Support from TripleTen team

Get to the finish line with guidance and support //

Support from TripleTen team
Mike in Discord
Of course! Let's walk through the task together
Support from TripleTen team
Evgenia in Discord
Hey! How’s your project going? Can I help in any way?
Learn more about your team
Support from TripleTen team
Marcela in Discord
No prob, I’ll be able to check your code later today
You’re not alone
on your journey—our guidance team is here to help
Connect with your support team
on_..._ Google Meet and_..._ Discord
Career Coaches
Code Reviewers
Learning Coaches
Working professionals guide your skill and career development
HR and recruiting specialists help you become awesome at job hunting
Experts check your work and coach you through projects
Personal guides keep you on track
Connect with your support team on_./_Google Meet and_... Discord
Working professionals guide your skill and career development
Think of them as team captains who’ve already been where you want to go
Tutors will:
Hold office hours
Host live learning events
Help you push through in regular
1-on-1 sessions
Teach you how to succeed at work
Each program calendar is filled with office hours, when tutors hang out on Google Meet to answer your questions
Tutors host live webinars to go over coding case studies, industry context, and the tricks of the trade
If you’re struggling, just schedule time to go over the course material that’s giving you trouble
Tutors unpack the decision-making and collaboration processes that go into being a tech professional
Learn from people working in tech
All our tutors have 5+ years experience in their field and mentorship training from TripleTen
Meet your future tutors
Jorge, Tutor at TripleTen
Mike, Tutor at TripleTen
Andrew, Tutor at TripleTen
Anthony, Tutor at TripleTen
Serge, Tutor at TripleTen
Max, Tutor at TripleTen
Recruiting professionals help you rock your job search
Prep for interviews with someone who knows the point of every question. Perfect your resume with someone who’s seen thousands. This is how you become awesome at job hunting.
Link to your portfolio and LinkedIn here
Add more relevant technical keywords in your summary
Use achievement-oriented bullet points to describe your work experience
Knock out your job search with a pro in your corner
a job-search strategy
Build your professional profile
Be the answer to recruiters’ prayers
Stay in touch after you get hired
Figure out what kind of job you’re looking for, who you can reach out to, and how you’re going to present yourself.
The career coach provides feedback on your resume, LinkedIn, GitHub. You’ll know exactly what and how to improve.
Impress interviewers after 4+ hours of mock HR and tech interviews. Show off a polished, properly presented portfolio.
Get support during your first months on the job. Join our alumni community and leverage the new connections.
What even is a career coach?
Human Resources and Talent Acquisition professional with 10+ years of experience in both Fortune 500 companies and startups. BA in psychology, former LinkedIn employee.
Christina Guida, Career Team Lead at TripleTen
Experts in the field provide two-way feedback
Reviewers go over your code line-by-line, just like your peers in the workplace would. Use this invaluable resource to hone your skills and build confidence in your work.
Line-by-line code review is a big deal because...
It’ll happen in the real world
Your code needs to play well with others
Detailed feedback is good feedback
Code review is a standard practice in the tech industry. TripleTen offers an early start working with feedback and learning on the fly.
Code that follows best practices is what gets newbie tech professionals hired. Code reviewers will make sure that you know what you’re doing.
Reviewers highlight smart solutions, hidden mistakes, and flaws in understanding—with links to learning materials on the TripleTen platform.
Personal guides keep
you on track
Get stuck on a problem or lose your motivation? Learning coaches handle your onboarding, provide a sounding board, and help you navigate the program.
1:50 PM
Hi, Gina! Who should I talk to if I’m a bit lost in a concept?
1:56 PM
Hey Kellie! Write @Marcela. She has office hours today!
Learning Coaches are like personal admins who will
Help you get
Get you that
crucial info
Lend a
sympathetic ear
Learning coaches help you get started with your program and introduce the other guidance and support folks.
Learning coaches answer your questions about the program and make sure that you're never lost.
Reach out for personal assistance with procrastination, stress, and frustration. Sometimes, we all just need to talk to someone.