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Hugo T
Program: Data Science
Before joining TripleTen I always had a sense that I wanted to get involved in the world of coding that relates specifically to machine learning and data science but never knew where to start. I fortunately stumbled upon TripleTen during my search to find a bootcamp.There were 2 distinguishing facto... rs of TripleTen that were important to me that other pgorrams did not have. First, TripleTen made it clear that students would be receiving constant support from its community of professional tutors that are active on Discord. Second, TripleTen has a practice oriented methodology which means that you are constantly applying your lessons into a jupyter notebook as learn. This deeply resonated with me because I’ve always had an aversion to passive learning (zoom classes, lectures, etc.) TripleTen has been instrumental in my journey towards becoming a data specialist. It feels like a highly specialized program designed to get you on the right track in a short amount of time.To those aspiring to start their coding journey whether it’d be with TripleTen or not, remember that progress, no matter how small, is still progress. Even if its 10 minutes a day, keep moving forward because its the consistency that counts. Read more
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Noe Campos
Program: Quality Assurance
Choosing a Bootcamp was not easy, I'm not going to lie, but I was comparing several bootcamps to find out which one was best for me. I decided on the QA Engineer program because it seemed interesting and a way to get started in the world of technology. The program provides an essential education.Tri... plete convinced me not only because of how flexible they are with schedules, but also because of how fast they are. They are attentive, they clarified my doubts, the payments are very flexible, and they also have a high rate of graduates who have found work after finishing. the program and if they don't, you will get your money back guaranteed. Another thing that caught my attention is that they have externships for work experience.To study I try to do it after work, at least 3 hours a day or if I have free days I dedicate a little more time, I can say about 15 hours a week.My TripleTen experience has been amazing! I love the interactive platform and the projects are my favorites, why? I like the idea of having to interact and put into practice what I have studied, when my project is correct it makes me want to move forward and not give up.  The learning team and community are very supportive and helpful. I learned a lot from them.  But overall, I'm really enjoying it! Read more
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Arpi Keshishyan
Program: Quality Assurance
Yes, I am Manual QA engineer with 3 years of experience. I worked in 2 companies before moving to USA. But I feel that I need to update my skills and get new skills in coding. After long research I find TripleTen. It’s really good course to start your career in IT filed. The theory part is really bi... g and interesting, even being manual QA there was a lot of new things that I learned. The coding part was really challenge for me, but I was working with professional team. The tutors and manager helped me a lot to go though all of that. And the important thing for me that you have chance to work in real project. There is really good community there and you can meet many new and interesting people. And if you will have time to communicate with them you will learn a lot of important and useful things from them.Thanks TripleTen team for everything it was really enjoyable to learn from you and work with you. Read more
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Binod Rai
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I completed this TripleTen's Data Analytic Bootcamp Program in June 2023. I chose this bootcamp because I was looking for a bootcamp that has multiple projects and also this bootcamp was affordable. I completed multiple data analysis projects. In this process, my codes were reviewed by code reviewer... s. My experience with code reviewers was always good. Their suggestions and hints helped me to analyze the problems and solve them with confidence. They were able to review my code on time. Besides learning from the program’s learning materials, I cleared my doubts with TripleTen tutors. It was simple and easy to schedule a one-on-one meeting with tutors.  During this program, I got all the required support from the TripleTen support team. When I had technical questions or doubts, I asked for help and got enough support from the technical team. In addition, I was happy to get support from academic advisors, career support, and resume reviewers. After graduating from this program, I was happy to use the resources provided in the TripleTen Career Page.  All of these people from whom I got support were experts in their fields. They were above and beyond supporting me to learn. Whenever I had a question, I asked them, and I got my questions answered on time. I had to keep a gap while completing this bootcamp. I was able to come back and complete my program because TripleTen was flexible in making such arrangements. Most learning materials are Python-based. If you are interested in learning data analysis in Python, this bootcamp is suitable for you. It would be better if more topics were covered in SQL. Read more
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Joshua Duncan
Program: Software Engineering
At the age of 32, as a lifelong tech nerd with an affinity for efficiency and creating systems, I decided that it was time to look into a possible career change into software engineering. After doing a ton of research I landed on TripleTen bootcamp. Now at the end of it, I can honestly say that it's... an extremely comprehensive program, and I do feel like I'm 100% ready to jump into the job market after finishing it. In addition to the extremely affordable price, one of the other best things about this program is its flexibility. This bootcamp is a part-time bootcamp and the community managers are very understanding that many of the students have full time jobs, or at least full-time lives outside of this program. They were extremely understanding during difficult points in my year, and consistently allowed me extra time to study and understand the material before moving on. Additionally, I thoroughly enjoyed the interactive platform and integrated IDE on their website. I also think the projects are well designed and extremely useful for practicing the learned skills.That said, I wouldn't recommend it for the feint of heart. One of the best and worst things about the program is that there isn't a lot of hand holding. As I mentioned - TripleTen is one of the most affordable bootcamps out there right now, but what it lacks in comparison with the more expensive programs is live lectures and 1:1 learning with the tutors. That said, the material is thorough and this program teaches you to be resourceful which, if you can hack it will make you much better at problem solving in the real world.I did find sections of the chapters confusing at times, but they ask for review at the end of each sprint and seemingly are constantly working to improve the program for future students. This also encouraged me to be resourceful and find clarification when needed. While not ideal, I do think the program is improving and my experience will make me better in the long run.I would highly recommend that people starting out in software engineering dabble in some free classes before committing to a full bootcamp. The Harvard CS50 course is a great place to start, and can give you some insight into whether or not this is a career path you might enjoy. My success strategy for this course included saving all the links provided in the sprints, lots of note taking, use of AI as a tutor and for checking my work, and making sure that I fully understood the material before moving forward.I also like that they have a career support program. I haven't gotten there yet (I still have to finish my final project) but they guarantee a job within 6 months of finishing the course or your money back! Read more
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Jessica Powers
Program: Data Science
I started TripleTen because I wanted to learn to do something that I could both enjoy and make work with my hearing loss. Their Quality Assurance Engineering program seemed like it would be a great opportunity for me. Not only do I enjoy learning the different methods for finding bugs and reporting ... them, but a good portion of the lessons tied into my previous experience as a graphic designer.I found that the TripleTen program also worked well around my day job, and with the limitations I have with my hearing loss. All the lessons are online which made it easy for me to do the reading portions on my lunch breaks and the practice portions when I was at home. Also, many of the sprints and their projects have video tutorials that go with them, as well as a dedicated section on the TripleTen Discord where I was able to ask questions and receive feed back when I needed help. The majority of the videos even let me turn the captions on (again a big deal for me). When I asked a question I was able to receive feedback reasonably quickly, and I never felt as if my questions were unreasonable, even on the occasion where I found the answer on my own within fifteen minutes of asking it in the Discord. It's a very self-paced program, and I tend to be super motivated when I'm learning things, so I think I was actually able to finish the course several weeks faster than anticipated. I feel like they give you plenty of time to get things done even while working around every day life and a full time job. I will also say that TripleTen is very good about asking for feedback on each section and working to improve their lessons to provide a great experience. I struggles a bit with the JavaScript portion because it was entirely new to me, and I do feel there's room for improvement in how some of that material is presented, but I also feel like my voice was heard when I offered feedback.My Community Manager also was amazing. She checked in on me regularly, sent me tutorial links when I couldn't find them, helped me work out a problem I had when trying to link my project so the reviewer could see it, and even gave me extra time on one of my project when I had a family emergency. The reviewers also gave concise, but clear feedback. I could usually tell exactly what they suggested I needed to work on or correct, and the submission and feedback process for each project was very straightforward with clear instructions. It's normal to take two rounds to get a project passed so please don't feel discouraged if you don't get a project on your first try!I have not joined the career acceleration program quite yet, but believe me when I say I'm very excited to get some career coaching and start the next step on this journey. Read more
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Rustom Dela Cruz
Program: Software Engineering
My journey with Triple Ten has definitely challenged me to achieve personal goals. The courses definitely start off easy as you go through the first few sprints. Where I was able to attain and utilize what I’ve learned in order to continue onto the next sprint. I am currently halfway through the cur... riculum where it does get challenging in some areas as I try to attain all the information on separate areas of coding and utilize each new piece of code into my projects. Triple Ten provides a ton of help needed to continue on if you’re in a bind on your projects. The tutors, grad students or even students currently in the program provide useful information and help which definitely relives stress from my shoulders. Overall I would definitely recommend Triple Ten if you’re looking to get into software engineering. The courses are great so far , the challenges, information, and communication for help is over the top. Read more
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Aidar Shaidullin
Program: Software Engineering
I started my journey in December 2022. The decision to delve into software engineering was motivated by a desire for a career that offered intellectual challenges, continuous learning opportunities, and the chance to contribute to innovative solutions. I sought a field where creativity meets problem... -solving, and software engineering appeared to be the perfect fit.TripleTen stood out among the coding platforms for its holistic approach to learning. The platform provides a seamless blend of theory, extensive examples, and hands-on practice. Having no prior coding knowledge, I appreciated the structured curriculum and the ability to progress at my own pace. I organize my studying by dedicating a set number of hours each day, ensuring a balance between theory, practical exercises, and project work. The flexible nature of TripleTen's courses allows me to adapt my learning schedule to my needs.The interactive platform offers a dynamic learning experience, with a diverse range of projects that enhance practical skills. The learning team and community support foster collaboration and knowledge sharing. Regular workshops provide valuable insights and keep me updated on industry trends. The supportive environment created by community managers adds a personal touch to the learning journey.TripleTen has played a pivotal role in my coding journey, offering not just knowledge but also a supportive community that understands the challenges of transitioning careers. The tutors at TripleTen are exceptional – patient, knowledgeable, and always ready to assist. The practical aspect of the curriculum has enabled me to create several websites, adding tangible projects to my portfolio. The community managers go above and beyond, creating a sense of belonging and ensuring a positive learning experience.For those embarking on their coding journey, I recommend embracing a proactive approach. Don't shy away from seeking help when needed, whether from tutors or online resources. Consistency is key; allocate dedicated time daily to learning and practice. Engage with the community, participate in workshops, and leverage the interactive platform to its fullest. Remember, the journey might get challenging, but perseverance and a supportive learning environment like TripleTen can make all the difference.In conclusion, TripleTen has not only equipped me with the necessary skills to pursue a career in software engineering but has also provided a nurturing environment that fosters growth and confidence. I wholeheartedly recommend TripleTen to anyone aspiring to become a software engineer – it's not just a learning platform; it's a transformative experience. Read more
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George Aktines
Program: Software Engineering
I started out at  zero when it came to computer programming knowledge. And when I took the practice course it was fun. So I was excited to get accepted to the course here at TripleTen. At first it was easy. I was learning HTML and CSS and I was just coming to me and I was thinking this was going to ... be the easiest 9 month course. Boy was I wrong. Lol. JavaScript hit me like a brick wall. And that’s when the real studying started. It was tough but I had the help of tutors and community managers to keep me going. They were there every step of the way to insure my success. I have since learned so much more. I am now halfway through the final project working with a study buddy. Something that wasn’t available when I first started but is another great resource here at TripleTen that got added along the way. It’s great. While working through lessons, and projects you can bounce your thoughts off of each other. And if y’all can not figure it out together you just lost a message for the tutors. Everyone at TripleTen is always so helpful and committed to your success. I would recommend the software engineer course to anyone looking to learn something knew or advance your career.  And I almost forgot the career acceleration program. They help you find a job your your money back!  What better guarantee?  You learn a knew trade that makes you more valuable in the job market and if they can not find you a job you get your money back as well. It’d a win win. Read more
Matt Iles
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I joined TripleTen to make the jump into tech.  I have a degree in marketing and have worked in multiple industries: retail, nightlife, education, and marketing.  Since the pandemic, I've wanted to upskill to learn more hard skills to complement the soft skillset, but never found a way to gain these... skills that felt right.  As I'm sure you have, I was targeted for lots of Instagram Ads for Coding Bootcamps promising a life changing experience leading to a six figure career with no tech work experience. Not to mention my FYP was full of Bootcamp Ads. It always seemed like an option that wasn't truly obtainable. At least not obtainable for me. I always interacted with the ads, read their website, watched their videos, and even met with their recruiters. However, TripleTen was different -- in a good way -- from the beginning. The payment plan, the different course options, the money back guarantee, the career services, and holistic approach to upskilling was the perfect mix for me.  For the first time, it felt like the bootcamp was after more than just my tuition payment.  It's been clear that TripleTen is truly here for me as a person, professional, and student.  They are clearly building a community.I chose the Business Intelligence Analyst (BIA) course because I'm not a huge fan of actual coding, but still wanted into the tech industry. With my background in marketing and work experience, BIA seemed like the perfect program for me to not only jump to tech but also best utilize the transferrable skills I've accumulated. Plus it's only 4 months! It only got better once I joined.  The more I interacted with the curriculum and the TripleTen community on Discord (current students, former students, tutors, career coaches, community managers, and more), the more I knew I made the right decision. The curriculum is easy to follow along with.  The modules have a great mix of instruction and hands on examples to follow along with that wrap up with a robust project.  The project not only reinforces the skills I'd just learned, but also gave me something great to add to my portfolio.  Any time I needed help it was very simple to ask for it.  I just asked the question in the appropriate channel on Discord and I got an answer or support in just a few hours. The chapters and lessons are organized into two-week sprints with each of them focusing on a different aspect of BI.  I've learned how to analyze and build data visualizations using Google Sheets, SQL, Tableau, and Power BI. Weaved into the program were lessons on resume building, LinkedIn optimization, portfolio building, and other relevant soft skills necessary to not just start a new career but flourish in it.10/10 would definitely recommend. Read more
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