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Chandra Fase
Program: Data Science
I have a bachelor's degree in marketing and wanted to branch out into the more analytic side. After lots of research, I decided with TripleTen based on their reviews and career placement guarantee. I had no experience with coding prior to this course and I have learned so much! The real world projec... ts and tasks throughout the lessons help tremendously with the visual/hands-on learning person that I am. The tutors and project reviewers are great at giving you additional resources if needed and explaining how to come up with solutions rather than just giving you an answer. There are some hard deadlines that keep you going, but it is mostly work at your own pace. I am currently almost 80% complete with the Data Science course and I am also about two weeks ahead of the projected timeline given. I feel like if I can do this, anyone can! Read more
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Delali Fianu
Program: Data Science
It seemed like a no brainer for me to study data science because I like making data-driven decisions and I have always been fascinated with computer programing. I contemplated teaching myself data science, but I quickly realized that there was so much information out there and with zero computer pro... graming experience, I felt like a deer in headlights. I gave up the idea of teaching myself and started looking at educational platforms (i.e., bootcamps). TripleTen (formally Practicum) looked very attractive to me because of their promise to teach practical skills in data science that will make you valuable to potential employers. To be honest, the fact that TripleTen promises to refund you your money if you are not gainfully employed after completing the course is all I needed to know that they are legit. I could not wait to enroll! After completing a couple of projects, I would say this program is challenging but very rewarding. I have learned so much within a short period of time! The interactive platform helps me to understand the concepts in each chapter and the projects are very interesting as we get to use our newly acquired skills to analyze real data. I will admit the projects are not easy and can sometimes feel overwhelming but the support from tutors, fellow students, community managers, and project reviewers make it possible for me to complete them. Everyone at TripleTen wants you to succeed and that is truly amazing to know as a student! My advice to anyone who is considering enrolling to TripleTen is to be willing to dedicate at least 3 to 4 hours a day to learning course content and completing projects on time. Like I said, everyone at TripleTen wants you to succeed, so do not hesitate to ask questions or ask for help when you get stuck on a particular task. Read more
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Tyler Tellez
Program: Software Engineering
TripleTen is a great program for anyone. The go-at-your-own pace is perfect to fit the learning in with your lifestyle. The material is up-to-date and presented in a fun, informative, and interactive platform. TripleTen also provides a community space where students from every level often interact. ... Team members from TripleTen are also very active in the community, tutors and mentors are constantly helping with questions and are often very detailed and able to help walk you through solving any problems in a way that helps you retain the information. Another plus from this company is that they provide constant access to people that help guide you through the process of obtaining a job. These mentors help with everything necessary to be as prepared as possible to land not only an interview, but to excel in it and land the job. TripleTen is a must for anyone looking to obtain real-world skills in Software Engineering. Read more
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Michael Samiotes
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I became interested in shifting to a career in technology after I was introduced to some rudimentary coding techniques related to a hobby.  After some online research, I selected the Business Intelligence Analyst program at TripleTen for their flexible schedule, support staff, and career assistance ... programs.  Some of the sprints were more difficult than others, but I was always able to receive any necessary help from the program's tutors.  I enjoyed learning about the various techniques and formulas needed to manipulate the data to find desired answers.  When we used programs that I was at least somewhat familiar with, such as Excel, the lessons were still informative and useful.  When we moved on to programs that I had not heard of, such as Tableau, the lessons were detailed enough that I was able to follow along without issue.Besides resolving my difficulties completing the coursework, the TripleTen tutors were also always available to answer my questions concerning strategies and what it was like to actually work in the profession.  I sent messages that were always promptly answered (except one time when the person i had messaged got the flu), and the video conference I arranged was very informative, supportive, and arranged around my schedule.The projects at the end of each sprint were good summations of the material, which both assisted me through a real-world problem and forced me to think critically about how to solve one.  When my projects were reviewed, the feedback was returned quickly, and it was generally helpful and specific.  Their comments gave me useful insights into not only how to improve the general quality of my work but how to maximize the professionalism of what I was presenting and adhere to subtle industry expectations.Since I have only recently graduated from the main BIA program, I have not yet had the opportunity to participate in one of their externships.  But I look forward to receiving a task from an actual company and completing it under guidance of the TripleTen tutors.  I sometimes lack confidence, and I believe this program will help me to have more faith that my newly acquired skills can successfully be translated into a career. Read more
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Dararat Bishop
Program: Software Engineering
In my previous role, I served as a home care nurse. Despite having no prior experience in IT, I decided to pursue software engineering. I needed a career that would offer greater flexibility and allow me to work remotely. The IT program fascinated me and felt relevant, given the significance of tech... nology in our daily lives. Balancing work as a nurse and being a full-time mother was a true test, especially during pregnancy and caring for a young child. Luckily, TripleTen presented me with an opportunity to take an introductory course and submit a small project to assess my suitability for the program. Some students progressed faster than others during the program. I dedicated 25-35 hours each week to completing activities and projects, often waking up early and working late into the night. However, the interactive platform made learning and practicing in each sprint more manageable. It was not an easy program, but it was a captivating and enjoyable one. With hard work and support from the team, I overcame all the challenges. Throughout my coding journey with TripleTen, I had access to excellent support teams, including Discords, tutors, and community managers, who were always willing to assist. Whenever I faced any coding challenges or issues with my project, I could always find solutions in Discords or seek help from tutors. Similarly, I could reach out to the community managers if I encountered any program-related problems. Moreover, I got the chance to apply for an externship to work on a real project during the program, gaining valuable experience before entering the job market. The career support team was always available to support me. In conclusion, the IT program I undertook was challenging but engaging. With dedication, excellent time management, and support from the team, I successfully completed it. Read more
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Kevin K
Program: Data Science
The reason why I decided to learn about Data Science/Data Analytics is because I knew that analytical skills with data, finance, or even business are strong skills to develop in an individuals career. I graduated with a Finance degree & started working my first full time tech job for a finance compa... ny that involved company data & that is when I realized how much I enjoyed the job/career path. I wanted to expand my knowledge & gain new skills, so I signed up for the Data Analytics program, and after I couple months I decided to switch into the Data Science program to be more STEM focused. I chose TripleTen because of the realistic length of the bootcamp(almost a full year is a good length of time to get a good grip on a tough subject like data science) , and the way their curriculum is set up. You first read the material, & do a couple practice problems. Once you are complete, at the end of the sprint you create a project to show off your skills. That was a big deal for me! I love how I was able to showcase my skills & then post them onto my GitHub. I still use all the TripleTen material today. It is an interactive platform & it is AMAZING they give you LIFE access to the content you paid for. The curriculum & platform is always being updated, so there is something always pulling you back to TripleTen, which is a huge green flag for a bootcamp. I am now obtaining a MS in Information Systems & Technology, so TripleTen has helped me build a foundation of skills which has made my transition into my masters program easier & less stressful. I recommend TripleTen to anyone that is interested in coding. They help all their students if they are stuck, & give you extension weeks just in case life gets busy! For those who are just getting started, coding takes time to understand, so be kind to yourself. Coding as a skill is a JOURNEY which will need continual education & practice even after the program. TripleTen brings structure & helps students develop discipline during their studies. In the end, make sure you have fun with it! Not only will you learn how to code, but your problem solving muscle will also get better which is a skill that will help you in the short-term & long-term as well. Read more
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Dillon Arnold
Program: Software Engineering
I am currently a student halfway through TripleTens Software Engineering program. First and foremost, the curriculum is top-notch. The tutors are not only experts in their respective fields but also excellent educators. They have a knack for breaking down complex concepts into digestible pieces, mak... ing it accessible to learners of all backgrounds. From the fundamentals of programming to advanced topics, the curriculum is comprehensive and up-to-date with the latest industry trends.One of the standout features of TripleTen is the hands-on approach to learning. The bootcamp provides ample opportunities for students to apply what they've learned through real-world projects. This practical experience is invaluable for building confidence and honing coding skills.The support system at TripleTen is another remarkable aspect. The community managers, career coaches and tutors are genuinely invested in your success. Their dedication to helping students succeed extends well beyond the duration of the bootcamp.Furthermore, the community at TripleTen is a vibrant and diverse one. Interacting with fellow students, sharing experiences, and working together on projects create a nurturing and motivating atmosphere. It fosters a sense of camaraderie that is truly inspiring especially when participating in code jams or externships!The bootcamp's commitment to inclusivity and diversity deserves applause. They actively promote on their socials a welcoming environment for individuals from all backgrounds, ensuring that everyone feels valued and heard.In conclusion, TripleTen is more than just a coding program; it's a life-changing experience for anyone looking to jumpstart a career in technology. With its outstanding curriculum, hands-on approach, unwavering support, and inclusive community, this coding bootcamp sets a gold standard for tech education. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking to embark on a successful journey in the world of coding, data science and much more. Read more
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Jeremy Laurange
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
When I was exploring career change bootcamps, Tripleten's program immediately stood out to me as the perfect choice for several compelling reasons. Firstly, its flexibility allowed me to adapt the program to my busy schedule. Balancing a young family and a full-time job leaves me with limited time, ... so Tripleten's program provided the much-needed flexibility I required. I could effectively work on the program during my available downtime while consistently meeting deadlines. Additionally, the interactive support system was invaluable. The presence of a vibrant network of colleagues on Discord, all progressing through the same sprints, facilitated constant communication with peers and tutors. This support structure not only kept me motivated but also enhanced my learning experience throughout the entire 5-month journey. As someone who thought there knew a fair bit about analytics, I was pleasantly surprised on how much I didn't know and how much I grew as a analyst. Tripleten's structure of learning a topic then reinforcing what you just learned through tangible projects that are thoroughly reviewed with prompt feedback, truly sets it apart from other learning platforms. Read more
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Michelle Beaubrun
Program: Quality Assurance
Starting my journey as a QA Engineer was a mix of tough challenges and enjoyable moments. I chose to learn QA Engineering because of my passion for ensuring the quality and reliability of software in our tech-driven world. I've always had a passion for technology and a keen interest in making sure d... igital products meet high-quality standards. This drove me to start learning QA Engineering. I picked TripleTen, which used to be Practicum because they're known for excellent tech education. What really got my attention were their practical projects that feel like real work and their easy-to-use platform. Those projects taught me a lot, and the platform made learning a breeze. As I delved deeper into the tech realm, I realized the crucial role that quality assurance plays in delivering reliable software. Software applications are becoming increasingly complex, and the margin for error is minimal. A single glitch or bug can have significant consequences, ranging from inconveniences for users to critical security breaches. It became evident that the pursuit of excellence in software quality was essential. This realization led me to the path of QA Engineering. I wanted to be part of the solution, to contribute to the development of technology that not only meets but exceeds user expectations. QA Engineering, with its focus on identifying and rectifying software defects, resonated with me. It offered the opportunity to apply my passion for technology in a meaningful way, ensuring that software products are of the highest quality possible. TripleTen has made my QA journey both demanding and fun, and I'm eager to see where it leads me. I aim to start working as a Manual mobile QA soon with the knowledge I’ve acquired at TripleTen. Read more
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Nelson Lopez
Program: Software Engineering
I am currently on Sprint 8 of TripleTen's Software Engineering Bootcamp, and I'm just starting to scratch the surface of the more advanced programming concepts. I'd describe myself as tech savvy as I've had some experience working with websites, basic code, and editing software but I did not expect ... this bootcamp to be this rigorous. The term "difficult" doesn't even begin to describe the intensity of this bootcamp. This bootcamp is hard work, and it requires someone willing to learn beyond TripleTen's curriculum. TripleTen does a great job laying the foundation of programming concepts and theory, and although their projects give you an opportunity to understand what you've learned, you'll also need to build side projects on your own to truly grasp these ideas. This isn't to TripleTen's shortcomings but rather something you'll have to learn to do as an aspiring developer. You never stop learning, and you never stop building.TripleTen's curriculum is impressive. It dives deep into theory, and the content behind their interactive platform is in depth. Naturally I wonder about how much extensive programming went into building such a platform. Although TripleTen's curriculum is impressive, during the more difficult sprints their lessons start to become convoluted. There are so many points to follow, and connecting the dots gets very difficult. I found myself re-reading the same lesson 4-5 times before having a slight understanding to what they were trying to teach. Some of these sections could use more video explanations to help students comprehend better. This is probably the only minor downside to the program that I've experienced so far. Although the more difficult sprints get confusing, TripleTen's curriculum still covers all of the relevant topics.The instructors are a huge help. They do a great job pointing you in the right direction without giving you the answers. In the long run this is beneficial to people who truly want to become software engineers that problem solve on their own. Instructors will respond with great detail and sometimes even send video recordings of themselves helping you with your bugs. Community managers are also very helpful. They're there to support you whenever you need an extension or a break.So far I'm enjoying the content they create for job assistance. The advice they give on creating an online presence, networking and all of the tools you need to enter the job market is valuable. But since I haven't started the career coaching program (available after graduation), I've put "Job Assistance" as N/A.My overall experience with TripleTen is a positive one. The instructors, tutors and community managers offer exceptional guidance throughout the program, and the curriculum is interesting and thorough. If you're thinking about pursuing a career in software engineering with TripleTen, be prepared to work harder than you can imagine. There's a reason software engineers are well compensated. It's a very complex and valuable skill to attain. If it were easy everybody would do it. Enrolling in TripleTen's Software Engineering Bootcamp proved to be both my most challenging endeavor and the most rewarding choice I've ever made. Read more
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