You might not expect it, but the holidays are a great time to really dive into looking for a new career. Take it from an expert, “Late December or the beginning of January can be a tactically good job search and recruiting period,” says Daniel Odegaard, a Senior Recruiter at TripleTen.
Seem counterintuitive? It isn’t. Here’s why.
Less competition
For many, the end of the year isn’t considered “worth it” when it comes to applying for roles. HR departments and hiring managers are probably overwhelmed with deadlines or focused on the holidays, so what’s the point of wasting your time on an application?
In reality, this period is the best time to get ahead of your competition.
Many people decide to postpone their job search until late January or even February. This opens up the opportunity for you to apply and interview for one of your target companies in an otherwise slow period. This will help you stand out.
Vacancies open up in December
Often, people choose to quit their jobs or leave for other opportunities near the end of the year. This means that companies need to fill numerous roles. But it’s not only about the number of new jobs available on the market later in the year; higher-quality jobs tend to open during this time, too.
Companies need quick replacements for these unexpectedly vacant positions.
Job postings that go up in December are created out of necessity and must be filled as soon as possible.
So keep an eye out for these last-minute openings and take advantage of the vacancies left by people who, like you, are advancing their careers.
An opportunity to reflect
One of the subtle, yet very powerful, things a job seeker can do is to show how much they want the job. That is demonstrated best by the research someone does on a company, the enthusiasm shown in the interview process, and by not being shy (but not desperate) about how much they really do want the job. The holiday season is a great opportunity to spend time developing these skills.
In fact, here are some questions that can spark reflection and lead to top-notch responses when you land an interview in the future:
- How can you add value to the team/missoin/upcoming goals just by coming in the door?
- Whata are you passionate about? How can it align with a company's mission?
- How can you show that you are invested in a company's mission and goals?
Getting the most out of this slow period
All in all, the main thing is to not get discouraged. Most places slow their hiring during the holiday period, but you can still look for tactical opportunities to apply to a couple of your target companies.
The new year is also a great time to learn new things. If you want to switch to tech, explore TripleTen’s top-rated bootcamps. With us, you will lay the foundations for a new career, learn essential skills, and polish them by joining real-life hands-on projects that you can show to potential employers.