your studies, I would definitely recommend scheduling at least 2 days a week to dedicate solely to TripleTen in order to really comprehend the material. I have found that I really begin to understand the process after a few uninterrupted hours of struggling with a bug or having to refactor a piece of code. I hate to sound cliché, but you truly do begin to understand and become more confident in your code with each failure corrected. I have learned incalculably more by making mistakes in my code than I have by reading theory. So don't be afraid to mess up and fail..it WILL teach you in this industry! I'm telling you, this program is designed to help you through it and on past graduation. As much as you put in you WILL get out. If you dedicate a set amount of time each week to study, use the community to its fullest, reach out to tutors for support, ask questions in Discord, and seek advice, you WILL complete the program and change your career path. One of the best parts about the bootcamp is building a solid portfolio to showcase to future employers. Through the course of the program you will participate in at least 4-5 real-work projects that utilize what you previously learned in the sprint. By the time you complete the program you will have a landing page, a front-end project, a fullstack application, and a Final project or an externship to participate in. These are industry standard projects that showcase the highest level of coding to give the student a solid collection of projects they can keep forever.Like most of you, I wanted a change of career and a feasible way to do it. I have a family of 5, a full-time job, and little to no background experience in engineering, but with the help of TripleTen and their support system I found a place I was able to set aside a few hours in the evenings to better my future. Thats all it takes. If you have a lot on your plate and you think you wont have the ability to participate to the fullest in the program then I would urge you to reconsider the opportunity laid out before you. As little as three to four hours a day (consistently) will be enough time to learn the information and put it into practice. This program is perfect for people in similiar situations as I, and is the smartest investment you can make for your future.I wont lie to you or try to sugar coat it; this will be one of the toughest and mentally challenging things you will ever do, but its worth it. If your able to accept failure as a learning experience and not give up even when you don't fully believe in yourself, then you will succeed. Read more
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Leah DeYoung
Program: Data Science
This boot camp has provided me with a great foundation in data science concepts. I also had the opportunity to complete an externship where I worked with Large Language Models and generative AI, which was a great way to build on what I already knew. TripleTen provides career services that include re... sume, cover letter, and LinkedIn reviews as well as the services of a career coach after graduation. As someone who gets stressed about job hunting, I have found these services to be immeasurably helpful. TripleTen is also willing to work with students within reason when they encounter life events. I got COVID during my time in the boot camp, and I was able to reach out to my community manager and work with her on deadlines until I recovered. TripleTen also provides opportunities such as code jams and competitions so that you can sharpen your skills outside of regular coursework and add more projects to your portfolio. I would recommend this boot camp to those who are interested in data science and want to make a change in their career! Read more
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Program: Quality Assurance
Choosing the Triple Ten QA Engineering Bootcamp was initially a nerve-wracking decision for me, especially considering my limited knowledge in the tech field. The catalyst for my career change was the desire to break free from the monotonous 9 to 5 routine, lack of growth opportunities, and a schedu... le that kept me away from quality time with friends and family. The appeal of a tech career lay in the promise of a balanced work-life equation and the opportunity to continually acquire new skills while refining existing ones for career advancement.Embarking on this journey while working full-time and undergoing a major move from California to Arizona posed significant challenges. However, Triple Ten demonstrated exceptional understanding by allowing me the flexibility to temporarily step away from my studies to focus on the relocation. This gesture highlighted the program's commitment to supporting students through real-life challenges, setting a positive tone for the entire experience.To be candid, the course has been anything but easy. It has presented me with formidable challenges, pushing me out of my comfort zone and demanding a substantial commitment of time and effort. Yet, what has made this journey worthwhile and ultimately successful has been the unwavering support system provided by Triple Ten.The tutors associated with the program have been instrumental in my learning process. Their expertise, accessibility, and patience have turned what seemed insurmountable into manageable challenges. The collaborative spirit among fellow students has fostered a sense of community and shared learning, where we celebrate successes and navigate difficulties together. The community managers, too, have played a pivotal role, ensuring that the support network extends beyond academic concerns to encompass the holistic well-being of each student.Triple Ten has not just been an educational platform; it's been a partner in my personal and professional growth. The emphasis on community, combined with the dedication to accommodating life's unexpected turns, sets this bootcamp apart. While the road has been tough, the sense of achievement and the arsenal of skills acquired make every hurdle worthwhile.In conclusion, if you are ready to embrace challenges, eager to learn, and seeking a supportive community to guide you through the complexities of the tech world, Triple Ten QA Engineering Bootcamp is the transformative journey you've been looking for. Read more
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Esme Goral
Program: Quality Assurance
I joined Triple Ten because I knew I wanted a career change, and I was not sure how to do so, but thanks to Triple Tens curriculum I knew I could make the change! They break things down so simple that you could do it in your sleep and since I am new to the tech world, I knew I needed a program that ... could do so.  The program is self-pace all online and if you ever find yourself in need of assistance to help further understand the chapter, they have tutors waiting to help you via chat and they also have one on one sessions, which has helped me tremendously in some chapters! I have learned so much since starting in September that I never knew I could do something like this before. I also like this bootcamp rather than other ones that I was searching due to its 6 months after graduate money back guarantee, if you don't find yourself a job within that time range, which was huge major decision for me because IT is new for me, so I knew I needed a safety blanket and Triple Ten helped with that decision. They also have career coach one on one's sessions and career lessons to help you with your LinkedIn so you can get a head start on the job hunt before graduating! Overall, I am glad I made the switch for myself this year, it has taught me to so much that I now think completely different which means I am growing as individual. Thanks so much Triple Ten and tutors for all you do! Read more
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Cledson Coelho Lacerda
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
Embarking on the journey of learning Data Analysis and Business Intelligence was a decision rooted in the pursuit of a long-standing dream. As a single parent, the responsibilities that come with parenthood can sometimes overshadow personal aspirations. However, when my son turned 17, I felt a renew... ed sense of determination to fulfill my dream of traveling the world, contributing positively, and experiencing diverse cultures while still earning a living. My academic background in politics, diplomacy, and international law provided a foundation, but it wasn't until I discovered the "Digital Nomad" movement that a new realm of possibilities opened up. The shift to remote work, especially in the post-COVID era, fueled my decision to acquire more technical skills, realizing that my child had surpassed me in technological know-how. The initial foray into the world of technology involved exploring free online courses and YouTube videos to ascertain my interest before committing to a bootcamp or another master's degree. This exploration led me to TripleTen bootcamp, and after thorough research and discussions with the Admissions Advisor, Brian Karl, I was convinced that the program aligned perfectly with my goals. What sets TripleTen apart is not just the program's content but the genuine care and support extended by the school. From the outset, the staff, including tutors, managers, and fellow students, demonstrated a level of commitment that went beyond typical academic interactions. The accessibility at any time, day or night, through Discord or other channels, created a sense of belonging. It wasn't just about being another paying student; it felt like being part of a supportive TripleTen family, reigniting the passion that fueled my initial decision. Choosing a school that genuinely cares about your success and is willing to go the extra mile is crucial. TripleTen not only provided the skills needed for a lucrative career but also fostered an environment where personal dreams could flourish. The decision to join TripleTen was undeniably one of the best I've made, and the fact that even my son aspires to join TripleTen when he turns 18 speaks volumes about the positive impact it has had on our lives. If you aim not just for financial independence but a dream job and a supportive community, TripleTen is the way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read more
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Rasha Yazbeck
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I joined the Triple Ten business intelligence analytics program after a year of debate. As a mother of a now toddler, it was very hard for me to take on another challenge, as my schedule was already packed with being a mom, a wife, and working. Working with my business bachelor's degree alone wasn't... cutting it in today's economy. I knew then that I had to do something else, and with my lifestyle, going back to college for a masters or something of that sort wasn't an option. Although I knew that I needed to improve myself in order to have a better quality of life for myself and my family, that is when I began to look into tech boot camps after I saw an ad on Instagram. I did my search, and kept postponing the decision for almost a year due to the cost and time, that I did not have then, but my decision was set on a program at  Triple Ten and I'm so glad that I did. Considering tech and coding wasn't something I believed I could do, but after taking the quiz about which program I could join based on my personality, I realized that the description provided, really was something I'm interested in doing for a career. Since the first day I booked the call with Triple Ten, it was a great experience, the staff and team are absolutely amazing, and are very interested in making sure that you succeed. I love that I can work and learn on my own pace, yet still be  a click or a chat away from getting any help needed, because as I said the staff is amazing. Aside the staff being so wonderful, the material we learn is very interesting and engaging, definitely not like any studying I've done in the past. I'm always eager for the next sprints, and projects to learn and apply my skills. If I would give Triple Ten a 10/10 score, and would recommend it to anyone interested in breaking into tech in an enjoyable way that leaves you so engaged. Triple Ten makes it so easy to join, and offers you full support, as well as a guarantee of a job in tech or you basically learn for free, so there is absolutely nothing to lose, but so much to gain, and who wouldn't want that? So yes, Triple Ten for the win. Read more
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Randi Schmitz
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I was stuck at a place in life where I didn't really know what I wanted to do or how to go about getting there, until my friend recommended TripleTen! It was everything I could have asked for and more. There is a pre-course call where they will go over your personal needs and skill levels and talk y... ou through which course will be best for you, while explaining the timeline, and what is involved with the program. The curriculum is thorough and easy to follow, and allows a lot of opportunity to practice the skills you are learning along the way. My favorite part of learning is I don't feel the pressure of being graded in the traditional sense, but instead it is reviewed by a tutor and feedback is provided based on what was submitted with not only things that need improvement, but what you did well. There are also additional tools provided to help along the way, and the community is so supportive and available at all times. There is no "days off", in the sense that someone is always available, and you are able to work at your own pace within a certain time frame. As someone who works 50+ hours a week, this was incredibly helpful! Read more
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