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Zoey Espinoza
Program: Data Science
TripleTen is an exceptional bootcamp that covers all material to get me started on my Data Science journey. I began with having little to no knowledge of the field and barely any coding experience. The bootcamp is split into 16 sprints that allowed me to gain knowledge slowly and understand concepts... from the foundation up. I am in the last parts of the course and have way more confidence and skills than I started with. There are helpful projects that help me build up my portfolio and access to workshops, mentors, and a community. Without this program I don't know how I would have been able to dive into this new field. I am excited for the opportunity to take this and looking forward to excelling on this new path and career change. Read more
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Anthony Pham
Program: Software Engineering
I first heard about the TripleTen coding bootcamp through a friend and on Instagram, and it quickly piqued my interest as a potential pathway to a future career in coding. Currently, I'm on Sprint 9 out of 16 of the program, and I must say it has been quite a journey, one that's been both tough and ... incredibly fulfilling. Overall Impression:My overall impression of the TripleTen coding bootcamp is highly positive. From the moment I joined, I found the community to be exceptionally welcoming and helpful. The program does a great job of fostering a supportive environment, especially if you reach out to the community managers and the tutors. They genuinely care about your success and are readily available to assist. Curriculum:The curriculum at TripleTen starts with the basics, teaching the foundational elements of coding such as HTML and CSS. As you progress, the bootcamp dives into more advanced topics, with my current focus being JavaScript. Alongside the technical skills, they provide valuable insights into what to expect in the coding field. They emphasize the importance of perseverance and remind us that even seasoned professionals faced challenges in the beginning. The key is to keep at it and not give up. Teaching Methods:TripleTen employs a well-rounded approach to teaching, combining reading materials, videos, and interactive lessons to enhance retention. The tutors are not only knowledgeable but also approachable and willing to guide you in finding answers, provided you're putting in your own effort and actively seeking solutions. Pacing:The pace of the bootcamp is undeniably rigorous, reflecting the demands of the coding industry. However, what sets TripleTen apart is its willingness to work with students who are putting in the effort and communicating their needs. The support from tutors like Max and Kevin and community managers like Dina is invaluable in helping students stay on track. Projects and Portfolio Building:One standout aspect of TripleTen is their emphasis on real-world projects. These projects not only deepen your understanding but also serve to build a robust portfolio, a valuable asset when you complete the course and start applying for jobs. TripleTen goes a step further by providing practical tips on how to apply for positions and what to expect in the job search process. Community and Support:TripleTen has managed to create a vibrant and encouraging community that keeps students engaged and motivated throughout the program. This sense of community, fostered by dedicated individuals like Dina, Max, and Kevin, is a significant factor in the program's success. Recommendation:While I haven't personally tried other coding bootcamps, my experience with TripleTen and its dedicated team, including community manager Dina and tutors Max and Kevin, has left me with an overwhelmingly positive attitude towards their program. I wholeheartedly recommend TripleTen to anyone looking to embark on a coding journey. Whether you're a beginner or have some coding experience, TripleTen's supportive community, comprehensive curriculum, and practical approach to learning make it an excellent choice. In conclusion, my journey with TripleTen has been both challenging and incredibly rewarding, and I'm confident it can be the same for anyone who chooses to enroll in this exceptional coding bootcamp. Read more
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Pernell Bauza
Program: Software Engineering
Before I decided to pursue a career in software engineering I had very little exposure to coding, but to enter the field of software engineering was motivated by a combination of curiosity, and the constantly changing technological landscape. Before committing to TripleTen I researched and tried out... a couple of different coding programs and I found it hard to keep up with the curriculum which gave me uncertainty about the course and where it was leading me to. I found that TripleTen was the program that could work for me because of how structured the course material is, the interactive learning platform, the learning community, the career focus, and the assistance and mentorship that they provide. -Interactive Learning Platform: It was revolutionary to be able to code directly in the browser get immediate feedback and track my progress in real time making the learning process engaging and efficient. The project-based learning corresponded wonderfully with my learning style. By creating practical applications, I was able to put my academic knowledge to use in actual situations, making difficult topics understandable and approachable. It allows students to apply theoretical information to real-world settings, resulting in a better grasp of topics. -Support from the Community: The support community on TripleTen is a great source of ideas and help not just from tutors and community managers, a supportive environment was created by the willingness of other students to share their knowledge and experiences. Even though I have not fully used all that TripleTen has to offer I believe activity groups promoted a sense of community and camaraderie among students. Peer collaboration on coding projects and challenges is informative but sounds fun. It seems like an accurate reflection of how software development teams collaborate in the actual world. These workshops and activity groups at TripleTen are essential parts of the learning experience rather than merely extras. They look to have many benefits to developing new skills, and forming enduring relationships and have made learning to code both enriching and enjoyable.-Mentoring: Having a mentor who could offer advice, respond to my queries, and examine my work was quite helpful and the response times are spot on. Their advice not only helped me become a better coder but also gave me greater confidence. They establish a lively learning atmosphere where inquiries are welcomed and knowledge-sharing is prevalent.-Career Support: TripleTen's dedication to its students' success after the course may be seen in the inclusion of career-related content such as résumé workshops and interview practice. Each workshop was a gold mine of information, covering everything to mastering complex algorithms. They improved my problem-solving abilities while also extending my technical skill set.  Challenges were transformed into learning opportunities through interacting with other students, working together on group projects, and asking for assistance in the forum.-Hands-On Experience: The emphasis placed on project-based learning gave me practical skills that I could immediately put to use in the workplace. -Building Confidence: As I moved through the program and dealt with progressively difficult problems, I felt much more confident in my ability to code and solve problems. I feel a great deal of accomplishment especially when spending a long time troubleshooting a problem. -Career Transition: I'm sure when I get towards the end of the program I can take advantage of TripleTen's career-focused resources and support to get internships and subsequently a position as a software engineer. It also offers a route to a profession in technology and is more than just a learning platform.To those who are just beginning their coding journey, here are some tips and advice that worked for me:-Set Specific Objectives: Specify your objectives and develop a well-structured plan to reach them. Having specific goals can help you stay motivated and on course.-Keep Being Consistent: Success requires consistency. To gain momentum, give your study regular, concentrated time.-Challenges are a part of life: embrace them. Significant growth will result from embracing challenges and finding solutions.-Utilize Community: Interact with the coding community through websites like TripleTen or online discussion boards. Collaboration and the sharing of experiences are effective learning aids.-Other resources: It's okay to use Google or your favorite search engine to help you understand concepts or try out test coding. If you are more of a visual learner like me, TripleTen provides videos on some of the topics but you can take it one step further and search and watch videos on that specific topic. -Regular practice will help you become better at coding. To reinforce your learning, code frequently, work on projects, and look for coding challenges. It is advised that you should put about 20 hours of work into your studies but if time allows for it then try to get more hours in as much as you can. -Use mentors or seasoned professionals in the sector, if they are accessible. Their advice can be extremely helpful when tackling difficult subjects.-Create a portfolio of projects as you master new skills. When applying for positions, it will be essential to provide these concrete instances of your work.-Keep Up to Date: The tech sector is always changing. Maintain up-to-date knowledge of the most recent trends and technologies in the industry.-Holding yourself accountable: It's understandable that life gets in the way and you are unable to get any coding done, just make sure to make it up as soon as possible or if you can get small tasks done with the time you have. Taking a break is highly encouraged to refresh your mind. -Have confidence in your capacity to learn and develop. Coding may initially appear difficult, but with perseverance and commitment, you can succeed.Finally, my decision to use TripleTen for my coding adventure was critical in my transition into a Software Engineer. The project-centric approach, structured curriculum, interactive learning environment, and strong community support provided by the platform were great tools. TripleTen not only offered me the technical skills but also the confidence and tools I needed to succeed in the profession. For those just starting out in coding, remember that with effort, perseverance, and the correct resources, you, too, can reach your goals in software engineering. Read more
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Edna Trejo
Program: Software Engineering
Last year I decided to learn about software engineering because I wanted to find a job that pays well and also doesn't require sales. I first considered going back to school and getting a masters in software engineering but changed my mind knowing how much money and time it would take. I wanted to d... o something that required less time and less money. When I was doing research and trying to figure out which bootcamp to join TripleTen stood out to me the most. The price was impossible to pass up on. My journey has been great so far. Learning a new skill is always a challenge but having so many tutors and having material out there to help with any questions or issues is always available. At first organizing my time and day was a little bit of a challenge. I didn't want to give up too much of my "life" as I find myself working out 5x a week, yoga, hotworx and volleyball along with a full time job. I needed to come up with a schedule. It took time but I spend about 2-3 hours a day Monday - Friday and 6 hours on Saturdays working on my material. If I have any extra room and nothing to do I'll squeeze in more material. TripleTen does a great job at easing you into the material and when it gets more in depth they do a great job at breaking it down. I have love every part of it! If there is any advice I give is to NOT give up. There will be MANY moments where you feel like giving up but always ask for help! It makes things so much easier. Read more
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Sheena Irvin
Program: Software Engineering
Let me start by sharing how I got here. I was in sales, specifically in mortgage and when the market went buckwild, it was time for me to really sit and think about what I wanted to do. I wanted to enjoy my work, make money, and not worry about my next paycheck due to the economic changes. I wanted ... to transition to something more stable, and I didn't want to go back to a 2-4 year program/school. So I started looking into bootcamps and their success rates with getting students hired in their desired field. I chose software engineering since I was always fascinated by it, and had gotten my feet wet with it and really couldn't get enough. I probably looked at 8-10 bootcamps and compared several things based off of facts and reviews- the available support, the curriculum, the cost, was it self-paced, guaranteed, and the length of the course. All reviews led to choosing TripleTen, and glad I did. There was a scholarship from women who code that supported this program, and that also made me feel better about my choice. I spend about 20-25 hours a week studying and since I work overtime often at my current full time job, I take advantage of any opportunity I get. There are group study sessions available which is cool, but I'm unable to attend those due to my crazy schedule. I have a family and work, so its kind of tough. Anyone who's available should take advantage so you feel more included and supported by the community. Everyone is so nice!! Aside from the theories and projects, I try to get practice in with codewars/leetcodes or read articles they suggest. I have a list I want to tackle after the bootcamp! The things I like most about TripleTen are: they have many tutoring sessions you can join to get help(I wish there were more in the evenings since I work 9-6 + OT but I get it), there are externship programs, they are prepping you for your future job on top of teaching you the fundamentals, and the community manager- they've been SUPPPER helpful and honestly don't know what I'd do without their support. Since I've started- I've traveled to Europe for 2 weeks, moved, got engaged.....so lots of life happening and they've been understanding. A good community manager is very important so you feel supported, stay on track, and don't spiral. This bootcamp has helped me so much in the sense that I feel more and more ready for the real world. I'm 53% through and they've already got me started on networking and have taught me how to revamp my LinkedIn and much more. For those who are starting: be patient with yourself, you don't have to pay $15k + to learn, find a bootcamp that meets your needs (and read the reviews!!), and know its gonna be a rollercoaster of emotions but its worth it, know you're going to have to make some sacrifices (major FOMO), and focus on the endgame. Oh, and its NEVER too late to make a change for YOU. Another thing too- I've reached out the alumni and everyone's been so nice and responsive- they all are rooting for your success, so don't forget to take advantage of that too! Read more
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Eder Fernandez
Program: Quality Assurance
After months of searching, I'm thrilled that I ended up choosing TripleTen's QA program. The program provides a comprehensive education in QA (manual & automation), as well as other essential skills like SQL and working with CLI's. The Discord community is a fantastic source of support, always ready... to assist. The personalized one-on-one sessions with seasoned QA professionals were a standout feature. As a career changer going into the tech job market for the first time, the guidance of a dedicated career coach has proven invaluable. They've helped polish my LinkedIn profile, cover letter, and resume, ensuring they truly shine. Read more
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Xander JamesPomaikai Ambrosio
Program: Software Engineering
The biggest thing that brought me to TripleTen is that the only restriction is a due date. I don't have to attend classes or wake up at a given time to reach the bare minimum. I have work and other responsibilities in my life, so I didn't find it possible to dedicate a specific time to my education.... I personally don't like physical or digital classes and lectures as most of the information goes over my head and I end up having to search up the material anyway, so TripleTen mastering the hands-off approach has made me a big fan.I've been wanting to become a Software Engineer for a good portion of my life, but the biggest setback was how costly education is. I didn't like the idea of paying all of this money for courses that I don't need and for textbooks that will be hardly used. TripleTen provides everything you need and if at any point the material becomes confusing or you don't understand the next step in the project, many instructors have office hours and even a calendar of their next meeting just to answer your questions. My favorite feature of TripleTen's Bootcamp is the Theory. Rather than throwing a bunch of lingo and words at you and then dumping a project on your lap, you instead get detailed explanations, videos, and an on-site program tool to practice the material. Whenever I get stuck on something, I refer back to the theory and everything I need is right there. TripleTen is certainly a difficult bootcamp, but they're very aware of this fact. They offer deadline extensions and even up to 3 months of a break, no questions asked. Once again, giving you that freedom of time if anything at all happens in your life that may get in the way of reaching your deadlines.If there was only one problem I had with TripleTen, it’s that they’re always upgrading. While this in of itself isn’t a bad thing and by far has brought new features I’m glad to be a part of, it just means that their old material becomes outdated and their new material is too clean, too untested. Fortunately for us we still have access to the old material and TripleTen will let you know when something noteworthy has changed and what we as the students should do about it. I love TripleTen and I would gladly recommend it to anyone interested in any of the courses they provide. Read more
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Program: Software Engineering
TLDR: Great bootcamp with great instructors who understand their craft very well and are patient. Along with if you're struggling to find one that works for you due to your current job and scheduling or just want to slowly transition into the tech industry, and love all things tech. Long Honest revi... ew: Tripleten formerly known as (Practicum). Is one of the most important parts of my life to date, without them I don't even know if I would've made the switch into the tech industry. Before TripleTen I was still studying film and working on other projects related to film like music videos, commercial shoots etc. But over the course of my time during studying film and all the other projects, I had a little crisis in my life wondering or not if film was the right thing for me and if it was something I really wanted to do. Some time passed and I was browsing on youtube when suddenly an AD for Tripleten (Practicum) popped up and it caught my attention (link to the ad if you would like to watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AKBCNpDx1U). Long story short it spoke about a guy named William who went through some of the same difficulties I was going through during that time and decided he was going to join TripleTen because he wasn't happy with where he was at in his life and wanted something better. I proceeded to watch the ad in its entirety and was sold from that moment on. And I decided from there on out to give it a shot and if writing lines of code wasn't for me then it wasn't for me. So, I applied to TripleTen a couple of weeks later and did their first sample project and it felt right. Writing those lines of code and seeing my very first webpage talking about me and who I am load up in front of my very eyes was just astonishing and from there on I pursued it. Fast forward a couple months later to now and I'm a couple weeks out from graduating from their bootcamp. And I have to say it has been quite the experience from learning from my mistakes, to seeing my code work when I run the program, and just learning something new every day. When it comes to the instructors, they're very nice and will help you with every single problem you have when it comes to coding like understanding a new concept, how to break things down and what kind of thought process you should have as your coding and not to mention they're also very kind, understanding, and patient. That alone is hard to find in a lot of places since the material you're studying and working with is sort of difficult if you don't put the work in. Shifting topics to my community manager, they are a big help and nothing but supportive over the course of my time studying at TripleTen. And has been very patient with me when it came to giving me breaks, after learning a new programming language so I can come back to myself after studying a difficult lesson, also the extensions they gave me so I can dive even deeper into the theory and learning process to fully comprehend all the lines of code I wrote to understand how all of it works line by line. Jumping on to another topic, I haven't had a chance yet to do the career support as I've decided to just study everything and then apply later, but I've heard of other peers getting jobs within a couple months after they graduate. And that they'll still be there helping you find a job even after you graduate from their program months down the line if you want to find a new company to work with. The bottom-line is, if you really want to try and join the tech industry or just want to switch out of your current career path in the pursuit of self-improvement or whatever that may be for you. And you are willing to go through the difficulties of learning new programming languages. And or as well as stepping out of your comfort zone a little bit. In addition to learning a new skill while still being able to live your life and also don't mind taking some time out of your day to do so. Then TripleTen might be the place for you!! Read more
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Kai Krensler
Program: Software Engineering
So far my TripleTen experience has been great! I am taking the Full stack software developer course and I have learned ALOT (coming from a place of no coding experience whatsoever). I decided to start learning Software Engineering because I wanted to change careers out of the hospitality industry. I... chose TripleTen because it had the best reviews out all the other bootcamps I researched and studying with them has been fairly straightforward for me. I try to get in about 20-25 hours a week of studying which I think is necessary to succeed. There are also a multitude of office hours with tutors that are very helpful.I have been working my way through the program slowly and discovering new and amazing things that I didn't know I could do. Currently I am learning about OOP and solidifying my knowledge of Javascript. It hasn't been easy for me to master these things but with TripleTens lessons in theory and the subsequent hands on practice make learning the harder things much easier.The learning process is easy to follow and projects are broken into sprints that are satisfying to finish and then move on to the next one. I am also looking forward to taking advantage of the career prep program which I have dipped my toe in a bit but I want to solidify the material more before I begin. I only hear good things about it from my other course mates though!I am still working my way through the course but hope to finish before my estimated finish date so that I can start utilizing my skills in a new career. If you are starting out in this field know that it can be challenging to start but if you have the right teachers and a drive to work hard and focus you can accomplish this with ease.Thank you TripleTen! Read more
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Ahmed Awad
Program: Software Engineering
11 months ago I decided to get back to tech industry. I started the searching process and it was a little overwhelming specially that it was hard to put your hand on someone you can ask about what was included on any of the programs I found online. Some programs even take days to respond to your ema... il. I was watching youtube video and all of a sudden I get an add about platform called "Practicum" (now Tripleten) And I got curoius specially with career program they mentioned which was my biggest selling point. I got into the website and started looking through, everything was clear, the content, graduates stories, externships and mainly after graduation support also data shows their result which again, this was my main goal while searching for a bootcamp, I wanted a program that can support me till I find a job into tech. I started applying and got amazed of how fast the response. Next day had a zoom meeting with someone descriping to me the process, 3 weeks later I'm enrolled in "Practicum"(Tripleten now) Software Engineering Program. Since then I even fell in love with this bootcamp more and more. Anytime your asking for help many people are willing to help you, tutors, senior students Community mangers even fellow students, they somehow manged to create a safe and encouriging environment for everyone. I worked in tech 3 years ago, I can easily say tripleten wasn't only a great refresher for me it also added a ton of new knowledge. Right now I have a whole new resume, filled with amazing project built using the hottest and most demanded technologies in the industry right now. Not just this, I had the opportunity to be a senior student which also a great experience in it-self since I get the chance to meet new people and sometimes help fellow student as I get helped. Do you remember the extership part I mentioned earlier ? I just Started my externship 3 weeks ago. This is the first time to get hands-on a real world project after going throught tripleten, and to me this a great chance to get before graduation. This is the real game now and I believe externship will be a great way to experience how the real-job will be. And as everything tripleten do, it's so organized and so resourceful. Read more
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